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[OFFICIAL THREAD 1] Lee Jonghyun ♡ Gong Seungyeon [House Of Brownies]


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Guest ayvah

@mjang did they kiss???? I really, really hope they did not! Seungyeon looks so adorable though.

@SakuraC @choccy I agree. If jh would lose interest later because sy was already showing she was in love with him, what kind of love was that? We all deserve a much deeper love than that. But I think it won't happen to our couple. And jh seems to me a very deep person, just thinking about the songs he'd written and how passionate he was of his music. Those songs couldn't come from a shallow man! my gosh, I am now one of his official fangirls! How can I become boice by the way? ;;) ;;) ;;)

And thank you for all your insights I now understand what happened in the jealousy scene. So basically, sy became jealous first but our jh didn't want to discuss about it but if sy was the kind of person that I am, she would find a way to tell him how she felt without discussing what he didn't want. And she did. She told him about the script. And when he felt the jealousy, she simply told him it was how she felt. And jh said it's work and when sy also said its work, she was getting over her initial jealousy because yes, its just work. But jh was the one having a harder time getting over his jealousy hahaha! And so he reached for her hand! And eric lost his mind hahaha!

And then the way they look at each other after this was just soooo real! I dont know what to say!

Really, I am here standing somewhere analyzinh a jealousy scene in a variety show! Where have you gone my real self? I think I have totally lost you!

:-/ :-/

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I just copy and share it here from the soompi board **** sorry hope this not an OT ***

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Guest mase207

Thank you for all the encouragements folks! @Ejraaa what's good brutha! Good to see another guy my age chillin around here. And @luvtokki, I'm glad I can be of some sort of help sir! :)) I'm not expert myself, just speaking from personal experiences mixed with behavioral psychology/non-verbal communication knowledge. 
So I just rewatched the car scene from last weekend's episode and I'm still just in awe at how obvious these two are. Both SY and JH are extremely obvious with their feelings for each other and are constantly looking for affirmation that their feelings for one another are reciprocal... which was incredibly evident with the way they attempted (and succeeded) to make each other jealous. The fascinating thing about jealousy is that quite honestly, the vast majority of people enjoy seeing their partner exhibit some sort of jealousy. It's quite a reassuring sight to see your partner get jealous about someone because it serves as a confirmation of attraction. Whether or not you want to admit it, the truth is that to some degree, everyone enjoys that feeling. However, it becomes the complete opposite when it's the other way around. That's what makes jealousy such an interesting emotion; not only is it incredibly difficult to control and bottle up, it's something that you can either love or hate. JH REALLY likes SY, and getting to see her get all catty and passive aggressive is something that he clearly enjoyed... until he had it turn on him later on. All you need to do is look at SY's eyes during that entire exchange... before she even said anything, she was already looking in his direction just WAITING to see how he would react. When JH did end up reacting with jealousy, she couldn't control her happiness. It's simple; whether you're a girl or a guy, having that type of reassurance is a significant component in taking the next step in a relationship. Imagine if the two of them had faked their reactions (which, by the way, they sure did NOT do... both of them were fuming)... they might have taken a major step backwards in their progress. Yet, of course that didn't happen. They are freakin' goo-goo ga-ga over each other.
The most noteworthy part of the episode for me, however, came after the whole jealousy conversation...JH asked for SY's hand but wasn't able to look at her since, ya know, he was driving. However, we can see SY's reaction... her smile is nearly about to burst and she purposely didn't give him her hand at first just to see how he'd react. I can tell that she's the type of girl who really needs that type of encouragement from her guy... she really enjoys having him tell her she's pretty all the time and go all cheesy. That doesn't mean she's desperate for attention, it just means that she's beginning to gain confidence in the relationship and her increase in aegyo is just an indication as to how much of her real personality and feelings she's willing to lay on the line in order to be with him. JH does this as well... he has done so many things that he swore he'd never do (i.e. getting jealous, making the 'flower' pose when they were taking pictures at the flower garden) and has really put his image on the line in order to come off as genuine as possible. It's quite honestly what makes this couple so outstanding; they are both willing to go to great lengths for one another regardless of what it takes, and they are willing to change their existing habits and mindsets in order to make each other happy. How is that not just one of the greatest indicators of love? Ah, right. The two different occasions where they stared at one another... my god. I could literally see the hearts in their eyes. SY mentioned that everyone says that he is being sincere through just his eye expressions... and then he goes and acts like a total badass and a manly man by doing exactly that... staring right at her with 100% sincerity. Sigh... I wish I was even remotely as cool as this dude HAHAHA. 

