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[Drama 2014/2015] Healer 힐러


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mywebfoot said: Dear @JAN
 I was suprised to see such an incisive post here, among the rest of the posters, who are mostly fans of the show now that the show is over. Certainly you have offered a critical review of the show, and I think people with your viewpoints are most needed in shows where the fans may not know what they are really watching. 
You know, I think a poster like you might be needed here. You'll be able to sort out the key theme of the drama and I am sure it will help the fans of that show know the importance (or lack thereof) of what they are watching. Perhaps you can even help them relate it to older movies and themes in other stories? That will really help. 

@everyone else. Yes, I'm bored at work. Can you tell? :D

Look. if you are watching a lot of Kdrama a long the years and you know and love S korea you understand the levels of the drama you see..and you can speaknot everything you need to worship or love....you know? you can talk a bout this with others and get other perspective
if you realy love drama and you are a grown up person you hear also a negative review and critics and you can speak back with logic and not just laugh or think i am ruin your party.
As for the review
Superman is a classic movie....it's been filmed in 78 and have more versions then any other movie it's one of the top movies ever with tons of versions also animations
it's like "star wars" you can't understand how many copies and  versions they made on this, so you can't hate it and not relate to this movie. 
i also don't like it but Nevertheless you can't ignore the impact of this film
As for the similarity between the scripts superman and healer
1)Healer is someone like super hero that's can fly from roof to roof and does not  injured almost at all2) he rescue the girl every time she is in danger (like in the elevator for example)3) he have two personalities: the geek one in disguise and the real him- the hero (hero=healer )4)he changing his outfit every time and not reveal to his lover5) the police is looking for him6) he is famous but no body know who he realy his7)The girl in love with him before she know him ,and want to find who he is8) The girl is a journalist ,and they both work together at the same place
and so on.........there's so much more.....

____if you saw the chemistry between Ji Chang Wook  and Ha Ji Won   in Empress Ki you understand what is a chemistry between an actors
overall the rating of superman you can't deny it was like 8 score from 1978 till now!!!! in imdb it's realy hight "healer" is like "twilight" movie from 2008 score and resembles the idea.. at first it was 9 score but after couple of years it's just 5 score...here: .http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1099212/
why? 'because "twilight" is realy bad movieit's has the perfect actor and perfect actress like an idol and beautiful and sexybut the plot and the script not original and somehow a bad copy of a copy of a copy of some great movie from the 80's:)
tell me if you still like it after 4 years;)


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Guest Eileen531

@ Jan you give yourself away even though you are trying to sound logical. You mention Healer is a copy or remake and point out the similarities in the script.  If that is how you feel about it then you probably definitely missed the gist of the story.  By bringing into the equation the chemistry between the male lead with his previous co-star from his last drama we see your true intent.  Sorry, but no one here will fall for that bait and cause trouble. 

I haven't posted here for a while well a long time but I read this thread religiously and enjoy all the comments.  Many are funny, and other intriguing and then there is Ahpheng (spelled correctly). Keep up this happy thread where we all can relive everything Healer. Thanks guys.

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@JAN I think you are in the wrong thread sweetiepie. This thread is for the love of Healer. You've already stated your sentiment about your dislike on Healer and we got your message loud and clear. No one is even asking you why you dislike Healer so much so you don't need to explain further. If you like Superman there is a thread here for Superman Returns maybe you could post your message there ;) There is also a thread for EK and a shippers thread for HJW and JCW wherein you could post your love and adoration for the couple. You can praise all movies and dramas that you like but I think it is not fair to drag down other movies and dramas. We all have different tastes in movies and dramas so you can't force everyone to like the dramas that you like. One thing more sweetiepie, incase you forgot there is a word called RESPECT. You might want to use google to look for the meaning of the word. Have a blessed day sweetiepie. Hope that everything is well in your life. Love begets love and hate begets hate. Spread love not hate. >:D<

