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[Official] Lee Hongki and Fujii Mina (Global We Got Married Couple) Thread Part 2


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 [ROUGH TRANS] FTISLAND & CNBLUE’s Interview for FNC Starlight Kingdom Concert Emerald Stage


Q: What do you think about FTISLAND’s lives (performance)?

Yonghwa: (in Korean) Well, we have performed together with FTISLAND this year, once or twice. And each time, after we have not see them perform for quite a while, we notice that their music is getting heavier. In my case, I have seen FTISLAND since I was a trainee. As the time goes, I think their sound is getting more colorful. Their band sound.. I think they are going into a good direction.

Seunghyun: (in Japanese) Thank you!! (FT+CN: LOL)

Jonghyun: (in Japanese) Somehow in this concert, in Kingdom, they have performed well like they usually do, but, right before this, this year too, I also saw them perform in the Rock Fests, and they awed me that, wow, they always perform with so much passion enjoyably.


Q: How do you feel about the collaboration stages?

Seunghyun: (in Japanese) Both of us (t/n: both bands) collaborated together, wasnt it fun? (Minhyuk nodded) The atmosphere built…it was really good.

Yonghwa: (in Korean) I have always wanted to do collaboration stages like this, but this time that we really did it, I can confirm that it did turn out really fun. Also, the excitement that I couldnt even imagine before, it just gives a different kind of feeling.

Jonghyun: (in Japanese) when we first did it, it was just ah… (*trying to find the word)

(FT boys immitated him: ah.. ah.. XD, Seunghyun: you can just speak in Korean. Jaejin then tried to find the word for Jonghyun.)

Jaejin: finally..??

Jonghyun: (in Japanese) ah.. finally! It gave me different kind of feelings. When we started with practicing together, without even realizing it, the time just flew. It was fun. With AOA too, and with everyone, like that, it was really enjoyable.

Jungshin: (in Japanese) Well, A team and B team are consisted of people with different colors… (suddenly switching to Korean, the boys LOLed XD) the fans can see many different new things too on stage. They can also listen to a number of songs that we mixed together too.

Minhwan: (in Japanese) Well for me, even though I have played drum for about 10 years by now. This is the first time that I play for other than FTISLAND in a performance. It was a nice thing to experience.

Jonghoon: (in Japanese) Even though this is just the 2nd concert of the Kingdom, I hope to be able to play in the 4th, 5th, 6th Kingdom concert too.

Jaejin: (in Japanese) well, Jonghoon-niisan wants to play solo in those (LOL)

Hongki: (in Japanese) Both bands have different characteristics. By trying out different new things by mixing and matching together, we get to see different kinds of output. And that is why its fun. Isnt it like that?

Jonghyun: yes!


Q: Out of the 9 people, with who do you want to do the collaboration performance on the next chance?

Hongki: (in Japanese) I want to do it with Yonghwa kun. Yonghwa has his own colors, and I have my own colors. I want to try combining both of our voices in a song.

Minhyuk: (in Korean) I want to play drum together with Minhwannie.

(not too sure who said it :(): Two drums?

Minhyuk: (in Korean) Since Minhwannie is FTISLAND’s drummer, I want to know how would it turn out if we play together.

Jonghoon: (in Japanese) Me too, I want to have a guitar solo stage together with Jonghyunnie, showing our own different styles.


Cr translated by Lu for lakkimi.tumblr.com



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                           BY DEANNA  MUSIC MAY 2, 2015


Let’s have some adult time right now because I need it. Amidst my fangirl psychosis, I had a flash of reality and it hit me. Hard.

Before we get into the meat of the topic, let me give you a little background.

I had always been fond of F.T. Island’s music. I saw them live and they blew me away. Their power ballads like “Severely” and “Bad Woman” gave me life! Hongki’s vocals always hits me where it hurts.

Rock is my specialty. I grew up in a house with my father and brother both playing the drums 24 hours a day. My father constantly had us listening to bands like the Beatles, Beach Boys, the Eagles, the Who, the Doors and even a little Bee Gees and Mamas and Papas- just to name a billion. It was an eclectic array of the 60s’ and 70s’ best rock music.

I also grew up in the 90s’ when rock had made its comeback. Thanks to the grunge movement out of Seattle, bands like Nirvana, were able to ignite a new love for rock. This spilled into the late 90s’/early 00s’, when My Chemical Romance, 30 Seconds to Mars, System of a Down, Linkin’ Park,and Story of the Year were constantly on MTV.

Needless to say, I went through that phase that every kid born in the late 80s’ went through. The – I only shop at hot topic and dye my hair partially black and write AIM away messages full of lyrics – phase.  It’s okay. You don’t have to hide the pictures, we all know it happened.

But then somewhere along the line, that phase ended. Rock was no where to be found on MTV and I discovered K-pop.


