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[OFFICIAL THREAD 1] Lee Jonghyun ♡ Gong Seungyeon [House Of Brownies]


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Guest rainmoon

What is this news ? I see the word LeeHyunWoo GongSeungYeon. Why it related to our SY ?


​could it be that they're going to do a drama together?

​I think it has do to with her dress and showing cleavage and how JH would react to the photo ... lol ... the photo is on her companies official website ... 

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Guest whitecandle

it's quite clear... JH not wearing any accessories on his left hand... he always wears ring (may it be personal or couple) on the right finger.

I wish you guys just give it a rest about these stupid accessories...couple items...phone cases... phones or whatsoever items he's carrying JUST STOP!! I'm getting annoyed... He can carry anything he damn please.. personal or couple.. it's his hand that carries them ...not yours...so just stop this bickering...get on with something more important!! GOSH!!

​A new lurker here...

Actually I don't mind whether he will wear any couple items or not, but the hand in Jungshin's photo was JH's right hand. Jungshin was taking a photo of his reflection in the mirror, so the seemingly left hand in the photo must be right hand as the image from mirror will have left-right reversal. According to your comment on his habit, there is a high chance that he was wearing a ring too.

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Ooookay everyone, let's relax for a second shall we?

I was unable to follow the thread yesterday and today... it seems like we're all collectively still in a relatively gloomy mood because of the cancellation of this week's episode.

I remember making this point a while back, but I feel like it's necessary for me to reiterate it again: this is the problem with the couple items and the IG interactions. When it starts becoming a recurring pattern, we start to have expectations. When these expectations aren't met for extraneous factors that we aren't able to know about, then we start to panic. This happened last month, when people were wondering why on earth JH wasn't liking SY's posts anymore... and then, lo and behold, he went and liked her post a few days later. I think for many couples, there is a period of time when couple items are a marker of your commitment towards one another. But after a while, the point of it starts to become obsolete. After being together for a while, you are fully aware of your dedication to one another and no longer need material objects to indicate that. This could very well be happening to our couple right now... please remember that their zoo date happened a while back, and we still haven't even seen it yet... they've been together for a while now. If all it takes for you guys to fraek out is for them to stop showing off their couple items and stop liking every (emphasis on "every", because they still do like each other's posts) single post, then I think you should have more faith in our couple. We know and see their interactions, their sincerity, and their affections for one another. As a fandom, trusting in these two is what we should be prioritizing over anything, no? So let's cheer up people!

Also, on that note, they could very well be quarreling or noticing that these couple items are attracting too much attention. But isn't that part of the excitement of their relationship? Let's have faith in them that if they are actually having a couple quarrel, that they will navigate through the situation and come out as a stronger couple. If it's for other factors, then we just won't ever figure out. That's the boundary between us, the viewers, and them, the couple. There could honestly be hundreds of possible reasons for the disappearance of certain couple items... but really, I think we might be reading into it just a bit too much at this point. Let's not fight amongst ourselves... at the end of the day, we're all in the same ship and we're all part of the same family. Just be supportive of one another! That's what really counts.

Now, on a more positive note... I've been rewatching the first few eps of our couple and there were certain moments that really moved me upon revisiting. Just go back and watch the first meetings of other couples over the past year. Then compare it to JongYeon. Something about their first meeting felt different, didn't it? It made me realize that when they edited the show, they purposely made their first encounter a big deal because they saw something truly special when they were looking over the footage. When they set their eyes on each other, it just felt right. It was like a feeling of relief that swept through me... like wow, these two are just meant to be together. It just wouldn't be right if they weren't paired together. It was that feeling of an instant connection, an instant interest in one another, an instant attraction that made them so unique from what I've seen before. Their approach to the show, and to one another just made them stand out and truly piqued my interest from the moment I saw them.

But what really stuck out to me about their first meeting was during JH's guitar performance. There was just this gaze... I mean, that gaze...

It's these moments that really show us just how meant to be this couple really is. To me, I think this is what really won SY over... not the fact that he is manly or handsome, but because he put all of his sincerity into a song for her, where the lyrics seemingly described their situation so accurately and vividly. Two complete strangers that weren't on course for collision, brought together by TV show. I think both of them realized from the first episode that they really wanted to be with one another, but at different points. It's that gaze that makes me think that she really was swooned by this performance, not because he is a damn good musician, but because he really did put his heart into it. The lyrics truly fit their situation. In my opinion, it was this moment in particular that I believe SY realized, "he has to be the one." And gee, am I happy that she came to that realization. They couldn't have been more suitable for one another.

So, brownies... let's remember what our feelings were like when these two first met, because I'm sure I'm definitely not the only one who felt this way from their first episode. These two are a truly special couple, and I don't think we should let these minor things like IG interactions and couple items get in the way of our support for them. Let's go back to our roots, and figure out what we truly value about our BEC couple. The IG saga doesn't define them, it's their genuine affections for one another. The phone case doesn't define them, it's the fact that they are treating each other as an actual couple off the show rather than just on it. It's the deep gazes, the natural, subtle skinship, the inability to hold back their happiness when they see each other... THOSE are the things we should be focusing on! So let's all collectively cheer up and stop sulking about the small things for now, okay?

Also, wanna give a shoutout to shu noona (@chagushu) for the jaw-droppingly beautiful captions... :o like seriously... I only do translations, so it's really amazing to see how it all comes together. And thanks to the rest of the B.E.S.T. team for the hard work! I'm so glad I'm a part of the team.

