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{yg} Big Bang (빅뱅) Official Thread (THIS THREAD IS CLOSED - see post for current thread #3!)

Guest jess1tym4life

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TOP was voted number one on a Juke-on poll for "singer who seems to be the best snowboard instructor"

2nd-Kim Jong Gook; 3rd-MC Mong; 4th-HaHa; 5th-Lee Seungi


...yeah. xD

(btw, this does NOT mean TOP is good at snowboarding. He may or may not be.)

what a weird poll is that.lol.TOP would make a hot snowboard instructor..~~

bran99-aww~~the pics are great!:)....the cool TY & the hottie TOP :blush:

asia17-u done a gd job indeed.love your signatures the most!

naturalhonee-it was indeed hilarious!!now i cant wait to watch the radioshow.. :D

TOP isnt on the radioshow,right?..maybe he's busy with he's other things:).

wish all of the BB guys with gd health!

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homg, more pictures of gd&top being soooo close like whooopin' those backup dancers' richard simmons <_< thanks for posting freespongebob&leslei_lei

kimtt thanks for the gifs! i absolutely think gd's like some kind of jamaican man with purple hair, hahaha then g-ri ET moment XD lol!

thanks iluxxx and stardaisy for the yt links! :)

naturalhone thanks for translating those :D

mrsimdanny thanks for posting the links&caps, zura for more mnet pics & srgifs! they are simply adoooorable! oh the link doesn't work for me, but thanks for the caps!

bran99! wooooot :w00t: TOP's hq pic is LOVEEEEEEEEE.

AND THINA! i love your bb thrust gif! i'm all pervy now after looking at that. especially top! XD and of course, the crazy butt shakin' :)

some caps from a radio show, im not sure when its from, buttt its definitely the gd-jamaican looking one. :sweatingbullets:








i'll post the rest later. haha XD

more of GD!


oh, here's daesungggg!


credits @ bestiz

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TOP was voted number one on a Juke-on poll for "singer who seems to be the best snowboard instructor"

2nd-Kim Jong Gook; 3rd-MC Mong; 4th-HaHa; 5th-Lee Seungi


...yeah. xD

(btw, this does NOT mean TOP is good at snowboarding. He may or may not be.)

LOL, thats IS wierd.

but i want TOP as my snowboarding instructor too. ^^


so happy for them, i think they are going to make BIG in Japan.

asia17 i truly admire your work, these are AMAZING..!!

thanks for sharing.

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Hello everybody!!!!! Ok, im not much of a poster here at soompi,just lurking around.hahahha

Anyway, some of you VIPs might already know that YGBB is in process of making BIGBANG 2nd anniversary gift this year. We're going to make 5 personalized quilt for each of the members.

For example: TOP's quilt might have " TOP LOVE Yang-Geng" or Daesung's quilt might have "DORAEMON LOVES ME", just be creative!

SOOOOOO, do ensure that your fave BB member dont get lesser patchwork than the others and share all your knowledge and LOVE by making them a patchwork!!!! Due is in 3-4 months time!!!We need lots of your support!!!

No time to sew? We have a team to do all the sewing for you! All you need to do is give us your design and sent materials n other readily cut out fabrics!!

Do join in the fun by participating or donating. (You have to be a YGBB member to join)

For more details clickhttp://z14.invisionfree.com/YGBB/index.php?showtopic=8593

You can email me at ira_zara@hotmail.com or PM me if there is any messages.Thank you!!!!!!!!


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OMG to 2 things:

1. Them slapping the dancers butt.

2. GD's way of putting on the scarf and Seungri love action.

I know it's not a big of a deal, but omg our boys are slapping peoples butts!!! =0 I haven't seen the performance, and I don't know if I should.. I think I'd be too jealous, and probably do what quiltedquickerpickerupper did, ROFL. (insert picture here X10 lol) But why why, you don't need to do that. It might be good for other fans, but it's a big turn off for me. =S But the comment over TOP's picture, "TOP! NO!" was pretty hilarious. hehe~

Those gifs of GD was way TOO CUTE. What in the world he was doing, I don't know, but it was really cute. Thanks everyone for the pictures and links!! I'm really liking their Japanese album - English album. Or was it mini? I'm a bit lost there, lol.

