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[Official] Hong Jong Hyun ❤ Yura (Kim Ahyoung) - JjongAh Couple || Thread 2


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Guest Yura_el21

Waaaah.. so excited for YURA's next project, so excited to see her acting again. :D:D Same with jjong even if it's just a cameo it seems like he is preparing for sa drama also? haha I really hope you.

@junnah thanks for the video :)

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Guest prism2103
this kid is SOOOOOOOOOOOO UBERLY cute! i bet her mom (who's prob also a gsd fan) trained the kiddy their names hehe 
& it totally reminded me of this: starting from :28 "even babies will go "girl's day!"" LOL precious yura X) 


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@prism2103, thank you for the info. OmG, look at the dream team member.. is it true that Ahyoung will be one of them? You know what? I am not K-pop fans, i don't know about another idol group and its member. I only know about GsD. But, when i read the dream team member, i found all of their name are very familiar, which mean, from what i knew, they all are in very famous phase in their career. And feel happy that Yura will be part of them. *proud mama.

And about Jjong didn't take a look/glance to other girl idol, i think he saw the dance from the screen in front of him. He even tried that shake it dance but yes, no eye contact and he did his job very well. 

Now i am glad that Jackson was chosen as new MC, he can balance the rhythm when other two MC not really cheerful. But i think HJH skills in MCing increase a lot. He enjoyed and easy going, and he could give interview questions without script. *proud MiL..kkkkkkkk. 

Can you imagine if Yura as one of Ikigayo host and what will happen when other girl group showing their dance? Eye coding and statue Jjong. Kkkk.. God has his own plan, these are the best for them and so far feel happy for them.

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Thank you for share their good news chingu .. 2015 is a daebak year for both of them.. ahyoung will comeback with her gsd and she will appear in many program.. and jonghyun with his movie, fanmeet, mc, and drama.. waaahhh...they will really busy .. good luck for your schedule our jjongah and stay healthy ... ♡ day by day we wait them to reunion again and finally it come true.. can't wait for inkigayo at 12/7... and jjong update his insta.. the first time he upload his video in his ig and he look very happy.. look like a child with his new toys.. hehe.. 

Btw can anyone explain about dream team project for yura ? it is a reality show or a drama? Thank you..

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Guest imlya

Haiz...but theres some people said jong update his ig juz after nana update hers..nw so confusing rite..both still contact bt he follow nana istagram but not ahyoung..so which one he wants??? Coz nw he always been link wit nana alot..rather than our ahyoungie..hmm

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Guest prism2103

celebrity following friends is a normal thing. by contacting yet not following, shows a distinction from being just mere friends. something else perhaps even more special. @imlya this is what i think :) nana and jong's rumour is a past misunderstanding. let's all put it to rest until jong states otherwise. 


@dee_230208 Thanks girl for sharing that update from jong! HEHE he's such a boy in a man's body. look at that smile and excitement as he plays w new gadgets. btw that's a pretty sweet ride. im glad he's resting well. and casually doing cameos and what not before the release of his movie: alice (boy from wonderland) 


in a previous post, i wrote a little info about gsd's release for ring my bell. well here's a allkpop translated article for more info.

- i love how gsd are such a fun bunch. they're really loved by their local korean in all ages. the bond they have w one another. competitive yet humbling. and treating their fans like friends whom they are grateful for. keep it up gsd and u'll probably dominate the world pretty soon :D 

Girl's Day to have a sports meet with their fans for the 5th anniversary

Girl's Day will have a sports meet with their fans!


Since the girls are releasing their 2nd album 'LOVE' and also will be hitting their 5th anniversary soon. To celebrate, the girls will be having a sports meet with their fans.Dream Tea Entertainment said, "On the 6th at the KBS Sports World from 4:30 PM, the girls will have a sports meet and showcase with the fans to celebrate their 5th anniversary and the release of their 2nd album."


The girls will be performing their newest song "Ring My Bell", and play tug-of-war, dodgeball, and others activities with their fans.


SO LOTS OF EXCITING STUFF AHEAD! jong w his alice movie, yura in gsd's comeback and dream team & jjongah potential inkigayo onscreen moment! GAH

ur very welcome guys : ) twitter and naver has become my new scavenger hunting grounds for jjongah info lol.

@khairunni & me too! im so proud yura's one of the korean celebs for this big project. not too sure about her athleticism (well actually we kinda already saw a glimpse of how athletic she is) lol but i hope she has fun and does well! 

@amandayulita its a variety show. where teams compete in sport competitions; idols and various actors participate together for some fun event. :) 

edit: in previous dream team competitions its about sports and recreation. but i guess this one's a special! arts related this time. (thanks for the tips guys)  well then no need to worry : ) yura's gonna ace it in the arts and comedic and cute departments :P the little charmer she is. 

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@imlya i have guess it that those ig acc will post bout jong ig update in the same day as nana, n hahaha iam rite..:)...

But one thing 4 sure. Thats matter have nothing to do with us as jjongaholics n not becoming a reason too 4 us to being worried, cos what????

We do the same thing too. For a couple of times, jong n ahyoungee have update their ig in turn too (just one after another, not even in the same day). N we feel happy just because that unsurely matter n just based of our shippers heart that guessed they do it as a hint too. Im sure u already been silent lurker of this thread for a long times. N we have make a conclusion n decision that something like this will naver make us hurt n worry anymore until they through their own mouths tell us the truth.

