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[OFFICIAL] Song Jae Rim ❤ Kim So Eun ☾ The LTE Couple ☽ WGM: PART 1

Guest Tinkiebell

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Guest lostinjane

i think he is gonna collect everything wifey is on,,,pictures, magazines, interviews,...look at her previous work, and for sure her future work.. everything so he will not miss any.. :x

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@ilikemangoss‌ I agree with your post. Jaerim finally got the kickstart he needed for his career and I doubt he wants to mess it up with a dating scandal, even if a lot of fans would support Solim. Since Soeun also seems to like her privacy, I'm sure with all the cameras pointing at them right now and people suspecting them to be dating, she would not risk meeting up with Jaerim outside of wgm and risk both of their success.

Like I said earlier, ideally I would like them to announce their dating after completing projects with each other like wgm, and hopefully an endorsement and a drama too. I want them to follow Eugene and Ki Taeyong's example and Boyoung and Jisung's example. They both revealed their relationships months after completing a drama together. Boyoung and Jisung dated 7 years before marrying and Jisung was Jaerim's age when they first started seeing each other.

I personally think that a successful career is very important but I also believe that if you feel like you've met someone that you could potentially see yourself with for the rest of your life (50 years), then you shouldn't give them up for work. I say this because when Jaerim is successful and stable career-wise, he'll want to settle down and having Soeun by his side would save him from a lot of time, blind dates and regrets. I think he is aware of his attraction towards Soeun and how well-rounded she is as a woman mentally and physically. Yes, she is bold and outspoken, but her spunk and energy will make her an excellent wife and mother. She is brilliant and has that elegance, grace, stunning beauty and shape a man wants in a wife. She is a catch that won't come his way very often. Same applies to Soeun because a man that is sincere, loving, faithful, obedient, dedicated, hard-working, skilled and wife-like, is very hard to find.

I'm not saying Jaerim and Soeun should actively date right away but I do think they can promise to wait for each other until the time is right, and not date anyone else. I also think that these two would do well in a long, private relationship because they both like their alone time and focusing on their careers and therefore, not seeing each other for weeks would probably not be a problem. They have a good balance and wgm has given them the opportunity to see how their dating life could be with a busy career. After tirelessly working, knowing someone loves you very much and is there for you, is good strength and motivation to have.

Remember behind every successful man is a woman. Soeun is proof of this because being with her, helped him kickstart his road to success and I believe Soeun will only bring him more success in the future along with her rising success.

I sincerely hope that they work out. Really, I could not find two people who are more perfect for each other.

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hi! new to this thread but i've been a long-time soompi member since 2005. just can't access my old account which is why i registered for a new one. btw, i've watched WGM before (other couples) but this is actually the first time that i felt like i'm watching a real couple on WGM. they are very natural and has undeniable chemistry together. can't wait to spazz with you guys! hahaha
and so eun's spread for SURE mag is sizzling hot. can't wait to find out jaerims' reaction when he sees these. ^__^

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class="content-title"Photoshop: How Much is Too Much?

Only quoted Kim So Eun parts!

Photoshop. We all use it. We all love it. It’s great for quickly modifying, retouching, and editing photos. Users can change colors within an image, modify the size and scale, put one picture within another, and retouch blemishes. Sounds harmless enough right? It’s no secret that the public and the entertainment industry exploit the use of this magical tool.


Take a look at Jung Il Woo and Kim So Eun’s poster shots for the 12th JeonJu International Film Festival (JIFF). Don’t they look amazing together? Well, I hate to burst your bubble, but those two did not photograph together for the images. They were photographed individually, and the images were edited and pasted together. Why? Apparently,  the two actors were too awkward and uncomfortable with each other throughout the photo shoot. Personally, I thought Jung Il Woo and Kim So Eun were perfect for each other when I first saw the photos. After hearing this fact, I felt jipped. Additionally, Kim’s legs were increased by 30% to make her height and legs seem taller and longer.

Source: http://www.soompi.com/2011/05/06/photoshop-how-much-is-too-much/

But Kim So Eun so comfortable with Song Jae Rim, thou... My screen tells, hahahaha... Aigoooo, reality so cruel, peeps! :-w
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class="content-title"Highlights: We Got Married Ep. 251 – Charming Wives

Highlights: We Got Married Ep. 251 – Charming Wives

Submissive So Eun

Since they officially got married, So Eun wanted to do something  nice for her husband, so she dressed up in a hanbok (Korean traditional dress) and told him that for that day, she would be “Submissive Kim.” She took on the role of a new, submissive bride just for one day. She wanted to do everything for her husband and didn’t want to him to do anything. She brought him coffee and put up their new wedding photo on the wall. She just wanted him to sit there and not move.Screen Shot 2014-12-23 at 5.49.31 PM copy

 Screen Shot 2014-12-23 at 5.51.10 PM copy So Eun noticed that Jae Rim’s skin wasn’t doing too well, so she wanted to give him a home spa/facial treatment. But of course, there was some kind of twist to this facial treatment. She started off by washing his face in the living room. It would’ve been so much easier if he had just gone to the bathroom to do it himself, but she wanted to do it for him. Then she put on a mud face mask on him to help improve his skin. While he had his eyes closed, she said that she was going to fix his nails for him with a nail treatment. She said that she was putting on a nail essence treatment, when she was really putting on colored polish on his nails. So he ended up with red, blue, gray, and pink nails! He had no clue the entire time.

