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[Official] Key ღ Yagi Arisa ~ We Got Married Global Couple S2 ~ UGG Couple


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@krismonidaviYour remarks/puns are really hilarious. =)) I agree, Key looked really boyish in his t-shirt, although he wore heart pajama pants. =))
I also remembered (like you) that they wore the Hokkaido t-shirt for the interview parts for the episode, when they met their mother, but I actually thought that they had some break between filming with her mother and filming their practice for Fashion week - that it was not right after the last scene for episode 8.It is funny that he still had the stamp paint on his hand, although he tried to wash it down. XD I really dont understand why he couldnt receive the stamps in a stamp book - they could see the proof in book and Key wouldnt get dirty. I would probably find it weird if I saw 24-year-old male with stamps on his hand. =))-------------
QuestionDo you have advice for me how to make links and other new material in my comments more visible? :)
I would like to post comments with new material (links, pictures, graphic, news...) that will be easy to find for people visiting this thread.I am also curious about one thing. Do you want me to post here gifs that I made or you find it useless? :/
Yesterday I didnt post all gifs that I made, so I am doing it right now. :)tumblr_n70flzBgQH1r5aukuo1_500.gif
I really like this moment, because Key looks really cute and nice there. Did you notice Ari´s a little weird expression? =))
tumblr_n705l9HBFd1r5aukuo1_250.giftumblr_n705l9HBFd1r5aukuo2_250.gifPlayful 24-year-old Key. =)) His surprised reaction is also cute. :) And Ari is also laughing at his reaction. =))

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@krismonidavi I have been to Louisiana once, to an AF base there called Barksdale, have you heard of it?  My first hubby was AF and he and I went there.  I remember it was really HOT there, but I had some really good food!  Funny how I remember places...the food and the weather, lol
@I.K.A.H. I am wondering about the stamps as well....will we ever see him getting a reward or wish? I'm quite sure he has accumulated quite a few stamps by now since he has been such a sweet hubby.

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Guest krismonidavi


Haha! If a guy here is seen with stamps on his hand/arm then it means he went out to clubs that night. Lol

I don't have any advice for getting them to notice your links other than making the font big and bold above the link...I'm not very creative with things like that.


Yeah. ..there will never be anything Kpop related around here in the south, lol. I actually work very close to Barksdale. I'm army and they are Air Force. It is still HOT, always. When I travel, I mostly remember the food too. If the food isn't great, I don't want to go back lol.

Key better get a great surprise for all this stuff. He should have have almost twenty stamps by now. -_-

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@PeggyM, I think here are also many people, who are curious about the stamps and whether his wish will be granted, but I think it would be really fair for him to receive reward after trying so hard. I think it would also make the episode more special, if she granted him his special wish. :)Based on what was broadcasted, it seems that she didnt bring the stamp to Macau, or at least we didnt see her stamping him. =)) But I think that at least his balloon surprise and the gift should be rewarded by stamp. :)Hope stamp will appear soon. But I guess he will receive stamp/s in next episode, when they are in their house. :)Btw, he can only gain stamps, right? He can´t loose them, right?
@krismonidaviAaaah, you are right! =)) I dont go to clubs, so I completely forget that you also can get a stamp, when you go to club.But his stamps have Japanese characters saying "you did well". I think you wouldnt mistake it for a stamp from a club so easily.XDBut it would be funny, if someone told her that he thought that Key´s stamps were stamps from a bar/club and not from his wife. =))
It is also pity that we didnt get to know her wish yet (the wish that they thought about, when they threw coin into fountain). :(

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Guest krismonidavi

I really can't think the show would end without mentioning Ari's wish or giving Key his surprise. They would have edited those parts out if they didn't intend on revealing them at some point. If they do that then its final, the editing team has really lost their minds. 

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Well, I can really imagine them forget about Key´s surprise or especially about Ari´s wish. Ari´s wish might not be so important for them to show (to viewers) and it was mentioned just once - viewers usually forget such things easily. And there are so many other things that they are worth broadcasting time...I also remember that they promised to reveal some wish/secret of couple in Korean version of WGM, but they never did it. :( They would bring it back only, if it was something major and actual for the episode.And if WGM people were really good in keeping the show compact, they would also edit or didnt show some parts of interview in black room that contradicts their action/behaviour.