Recently I’d been hearing a lot about underground rappers in Korea dissing idol rappers. I didn’t understand it. I turned to some of the TOS family members for some clarity. I was so confused. I understand you are a rapper, but why can’t idols be rappers too? (Note: I am NOT talking about theSHINee Minho’s of the world. More about the BTS’ and Block B’s.)

It annoyed me.

Watching all those girls on Unpretty Rapstar get all upset over Jimin being an idol was so infuriating. If the girl can rap just give her the props she deserved! Were they just jealous?

Then I watched the 1st episode of “F.T. Island’s Coming Out.” On the episode, Jaejin (a.k.a beautiful sex god) was talking about their upcoming album. He spoke with uncertainty. How were the public going to respond to an album so different musically than what they had previously put out?

And then he joked, “And EXO is coming back.”

And that made me laugh, and then pause.

It’s true. EXO came out and I fell into this black hole of fangirling and it felt so unfair to F.T. Island. I had seen their new MV, but the moment EXO came back, I had totally forgotten about it.

I thought to myself, “They seemed to have worked really hard and put their heart into this album and just because a popular idol group is coming back at the same time, this album might not get the props it deserves. That SUCKS!”

Then it hit me. This is what all those rappers were expressing. They work so hard; put all their time and effort into an album, and yet, it sits there on a shelf as other manufactured pop groups sell their corporately constructed album by the thousands.

I am not saying EXO isn’t talented and don’t deserve praise. BELIEVE me, I worship at their feet. Especially the vocal line, whose voices are the second coming of Jesus.

But seeing it through the eyes of F.T. Island, I can understand how discouraged they’d be.

Jaejin also explained how they were frustrated with the fact that the rock festivals wouldn’t let them play. They were seen as idols, not a real rock band. And for musicians like them, that was painful. Just like some idol rappers are frustrated that K-hip hop won’t acknowledge them.

You could really sense how much in the middle F.T. Island felt. They weren’t idols, but they weren’t accepted as a rock band either.

So I paused and downloaded the album and gave it a listen. I wanted to know what it was they wanted to do with their music, as well as to give it the same chance I give other idol groups I love.



That word isn’t good enough to sum up how amazing this album is. When I hear an album from EXO or a new song from BTS or any idol group I will go into my normal fangirling:


This is because I can’t put into words how much I love that song or that album. It hits me in the heart. Music does that.


But F.T. Island’s album, I Will, is beyond the asdkjhalksdjghalskd of a fangirl rant.

It’s musically beautiful.

You can hear the influence of J-Rock and US bands like My Chemical Romance and 30 Seconds to Mars and a little bit of 80s’ rock.

“Pray” is, in my opinion, the best track, but every single track after has something great about it.

Dare I say, the album is superior to any rock album I have heard recently. It instantly brought me back to those early 00s’ days.

Hongki does an impeccable job vocally and Jaejin’s soft voice really mixes well with Hongki’s dramatic one. Especially on the song “BPM69″.

Seunghyun and Jonghoon rock the guitar solos, as usual, but, the break out star is Minhwan. . He effortlessly performs complicated fills and kills the track with his double bass pedal work. It’s something that really brought the album to the next level.

I am so glad I decided to give this a listen. It broke me out of my haze. I was sitting in front of my computer eating all the food any of the big three companies fed me, but sometimes, you’ve got to go try some other restaurants on those side roads. That’s where the art is.

20150429_TOS_EXO (2)

So, no. you don’t have to shun your favorite idols, but you should give some others a chance. I love F.T. Island, but to hear an album that they personally sweat and worried over makes it much more rewarding.

Here is to hoping this gives them a chance to prove they are a real rock group and get the respect they deserve.

Did you enjoy this album as much as me?





Do I love this album?  my answer is more then yes.  I like some others here only found FT island because Hongki did GWGM.  because I heard him sing on that show I  searched out his music and the rest is history.  I down loaded songs, then started ordering the cd's online and then when they did their world tour I made the total fan commitment of flying to Mexico to see them live.  They are an unbelievably talented band   who give their live audience the musical experience of a life time.   Having said all this and knowing how much they wanted to do their own music their own way I was still not prepared for how great this album is.  They took the risk to do material that is really rock and different from the themes found in most idol band song.  I have always loved Hongki's voice but this time around you get not only his wonderful sound but also the get blending of some of the other members as well.   this makes for a musical sound that is deep and colorful. As for the music itself  well all I can say is this cd proves to anyone who doubted them that they are indeed a real rock band and one very special word about  the drum riffs, the drumming makes or brakes rock music  and the drumming on "Pray" is so much more then powerful and strong.  the drumming is pure rock magic.  Do I love this album, Yes yes and more then yes.  I just wish I could find the words to tell you how much I love it.

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 [TRANS] FTISLAND, All This Time, I Apologize (정정당당’s Kim Kyungmin)

Original article: entertain.naver.com 


Cr translated by Lu for lakkimi

Listening to FTISLAND’s 5th Album, I Will, the journalist made a reflection.

