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{yg} Big Bang (빅뱅) Official Thread (THIS THREAD IS CLOSED - see post for current thread #3!)

Guest jess1tym4life

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wow.. thanks everyone for everything that has been posted.. it

all looks too gOOd... they are so cute.. i love the cartoons... it looks so much like

all of them..but there isn't much of T.O.P... i wonder why... i'm looking at her site

and it's very cute...

thanks Goldi for translating the cartoon.. it's so cute.. GD and his temper.. ahaha

i have been busy this weekend.. so i missed out on a few things.. but now i'm all

caught up... about the thing that some of you don't like their new song styles.. well

some where in the articles that BIG BANG started out with one style.. but now they

found their true style.. so i guess this is the style they like.. i LOVE the old style..

but i also LOVE the new style.. everyone had thier own point of view...

i want the DS thinggy.. and having pictures sent to my phone.. sadly i think it

only applies to KOREANs.. and not international fans.. not sure though.. but

that's how everything works most of the time... does anyone know????

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^hahah tempo actually wore that in the "we belong together" MV, but i wouldn't be surprised if GD wore it once or even five times. i'm sure they do share clothes, i've seen seungri wear some stuff that i've seen on YB's sexy bod before :lol: that's big bangin' style~!

gosh, gone for 3 days and back with sooo much new goodies. their new performances are, as usual, SEXY :w00t: and i may be a bit late but, CONGRATS TO OUR BOYS FOR ALL THEIR SUCCESS~! i'm so proud of them... *tears* it REALLY seems like it was just yesterday when we were all freakin' out over their DEBUT performance...

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Guest twinkle_l0ve

i love those cartoons!

i remember in the documentary, yb had this nice looking hair...hold on, i'll find the pic!


i thought he looked so cute with that hair

even though it was like...normal fob hair

of course it looked good on him...he's a fob (duh)

and i also remember a long time ago, he had his hair shaved

and ohmaaan he looked so hot like that

it was kinda like a dangerous feel, ya know?

i LOVED his cornrows, which was a little more hip hippy

so maybe that's why they shaved his head...for a more different look, with a new sound?

that's kinda my theory on their whole new beat.

WHOA youngbae had hair like this?! xD

which documentary episode was this?

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Guest ohsnapsitsmee

Oh goodess, i haven't gone on here in a day and i already missed three pages.. ahah those cartoons are absolutely adorable. ^^ mn... is there a link to the latest radioshow they've been to? don't really know what the name of the show is called.. the new mangnae pictures are lovely :w00t: .

shinhwa_sarang, thanks for the trans =]. you mind if i call you Goldie? ahah.

orangebubbles, i love your GDYB gif.

just noticed they didn't have a nickname... either that or i'm just REALLY late. do they have another nickname besides GDYB?

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omg..the cd was brown with their signatures in it??

homg..lucky koreans that bought theirs signed.

*sighs* hmm.

orangebubbles wow that pic was cool.

i never knew that youngbae had shaggy long hair.

im glad his cornrolls are off.

but im still lovin it!

that photoshopped pic was kinna scary.



"it's funny how daesung stole my heart but it's funnier howsueng ri made my heart beat."

avatar made by juhjuh @ livejournal

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AIGOOOOOOO the cartoons of Big Bang are SUPER CUTEEEE *spazzes* thanks to iluxxx for sharing them! i'm definetly going to go back to that journal or whatever it is and search for more :D :D Sundae and his doraemon chopsticks--totally PRICELESS! and of course, that ANGELIC smile of his ^___________^ GD and his BUN! the pic from their new pillows OMOO that one is just IRRESISTIBLE! his cartoon self is such a KILLER~

thanks to GOLDIE for translatin the little storyline/comic strip of DS and GD :] it's FREAKING ADORABLE! awww G-BONG is such a little kid! i LOVE the way he looks in his cartoon self, i just wanna go and squeeze his cheeks!! also, thanks to JANNY for providing more drawings! poor SR, he still has those black bags under his eyes even in cartoons! but he looks so fly in them no matter what! PUHAHA YB and his EXTREMELY frizzly hair! talk about HUGE AFRO, huh? XD