And about Key´s wish, they should mention it/bring it back again, but if their shooting is always done in hurry and in limited time, they might want to cover it in last episode regardless the idea of collecting stamps. I am sure that Keyrisa will try to make their last day special, so they could prepare special event/gift for each other, even if Key didnt manage to collect 10 stamps. I mean that I would like to see his reward as something special and unique, not as killing 2 birds with one stone.I know that he cant receive stamp for every sweet gesture, but isnt it a little bit weird that the stamp appear just in 2 episodes so far? :(

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Guest jazzria

I.K.A.H. said: @jazzriaI posted the link on the previous page. You can watch it here - http://dai.ly/x1z5wygEverybody who is looking for the long preview of episode 11, watch the link above.

Sorry to ask such things, but do I do something wrong with posting the links and other stuff? :/Because I feel like that people cant find/see posts witht the links or new material that I post here...I will edit this post later in order not to have spam post.

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[uPDATE] 2014-06-13

Wow, so we may see them have dinner (?) in the next episode? :D Is it only me or Key looks really hungry? =))
I wonder when they went to the restaurant. :D It would make sense to wrap up their shooting of Fashion week and musical by eating meal in nice restaurant, but I guess it was filmed much later (they talked about honeymoon, when they had these outfits, right?). :x Gosh, they look so amazing togehter. :x :x :x

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Guest krismonidavi

One more day!! I can't wait!!!!! I want to know Ari's reaction to seeing Key on stage. I want to see them on the catwalk together. I want to see all the adorable moments back in their house! So much to see!!!!


Yes, they do look quite sharp in their dinner attire. They fit so well together. I hope his prize from Ari isn't....not to sound mean. .I hope it isn't like his other surprises/gifts so far.

WAIT!!!!!!! Hit the brakes!!

.....did she bake him another cake??? She's holding a cake box at his show and he opens it later.

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Guest kal2525

It would make sense to end the episode with dinner, alot of fans would be looking for the necklace and the formal attire. Hoping they will also slip in kiss reaction. There must be a method to the editing madness.

Does Ari get to meet some of Key's cast mates? Curious on how the fashion show was introduced, meaning was it something that was already planned for Ari alone and she wanted Key involved or was it something that was brought to both of them.

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When it comes to her support of Key´s musical, I am most curious about her impression about his performance and the musical as whole. The musical has been running for a few years in Korea (since 2010?, I guess) and it was even shown in Japan, so it means that people really like the play and the script is already polished enough to attract many viewers that want to be entertained. :) We know that she liked Shinee for some time, but she never mentioned how much she was interested in them ( and if she ever attended event where she would hear them singing live?). So I wonder how much she knows about Key´s singing abilities, but I bet that she will be impressed by his acting. :D I read many fanaccounts about his performances and people always praised Key for his potrayal of the character. :D So I really hope that she will enjoy The Three Musketeers musical (I think Japanese subtitles will also help her follow the story, if she isnt familiar enough with the storyline). :)
@krismonidavi  Haha, for some reason I thought that the cake was actually bought XD - the small boxes always confuse me a lot, because people in my country usually dont use such boxes for "cake transport". XD And the boxes also had some special design on sides, therefore I didnt see it as a cake baked by her...and can she bake in a place in Korea, where she stayed? It is nice that she actually prepared 2 boxes with cake. :D @kal2525 , it would be interesting, if she had opportunity to meet Key´s musical cast, too. :) But who knows how much they could film there. :/
When I watched the last preview for ep.11, I really melted, when I saw how Key was looking at her and smiling, his smile was so sweet and his face showed his happiness. :x We already know how they looked, when they walked on the catwalk, so I am looking forward to the backstage moments that werent shown yet. To me it seemed a little bit funny/awkward, when he tried to walk in the backstage, but that moment was short and we didnt see/hear comments of people supervising their walk on catwalk.
I am also curious about the same thing as you, @kal2525 :) If the fashion week was Key´s or Ari´s idea, but based on his tone of voice (when he is confirming, whether he will appear as a model) and reaction from the preview, I would say that it was something that Ari came up with. She was also the one who introduced/mentioned Fashion Week in the preview. But I am sure that it was Key´s distant wish to be a model for Fashion week. He always attended the fashion week only as a celebrity-spectator, but he gave me impression, that he would like to receive an offer to be a model, too. :)And I hope that they will also include many moments from their house, where they were so playful. :D Actually that is the part that gained my heart immediately and that migh make me the happiest during the next episode. =))
I really love their "dinner" black outfit, they look elegant and high class and they really look superb as a couple. Dinner as the ending of the next episode would be grand, so it would be nice, if they didnt put it in the end of episode. :)@kal2525 your ideas/assumptions are really amazing. I would also welcome, if they showed their reaction/interview about the kiss, while they are eating dinner. :D@krismonidavi Are you afraid that Key´s prize could be Pororo pants? =))

