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[Drama 2014/2015] Healer 힐러


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Dear all, 
Thank you for e-mailing all your concerns to ajhumma, she had a lot of fun playing agony aunt. However, she's asked me to tell you all that she's now "closed" for the day, and will resume only after she's taken care of her hacking business, and knitting that tea cosy of hers. 
She also wanted me to relay that you "STOP" taking an interest in her kimbap recipe because she's not going to share it, with anyone! Also, that you stop asking her to get Healer to take you out on a date, coz she's "NOT A FRIGGIN' ONLINE DATING SERVICE" (her words, not mine), unless there's good money involved of course, then she's willing to re-consider. Heck, she may even sell off Healer too you if the money's good! But you're to keep that hush, hush. Healer already thinks she's going to replace him..now's not the time though!
Thank you,

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WARNING! HEALER EMERGENCY! YOUR HELP IS DESPERATELY NEEDED! THIS IS NOT A DRILL! I REPEAT THIS IS NOT A DRILL!The amazing, hardworking, and in my opinion overly trusting, @uctqepe, has just asked me to write an c. 2000-word essay for the 2nd round of the SHIPPERS' CONTEST. http://forums.soompi.com/en/discussion/2026131/shippers-contest-round-2-essay#latest
DON'T PANIC, I'M ALREADY PANICKING FOR ALL OF YOU! Because, despite the fact, that the deadline is in less than 48 hours and that the school is in full swing starting this week and I'm still feeling ill, my addicted, maniacal, incorrigible, self-destructive and from Healerism-suffering self said yes!  (I'm one of those hopeless people who can't say no to anybody.)I GUESS, YOUR REACTION RIGHT NOW MUST BE:


So much trust and responsibility on my weak shoulders!THIS IS BASICALLY ME RIGHT NOW:


I'm under time pressure but if I start writing as soon as tomorrow on the train home I should managed to write something. That's why I BESEECH YOU FOR HELP, ALL THE SMART, AMAZING, DELUSIONAL HEALERITIES WHO CAN'T ABANDON HEALER EVEN AFTER IT HAS GONE DOWN IN THE KDRAMALAND ANNALS A WEEK AGO! I NEED INSPIRATION, DESPERATELY, MIGHT I ADD! I need to start writing in 19 hours! SO, PLEASE, PLEASE, PM ME, QUOTE OR NAME-DROP ME AND WRITE ME EVERYTHING YOU CAN COME UP WITH! EACH INPUT AND CONTRIBUTION WILL BE A HUGE HELP BECAUSE IT MIGHT TRIGGER SOME EPIC IDEA! I NEED THE SHORT VERSION, FAST AND IN ONE PLACE! THANK YOU, EVERYONE (insert 300+ name-drops here - I know you are there, lurkers, doing what you know best somewhere in there!),  IN ADVANCE!!! EVEN THE LEAST BIT OF HELP WILL BE VERY MUCH APPRECIATED! THE TOPIC/ASSIGNMENT IS: DESCRIBE A DAY IN THE LIFE OF YOUR COUPLE...IF THEY WERE MARRIED TO EACH OTHER (basically, they want us to write the shippiest fanfiction we can imagine - what they don't know is that Healerities have the wildest, raciest fantasies ever! However, the second thing they don't know is that it WILL BE ME WHO WILL BE WRITING IT! What have I gotten myself into?! By the way, where is @mywebfoot when you need her the most! She is the resident novelist-in-the-making around here, I'm only in the gushing over and waxing lyrical business! This will be such a disaster! So be EXTREMELY kind and tolerant to me!) 

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Well you can always try and elaborate on YS and JH life just how his teacher wanted him too with two kids,a dog,a cat and three fishes.Maybe add them living on the island JH so wanted to own before he met YS.

Hope this helps a little

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Guys, I hope you all are not planning to leave the thread anytime soon! Lol! 'Cos we are still planning more HIFP goodies for all of you! :) not sure if it helps keeping the addiction at check or just amplifies it, but it helps when we get our daily dose of Healer, right?
We'll be releasing some more stuff tomorrow! So please do stay tuned for more!!
And to all the guys thanking the project team, I have to tell you that it wasn't just us.. we had no idea this would turn into something so spectacular.. we all started with the one intention of doing something,no matter big or small, but definitely memorable with the project, 'cos Healer is once-in-a-lifetime drama! Who knew it would turn into something so amazing! :D I mean I've checked out the fan submissions, they are AWESOME!! All the stuff we were able to send, @Noxn's brilliant teaser and the Healer Int'l Fame Videos, @tomoyo1010's awesome (even quoted by SJN, Lol!) video including the audio and text messages, the amazing comics by @NRGChick and @Ahpheng, @cmoirae2's brilliant Healing Times.. everything was so incredibly well done..! And thanks to @ruizaio, we were also able to connect with SJN writernim at perhaps the right time (her scripting was almost over), an we were able to get approval for submission of teaser.. with the awesome response we received with the teaser, we knew this would become something much bigger than we anticipated! Lol! And the rest is history! (of course, my favorite bit of that history are those JCW/PMY reactions and SJN and Ahjumma Kim Mi-kyung's posts about HIFP! :D)
I wrote all of that to just prove this one point - We were earnestly trying for something small but meaningful.. But thanks to the goodness of all the folks on this amazing thread & to anyone who contributed in any form, and to the goodness of SJN writernim, the cast and the crew, it just became so much more than we could've ever expected!! This is all thanks to you guys, and those guys (the cast & crew)! :D  We're just relaying the info and are so thankful for being a part of this experience! 
Let's continue to have fun in this thread and wherever we meet again! :D
@namedx, @heartoppaya, I get that Ahjumma wants to sleep but she can't be closing her shop.. Not yet.. My question to her 's still pending! Lol!  

