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|WGM Chinese Version| We Are In Love - BF Choi Siwon |SUJU| and GF Liu Wen |Victoria Secret Model|

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Couch a la Tom Cruise? No thank you! I'm liking him just the way he is now. Giving appropriate answers dependent on the situation and being mindful and respectful of his fellow co-stars and his professional obligations. While that staff member was crass, Siwon thankfully was nothing like that. Just as well he found himself a woman who trusts in him completely and understands the nature of his work, or she'd wind herself up in all kinds of knots. She's looking mighty free and happy as a lark these days.

Completely agree and although Siwon is respectful to both parties (colleagues and paparazzis), he is also mindful of Siwon + Liu Wen fans. Although he cannot verbally address anything, his subtle actions and remarks may be his way of acknowledging WonWen supporters - like mentioning and quoting certain things he said from the episodes - "my mom told me to go home to eat dinner", responding to the fan who shouted Forever16, and his happy and genuine big smiles and chuckles when reporters ask about Liu Wen.  :) It seems like he's getting a kick out of all the teasing, too! Sort of similar to how back in grade school when your best friend finds out who your crush is and won't leave you alone about it - when they pass by you during class or he/she is around during lunch time, they'd make a big commotion about it! Even though you get annoyed by it, secretly inside, you're beaming with joy :P 

Edited by teamwonwen
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morning greetings from siwon :D

Wow he woke up early (around 7am ish). I love the Bible quotes Siwon chooses to feature on IG. I wonder if they have a special meaning to him. :P
And I completely agree with you, silvergrey! Siwon is very respectful and mindful of his surroundings :D

I also forgot to mention one of HK's prominent TV celebrities, Carol (aka Dodo) Cheng had also interviewed Dante Lam (photo here) for her radio broadcast on Aug 4th. So there may be a chance for Siwon and the remaining crew to have an interview in HK sometime today as well. And I think the remaining cast will be flying from Taiwan since Eddie Peng uploaded a picture thanking the fans in Kaohsiung while Siwon and Dante will be flying from Singapore.

EDIT: Siwon had an IG update: 

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last night he updated in weibo only with this caption : 

明天我們在香港一起《破風》!!! -2015年8月6日(星期四)  4:30pm- 5:30pm 將軍澳MPC新都城中心2期L1天幕廣場  -2015年8月6日(星期四) 9:15pm 銅鑼灣時代廣場13樓 我們約好明天見!!  #tothefore

what he said dear @liddi ?

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last night he updated in weibo only with this caption : 

明天我們在香港一起《破風》!!! -2015年8月6日(星期四)  4:30pm- 5:30pm 將軍澳MPC新都城中心2期L1天幕廣場  -2015年8月6日(星期四) 9:15pm 銅鑼灣時代廣場13樓 我們約好明天見!!  #tothefore

what he said dear @liddi ?

THE IG caption is nothing important (it's not related to To the Fore)
Gist of the caption above just states the details (location, date, time) for his HK function later today and then the last word, we will meet each other tomorrow or something.

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Proverbs 31:30 is a pretty pointed message for Liu Wen - I hope she's come along in her Christian walk; if she hasn't, I'm not sure I like the implications of that post. :lol:

And that white shirt is of a generically standard sort that everyone and his mother wears these days so to assume it's a couple shirt is kind of reaching. :P

Liu Wen just looks really happy and healthy in the latest photos - when will Siwon be in Chengdu again? I think she's such an open sort that if she were feeling low she wouldn't be able to hide it, so the impression she gives of glowing with life lately is very telling. Could it possibly be due to reasons unrelated to Siwon?

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last night he updated in weibo only with this caption : 

明天我們在香港一起《破風》!!! -2015年8月6日(星期四)  4:30pm- 5:30pm 將軍澳MPC新都城中心2期L1天幕廣場  -2015年8月6日(星期四) 9:15pm 銅鑼灣時代廣場13樓 我們約好明天見!!  #tothefore

what he said dear @liddi ?

@siwonie407 It is as @twistbow translated, "Tomorrow we will meet in HK!" followed by the date, times and locations. He ended with "Let's make a date to meet tomorrow!!"

@twistbow Another interview in HK? Though with the same gag order entourage in tow, I doubt we will hear anything about Liu Wen, unless he drops more hints again ala his mother asking him to go home :P 

@LWangel I understand. I too have massive problems replying using my handphone, and only ever post from my desktop as well :P Anyway, when we really think about it, we only have max 3-4 months of news from him before he enlists, so unless they say and behave otherwise (which I personally don't see any indication of, to date), let's not jump into the conclusion that everything is less than rosy. Besides, who knows what news we might hear, just when we least expect it?

Really love his post on Proverbs 31:30. It is clear where his priorities are, what he looks for in a woman - her heart and faith far outstripping any temporal, external beauty. Wise man indeed.