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@JAN , alright, we've heard you. we've heard that to you, Healer's the ugly cousin of Superman. We get it. You could go watch Superman if you prefer that. We, however, like Healer for what it is, and are content with watching it. And as to what we'll feel 4 years down the line, well, me for one, I'm still gonna love it.. and even if say, I hate Healer 4 years down the line, big deal! I'll worry about it when that happens. Why sweat about it now? You bring up the comparison points between Superman and Healer as if there's nothing more to Healer.. what about the 80's and the 90's backstory? What about Healer and his teacher's story? What about Moon-ho? What about Ahjumma? Healer's Park Bong-soo persona is only a part of Healer's storyline and mind you, everyone here knows that his being a reporter working with CYS has a similarity to the clark kent and louis lane story, but we feel that it fits very well with rest of the story. which is why we had no trouble digesting that bit. As for rest of the similarities you listed, in almost every action film/drama ever made, the guy saves the girl! Superman & Healer aren't the only two show/movie to do this. Same goes for the hero being infallible - every action movie/show shows that. 
And please don't worry about ruining the party.. the party's still going strong 8 weeks after Healer's last episode airing.. one comment's not gonna change anything here. no one here has ever argued with the fact that people have varied tastes (which is one of the reasons why Healer didn't get the ratings that we think it deserved). So, we're totally cool with Healer not being your cup of tea. but drawing comparisons to Superman or Twilight, or Star Wars (which btw was stated incorrectly.. There is just one star wars series, no copies or numerous versions that you mentioned, it's a series so of course there are multiple movies.. could be original, sequels or prequels but no film plot has been remade) makes no sense and is irrelevant to the thread. 
btw, Healer's like Twilight? 2DM9iOY.gif
i mean i can't even! you better be kidding!

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Listen, @JAN, you have every right to state your opinion about any drama you've watched and I do respect different opinions. But I need to say this: no matter how much I disliked dramas I watched in the past, out of respect, I didn't go to their forums and belittle the viewers or the dramas. Your posts in this forum are really out of place.

About the similarities to Superman movie you mentioned in your post, trust me when I say... I noticed them a long time ago and it was even discussed here many times. Yes, it does have similar points but no one here cares about it. As someone who watched the ALL Superman movies and series many times (as kid and adult) and liked them, can't I like this drama as well? It doesn't have to contradict one another. I can still love both. Just to get facts straight, Superman have score of 7.3 which is not high but not low. But it's definitely not 8 like you said.

Why I love this drama? I've said it many times, I'll say it again for you. It's not only because of the perfect cast, the acting or the chemistry between the characters that I love this drama. There are so many other factors that actually have nothing to do with Superman. Some of the reasons are the action scenes, the background stories, the connection between the past and the present, the excellent writing which leaves out tiring love triangles, cliches and misunderstandings, the build-up of an interesting story, the feeling of excitement and tension, the romance and much more.

As to your last sentence, it is very arrogant. I can't speak for others but I believe they will think the same. You want me to tell you if I'll still love this drama in 4 years? No need to wait THAT long... I can tell you right now. I will love this drama after 4 years, I will love it after 10 year and I will love it after 20 years. Have I made my point clear? I hope I did. Anyway, my comment wasn't meant to argue with you. I just wanted to give my answer to all haters because I didn't have the chance to do it yet.

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Guest nicesmile

Previously refused to answer because of my poor English ... so I am following silently since last yearHere wonderful sisters in everything I've learned a lot from them , even though I'm still 17 yearsDays passed fast and our thread became a happy book full of our memories with every moment since August 2014Should not be here to talk  because I amnot part with you less posts, but in fact ..Not a day goes by I was not here behind the door wait any participation of the member Even reload /refresh button got tired because of me

I'll tell  that parasitic insect which came to our  quiet  house somethingFirst: Who are you to tell your opinion about those wonderful healer drama .. We did not ask you and our freedom of choice with all the love and support
Second: If I tell you what did healer drama do in my own life may get to 2,000 pages
Third: I do not want to see you or any other insect here causes me annoyed because our healer topic here and there my beloved healing couple thread filled with calm and smile alot of happiness
Fourth: I do not know how to express what is inside my heart so  I'll let my dear members unnies speak and contented myself  following silently behind the door, but will hold this in my hands to prevent ANY insects NEVER come here againBorrowed one from  my healing couple topic >>> we have there all the tools to combat the annoying insects