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I can't move on. I already rewatched the series before the finale. And the cut is too fresh to rewatch it again. Right now I'm stalking JCW and browse MVs and tumblr.
I actually started a new series but most of the time I'm fast forwarding. It just can't compare T_THealer ruined me for anything else

@briseisI would love some Healer action disturbing their married life. Maybe it's  their first wedding anniversary but on jung hoo's way to the restaurant he runs into some baddies but because he's Healer he manages to prepare a great event for YS or somethng like that. Lots of smoochies would also be nice :D

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said: Guys, I hope you all are not planning to leave the thread anytime soon! Lol! 'Cos we are still planning more HIFP goodies for all of you!


not sure if it helps keeping the addiction at check or just amplifies it, but it helps when we get our daily dose of Healer, right?

We'll be releasing some more stuff tomorrow! So please do stay tuned for more!!

And to all the guys thanking the project team, I have to tell you that it wasn't just us.. we had no idea this would turn into something so spectacular.. we all started with the one intention of doing something,no matter big or small, but definitely memorable with the project, 'cos Healer is once-in-a-lifetime drama! Who knew it would turn into something so amazing!


I mean I've checked out the fan submissions, they are AWESOME!! All the stuff we were able to send, @Noxn's brilliant teaser and the Healer Int'l Fame Videos, @tomoyo1010's awesome (even quoted by SJN, Lol!) video including the audio and text messages, the amazing comics by @NRGChick and @Ahpheng, @cmoirae2's brilliant Healing Times.. everything was so incredibly well done..! And thanks to @ruizaio, we were also able to connect with SJN writernim at perhaps the right time (her scripting was almost over), an we were able to get approval for submission of teaser.. with the awesome response we received with the teaser, we knew this would become something much bigger than we anticipated! Lol! And the rest is history! (of course, my favorite bit of that history are those JCW/PMY reactions and SJN and Ahjumma Kim Mi-kyung's posts about HIFP!



I wrote all of that to just prove this one point - We were earnestly trying for something small but meaningful.. But thanks to the goodness of all the folks on this amazing thread


 We're just relaying the info and are so thankful for being a part of this experience! 

Let's continue to have fun in this thread and wherever we meet again!


@namedx, @heartoppaya, I get that Ahjumma wants to sleep but she can't be closing her shop.. Not yet.. My question to her 's still pending! Lol!  

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@briseis good luck for the shippers' contest!!

Okay I'll try to help based on my imagination

Jung Hoo-Young Shin HEA story...

Jung Hoo's POV
Today is 100th Day anniversary for us. I'm beaming with smile since this morning, I want to say out loud "I love you". I think I'm actually not a romantic kind, but with Young Shin I helplessly romantic... Just the thought of her makes me smile widely. I'm just so happy that it brings tears to me 'cause it looks unreal. I actually stop dreaming about anything now, 'cause reality is better than any dream. Okay, I get cheesier here... Just you know, I love Young Shin. Full stop.

Now I like to write and still like to think and talk to myself. When we were getting married, I didn't know that it will turn into lavish occasion. I only thought it would be us and few relatives. But turned out, many more people came to give us blessings, Moon Ho samchon, ahjumma, Daeyong, Detective Yoon, Kang Min Jae, Editor Jang and the rest of Someday News and of course my mom, Young Shin's mom, Young Shin's dad and cafe ahjussi. That said, the wedding was a big celebration and I didn't have a clue how it looks like before. I was nervous at that time, biting my lips and wiped the sweats from my face and neck. Actually before, I just thought what's the fuss about wedding, I wouldn't get married soon. But at my wedding day, that's just something special in the air. It's indescribable, my heart felt going to explode just by that feeling. My Young Shin was really pretty too, out of this world pretty, how would I say it? Prettiest? Most beautiful? I run out of superlatives to describe her. We then went to the altar and promised to live together for the rest of our lives. I think that's easy. Before, I never think about marriage, now I never think about divorce.

We had our first kiss on the first day of snow. And our marriage on the first day of cherry blossoms.

Now, do I need to tell about honeymoon? We took 2 weeks leave for honeymoon. In South Pacific, in Tahiti, just like my dream. It's not easy to give up my dream and I wanted to know what's the fuss about South Pacific because Teacher always told me like it's a paradise on earth.
Well said, Teacher, it's indeed paradise on earth and I already have an angel beside me...
Young Shin always say I'm cheesy and clingy and sometimes she tell me how she miss Park Bong Soo.. I never understand that.. Is the normal looking, sexy, passionate guy like me not enough? Why miss someone that always runs away at critical situation? And scaredy-cat on top of that. But Young Shin says she will just take me to visit her father then. Oh snap! In an instance, my inner Bong Soo (Bongsookie?) comes out. I never think meet father in-law is that scary! What's scariest now, every time we visit father in-law, he will whisper a question to me in intimidating voice "Is Young Shin pregnant now?"

Hmm, I'm not so sure I can post it here... I will copy the essay to somewhere else too..

Everyone, if you have better story and better idea, don't be shy to help our dear @briseis
cc: @heartoppaya @mywebfoot

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