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[OFFICIAL THREAD 1] Lee Jonghyun ♡ Gong Seungyeon [House Of Brownies]


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Going back to the beginning episodes until the most recent there is this subtle thing I've noticed about JH more and more.  In his early episode he seemed much taller because I notice him slouching his shoulders, not in a way that lacks confidence, but in a way the shows caution, like a tall person who dips themselves into a room for fear they will bang their head on the door jam.  In those early episodes he looked every bit the 26 years he has lived.  However, with each passing episode, JH seems to be looking younger and younger and more vibrant and energized.  

The last 3 episodes amount to 1 day/night of filming, and yes, JH had a hurt eye and it's noticeable but I never notice him lacking energy or passion to talk and interact with SY.  He is 100% engaged in everything they are saying and all their activities.  Heck, he even sprints away from a python, kekeke. He just looks so happy and full of life that, in turn, makes him look so childlike and this makes him look so much more youthful as time passes on their stint for WGM.

Isn't it wonderful to know that he enjoys his time on WGM and with SY that he looks like he is actually turning back time?!

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I don't know how long wgm would last but i feel very sorry for these guys who take part in it sometimes. Can you really not feel anything when you take part?? And when Minhyuk said he doesn't won't to date my heart felt like crying. I really hope all CNBLUE guys will find someone they love. Sorry for interrupting you guys with my concerns. LOVE CNBLUE AND OUR BROWN EYED COUPLE!!! FIGHTING!!  

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Did JH post a picture of himself getting dressed up in one of his shirts from Ceci photoshoot with SY, and then post a 20sec video of him playing guitar at his latest concert wearing that same shirt?.... kekeke...

..why do I always get the feeling there's so much non-verbal communication going on between these two?.....

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Did JH post a picture of himself getting dressed up in one of his shirts from Ceci photoshoot with SY, and then post a 20sec video of him playing guitar at his latest concert wearing that same shirt?.... kekeke...

..why do I always get the feeling there's so much non-verbal communication going on between these two?.....


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Guest zzzennnn

Did JH post a picture of himself getting dressed up in one of his shirts from Ceci photoshoot with SY, and then post a 20sec video of him playing guitar at his latest concert wearing that same shirt?.... kekeke...

..why do I always get the feeling there's so much non-verbal communication going on between these two?.....

because they do have that non-verbal thingy and it makes me giddy & gooey inside!! :wub:

sorry my mind is on delulu overload and its onlu tuesday gaaah!

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Guest rainmoon

Did JH post a picture of himself getting dressed up in one of his shirts from Ceci photoshoot with SY, and then post a 20sec video of him playing guitar at his latest concert wearing that same shirt?.... kekeke...

..why do I always get the feeling there's so much non-verbal communication going on between these two?.....

because they do have that non-verbal thingy and it makes me giddy & gooey inside!! :wub:

sorry my mind is on delulu overload and its onlu tuesday gaaah!

uuummm ... Did I miss something?

What picture and video?

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Guest greenwriter

Off topic:

Am I the only one who misses JH's brushed up hair? Of all his hairstyles, it's what I love the most (e.g. Their last day in Japan and their first day at their house). 

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Guest rainmoon

Off topic:

Am I the only one who misses JH's brushed up hair? Of all his hairstyles, it's what I love the most (e.g. Their last day in Japan and their first day at their house). 

omg no you are not ... he looks so handsome there, also when he came back from Jeju after filming ... :wub:

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Did JH post a picture of himself getting dressed up in one of his shirts from Ceci photoshoot with SY, and then post a 20sec video of him playing guitar at his latest concert wearing that same shirt?.... kekeke...

..why do I always get the feeling there's so much non-verbal communication going on between these two?.....

because they do have that non-verbal thingy and it makes me giddy & gooey inside!! :wub:

sorry my mind is on delulu overload and its onlu tuesday gaaah!

uuummm ... Did I miss something?

What picture and video?

I think JH pic 3 days ago at IG...he wear same shirt from ceci and then he upload video at IG also...

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Guest banana_milk082791

Off topic:

Am I the only one who misses JH's brushed up hair? Of all his hairstyles, it's what I love the most (e.g. Their last day in Japan and their first day at their house). 

omg no you are not ... he looks so handsome there, also when he came back from Jeju after filming ... :wub:

He looks good on any hairstyle but cleancut brushep hair is prolly the best one!


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Guest rainmoon

Did JH post a picture of himself getting dressed up in one of his shirts from Ceci photoshoot with SY, and then post a 20sec video of him playing guitar at his latest concert wearing that same shirt?.... kekeke...