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After So Eun washed the mud pack off of Jae Rim’s face, Jae Rim touched his phone and was shocked to see his painted nails. All he could do was yell, “HEY!” to his wife. But she ended up erasing the polish off his nails. The couple looked through their epic couple pictorial that they took a while back, and So Eun noticed something. She read that he made roses for his past girlfriend and was going to give them to her for their one year anniversary, but they broke up. This caused So Eun to get jealous of his past girlfriend. Good-bye “Submissive So Eun!” Jae Rim said that he would’ve made 1000 for her if he had met her. She said that she didn’t want to be like the other girl and Jae Rim said that he would make it out of 50,000 won (approximately 50 dollars), which made So Eun laugh and smile.

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They received a package containing books about Turkey and a mission card stating that they will be going to Turkey for their honeymoon, but that it will be more like a backpacking trip. They started preparing, packing, and planning for their honeymoon. How exciting! They ended their night with a drink from their arrowroot alcohol jar. So Eun was looking forward to their trip because if they went somewhere close by they could just come back home to Korea if they fight. But being in Turkey, they won’t be able to come back so easily. Why am I looking forward to the next episode?

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Time for this week’s Eric Nam picture! I love this picture. I think this is so hilarious. So here is Eric Nam + Jae Rim. Enjoy!


cr: soompi
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I'm probably a few pages too late but I just wanted to shout out to the SOLIM fandoms that they did a GREAT JOB on Solim's 100 day gifts! It was beautiful! :D
What makes it so incredible in my eyes is the fact that it wasn't sent from one side. It wasn't just Solim's fanclub but it included the fanclub of Song Jae Rim and fanclub of Kim So Eun, all together, becoming one to share, appreciate, and celebrate their 100 days.
Although there are haters that have to exist in this world I love when the power of love and support beats it. It's really amazing and remarkable to have fans from all SJR, KSE and SL's sides supporting them together as a WGM couple and appreciate what they do individually.

INCREDIBLE, you guys rock!  
:x >:D<

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Kim So Eun so comfortable with Song Jae Rim, thou... My screen tells, hahahaha... Aigoooo, reality so cruel, peeps! :-w

Sorry to cut your post

I think the article got it wrong... I remember that they took the photoshoot together in a video i watched..... Found it... They seem comfortable enough in the video and showing they took the photo together.... I think only her leg were photoshop to look longer.


But, her chemistry with jr is on another level tho. Sexual tension is so thick, you can cut it with a knife.

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@ilikemangoss‌ Amazing post!! =D>

I think a lot of times most of us here get caught up in the romance aspect of JR and SE being together and forget about the actual real world lol. The reality is both JR and SE are in the cut throat entertainment business where you literally get one shot to make your mark/impression and if you fail then there's someone right behind you ready to take your place. And it might be years before you'll get another chance. JR is seizing his opportunity right now and trying to go as far and high up as he can. While SE is trying to reinvograte her career and take it further. Meanwhile, both SE and JR provide financially for their families. They also make the income possible of those people around them like their stylists, makeup artists, hairdressers, managers, etc. If JR and SE don't make money those people won't either or at the very least they'll have a reduction in the wage they take home.

Therefore, I doubt that getting in a serious relationship and/or marriage is even in the forefront of their minds right now. I think now that they're so comfortable with each other, WGM is almost like a vacation for them to relax, have fun, goof around and flirt with a very attractive person that they like and are attracted to and as a bonus they get paid for it. It's like their own bubble to be carefree even though there are cameras around.

Lastly, let's not forget about a very important aspect which is culture. The Korean culture has their own traditions and norms in regards to dating and marriage. And from what I've seen as well as heard from Korean friends "romance/romantic love" isn't necessarily priority in terms of picking a marriage partner. Practical things like family background, financial security, status, etc. take precedence in many instances. And if the family on either side doesn't approve of your partner it's basically a wrap for the relationship. Family harmony and approval of the in-laws are very crucial and important for the relationship to move forward.

Overall love and relationships/marriage are very complex issues. If it were a simple matter then there wouldn't be endless songs, books, movies, literature etc. going back centuries talking about the subject. And we wouldn't be so fascinated with it if it was something we ourselves could figure out either lol.

I love both JR and SE and wish the best for them in whatever they do and wherever their respective careers take them. No matter what happens or doesn't happen after the show in regards to their relationship, this is a precious time where we got to be a part of all the great memories they've shared and will continue to experience together.

And we on this thread got to make some amazing new friends and form bonds with people from around the world from all different backgrounds based on love. That to me is what I'll cherish the most when looking back at this time years from now!

Hope everyone has a great Christmas holiday!! xoxo

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Ooh, I watched the video,

I captured in vid 2:08 & 2:11, 2:12 So Eun lost her smile. ;-)

Well-well, it never happen when she took a photo with Jae Rim, hahahaa...

Probably the writer is LTE fan under cover so she's only look at to SoLim, just like me, hahahaha...


Well of course. JIW is a colleague/friend and JR is her husband... JIW is work while with JR is....... attraction? Strong like? LOVE even?? ;)

Whatever it is.... I hope to find it someday for myself. For now, I'll just live my love life through them.


Hope everyone have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS.

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Guest angg_jagiya

interview sina 
i dont usually read books about love : SJRcredit : @songjaerimsasshttp://video.sina.com.cn/p/ent/v/j/2014-12-24/141664427961.html

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Guest NoteBook711

Snippet from JL's Sina InterviewJL: I usually describe my ideal type as someone who I can communicate well with, someone with reverse charm and someone who understands loneliness. Actually, an ideal type exists in everyone's mind. An ideal type is like a dream you can't chase, so I think there's a need to communicate more often to understand each other. The ideal types I have chosen so far are more on the inside than the appearance. If you ask if SE is my ideal type, she may be or she may not be.
Love his answer, especially the 'she may be or she may not be'. It would have sounded very scripted if he said she is his ideal type, but he answered it wittily. He's right, there's rarely anyone as perfect as your ideal type in this world, hence his 'may not be'. 
PS: Merry Christmas SoLim shippers from around the world!

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