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@liddi: Well, I won't be surprised if the HK media or TVB have an interview with the cast members since the movie is huge in HK and it's the "home crowd". :P

And there is no mention or no news update on the Chengdu meet... On August 8th and 9th, the locations are Shanghai and Nanjing. The meetup in Beijing was already done. The Beijing event/world premiere was on Aug 3rd.

EDIT: there appears to be an event on Aug 11 in Dailian (大连). This was posted on Eddie Peng's fan weibo. 

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@twistbow Siwon appears to be the only one doing the full leg of the promotional tour. The poor man must be exhausted. If he's in HK on the 6th, where is he supposed to be the next day? Chengdu? What happened to Guangzhou? Ahh... regardless, here's hoping that after 9th, he gets a lot of well-needed recuperation under the tender ministrations of a certain bicycle rider :P 

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Proverbs 31:30 is a pretty pointed message for Liu Wen - I hope she's come along in her Christian walk; if she hasn't, I'm not sure I like the implications of that post. :lol:

And that white shirt is of a generically standard sort that everyone and his mother wears these days so to assume it's a couple shirt is kind of reaching. :P

Liu Wen just looks really happy and healthy in the latest photos - when will Siwon be in Chengdu again? I think she's such an open sort that if she were feeling low she wouldn't be able to hide it, so the impression she gives of glowing with life lately is very telling. Could it possibly be due to reasons unrelated to Siwon?

Do you think they have had some sort of understanding where they stand in religion before going down the path too far... my other half and I had a talk about "non-negotiables" very early on, of course, in a very nice, non-intrusive way...  because there is no point wasting either's time if you know it is a misfit.. curious about everyone's thoughts. 

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@liddi: No, Siwon missed the Beijing world premiere because he was in USA at that time. I think there was some compromise that some of the cast members could 'rest' on one of the stops.. And I agree, he must be exhausted. The schedule seems to be:
8/2: Beijing
8/3: Hong Kong
8/4: Taipei
8/5: Singapore
8/6: Hong Kong
8/7: Guangzhou
8/8: Shanghai
8/9: Nanjing
8/10: ? (not sure)
8/11: Dailian (not sure)
8/12: ? (not sure)
8/13: Shanghai (not sure)

But this tour is supposed to include 10 cities: Beijing, Hong Kong, Taipei, Singapore, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Dailian, Chengdu (we're missing the last one!!). And I'm not sure if the remaining tour includes everyone since different Weibo pages have different locations listed for a certain date. Like for Siwon's fan Weibo page, it lists Shanghai for August 8th but on Eddie Peng's  fan weibo, it lists Chengdu for August 8th unless the production crew decides to split the crew into 2 parts. But I think the dates from 8/10 to 8/13 are not finalized. And the only ones that confirms Siwon's appearance is August 8th and 9th since Keenie has promoted these two dates. >.<

EDIT: Karen has reposted something relating to Aug 8th and 9th. On Karen's weibo: 8日上海,9日南京见面会 which basically reconfirms that on Aug 8, it's Shanghai and 9th is Nanjing.

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Do you think they have had some sort of understanding where they stand in religion before going down the path too far... my other half and I had a talk about "non-negotiables" very early on, of course, in a very nice, non-intrusive way...  because there is no point wasting either's time if you know it is a misfit.. curious about everyone's thoughts. 

@kculturefun_stv I can't imagine them having not spoken about it. She would definitely have known just how important his faith is to him, and Daddy Choi's gift of a Bible and a card with a verse from scripture is pretty indicative as well. So, if they are still in a relationship now (which all the signs indicate they are), would mean that either she is open to his faith, or for all we know, she herself is already a believer. Ultimately the matter of faith is a personal one, and should not be embraced because of someone else, and I may be wrong, but I am inclined to believe that both Siwon and Liu Wen understand that truth.

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Do you think they have had some sort of understanding where they stand in religion before going down the path too far... my other half and I had a talk about "non-negotiables" very early on, of course, in a very nice, non-intrusive way...  because there is no point wasting either's time if you know it is a misfit.. curious about everyone's thoughts. 

I think it's very likely. At first I thought it wouldn't be, but after seeing input from the posters here, it's obvious that Siwon is such a devout Christian that I doubt the relationship will go its furthest if Liu Wen doesn't ultimately convert. From the outside, Liu Wen looks like she doesn't have a care in the world, but I think it's clear she's actually very introspective, and should she become a Christian, it's likely it would be after a long period of consideration and studying of the faith.

The best thing Siwon and his family can do is to set such a good example of Christian living that Liu Wen will go, is that why they're such happy and decent people despite all the trappings of their lives? The father was so lovely to Liu Wen on the show that I'm sure he's already impressed her thusly; the sister and Siwon don't seem too bad either. Siwon will have to be very patient for Liu Wen to eventually come around, and that's why everything about this relationship screams "LONG TERM!" before something like a marriage happens.