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Guest krismonidavi


I was just asking if she did bake it. If she did, that would be cute, very cute.

I'm not sure of what I'm afraid of when it comes to his prize, I just know I'm worried. She gets cute things for him but I want him to be able to have something to keep like he's given her, Even if its just a really fond memory. I'd feel a tad disappointed if it were pororo pajamas, haha, but I wouldn't be surprised. I want it to be nice, nothing expensive or anything, just...romantic. A wife's gift to her husband.

Lord knows that I'd kill for his prize to be a kiss. Now that would be a fond memory for him.

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@krismonidaviI also dont know the answer. On one hand it would make sense for her to bake cakes, if it is true that she likes to bake cake and is good at it, on the other hand I wonder if she had time and opportunities to do so. For me it is a little bit weird, that she said that she bakes, but didnt look very comfortable in kitchen...Anyway, it is good that she didnt come with empty hands. :)
Haha, cute, but silly things that she likes so much. =)) Well, I can imagine her give him something meaningful wrapped in something silly like Pororo pajamas. =)) It would be also good "metaphore"/symbolism that the important thing is sometimes hidden - not seen at first sight, that the inner beauty/charm is what matters the most and what can be seen only after some time...the gift could represent Ari´s transformation - how Ari (blossomed into) became good wife for him and how her feelings for him got more serious. :) I think her mother´s words could also prevent her from giving a stupid prize. :)As you said, it doesnt have to be anything expensive or breathtaking, but it should show her sincerity. :)  Kiss (with back-hug) would be nice. :D

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Guest krismonidavi


Oh don't even get me started on the backhug!!!

I don't think I can make anymore guesses for this episode. I'm all dried out of imagination. Now all i can do is sit and wait for the real thing tomorrow.

.....So far away.

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@krismonidaviHaha, I guess everybody wants to see them backhug or do a little bit more intimate skinship. :D
Yeah, Fox version will be out in cca 16 hours and subbed Korean version in 19 hours, but may be you will be lucky again and get a chance to see long preview of episode 11. ;) Meanwhile I will be comfort myself with Lucky Star PV and new pictures of Key. =))
I am really curious how the episode 11 will begin, because they didnt show anything else from the honeymoon...and that confuses me quite a lot. :/Hope time will fly fast and the episode will be out soon. :) Also hope that this episode will make other people share their opinion about Keyrisa relationship progress and comment here a lot...:)

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[uPDATE - VIDEO] WGM ep.11 (without English subtitles)- whole episode, Fox version: http://dai.ly/x1zfgqv- Keyrisa cut - http://dai.ly/x1zfzi0
subbed WGM 11                              SUBTITLES ARE OUT! :D- dramafever: http://www.dramafever.com/drama/4463/11/We_Got_Married_-_Global_Edition_Season_2/?ap=1- kshowonline: http://kshowonline.com/kshow/2136-[engsub]-wgm-global-edition-s2-ep.11- kpopshowforall: http://dai.ly/x1zhyuz AND http://dai.ly/x1zhyvl
WGM ep.12 previewhttp://dai.ly/x1zfs4b (Keyrisa part is 0:43-0:51)

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Guest kal2525

I also can't wait for subs, feel like some heavy comments may have been going on in some of the parts but it could have been the music :) Anyway can't wait to see what Ari says to Key in reaction to the play. Less than 10 mins my time :) :) :)

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