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[Drama 2014] Temptation 유혹

Guest sunshine4ever

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well...sometimes we have to go through the tempest in order to become stronger, but my favorite saying is...marriage is like gold...in order for it to be refined or purified...it needs to go through fire. If it's going to be a SH/HJ ending they will come out on top...wiser and smarter I think.

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Guest kaddict92

After today episode, I think my least favorite character has to be HJ. It might changed later, but really every time she pops up on the screen I just don't pitied like I should. When the premise first came out I thought I would dislike Choi Ji Woo's character but I think Jiwoo bring something more to the character I believe. I think Park Ha Sun is not a bad actress but I don't feel the extra warmth to her character as opposed to JiWoo's SY that's why I'm so attracted to her. Like I want to know more about SY's past and wonder if she's innocent on love? Like the confession today felt like it was her first time confessing to a guy? I don't know I feel so bad like almost guilty for liking SY because of Choi Ji Woo's portrayal. But thank gawd, I went on soompi knowing I'm not alone. 
Hmm I do wonder if Yoon Eun Hye accepted the wife's role? How different it be may be? But I'm kinda happy she didn't because I'll be torn by two beautiful actresses. 
And another thing I feel like is drama is unpredictable so far, so I don't know how or why we are already coming up with the ending...but like someone said 50% chance it might be an open-ending.

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kaman226 said:
To me, when a relationship is in risk, both sides have their responsibility. But in this case, I will say HJ is the one who made the case getting worse. The first thing I could not understand is why HJ would disagree SH's acceptation of SY's offer. There is no doubt that this was not a noble exchange but this was the only chance for SH to get rid of the debt and not to go to jail. I have to admit I would be as heart broken as HJ when SH was staying in Hong Kong with SY. But if it's the only chance for my husband to be away from the jail punishment, I would accept it. Not to mention HJ was the one who made it clear to SH that she didn't want to sacrifice her dad's house or else she might hate him. And her stupid suicide action was a trigger to drive SH accepting SY offer as he already saw the possible tragic result from her.

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i dont think MW will hate SY...  SY more looked annoyed when she saw MW, but not the other way around .... SY was the first person who MW told , that he has a child from another woman... SY is the one who made MW's wife feel insecure... and how good th relationship between SY's lil sister SJ and MW... and not forget ..... when attorney choi resigned, MW called SY and tell her "fighting for meeting" and asked her for lunch .... which i saw that he actually like or maybe love SY moreeee.... and yes, he stole attorney choi from her... but he did that because he want to see the defeat of SY, so she can asked helps from MW.... and MW will be her savior and SY will depend on MW.... ;))
SH-SY scenes just too much overload cutest ......  =)) =))

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I would think that SY had the intention to seduce SH, If I were HJ I would not stay put either, she is a home wrecker who don't care about other people's feeling only wanted what she want. I don't blame SH it is so tempted when the women showed their intention to sleep with you other wise she would not go to the trip with him. I hope these kind of women can rot in hell and suffer forever. Sometime they think they have money and can buy everything even some other people's husbands. God will punish you.

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I have not watched 1 ep don't want to reminds me to much of A Kind Word. What I can't stand the attack on HJ come on these are human reactions. People don't act rational when you go through these feelings and emotions she goes through. 10 years of marriage you put a lot of time love and emotions into it even in good or bad times and because of that she is unreasonable. What SH did is TOTALLY WRONG lack of communication don't blame it only on HJ he is the head of the household. If my husband comes home with such a proposal that is to good to be true I would not trust it either, but than again this is a KDrama then the story would be over in 2 eps. Like someone mentioned before SH has already cheated on her emotionally in his mind he wants to be with SY but says I love my wife so I can't, what is this come on if you love your wife don't even say that. What SH should have done had everything in writing what he had to do for the money. before he signed the contract. SY went to far ones she started to go out on outings with SH that is when she became in my eyes an home wrecker she is asking for trouble and she doesn't care. Well I know I'm in the minority but I don't want an SH/SY I want SH and HJ to work it out don't throw an 10 year investment away.  

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Guest jnick_0712

After watching the episode with subs, besides the cute scenes, I think SH is trying not to jump into conclusion about his feelings since he still have hope in his marriage even though his actions displayed the opposite. And HJ who was not in her right mind (Alcohol) was willing to offer herself to MW made the situation worse. Like the saying, it takes two to tango, both SH and HJ contributed to the disruption of their marriage, first by breaking each other's trust. Some may not agree with me but you can't blame one party alone when it comes to relationship let alone marriage. 
As for the next ep preview, I fear for SY's reputation cos I think HJ is up to something.... and what will happen to SH and SY? Nervous for tonight's ep!!!! 

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Guest sogazelle

I find it funny how people are "accepting" the relationship of SH/SY and condemning HJ.
To me, SH cheated first in Hong Kong by accepting SY's offer. He was ready to "sell" his body and he was even shocked when SY did not act on it.
That's when he frantically started to contact his wife in Seoul to let her know that there was nothing physical involved.
But Dude...it was too late already because mentally you already committed the adultery...if SY would have said "I want your body", he would have given it.
But what is even worse to me is that they both confess to having feelings for each other...WHAT??? A married man, confessing his feelings to another woman?
I don't need him to add that "that where it stops because I love my dear wife"...really SH! who are you trying to fool...you cheater!
To me SH is just afraid of his feelings for SY, and that's why he is using the pathetic excuse that he loves his wife. To me SH/HJ are done....too much has happened to bring back their bubbly innocent love.
On the other hand, I see an ending for HJ/MW.
Roy is the one who is connecting them and who will bring them together. 
Both of their marriages are falling apart, and why can they not have a future together?
MW's wife is not innocent either...we will soon learn that she also has a lover and is not the "perfect" wife.
Most likely, she will take the "girls" with her when they divorced and MW will stay with Roy. 
HJ is craving a baby and I bet you she will sleep with MW out of revenge and become pregnant, and that will be the beginning of their story.
And I will not blame her one bit...her husband SH has already betrayed her and I don't see any more future for them...
The drama is sure interesting...
it raises the issue of what does it mean to cheat...
it asks viewers to ponder between the subject of emotional and physical cheating. 
which type is worse? 
is it having feelings for someone but not sleeping with them or sleeping with someone while not having feelings for them.
And I think both will happen in this drama.
 It will be interesting to read the comments!

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