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Guest gd_is_great

:lol: :lol: i'll gladly go for snowboarding lessons & be a good student if TOP was the instructor! HAHA.

woah, thanks so much for all those goodies, VIPs! ^^

i've been stalking this thread very diligently! hahahaha.

can't wait for the episode of MC BIG BANG! :lol:

thanks for the info, melody~~~ ^^

tam i really really love the GIF spam for the recent MVAD episode!


they are REALLY REALLY back~ all five of them! <3


it's really cute! they all seem to be just simply having fun!

i think all of them did TOP's move~ hahaha.

thanks to wonderful VIPs over at bbvipz, we can get to watch the encore perf! YAYYY! :lol:

thx 4 the vid they seemed so happie btw GD was so cute he kind of lost haaaaaa

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Guest trangtwo

Some semi-late spazzing XD

MNET perf – Daaaaang the cameraman was a straight up perv LOL. I mean, he was all filming from below and crap. It was funny though haha. And when Top busted out the mirror=pimp move mayne XD Gah I loved that. It just wouldn’t be right if it was anyone else, just ‘cause Top is so damn cool ^^ And I agree with Monica, I’m not feelin’ his hair AT ALL. This is just my opinion, but it makes him look wayyy older. It’s just a really mature look, especially when he wears his glasses with that hairstyle. But that’s just me =x Anyway, I watched the performance once and ughh, why am I so unobservant? Whatever, I have to watch it again.

LMAO I laughed so hard when I heard that our dear innocent YB was smackin’ that (Akon style =D… OMG now I’m imagining him smackin’ a girl’s booty to that song, all pimp-like. Isn’t that a funny image though?! I need help lol). But dang, he smacked it hella hard? Whoa slow down homie. I know he gets really into it on stage, but lol, don't start hurting people =/ Anyway, I think he died of embarrassment after the perf. Like "did I really do that?!" And GD was probably teasing him, 'cause y'all know how GD loves to tease people lol.

Ackkk so many radio shows and I have yet to watch one. Thanks for the summaries though, I gotta get started!

thina – the gifs. I swear YB needs to stop with that O_O (ok I don’t mean that, don’t stop! haha)…and the thrusting gif omo! Ok so we know Top was all unenthusiastic with his neck rolls lol, but daaaang, he was really feelin’ it when he was thrusting. LMAO I laughed out loud at that.

asia17 – DUDE, your stuff is always bangin’, forreal. OMO I don’t know which one to use. But yeah, thanks for sharing!

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The pictures from MBC FM Eksperterne ~

I couldn't stop thinking how puffy Seung Ri's jacket was XD!

Random thought, but I kept scrolling back up to look at it. =.="

Tad bit late, but...


I thought the performances were overall great!

Though I was a bit disappointed that they decided to wear the same outfits for Last Farewell.

And you know, I would've like the performances much better without the bootyshaking. :ph34r:

And yes, I got jealous -almost furious XD! It was just too much for me.

Whoever was behind the camera...was a pevert!

I couldn't watch the whole performance in peace without having to face some girl's bum every 10 seconds.

It was awfully annoying... :crazy:

Wonderful Seung Ri GIFs!~

Aha..You know me -I love Seung Ri! XD


Nice! Big Bang's gonna be the MCs for Music Core!

I never paid much attention to TOP or GD when they were the MC.

But now that there's the whole group doing the job,

I'll be happy to watch ^^"

Awesome GD/SEUNG Ri GIFs, kmitt!

It doesn't look like Seung Ri did anything,

but GD whacked him anyway~ LOL!

Great artwork (the avatars & banners!) Asia17!

Aha, I saved a few ^^"

They look really cool!

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Guest my sweet love*

a few funny/cute moments from 20080118 KBS Cool FM ..

Warning: VERY GD (and SR) biased hehe but there are YB and DS bits too


aww the altered big bang girly voices at the very beginning! could kinda make out jiyong and daesung talking, they both have distinguished ways of talking lol


of course, as seen in the radio pics in the previous few posts - GD and his various looks with his scarf/his pink tee/using his headphones as shades (do u think he does weird things on radio shows just to make them more interesting for us vips? like he's giving us something to make gifs and screencaps of?! hahahaha if so, smartttt GD)

3. 12 mins 50 secs

they say they dont have girlfriends..the dj goes "answer honestly"..they say no again, reason being that they're too busy for gfs. then it seems as if the dj says "no really, answer honestly, its ok!" the boys seem at a loss for words..then GD points to the fans outside. (hehe no comment, i dont even believe them anymore..) oops i misinterpreted..okay so the dj doesnt actually ask them abt gfs for the 3rd time, rather she asks whether the boys like any of their fans. and its to this qs that the boys seem at a loss for words. then the dj's like "its ok! just say it honestly". THIS is why GD points to the fans outside. SR then says "there are many pretty big bang fans! and when im signing an autograph for these pretty fans, i purposely sign a little slower!" LOL SEUNGRII!! GD & YB both add that they have some very cute+pretty fans

4. 15 mins

the dj asks SR how he's feeling since falling sick/hurting his ankle a few weeks ago, after SR answers, GD says something

that makes SR and DS giggle. what's cute is that GD himself cracks up the most! he continues laughing while trying to calm

himself down aww <3

5. 15 mins 29 secs

following the G-Ri moment @ 15mins, SR rests his hand on the table, and GD proceeds to rest his fingers on SR's hand,

eventually giving SR a little squeeze! ahhhh the G-Ri love is still very much alive guys =)

6. 20 mins 45 secs

more G-Ri action during the song "babo"! (note: this is right after GD kinda suffocates himself with that scarf of his lol)