..why do I always get the feeling there's so much non-verbal communication going on between these two?.....

because they do have that non-verbal thingy and it makes me giddy & gooey inside!! :wub:

sorry my mind is on delulu overload and its onlu tuesday gaaah!

uuummm ... Did I miss something?

What picture and video?

I think JH pic 3 days ago at IG...he wear same shirt from ceci and then he upload video at IG also...

oh I see, thought it was a recent one ... Yes that was a few days ago ... Didn't read much into it ...

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Anyone else praying for a significantly longer segment for their Busan special?:DI hope they won't be cut short again due to the introduction of the new couples!:mellow:

My wish for Busan:

- Meeting with as much family members/ friends as possible
- Cheek kiss for JH's bday
- Proposal? (Would explain why they seemed so lovey dovey;))

Hope it comes true! I'm sure uri couple will surprise us (like every week) with their own pace and bold behaviour though.:lol:

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Rewatching the past episode, recall SY's discovery that JH requires a lot of assistance from Minhyuk --




Jungshin must have been exaggerating, right? "We've been together for three months and oppa seems full self-sufficient... He even planned a three-day trip in Japan!"

Two days later...




Looks like Jungshin was telling the truth...





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I have one question to all BOICEs and Burning Souls in the forum. I am quite interested to know your opinion regarding JY's non-response (in sns)  to 100th day gift by fans. perhaps those who follows his career from the beginning would know better. btw, I am not related to the gift effort but just want to know JY better.   


For me, I think it's a matter of 'out of sight, out of mind', meaning the thinking is - as long as he doesn't directly post anything related to SY, the fans won't get mad and possibly hate on SY. Just like he posts on IG when filming WGM, but never posts a couple selfie with SY.

(I hope you don't relate this non-response to his feelings for SY and whatnot)

CNBLUE does get a lot of gifts from fans, for birthdays, when they visit other countries, food support for concerts, music shows, etc etc and Yonghwa even gets the same food support vans for his solo dramas, but AFAIK they have never posted thank yous on SNS. So, in a way, JH thanking fans for his drama support by posting on IG is a first.


(using Yonghwa's WGM past as an example)

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^^^I understand all of this.... 


Isn't WGM an "acting" "project" like OM?  OM is NOT CNBlue, right? I mean, OM production doesn't give a rat's behind about CNBlue as it relates to what they are doing, just whether JH shows up and does his "acting" job properly, right?


Why is it okay for Boice or Burning Soul to give him gifts at OM and he can post all of those pics on his IG BUT not WGM gifts for 100 Day Project.  SY accepted them, so it's not "protecting" her by not posting it because she already showed her gifts on her IG and gave them her baseball jersey for charity purposes.  What's wrong with that?  Why couldn't JH be as accepting of WGM fans as those fans of OM????  Are you saying there are NO Boice or Burning Soul fans who are WGM BEC fans? We all know that's not true since there is a good % of them in this forum.

So let's all be clear here, because talking about "protecting" SY and his only being able to ACCEPT Boice/Burning Soul gifts for CNBlue or OM projects is a huge excuse making expedition, because the real reason is that a good # of Boice/Burning Soul are nutso, crazy people who like to dictate how another person lives their life like a slave-master, period.  JH knows full well after years at this job that he has to do a jig to the beat of their drums if he wants to butter his bread, because the fans can be just that nasty if he dares to try to have a happy loving relationship before the day he goes on the official CNBlue webpage with his APOLOGY LETTER giving his 1,000 word statement of contrition for daring to love one woman so much he decides to marry her.  Don't tell me it's not so, because I've watched and read these very kinds of letters with tears in my eyes that a human, in order to make a living doing what they love, has to apologize for their own personal happiness....

...so yes, most likely JH does not post WGM stuff, not because he isn't as considerate to the WGM fans as SY is, but to placate the nutso, crazy fans who pay his bills...

The thing is, if he plays his cards right (which at this moment it appears he is for now), the fan culture may embrace SY and that is what he is hoping for. Boice /Burning Souls don't seem to be like EXO or SHINee fans ... of course they don't like him with someone, but they appear to be a little more relaxed. Since FNC allows them to date and it's public knowledge...they are somewhat expecting them to be doing so, but just not publicly. JH is 25 "calendar" years old (27 Lunar years)...the guy is old enough and his fans age range varies a little more so there is a good mix with possibility of success.

My thoughts...like everything else JH does, it's by his value system. If FNC has tested the fan waters and says...don't post anything of WGM because it could turn bad, he won't do it. To be honest...I'm sure he feels NO NEED to publicly display photos of SY or his private life to share with fans. He really has not strategy...he's a simple guy, what you see is what you get. There is no importance to him to hide anything...he just chooses not to share. He shares what he wants to share...period.