​You said it all.... "remember what our feelings were like when these two first met..."  :)


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Guest ayvah

@ohhotdeym nope, not a melon. Lol.  How can I be when I see JH so happy doing the program?  Also, who am I to hate it?  I'm just a fan, not his mom.  I can't say I'm a hardcore BOICE but I made that comment because I've stuck around the fandom long enough to kinda understand :)  And yes, the BE couple is so sweet it's hard to stay sane.

@burningwithlove hugs back :)

@ayvah  do you have any idea how hard I'm working to stay on the non delulu side?  But I agree with your post.  This is the couple's shippers thread after all.  Everyone is entitled to their opinion, delulu or not :)  

@furogu hahaha ikr. i tried to keep my sanity but it's hard when it comes to this couple. i dont like this unsure feeling, even in my real life. i am a hopeless romantic at heart but i prefer to make calculated risks. but with this couple, i just let myself fall into the delulu sea hahaha! watching them is just so lovely that i couldn't bear to lose this chance to witness their development. it's like falling in love for the first time. you're scared of the overwhelming feeling but you couldn't hold yourself back. all you could do was let go, enjoy the moment, and hope that it would last forever. 

and personally, i so welcome non-delulu posts here. just to keep me sane. sane enough to do the things i need to do in my real life. lol!

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One thing I do know for sure!!  We Brownies are all full of PASSION....:w00t: 

:wub:I just love that about us.....  


You better watch yourself JH is the jealous type LOL :lol: He won't be happy :angry: your looking at not one but two other guys!!  But then you may have just made SY a happy woman!  LOL  Better watch those Ninja :rolleyes: eyes of yours...

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Guest ohhotdeym


​You said it all.... "remember what our feelings were like when these two first met..."  :)

​Yes! Doubts are normal when it comes to shipping.. We just need to remind them the reason why and how we fell in love with this couple.

Can I just borrow @ayvah's mantra?

note:​ could you edit your post, dear? please remove the photo on quote.. we don't want the mods to leave a warning here again :D thank yooouu :)

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I was only gone for less than a day and yet a lot has been happening already. It looks like we are really upset because of the cancelled episode. It's healthy for a thread to have different opinions but lets make sure to kiss and make up after hearing all the different point of views. 

Someone mentioned above that maybe because OM and WGM are on different stations, JH cant possible use the SY phone case all the time, not to mention the teasing that he will get if he do that. I think in my delulu mind, I would agree to this. And I agree to most of you who are saying that if in case we see him or hear wearing the couple ring or bracelet and using the phone case most of the time, that would be more of a fan service than what they truly felt. Seeing those items once in a while is enough for me. The same goes for the IG saga.

If they did have a little misunderstanding, Im pretty sure theyll kiss and make up after that. I guess what we need in next couple of days is a testament that they are still the same. They look at each others eyes the same way as before...stare like no one is looking at them at shower each other praises.

Let's all pray we will see these interactions in the next few days. 

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Guest Skylover2

@Akopinoy2228YS Thanks for the updates and pics of SY. I'm glad to see there are fans from Hong Kong too supporting SY. (saw this from the pictures credit owner) :P Hope more and more people are going to support SY and JH both internationally and domestically.:lol:

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Guest ayvah

After going back and rewatching all the old episodes again I was reminded of why I fell in love with them in the first place. We have seen this so many times I know.  But  I posted this in the raw because to be honest it's how I first saw it and I didn't need any words for once.  It's not just about his loving or her trusting it's about the human heart and humanity.  Reaching out and receiving what it says about understanding and being open.  Mostly I learned that they are changing right before our eyes and so am I.  When MBC didn't show our episode I got delusional with anger but at the end of the day I was logical and realized without them I wouldn't have had a moment like this to remember.  Gee we really do need each other and we have 607 pages full of reasons why!!!  Learning that sometimes it not what you say, but how you say it that matters.  Through love.......

thank you for posting this, @USAFarmgirl! one of the most 'epiphanic' moment of our couple. This moment always brings tears to my eyes. seriously, if they dont end up together, i will really, really be sad. but watching them on this video, it just feels so right to believe they're going to be together for real. 

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Guest ayvah


Also as long as we are respectful towards each other we can become a strong and exemplary fandom, in which we'll be able to share all of our worries/thoughts peacefully and bolster JongYeon up against haters if they ever decide to openly date. I believe this would be the best way to support them!

JongYeon hwaiting!:)

​this is my hope too! how nice it would be that when someone hears about the brownies, they will say "aahhh those brownies! Jongyeon's shippers! waahh they're as loveable as their couple."  that would be phenomenal in kpop world! and even melons could not help but love us too. ok now, i think i would start shipping melons with brownies hahaha! joke. 

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Guest ayvah

@mase207 what a lovely post! seriously! thank you for always sharing your thoughts with us. and in addition to the photo you posted, i hope we should also remember this:



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@ayvah  I feel the same way and my seat belt is on tight and locked on the Brownie Love Boat!  We are sure to go through a few storms, questions.  May even be hit with some large waves of doubts or thoughts along the way.  Why?  Because we are all human!  I'm glad we aren't all the same, it wouldn't be a great ship if we were!!  Our couple will always have some mystery because in fact we are only seeing what they allow us to see.  When there is a difference of opinion and there will always be.   That's when we throw out those life jackets to each other and bring us back in. If we notice someone is missing on this forum we should reach out to them with love.  If a newbie joins we should be like life guards and be willing to help, answer and support!  When and if mistakes are made we should shelter them by reminding them with kindness.  We are all in this boat together and that's what I love about it!!!  Truth is I came because of our amazing couple!  But I stay because of them and all of you!  It would be hard for me to believe there is a greater group of people on Soompi  than what I am thankful to have here! :wub:

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