OH, and I haven't seen Misun noona, Eric, and Gyeonghwan act like this when viewing any couple before. You can tell how much they really enjoy watching this couple. They're all cringing just as hard as we are, every single episode. It's becoming pretty clear that our couple is quickly becoming their favorite. As for Eric and Gyeonghwan, I feel them... it's not every day you see a manly guy like JH cutting up blocks of cheese and throwing it at the viewers with his comments. For a guy, hearing these types of lines coming from another guy is just straight cringe-worthy... but of course JH pulls it off. I feel you two bruthas... JH is making us guys all look bad :))

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Guest The_Prince

mjang said:

welcome @the_prince_stv  nice to have another guy view on the jealousy issue... looks like we have more male fans coming to this thread which prove to me that this couple has something special that attract many fans, male-female alike

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Guest ayvah

Maybe is me that is weird. ..but someone can explain to me why he said about pimple? O.O

I didn't understand the jh's pimple story....

pimple can appear for puberty (i don't think is jh case lol) for stressed, for type of skin or for bad food.....

During my younger days, when a pimple would appear on our faces, we would tease each other about being in love hahaha!

But my bio professor in college explained how this was so. When we were in love, we undergo hormonal changes and one of the effects was lack of sleep. If we didn't get enough sleep, we release too much oil thereby causing the pimple hahaha! Im not really sure if I remember correctly.

But did you see jh pimple? I tried to really see it but couldn't.

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@ayvah so far SY doesn't have any kissing scenes or even a hug...in fact, not even a lovey dovey scene... the so called one night stand scene was only implied, nothing was shown  ..the conversation was between her character and the younger sister's character that's about it ... JH need not worry at all.  

How are we going to survive if we can't spazz as much beginning tomorrow because of the migration... what about our IG saga? arghh! help!

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Guest happybrownie

OT. Thanks mjang. I was wondering about us moving home tmr. I guess there's a possibility we might not be able to access this thread for a week? :((

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From @mase207 -

"It's quite honestly what makes this couple so outstanding; they are both willing to go to great lengths for one another regardless of what it takes, and they are willing to change their existing habits and mindsets in order to make each other happy. How is that not just one of the greatest indicators of love?"

Right on, bro, right on!

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Guest The_Prince

ayvah said: @mjang did they kiss???? I really, really hope they did not! Seungyeon looks so adorable though.

@SakuraC @choccy I agree. If jh would lose interest later because sy was already showing she was in love with him, what kind of love was that? We all deserve a much deeper love than that. But I think it won't happen to our couple. And jh seems to me a very deep person, just thinking about the songs he'd written and how passionate he was of his music. Those songs couldn't come from a shallow man! my gosh, I am now one of his official fangirls! How can I become boice by the way? ;;) ;;) ;;)

And thank you for all your insights I now understand what happened in the jealousy scene. So basically, sy became jealous first but our jh didn't want to discuss about it but if sy was the kind of person that I am, she would find a way to tell him how she felt without discussing what he didn't want. And she did. She told him about the script. And when he felt the jealousy, she simply told him it was how she felt. And jh said it's work and when sy also said its work, she was getting over her initial jealousy because yes, its just work. But jh was the one having a harder time getting over his jealousy hahaha! And so he reached for her hand! And eric lost his mind hahaha!

And then the way they look at each other after this was just soooo real! I dont know what to say!

Really, I am here standing somewhere analyzinh a jealousy scene in a variety show! Where have you gone my real self? I think I have totally lost you!

:-/ :-/

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Oh and there is one thing I would like to add abt the jealousy - 

I believe his love interest in Orange Marmalade is Seolhyun of AOA.  She is the youngest member of AOA, the girl group of FNC, the management firm of CNBlue.  So she is a 'little sister' to him.  She is one hot young woman, but still, she is in the 'sister' zone and off limits in any way to JH.  It would be like Henry and SY's relationship.

Also, who in HITTG can hold any kind of competition for JH?   The guy who played the chaebol she supposedly had the one night stand with wasn't even that good looking, and the young lawyer she has the love line with is a new actor just like her.  Nobody in that drama has the combination of coolness, handsomeness and charisma of JH.   There is just no competition at all!  