Little bit of strange insight about fame..



I'll tell ya a little secret which I shared way back in another couples Soompi board for some insight. I like to keep my identity hidden ON PURPOSE, so I'll never post anything that will lead people to even know who I am in forums...WHY? . I have a healthy exposure to international "fame", with my face and my life in the "YouTube video realm". This has exposed me to some situations that took me from average "Joe" to be treated like a "Celebrity". I've experience the people who anticipate that weekly video upload..because if you miss a week ...DEAD! (LOL).

I GET IT! Both sides of WGM, (on a smaller level than WGM of course) but a still larger level than the general public. It's amazing how snippets of yourself can cause people to develop an impression of who you and that small moment becomes who you are. A single set of words or gestures can send minds off speculating and envisioning. I've experienced the people really who really LIVE MY life experiences in the videos as if they were there own (when the only person living it is me). The most interesting thing I've found is how reality and talking directly into a camera, gives the viewer the feeling they REALLY know you...and even be conversational enough as if you are already good friends. They know all about you, but  people seem to forget I know nothing about them! 

EVEN STRANGER? Viewers will remember more about what I've said and done in a video than I actually remember myself LOL!! One time, this 50 year old woman recognized me from my videos and got so excited and she squealed then started telling me her favorite {"this and that"} moments. All I could do is smile and bob my head as I frantically tried to recall what I did! I was so shocked that someone would have a response to me...a total stranger...and thought to myself..."What is this? It's "only me" just average everyday me".

WGM is the ONLY show I've ever watched and could call myself "fan status"...I'm just not usually this type of person LOL  (I'm a little embarrassed to say). Only a handful of people know I watch these kinds of shows "Korean Reality Shows"!!! 

I said all that to say this, They are real people who owe us nothing. They LOVE their fans...they really do alot, but if he perceives something will hurt him or her, he just won't do it. That's it! If he is not SURE his fans can handle it, he won't post it, because public is public...and private is private and protection is supremely important. Like those people don't know everything about me if I choose not to tape it, we will never know anything about him and her that they do not want to show us. Even being on the show, he is still private about certain things and you can see it. That is why I love the body language angle of things...because subconscious reactions can not be hidden. The editing of WGM makes it very difficult to understand what really happened in a day because they create their own "story", but the emotional interactions can not be hidden.


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@amastris i actually understand your frustration about it, i also am bewildered by such entitlement the fans have to their oppas. but also, i understand why jonghyun is handling it the way he's handling it which is honestly more than we ever got from any cnblue member. i've been a cnblue fan since they debuted in korea and i've seen how scary hardcore cnblue fans are, and as i've said, this is the second time cnblue fans are going through wgm so jonghyun knows fully well what the consequences are.

to give you an example, fnc was bombarded with complaints/petitions/what-have-yous when yonghwa started wearing his couple ring during their concerts. as a result, yonghwa relented and didn't wear the ring during concerts. what jonghyun gave us: he directly said that he wore the couple bracelet during a cnblue concert. that, in itself, was brave of him already considering what happened before, and it was a statement from him that he did. 

actually, for some odd reason, it's the hardcore lee jonghyun fans who were (and still are) the biggest wgm antis during yongseo's time. i have no idea why that is, but it's the way it happened. seohyun has been constantly pelt with hateful words just because she was associated with yonghwa (yonghwa was hated, too, but lbr oppa fans are really worse). hell, jonghyun was bombarded with hate just because he followed other SNSD members on IG. honestly, i'd think yonghwa distancing himself from wgm is a way of him protecting seohyun for the sake of their friendship. 

so i think jonghyun's just balancing it by being careful not to give the hardcore fans a channel where they can vent out their hate on him, on seungyeon, on the pairing, and on wgm. let's say he posts a photo on IG, that's just giving an opportunity for haters to hate because they have a dedicated space for it. we all know anyway, it's the empty cans that make the most sound.

actually, right now, large lee jonghyun fansites are already calling seungyeon names (gorilla or gollum, the last i heard). china fans are calling seungyeon a burden because they think she doesn't understand him. there's a lot of hate flying around right now and i honestly don't want to dwell on the negativity, but it's happening. 

OM fan support is okay because it's just him there. there's no one else he has to think about and consider.  

i wouldn't say that jonghyun is doing it to placate the fans who pay his bills (i honestly hate how this oozes of entitlement lol), it's just one part of it. i still think it's jonghyun protecting seungyeon the best way he can. in the future, we'll probably see more proactive protecting from jonghyun, who knows. among them 4, he's the most relaxed about fan backlash. so, to me, seeing that he's holding himself back on wgm stuff means a lot. 

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