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[Drama 2014] Fated To Love You, 운명처럼 널 사랑해

Go Seung Ji

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For today we might as well split ...
... I do not know, but I am sort off halfway in ... 
Gun in his mancave taking a good look at all the things he gathered from his time with MY and after that ... talking to GaeDdong
MY finds the message from "Gun" on the picture and it tells her more than the words Gun said ... she jumpes up checking all the messages she exchanged with "Gun" beforeGun is certainly more truthful twards her in written words than in spoken
I am NO expert in "how to jog" but the way MY is jogging looks not like an exercise, but more like someone running an erand ... I think @getreal said something like that just before

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SR spilled the truth about LG, the disease and the break-up 3 years ago to DP.  What will he do with the info?
LG's in his mancave looking over his last will wearing a black and white sweater.  I think the clothing choice is a reflection of LG's mind.  Good choice by the stylist.
KMY finds the note LG tucked into GD's painting. He uses her words back to her about it being the brightest and most beautiful memory of his life, of course, he's writing it undercover as Unnie LYJ.  Too bad he got caught at the studio.  Too bad KMY forgot something and had to come back and catch him there.  But then again...

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Thought Gun knows that MY plans right now to move back to Paris, he still insists that neither his will nore his condition should be made known to MY, he feels she deserves more, more freedom from him and more happiness without him.
Lawyer Hong leaves when MY is coming to Guns office ... thought MY brings him his money and the extra for breaching the contract, he still says he has enough money (proving it in throwing the enverlope to the couch opposite from MY), in the end she came to confirm what he said and read was real ... they look at each other just, when the other one is not looking ... Guns eyes keep being fixed on the table, his eyes might betray him after all ...

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Guest psycheros

Young Ja and Mi Young have exchanged 124 messages with each other - how much time has elapsed between episodes 13 and 17? Assuming it's 3 weeks - 21 days, it's an average of 5 messages a day. But they probably didn't talk every day.

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Lawyer Hong  was lurking in the entrance hall to catch MY, mainly because HE thinks MY should know about the past, Gun and all ... but he dares not to openly break the confidence Gun sets into him, that's why he takes the sly road and slips her the voice recorder ...
Yong visits Dr. Octopus and he slips unknowingly that Gun is sick and that the fear was that Yong has it to ... it takes a moment or two for Yong to realize what was just said ... Mistress stupidly tells that stupid head what Yong was told ...
And here again the main leading ladies meet to chat ... I for my part would not have met SeRa again, after all she said and did before ... SeRa tells MY that she was jealous and angry so she gave her the contract ... but she stops in telling MY about Guns condition ...

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Guest psycheros

Yong acts like the model on the projector during the business meeting.

Why does Gun throw the envelope of money away so carelessly? Mum doesn't want to accept his money for the new shop, but doesn't charge him for meals either. Mi Young also doesn't take his credit card to have lunch.

Sera meeting Mi Young -- Think Mi Young just saw the fake divorce agreement and when she went to sign the real papers, she was distracted and depressed at the time so she didn't bother reading through them, simply assuming there were no changes.

Relatedly, Gun's legal team really could do better. The company name is spelt wrongly on the contract Gun signed in Macau: 2XpvCVl.jpg

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KMY and the lawyer meet after and he leaves the recorder in her purse.  That's not quite ethical, Mr. Hong.  But we the viewers are oh-so-happy you did it. 
Step-mom tells the elder about LG's disease.  
SR and KMY meet again.  Why? Can KMY not say no still? Anyway, SR doesn't apologize for her actions, she just informs KMY of what she did.  She doesn't regret it or show remorse about it.  Why even meet?  

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The triplet entrance ;)
I truely do not get why that woman has to dance and sing infront of MY when she is just meeting her ...
They have the interview in the hall off the company building and Gun stops to listen, but he dares not to go all the way down ... still MY meets his eyes and tells him (and everyone) how she felt about their "text" encounter and that she will treasure it ...
MY goes to eat at her moms and who will enter and eat?Gun acting wierd, taking his phone talking to someone else ... or at least acting as if, MY says he can eat there and he yells into his phone, he will first eat, than leave ... both steal glances at each other and Gun chokes at his food ...

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Love the scene with EK/KMY interview at JangIn with LG listening from the second floor.  KMY shines through with her thankfulness and sincerity.  Reminds me of the scene when she returns home after finding out LG had sold Yeoul Island's factory.  She was unhappy with LG, but she still chose soft words and thankfulness to speak to him.   

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Gun yells at MY that there is no law that can keep him from eat wherever he wishes, they bicker as if mom is their parot ... till mom has enough and yells at him ... he acts hurt, but than goes up to her and says his farewell, which sound forever, than leaves and MY tells mom not to let him in again and mom says that she can't let go and MY acts like she hates him, but hate is a form of liking ...
You must have loved someone really deeply to hate him eventually ... still that means you still feel for that person ....
MY goes to the intersection saying her farewells to GaeDdong, thought Gun watching her ... sad ...

I gotta run, need to pick up my daughter ;)What shall we do to the last episodes? When is Korea changing from summer to winter time, or don't they do it at all?????

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Guest psycheros

Mi Young is still thankful for Young Ja's advice, I think she is just hurt that Gun lied. No grudges held.

There is a slight progress in the indirect communication. Gun learns about Sera's desertion through the double whammy of Secretary Tak AND voicemail. Mi Young and Gun typically talk to each other via notes and msgs, if they even reveal their feelings at all. Now they are both in the same room but communicating through a 3rd party eg Mi Young thanks him when talking to the interview audience, while Gun asks her to take care through telling Mum. Though the ultimate secret is revealed very indirectly again. Why the regression? The writers deserve infinite credit for coming up with all these creative ways of communicating.

How did he know she was going to the intersection after dinner? Did he follow her there?

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KMY visits GD's accident site once more before leaving for Paris.  LG's there too, across the street.   :((
KMY has listened to the recorder. DP heard it too.
DP turns the car around.  They are no longer going to the airport, but to Lee Manor.

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Guest Maricel Veluz

itzibitzispider said: Right I misses the time change ... we had the clock turned back 2 weekends ago ... I guess Korea did not, or???I did not expect that other countries did not change the time ... 
Still going?

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What's this?  Lee Gun is leaving JangIn and Korea? What?
All LG can see for his future is disease and dying.  His words at his parents memorial are so bleak. "Take care of GD until I can join you." Oh, the poor man! He needs some snail medicine.

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KMY meets Halmoni.  Love her! 
KMY in her former rooms at Lee Manor, the bedding has changed.  She enters the mancave. Sees all of GD's stuff.  Turns on the video recorder just like her first visit to the mancave...and the rest... :(( :(( :((

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Guest psycheros

Daniel's blue jacket matches his blue car. Plus the blue press con scene.

Hopefully Gun moved his parents' portraits to his home eventually. I can imagine him continuing to talk to them alongside Gae Dong's painting, updating them about the twins, maybe a trip the family took to Yewol island.

I thought Gun's videos were named according to the dates they were recorded at first, but they are actually named for when they should be watched in the future: iUDsm15.jpg

He really is preparing for the worst-case scenario..

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