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Guest ayvah

mase207 said:The most noteworthy part of the episode for me, however, came after the whole jealousy conversation...JH asked for SY's hand but wasn't able to look at her since, ya know, he was driving. However, we can see SY's reaction... her smile is nearly about to burst and she purposely didn't give him her hand at first just to see how he'd react. I can tell that she's the type of girl who really needs that type of encouragement from her guy... she really enjoys having him tell her she's pretty all the time and go all cheesy. That doesn't mean she's desperate for attention, it just means that she's beginning to gain confidence in the relationship and her increase in aegyo is just an indication as to how much of her real personality and feelings she's willing to lay on the line in order to be with him. JH does this as well... he has done so many things that he swore he'd never do (i.e. getting jealous, making the 'flower' pose when they were taking pictures at the flower garden) and has really put his image on the line in order to come off as genuine as possible. It's quite honestly what makes this couple so outstanding; they are both willing to go to great lengths for one another regardless of what it takes, and they are willing to change their existing habits and mindsets in order to make each other happy. How is that not just one of the greatest indicators of love? Ah, right. The two different occasions where they stared at one another... my god. I could literally see the hearts in their eyes. SY mentioned that everyone says that he is being sincere through just his eye expressions... and then he goes and acts like a total badass and a manly man by doing exactly that... staring right at her with 100% sincerity. Sigh... I wish I was even remotely as cool as this dude HAHAHA. 

OH, and I haven't seen Misun noona, Eric, and Gyeonghwan act like this when viewing any couple before. You can tell how much they really enjoy watching this couple. They're all cringing just as hard as we are, every single episode. It's becoming pretty clear that our couple is quickly becoming their favorite. As for Eric and Gyeonghwan, I feel them... it's not every day you see a manly guy like JH cutting up blocks of cheese and throwing it at the viewers with his comments. For a guy, hearing these types of lines coming from another guy is just straight cringe-worthy... but of course JH pulls it off. I feel you two bruthas... JH is making us guys all look bad :))

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Guest Hickk

luvtokki said:

Oh and there is one thing I would like to add abt the jealousy - 

I believe his love interest in Orange Marmalade is Seolhyun of AOA.  She is the youngest member of AOA, the girl group of FNC, the management firm of CNBlue.  So she is a 'little sister' to him.  She is one hot young woman, but still, she is in the 'sister' zone and off limits in any way to JH.  It would be like Henry and SY's relationship.

Also, who in HITTG can hold any kind of competition for JH?   The guy who played the chaebol she supposedly had the one night stand with wasn't even that good looking, and the young lawyer she has the love line with is a new actor just like her.  Nobody in that drama has the combination of coolness, handsomeness and charisma of JH.   There is just no competition at all!  

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*high five* @luvtokki bro ... that's why I said JH need not to worry at all about his wife in that drama.  btw the MC Choa is also from AOA, that's why I heard her say that SY shouldn't get jealous of the love interest in OM drama

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hello guys... i just listening CN BLUE love is... very nice song and melted. and also.. Jonghyun song SLEEPLESS NIGHT the lyric really fit to URI COUPLE. It tells about JH himself.. about a man that can not sleep at night thinking of the girl that he likes and thinking of her smells. kyuhun super junior said that JH hard to sleep at night. so pity him. too much thinking.. no IG interaction today... so sad. :(

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I'm sorry guys but my mind is working slow right now..haha i still dont get the moving thing (well i understand the things written on FAQs) . I just want to clarify, we can't access this thread tomorrow? But they will provide a temporary home/thread for us in the coming week?

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pimples things is about someone who fall in love..Jh just brought this pimples things to let her know that he too much thinking of her... so sweet... many viewers got diabet already. including me. :)>-  . i just hope that JH  heart won't changes .. because he is too handsome... many girl interest in him . 

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Guest The_Prince

luvtokki said:

Oh and there is one thing I would like to add abt the jealousy - 

I believe his love interest in Orange Marmalade is Seolhyun of AOA.  She is the youngest member of AOA, the girl group of FNC, the management firm of CNBlue.  So she is a 'little sister' to him.  She is one hot young woman, but still, she is in the 'sister' zone and off limits in any way to JH.  It would be like Henry and SY's relationship.

Also, who in HITTG can hold any kind of competition for JH?   The guy who played the chaebol she supposedly had the one night stand with wasn't even that good looking, and the young lawyer she has the love line with is a new actor just like her.  Nobody in that drama has the combination of coolness, handsomeness and charisma of JH.   There is just no competition at all!  

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