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@twistbow Thank you for the compilation of schedules. It is highly possible that they might split the cast into to promote in different cities. So with Keenie's confirmation, does it then mean his promotion activities end after the 9th? She just posted a bunch of photos, which looks like she is still in Sichuan, possibly Chengdu. So perhaps the reunion will be in Chengdu after all? Dare we hope? Time to check the weather forecast in China... any area that is expected to rain or does rain after the 9th is a prime suspect :P 

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@twistbow Thank you for the compilation of schedules. It is highly possible that they might split the cast into to promote in different cities. So with Keenie's confirmation, does it then mean his promotion activities end after the 9th? She just posted a bunch of photos, which looks like she is still in Sichuan, possibly Chengdu. So perhaps the reunion will be in Chengdu after all? Dare we hope? Time to check the weather forecast in China... any area that is expected to rain or does rain after the 9th is a prime suspect :P 

You're welcome for the compilation of the schedule. I have no idea what's going on with his promotional activities after the 9th and I think the reunion would depend on Siwon's schedule in Korea or if there are any more SJ's activities as well as Liu Wen's work schedule. I think his next work would be preparing for his role as the ambassador for Jecheon International Music And Film Festival .

Do you think they have had some sort of understanding where they stand in religion before going down the path too far... my other half and I had a talk about "non-negotiables" very early on, of course, in a very nice, non-intrusive way...  because there is no point wasting either's time if you know it is a misfit.. curious about everyone's thoughts. 

I agree with what @liddi has said but although religion is a big part of Siwon's life, I don't think that would become the core basis of their relationship. Throughout the stunt on WFIL, Siwon has emphasized trust as the most important thing in this relationship and I think Siwon was perfectly okay with Liu Wen not being a Christian.Of course, it is great if she was one but at the same time, Siwon respects Liu Wen's decision and understands that the process of being a Christian isn't done overnight and most importantly, it takes time.


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IMO religion and faith matters are quite sensitive. One cannot persuade or tell the other one to follow them if that side didn't want to or chose to keep their religion (in case if LW's family is Buddhist). If they love each other they will understand that and accept the person they love not their religion. He's a religious christian, it doesn't mean she's not a religious person (it's not like everyone chose to show it off) and she also has her parents but if she's non-religious person/her parents let her decide, and she got to know about christian from him and she's interested in his religion then chose to learn more; that would be the best! 

I'm speaking from my own parents' experience. My mother side required my dad to convert to Catholic (include baptize and go to classes to learn to be one) if he wants to get married to my mom and he (obviously) agreed with that. But guess what, only a few weeks after marriage he denied to go to church and denied he's a Catholic and didn't let me go to church. That's a sin. It wouldn't be if he didn't get baptized or he didn't choose to be a Catholic. But once you did you have to be responsible for it. You don't know much my mom was sad about that. I grew up a Catholic and I still pay my respects if I go to temples, from that my dad started to respect me back, he doesn't show attitudes at church and even if he went to church by chance he would donate money. And all of my parents' problems began from that. So what I learned from their mistakes is that you let the person you love choose what's best for them. 

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Guest mew07

Hello, newbie here. Honestly, I don't normally post, just one of those silent readers. I thought I hop on the ride, just for a bit. It has become a routine of mind to read the thread before starting my day. You guys are GOOD in keeping up with schedules and their whereabouts. I find it highly entertaining to read.

I've watched the Korean version of WGM, I take it with a pinch of salt (like any other reality shows), so mainly for the entertainment factor. I was excited to when I heard China doing a spin off of the WGM (I didn't have to wait for eng subs...hurray!) I googled the cast, I only recognize two celebrities, Ruby and Siwon (I was surprise that he did not choose to do the Korean version). I have yet heard of Liu Wen (I have very little knowledge of the fashion world, only heard of models like Gisele Bundchun, Heidi Klum, & Sonia Sui, I know... kinda pathetic :sweatingbullets:) I was really captivated by Liu Wen bubbly personality and became a fan. She has great chemistry with Siwon on screen which made me anticipate each episode. Unexpectedly, Siwon's mandarin was pretty good and understandable.

I can't say I'm a full fledged on-board shipper of them off-screen, let's put it this way, I simply enjoy them onscreen and as individuals.


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Welcome @mew07_stv!
Haha when I first heard of this show, I only knew Ruby as I was familiar with her works but I did know that Super Junior is one of the longest-running male groups just not enough details about Siwon.

And don't worry, I'm not a full-fledged shipper either as there are some doubts I have that haven't really been answered and these doubts will be answered as time passes by,

@augustwentie: Thank you for sharing your family's experience with us and I completely agree with you.

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