Thank you and I love you all your effortsWhatever the days passed and the years and this has become a topic in the archive will remain Drama Healer's first drama finds its way to my heart and changed my life and affect both mind and my heartWhy suddenly cry ??Really miss them
I am thankful for the person who took my cold handsAnd made my hand warm, that person was youEven if I breathe, It doesn't feel like livingBecause if I can't see you, there wouldn't any meaning in my life

I am thankful for healer whom took my cold handsAnd made my hand warm, that drama was healerEven if I breathe, It doesn't feel like livingBecause if I can't see healer, there wouldn't any meaning in my life

pic not mine
:x :)>- >:D< >:D<

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​@JAN, you're welcome if you can provide a genuine, logical and constructive criticism with facts, and show respect to other members who loved this drama. Regretfully this isn't the case. The first moment you came in here citing that all English reviews you have read are childish because it only says "This is the best drama ever" (which you later edited it out); and then you demand for someone to translate a link that supposedly is a Korean review. Thank god nobody bothered because clearly, you haven't read any (real) reviews. Second time you come in with baseless assumptions and now, this?

Even though you have joined Soompi in 2009, but evidently, you haven't familiarised yourself with the Soompi's rules. Your posts have violated the 3rd rule of Soompi's K-Dramas & Movies/Actors & Actress:
Bashing will not be tolerated by any means and will result in a warning. This includes but is not limited to the usage of derogatory remarks, spreading rumors, swearing, etc. Please respect each others' difference of opinions.

... as well as the 2nd rule of Soompi's General Rule:

Rudeness, hateful messages, member bashing, and trolling are forbidden.
May I suggest you to start reading them? 
---​Guys, let's not waste too much of our time dealing with a troll. I think it's clear by now that this person is just trolling; the history of his/her posts indicated so as well. This person undoubtedly has not seen Healer at all. From the post, this person can only point out things that even a primary school kid can see. 

I'm still waiting for this person to give me a true analysis/review of Healer on its storyline and characters. There is neither logic nor point to this person's posts other than trying to instigate war and disrupt the peace of this thread.

As you all can see, there is a 'Flag' button on the left side next to Off-Topic. Inside that is "Report" - let's just make good use of its function by reporting to the moderators in charge: @Lyrayoo @ebullient @Rebby, and go back to our Happy Place! :) 

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Hi! @everybody I know I rarely post here but I'm always lurking and a certain post has made my morning not so nice :(  as my evil twin @sia3 has said the poster has violated soompi rules and it's better not to answer the person anymore and let us all just report him/her for some discipline ;)) of course it is satisfying if ahjumma can give some of this...


or Healer doing this ...


but really it's more satisfying to get rid of a troll thoroughly like what Healer did to Elder ;)) :)

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OMG!!! that JAN kid is still alive? feels like the resurrection of that Hwang guy... :)>-

Lately, there's a lot of bashing going on right now, may it be in the reality/variety shows...dramas... celebrities...  are they starting bashing group 101 in the net world? But look at the bright side, because of her/him the Healerites have woken from their dreamland and gave the best smack ever "how dare you disturb our moru-moru"

btw  JAN, superman needs to change his undies ok... too bright for me to see

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Well like @sia3 said, it's already a violation of the rules. Let's just treat it like we've never seen it anyway. No point having just one person to ruin the party and happiness here right? Heh. I just feel that if you love the drama, you're more than welcome to join us in the thread. But if you don't love it, no one's forcing you to come to the drama's thread and read it and get annoyed and post ugly comments, right? :)
But anyway, haven't been posting here for awhile! Busy life; but I can't believe its the 8th week since Healer ended! It sounds so long ago but really it doesn't felt like it. :) Far from over. XD Still enjoying coming on everyday and reading all your posts ^_^

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