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|WGM Chinese Version| We Are In Love - BF Choi Siwon |SUJU| and GF Liu Wen |Victoria Secret Model|

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@Nila.A.1409, @siwonie407  Thanks for the photos. They look like a close bunch of friends. I didn't realise many of his church buddies are from the entertainment industry, including DongHae.

@juzagurl  The commitment and commendable part I'd say is that he reads his bible daily, and first thing in the morning too! Since Liu Wen has been beaming like Ms Sunshine since Guam, I'm going to take a stab in the dark and say that she's either already of the same heart as him, or she's on her way to embracing the same faith. :phew:

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@siwonie407 i've been reading those IG users as well!! They are shockingly  share a lot of things in common! Arent that magical that they actually likes to collect fridge magnet ? It is a rare hobbies for man especially.. it feels like when God makes Liu Wen He was thinking about Siwon.. (actually there is a wedding song titled When God Made You) LOL..  

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I apologize greatly if this is spamming...I just want to share some Liu Wen awesome to fill the void left with the end of LFIN and to showcase the great things that Liu Wen has accomplished and the side of her that's unseen and not shown to most of us...until now maybe lol. Peace and love WenWon Shiliu Forever 16 shippers. I hope this ship never docks.

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Holy cow, @vana117724. Your post has been the best thing that happened since the finale episode of Siwon and Liu Wen! Thank you so much for taking the time to compile and share the extensive list of links with us as we go through major Liu Wen and Siwon withdrawals. I've admired and followed her before knowing anything about the We Got Married program and the documentary/interview that got me to admire her and see her as a major role model was her work ethic.

The photographers and brands who had the honor to have Liu Wen walk their shows repeatedly point out how despite Liu Wen being a top supermodel in the world, she is the most humble and genuine woman they have worked with. Even during rehearsals for any shows, no matter how big or small the runway is, many models would usually just wear sneakers or casual shoes but Liu Wen would always put on a pair of heels and give the brand a full, professional test run as if it is the real show. She never sees herself as a supermodel but only a model. Never does she compare herself or think she is better than anyone - all she strives to be is to be the best version of herself in everything she does. 

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From SiwonLiuWen's IG

“我认真做人,努力工作,为的就是当站在我爱的人身边,不管他富甲一方,还是一无所有,我都可以张开双手坦然拥抱他。他富有我不用觉得自己高攀,他贫穷我们也不至于落魄,这就是女人努力工作的意义。”- 刘雯"

" 'I live life earnestly and work hard so that in the future when I stand beside the one I love, no matter if he's someone that's rich & doing well or someone that has got nothing, I can hug him with both arms (meaning to accept him) If he's rich & doing well, I do not have to worry about anyone saying I'm not worthy of him. And if he's got nothing then we would not be landed in dire straits and that's the reason why all women should work hard -... Liu Wen'

Liu Wen is really such an inspiring person and a good role model to all the girls in the world. #respect "

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Last note, I think it's silly to analyze their media interactions so closely, simply because I find subliminal messages in social media very childish, and I believe as two functional adults, their world certainly do not revolve around each other. They're both busy with their own careers and being such high profile figures, I doubt that they would spend that much time hinting at their relationship when they can FaceTime each other instead. He has declared and she has acquiesced, and we should be content. I'm not saying there's no truth in the analysis, I'm just saying it can be carried away and deter support from the couple. But I am so grateful for the dedication and detective skills because I really miss them so much. Sigh. I just want to hear wedding announcements lol. 

Thank you. Please come here and write more often.

I know we're waiting for news/photos of them like parched wanderers in the desert but it's going to come to nothing but disappointment and tears when we conjure up mirages instead to assuage our thirst. Following friends is very normal practice for most people. It becomes a huge issue when it's made out to be one by others. Then the poor fellow has to go and un-follow out of consideration for said friend(s). But when he does that, the stories start instead about why he's being suspicious. Sigh ... it's rather sad when we don't even give these guys the chance to lead a happy, (fairly) normal life without scrutinising every touch and virtual contact they have with another person. Even when in a relationship, we still want and need other friends. What's different for Siwon and Liu Wen?

sorry out of topic 

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she said her ideal type is siwon....

This segment was about who they're close to in SuJu and not their ideal types. The MCs took that and said that they know what their types are based on who they're closest to in SuJu..Tiff is close to Siwon and they also share the same faith as they're both Christians, Heechul is close to Taeyeon, Sunny said she's closest to Kyuhyun and the fact that Kyuhyun is a wine lover and Sunny is known to be the strongest drinker in SNSD was brought up, Jessica and Yuri said they weren't really close to anyone in SuJu and Kyuhyun poked fun at Jessica about being close to other company oppas such as JYP  (Jessica had dating rumors w/both Jay Park and Taecyeon)

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Ooh, Godfrey Gao...hot and insanely tall! :wub:

 I've shipped him and Liu Wen, but unfortunately that ship has sailed.