FTISLAND is a group who has been around for 9 years by debuting with the soft ballad song, “Love Sick” and caused a band craze in Korea. 

The presence of the band consisting of the vocalist who is a former child actor, Lee Hongki, along with equally flower boy members, and also Han Sungho CEO’s company’s first band, FTISLAND was unwelcome by journalists. 

No, rather, growing up listening to the music of Judas Priest, Metallica, Guns ‘n Rose, and Pantera’s Darrell Dimebag, then I just felt like laughing. To journalists, FTISLAND just felt like a “band” who was born with a golden spoon in their mouth, and was just designed by the company.

Werent there many who had similar thoughts? FTISLAND was never mentioned as a band, the title “idol band” was the one that we always stick with them. 

But that's just a story lingering around during the time they first debuted. 

“There are people who see us like that. But, we will continue our activities, and one day, we will show you our beautiful music.”


▲ Did they want us to just look at their music? They didnt even show their faces in their album jacket.

Their commitment was finally achieved in 2015. The members themselves did the writing, composing until the producing, making their own creative work. FTISLAND made their own music for the first time. Just like their company said, its an album (of FTISLAND) that has never existed before. Pray was introduced as the representative of the album by promoting it on TV too, causing a sense of unfamiliarity as its a hard rock music. 

Hard rock genre is a genre little known among the local music fans. Hiphop and RnB are genres that are common among idols, but even the heavy metal and hard rock genre band, N.E.X.T. opted for '도시인’, ‘날아라 병아리’ and similar soft songs to be broadcast . Not even in Korea, in the US and Japan too, it is hard to climb up the chart with a hard rock number.

It doesn't mean that such songs dont exist in I Will, there are similarly more common soft songs like BPM 69 and Do You Know Why too in the album. Even though so, why do they opt to make PRAY as their title track? The members didn't even want to listen to what the agency said anymore, all left to explain is that, this 5th album of theirs is the kind of music that they want to do confidently. 

The result was amazing. The color of FTISLAND that they want to show was able to be shown properly. Not only because of the hard rock title song that the journalists had pondered about, but also because they were able to show the group’s unique color throughout the album. 

Throughout the I Will album, FTISLAND was able to show a hard rock sound. Who love the similar sound making materials of Black Chocolate or Do You Know Why? And through this, clearly, they want to show off their group’s color. 

The combination of western like new metal genre showcasing powerful guitar’s distortion sound, flowing bass line, and sometimes added with double kick drum is carried out throughout the album. Even the adapted to Korean from Japanese single, Hey Girl, is a hidden masterpiece. The guitar riff in the beginning of the song showcases a distinctive rock band sound particularly in the domestic music. 

The vocal, Lee Hongki, who we thought of only as the master of vibration, was even able to show a more diverse side of him. From the sampling that he did for Shadow and also through the song Please, where he was able to show off his rock vocal through the emotion-filled high notes.

In the Korean music industry, there are many who settled after they achieved popularity and had setback. But FTISLAND is not like that. They have proven themselves to surpass the title “idol”. Now, putting them with the title “idol band” seems disrespectful towards them.

After seeing their activities and progress like this, now I can say it. All this time, I apologize. FTISLAND.

Personal note from the translator: I am swelling with pride as I was reading this article. FTISLAND has been doing their kind of music in Japan for quite a while, but in Korea, their musical competence is very unrecognized. And through this album that they spent so much hard work on, they were able to show their kind of music. And more than the wins that they received in music shows, the recognition from the public for their musical quality is very meaningful and much well deserved. Looking forward to even more great music from them

translated by Lu for lakkimi







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cr: misa_sbt

Noona: for your hard work during Kingdom, this is your reward Hong-chan, i will stay beside you pyong pyong:wub::D*

Hongchan: Noona don't dare to tempt me or elsexD

Noona: :P:P araso!!! I will sing a song for you "PRAY"

Hongchan: Noona chaebal, andweeeee!!!!9_9 sing me the cutest one, since we are alone in this place:D

Noona: wae wae wae, ok i will sing the 'three bears & number song''

Hongchan: yeah!!!

Noona: la la la la  ♪ ♫ la la la la♩ ♬ la la la la♪ ♫ sleep my baby. sleep my baby.  ♩ ♬ 




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Hongki is too busy updating photos of his chingu over IG. And guess what of all those images update this is what i laugh so hard like an idiot:D:D

His forever PINK color....courtesy from model Daesik-ssi chingu:P




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Yorubon!!! let's do the counting of numbers:D..repeat after mexDxD

1. hana - 하 나



2. dul- 둘



3. set- 셋


cr gifs: lilyoppa

*the unended pink:wub:*

*this is all about ajumma's boredom moment*:ph34r::/





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