Coz all we can do just support n pray 4 them n let God decide their destiny. N as shippers, no one will blame us if we have a high hope 4 them become real, n 4 now we just enjoy the process with up n down till that day which can last for 5,6, 7 years maybe more...

Jjongaholic n Jjongah Fighting!!

GDs n Ahyongee Fighting!!

FIGHTING Jong!! :wub:

Lets be happy shippers n spread this thread with love n laugh..

N @prism2103 thanks again 4 GDs news update. July will be our busy mounts too spasing our beloved thread with jjongah coz surely they will on screan n news everyday...yuhuuui....:wub:

Edited by dee_230208
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Guest imlya

Even the cameos is oso related wit nana bestfren..?? Oh gosh..remember jong said he will do nothing at all if he have no interest in her..so confusing rite nw..juz hope he will not upset our ahyoungie heart or feeling..coz everywhere is all about jong n .....

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wwiiiiihhh,.,.soo happy great news after one another love it.,our ah young too will be join new project i wish this kind of variety show, our ah young suit well she has great reaction and she doesnt hv to pretending just be her self is already fun.,.,goo goo gooo,.,.kim ah young.,:wub::wub:

jjong update his IG n he really enjoying his day,.,choding jjong playing scooter,.but i feel like i've had saw his update it's like deja vu,..i feel weird.,.yet happy for Jjongah,..

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Phrase in my country said: if you are confused, just clinging with something, so you won't fall. ;) 

Don't take it too serious, and don't think about this one related with that and that one not related with this... too deep, will not give good effect to your body...real couple even do not following his/her partner in sns ;)

@prism2103, is that about athletic competition? Haha.. i thought its about art..lol. but no need to worry, she will be bright everywhere...

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@prism2103 thank you chingu.. can't wait to see her in dream team.. we know how supportive ahyoungie when she join a game.. and now she already exercises so i hope she will enjoy that event.. 

@imlya haaii chingu.. i think we must be happy cause jjong update his ig.. you know how people battle in his ig cause that stupid news.. but now he update his ig like tell us.. hey.. i am fine.. i enjoy my activities so don't worry my fans i don't care about that news .. hehe.. i can't bother you to trust him but i think if you have negatives thinking about jjong it will make you hurts more.. so take it easy chingu.. believe what you want to believe.. 

Saranghae jjongaholics.. >o<♡

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@imlya Dear, it sounds like the rumor affected you a lot. Don't worry. He updated at the same time as 1 mill ++ other people too ;)

And he can follow whoever he wants. Life doesn't always revolve around social media and by not following your friends doesn't mean that you don't have contact with them. Being on a friend list on IG/Twitter/Facebook etc does not define how close you are with that person. Likewise, not being on a friend list doesn't mean that you are not friends with that person. I remember that when I was younger and Facebook was still cool, I had a fight with one of my friends because she removed me from her friend list (it was an accident, but still). Thinking back, it was the dumbest fight we ever had. We talked to each other almost every day and had a great time! But apparently that wasn't enough because being on that list defined our friendship.. so stupid...

So you see.. being friends on social media does not mean a darn thing :) What matters is the affection you show towards the people you care about in real life. It's up to you to value your friends(not through the social media). And from what we have seen, heard and read, Jjong does value Yura (more than we know maybe?).

The other thing you were worried about: Jjong works in the entertainment business, and sad to say, he cannot choose freely what he wants to work on or whom he wants to work with. He is just not there yet. Therefore, it's not an odd thing that he is put into a project with acquaintances of Nana (or Nana for that matter!). Besides, why shouldn't he be allowed to work with them? He is not married to Yura, he's not dating her (as far as we know) and he has no obligations towards her whatsoever. Jjong and Nana are close friends and have known each other for years. Why should they end this good friendship just because of shippers and hard core fans? :) What happened to "support him to matter what" ?


Let's just support JjongAh in a healthy way until one of them announces that they are dating someone. It's hard to not be affected by rumors, but we just have to remember to respect them, their privacy, their decisions and the people around them. And one more thing.. remember to have fun while shipping :)

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Haiz...but theres some people said jong update his ig juz after nana update hers..nw so confusing rite..both still contact bt he follow nana istagram but not ahyoung..so which one he wants??? Coz nw he always been link wit nana alot..rather than our ahyoungie..hmm

chingu stop bothering about nana. This is jjongah shippers not nana & jong thread. 

Edited by min chinlee
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Guest Yura_el21

@prism2103, is that about athletic competition? Haha.. i thought its about art..lol. but no need to worry, she will be bright everywhere...

me also I thought its about art because of this article, haha. so really excited. Keep the spirit alive my fellow jjongaholics, so excited and happy for another project of ah young and jjong's cameo :D:D


Sorry chingu, i think i inserted a wrong link, I can't see the link about dream team, but I've read about art for her.

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@imlya ... I agree with everyone's opinion re: following or not following in any social media. 

me & my husband for example, we are not friends in facebook & that doesn't mean I don't love him or he doesn't love me. we just thought that it would be best for us that way ... 

so no worries ... it will make you grumpy & old ... kekekeke



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@prism2103 what does Cameo means? sorry im too slow:blink: and about following issue dnt take it seriously even minzy couple they're not following each other..dont bother about that and lets be happy we have, gsd comeback, jong movie and yura's upcoming project..:D

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