Where I'm from, K-Pop is practically unheard of so Siwon could've stood up in my soup and I wouldn't have known who he was, but Liu Wen is newsworthy because she is a trailblazer in the fashion world and is the most successful Asian supermodel ever. Considering that China and the rest of Asia as a whole must constitute the lion's share of the fashion market these days, Liu Wen's profile would only seem that much more well burnished. If the New York Times does a cover story on you and pieces about you have been run on both ABC and CNN, I think it isn't going too far in saying that you've been successful in North America.

Kpop and Godfrey Gao isn't unheard of in where I live. We even have this nice area where people call it the Koreantown. :D. And in where I'm from, we don't take ABC, CNN nor any other American media seriously as American media are allowed to be manipulated by political parties and they can write about fake news and claim it to be true (not necessarily on fashion news but international news).

Lol @ your view on the American media. I think the same can be said for all media outlets throughout the world. Don't believe everything you see or hear, there's usually more beneath the surface and sometimes the truth is better left unsaid or unknown. Take it all with a grain of salt and an open mind. Sorry, but I got a little sensitive when you singled out and bashed my country's media outlets lol because we should all know that every country has shady media outlets and not just America. Whether u like it or not, CNN and ABC are recognized worldwide as award winning and reliable sources in the area of tv journalism, so the fact that she was featured on these channels is a HUGE deal!!!

Hi everyone, this is my first time posting here. I usually don't leave my usual areas in soompi but I'm making an exception for this couple. I stumbled upon Liuwen and Siwon randomly one day on youtube and I was instantly hooked on the show. I went on to read all the pages of this thread and watched hours of their clips on youtube.

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Credits: I don't remember where all the sources are from for the photos but they are mainly from google and thefashionspot.

I apologize greatly if this is spamming...I just want to share some Liu Wen awesome to fill the void left with the end of LFIN and to showcase the great things that Liu Wen has accomplished and the side of her that's unseen and not shown to most of us...until now maybe lol. Peace and love WenWon Shiliu Forever 16 shippers. I hope this ship never docks.



Holy cow, @vana117724. Your post has been the best thing that happened since the finale episode of Siwon and Liu Wen! Thank you so much for taking the time to compile and share the extensive list of links with us as we go through major Liu Wen and Siwon withdrawals. I've admired and followed her before knowing anything about the We Got Married program and the documentary/interview that got me to admire her and see her as a major role model was her work ethic.

The photographers and brands who had the honor to have Liu Wen walk their shows repeatedly point out how despite Liu Wen being a top supermodel in the world, she is the most humble and genuine woman they have worked with. Even during rehearsals for any shows, no matter how big or small the runway is, many models would usually just wear sneakers or casual shoes but Liu Wen would always put on a pair of heels and give the brand a full, professional test run as if it is the real show. She never sees herself as a supermodel but only a model. Never does she compare herself or think she is better than anyone - all she strives to be is to be the best version of herself in everything she does. 

Thank you for the compilation of LWs projects. It took me a month of googling to read through all of her articles and view all of her videos lol nice of you to do the legwork and share it with us in this forum. Thank u very much!

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"This segment was about who they're close to in SuJu and not their ideal types. The MCs took that and said that they know what their types are based on who they're closest to in SuJu..Tiff is close to Siwon and they also share the same faith as they're both Christians, Heechul is close to Taeyeon, Sunny said she's closest to Kyuhyun and the fact that Kyuhyun is a wine lover and Sunny is known to be the strongest drinker in SNSD was brought up, Jessica and Yuri said they weren't really close to anyone in SuJu and Kyuhyun poked fun at Jessica about being close to other company oppas such as JYP  (Jessica had dating rumors w/both Jay Park and Taecyeon)"

Thank you, @bambam13, for setting us on the right course. That certainly makes a lot of sense. I did get the drift that the last two girls didn't have anyone in SJ they would choose. But that bit about Kyuhyun poking fun at Jessica for being close to other company oppas is pretty funny. It would be logical that the two groups would be close, coming from the same management company. After seeing the photos of the church/Christian friends, it's quite clear why Tiffany would be close to Siwon. Pretty slanderous actually to be suggesting otherwise to their friendship, without concrete evidence. Especially when the man's been declaring his feelings for another girl to the world.

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Do you know LW said something when they huging? And you can quote translation ep 9 unaired when they wearing hanbook, i can't find


@anbi I'll relisten to the Ep12 BTS later and try to decipher, though if I remember correctly, the background music was pretty loud.

As for the unaired episode, I think you are referring to Ep7 when they tried out traditional wedding outfits at the hanok? I did a very quick translation before here:

but I thought alvingoodgirl or someone had posted an Eng subbed version before? If anyone knows where it is, perhaps you can repost the link. Thanks!