SR moves his index finger towards GD, and GD responds by doing the same. it starts to look alot like that ET movie poster lol until GD ruins it and they both start doing worm-like finger actions. talk abt RANDOM! haha

7. 27 mins 30 secs

this REALLY made me crack up! they're asked to sing "how gee" on the spot. YB and SR proceed to sing the chorus. and honestly it sounds pretty weird to me without the music - YB's long "ohhhs" & accent (ahh i

always thought YB's english was better than that..slightly disappointed =S)

and SR's random timing with "raise the roof.." then an awkward pause before they all say "big bang".

haha GD prolly agrees with me, because the look on GD's face, as YB & SR sing, kinda says "oh gosh this isnt very good, and its kinda getting a little awkward. ahh nvm, im gonna laugh it off" DS was covering his face and cracking up too

when they finish, YB lets out a "whoo!" as if a big weight's just been lifted off his shoulders. YB's whoo kinda eased the

awkwardness, but gosh they really needa rehearse how gee live before they head to japan to perform it! (or mayb its just the lack of music that made it weird) its okay, us VIPS still love u =)

8. 30 mins 37 secs

GD slaps SR twice on the back after SR answers "manager". you can hear the slaps pretty clearly, so im guessing GD hits

pretty hard haha GD forgets to contain his violent side due to SR's randomness/absurdness (note: a few secs after this GD

pulls his headphones down over his eyes...looking alot like x-men's cyclops lol)

9. 32 mins 15 secs

GD proceeds to create his "rastafarian" look - fascinating stuff haha! (at this point, im not paying the other members any attention whatsoever..) so im guessing SR says that GD's imitating seotaiji?! lol not too familiar with seotaiji's style but GD's "bopping" was hilarious


how thin is GD's jacket! isnt it freeeeeezing in korea?! here in hong kong, you see ppl wearing what GD's wearing in 20+ weather. ah kwon leader, dont choose fashion over comfort/health, we've already acknowledged your fashionista status.

and wow that dj is really something else - getting the boys (especially YB) to do all kinds of intimate poses for the camera

ps. hope top was just busy with other commitments, and not sick again >< the reason TOP wasnt there was because he is filming yet another drama! thats both good & bad news for the TOP fans out there. i guess just as long as TOP takes care of his health and gets adequate sleep...

ooh i wanna watch this!! know where i can watch it?


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AHH!!! .. WHO in here can't stop listening to farewell? ^.^ I am so crazy in love with that song argg. Cant get it off my head. but anyway


-- is this Tae Yang oppa? hmm.. but yeah found it in AF and i thought it was too cute =D (hope it not posted yet)

and two icon of TOP!! I make =]

credit if use.


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GD is soooo cute!!!!! Top should smile more often....hmmmmmm


DAE DAE and TOP....: that was a happy !


stop that look TOP..i'm melting!!!!!


aww you just wanna cuddle SEUNGRI...


DAESUNG is just overwhelmed...sweet ^^..YOUNGBAE :: oh yeah~~~

credit: bestiz

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Guest melodygreenleaf

Big Bang is number one for the eighth week in a row for Melon's Online Chart~

Melon/Juke-On/Bugs are major Korean music sites.

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Guest CindyM87

thnx for all the updates. graphics to share, you're free to use but please don't hotlink.

I've used pics from this thread. so I have to credit jungsoo and x_freya_x for the scans. let me know if i need to credit anyone else for using pics they uploaded.


OMG!!! I love these! If possible, I hope I can use them as layout for my myspace pages! If so, then please let me know.

THanks in advance! Credits will be given!!!!

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Guest ★KIKO

^ Please don't quote pictures. Remove the IMG tags.

Thank you guys for all the links, pictures and news updates! Don't have enough time to name you all, but you know who you are <3

xOx_Diane, that's Taeyang alright :)

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Guest helennn

Hey Everyone adding some pics it's to Funny....GD looks so Guilty in these:

img] BB1261.jpg[/img

GD looks Like "WHO ME?"

img] BB1260.jpg[/img

Credits to popcornfor2 fourms

lmao! he doesen't seem too interested eh ?

aw, hes so cute<3[:

Caps from todays KBS Cool FM:

Lets wear our scarf and beanie like G.DRAGON! lol

step 1.

img] 1.gif[/img

step 2.

img] 2.gif[/img

step 3.

mg] 3.gif[/im

step 4.

g] 4.gif[/i

lmao, wow your so stylish gd (x


does anyone have yt links for kbs cool fm?

my computer is ooberly slow -.-

Hi, everyeone, :rolleyes:

I want to share some HQ pictures. sorry, T.O.P and YB's only.

mg] bran990hihihieh.jpg

& hes like, im itchy . =D hahaa!



heheee^^ i <3 it ;D

the heart button attatches to this black loop on the other side

and you can wrap it around yourself and it'll stay on your shoulders ^^

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