WOOT for I Am Sam TOP cut, thanks a bunch MONICA! you are such a darling ~ TOP is looking OH MA BABY SMEXY as episodes go by! AHAHA he got slapped by an eggplant! poor boy, all those ahjumas are harrasing him -____- gaaaah good to see him w/ more SHORT sleeve t-shirts! FIGHTING SCENE! when he smashed the beer bottle by kicking it i was like o______O HOT!

thanks Seraphic_Gin for letting us know about BB being in Pops In Seoul! my tv station USED to provide this but not anymore BOOHOO! T____T i would love to be able to see their MV's on TV for ONCE!!

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Guest koreanangel149

question...is this CD

Big Bang Vol. 2 - Super Pi

by this group Big Bang or coincidentally another group named Big Bang...

haha sorry this must sound like such a stupid question but i never heard/knew that they came out with a second album...only a minialbum...

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Guest mon5482

^koreanangel149 - ur question is not stupid, its understable some can get confused, but to answer ur question, NO that is NOT one of BIG BANG's album, its another group named Big Bang.


i had to gif it...its too funny!!! TOP gets smacked WITH AN EGGPLANT!!!! the getting smacked isnt really funny, but the fact it was from an EGGPLANT is!!! lmao!!!


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Guest koreanangel149

^ I think it's juz a coincidence. Big Bang hasn't been known to come out w/ a 2nd album under that name.

^koreanangel149 - ur question is not stupid, its understable some can get confused, but to answer ur question, NO that is NOT one of BIG BANG's album, its another group named Big Bang

haha ok...thanks...you guys just saved me from spending money on a band i don't noe lol

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Guest t. yama

Thanks for posting all of the Big Bang cartoon drawings. They're all so KAWAII! I wish I could dry like that.


i had to gif it...its too funny!!! TOP gets smacked WITH AN EGGPLANT!!!! the getting smacked isnt really funny, but the fact it was from an EGGPLANT is!!! lmao!!!


LOL! I love your gif Mon. That part got me cracking up. I'm so proud of TOP. He's getting the hang of the whole acting thing.

I really felt his emotion and everything when I saw the cut.

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Guest jess1tym4life

I was bored today, playing around in PSP and look:


....Big Bang's hyungdeul imitating them. :P<3

^^WTTTFFF that is just gross dude...and its not FUNNY at all ...

you should get banned for posting this kinda picture ..

Hmm creative but that just killed 1tym..that is one pic i don't wanna see again... :lol:

(03 Sep 07) T.O.P- I Am Sam Cut HQ 74mb AVAILABLE @ http://www.danhwan.co.nr/


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Hmm creative but that just killed 1tym..that is one pic i don't wanna see again... :lol:

hahah i actually think 177z_Aym was referring to a post that got deleted because it contained VERY disturbing porn pictures. but then again, i also agree that 1TYM doesn't look so big bangin' like that hahah- i love how RANDOM masta wu is though hahaha-

thanks for the 'i am sam' cut~! tempo's been looking cuter and cuter by the episode. he actually LOOKS somewhat young in the drama compared to how sexy and mature he appears onstage as mr. T.O.P :w00t:

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Guest the7REAL.

Those cartoon Big Bang drawings are SO CUTE! Thanks for posting them everyone.^^ And the pictures and the LMAO TOP getting smacked by an eggplant..xD I drew Big Bang again...but I REALLY WISH I HAD ONE OF THOSE TABLET THINGIES. Mine can't ever look as 'clean cut' smooth like those unless I have one...*_* The Psed pic with Masta Wu and 1tym is funny..I like Masta Wu's expression..LOL

Here's the one I did...>_<;; :sweatingbullets:

sorry if GD looks scary and that I ruined TOP's 'OMGZ $1777777777777 shades' lol.


I posted it in the art section too with that other older Big Bang drawing I did. If you compare...looks like kind of a diff group..lol.


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