I'm not too familiar on Weibo. It looks like Siwon reposted this from his manager, Keenie? @Liddi, would you be able to translate what he or Keenie wrote? Thank you so incredibly much! 

@teamwonwen There is an extra post by Keenie after that below:

不許發[抓狂][抓狂][抓狂]//@崔始源:如果你讓我發高空跳傘的照片,我就照著做 哈哈哈 :^)//@keenie2012:我也要戒指[太开心][太开心][太开心]@崔始源//@伯爵徐友寧:[赞] //@楠制:绝世般配,十元偶吧,怎么办,好想要这个低调奢华有内涵的ee80b4.png@李三点告天 是不是?真心喜欢这对cp!@keenie2012

#我们相爱吧#追了石榴夫妇这么久,最看好他们这一对,觉得@刘雯 不是演员,更多是真情流露,昨天他们也算有始有终,从开头十元送表姐伯爵手链到最后@崔始源 送了她一对互刻名字的@PIAGET伯爵 POSSESSION钻戒,无论结局如何我们都爱你们,希望你们能找到真爱,就如你们手中钻戒一样这份爱在心里亘古不变

toni雌和尚 18Jul, 15:30
Having followed ShiLiu CP for so long on "Let us Fall In Love", I feel that Liu Wen is not acting, but showing her true emotions. Yesterday they finally had a proper beginning and end, from the moment Siwon gave Liu Wen gave her the bracelet, until gifting her the engraved Piaget Possession ring. However it concludes, we all love you both and hope that you will find true love, the love in your hearts unchanging like the diamond rings you are wearing.

I want a ring too!

If you let me post your skydiving photos, I will definitely give you a ring hahaha :^)

Cannot post!

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150727 Henry Lau's voice message with Choi Siwon on Flitto

Father and son. Henry, we hope you sent a lovely voice message to Mom (Liu Wen) as well. ;) 

Thank you so much for sharing this clip with us, Yamashita Junko.

its because henry has family name same with liu wen ( lau = liu ) he become siwon's son hahaha 

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Here's some Liu Wen vids I'd never seen before to tide us over this dry spell:

This one is unusual in that it's the only time I've seen Liu Wen ill other than on LFIL; here she sounds hoarse and sick as a dog. This vid is also a testament to Liu Wen and Joan Smalls' friendship (like vana mentioned previously, they're obviously quite chummy!).

This one highlights the different ethnicities chosen to represent Estee Lauder with some absolutely stunning make-up on Liu Wen. I've somehow never quite cottoned up to Hilary, but the original diverse EL trinity of Wen, Constance and Joan more than makes up for it! And yes, Tom Pecheux's lisp scares me.

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Not directly related to Liu Wen and Siwon but this is directly related to one of the comments I have made yesterday regarding American media. I like to apologize for my comment. I'm sorry if it seems like I was bashing American media but for my original comment, I only wanted to point out that the Canadian broadcasting regulatory body have stricter rules for Canadian news broadcasters as they are not allowed to air misleading or false news. That's what I really wanted to say earlier without the comparisons made. And @bambam13, I'm sorry for making an insensitive comment. That won't happen again.

And to relate this post back to Siwon, I have been keeping my eyes on SJ's Devil MV and that they are finally close in obtaining 6 million views. Hopefully it won't be too late for them to be nominated >.< 

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Not directly related to Liu Wen and Siwon but this is directly related to one of the comments I have made yesterday regarding American media. I like to apologize for my comment. I'm sorry if it seems like I was bashing American media but for my original comment, I only wanted to point out that the Canadian broadcasting regulatory body have stricter rules for Canadian news broadcasters as they are not allowed to air misleading or false news. That's what I really wanted to say earlier without the comparisons made. And @bambam13, I'm sorry for making an insensitive comment. That won't happen again.

And to relate this post back to Siwon, I have been keeping my eyes on SJ's Devil MV and that they are finally close in obtaining 6 million views. Hopefully it won't be too late for them to be nominated >.< 

Yes, that diatribe of yours was quite bizarre because even if you think American news broadcasters are allowed to air misleading or false news, that is totally irrelevant to what I mentioned about ABC and CNN having reported on Liu Wen. Why would those broadcasters try to mislead the American public with pieces on Asian models - to distract from the collapsing economy or problems in the Middle East, perhaps? :rolleyes:

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Do you know LW said something when they huging? And you can quote translation ep 9 unaired when they wearing hanbook, i can't find


This is what I think was said in Ep12 BTS... couldn't really hear very well over the background music.

LW: I...love... you!
LW (leaning to SW): youuuuu
SW: Liu Wen! I love you more! I love you more!
SW: Ahhh... pain. How to say?
LW: 痛 Tòng
SW: My pain is over. Love [now].  我痛完,爱了。
LW: You hug me
SW: Āi
LW: la...?
SW: Āi lǎohǔ yóu
LW: Āi lǎohǔ yóu. I love you

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