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{yg} Big Bang (빅뱅) Official Thread (THIS THREAD IS CLOSED - see post for current thread #3!)

Guest jess1tym4life

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Guest maylodie

Big Bang - 080126.Music.Core - How Gee + Last Farewell [susuisland2U].avi [127.2 MB]

T.O.P & Yeeun (Ft.Bigbang) - MC Cut - 080126.Music.Core [susuisland2U].avi [103.8 MB]

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Guest redevilica

available in CB



Thanks a bunch, tam! :D

Big Bang - Mnet Dr.Wide (2008-01-24).wmv [21.6MB]

Big Bang - MBC Music Core [GDYB Mobile Ranking Host cut] (2008-01-26) [bami].avi [95.2MB]

Thanks a bunch, Joyce! :D

[HQ] New Good Sunday Miraculous Victory & Defeat (2008-01-27).avi [567.7MB]

DaeSung, Tiffany, JungWoonTaek, YoonJungSoo, ShinJungHwan, YoonJongShin, etc.

and something from today's show:






xDDD *nice screen cap*






Credit: as tagged, bbvipz, vipbigbang

edit: xD Hair Evolution yo~






Credit: as tagged+bbvipz

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Guest naturalhonee

This was today outside of the SBS building, a super fan, filming inkigayo..it is pretty funny..G-dragon at one point pulled the window down to see everyone..it was pretty cool...


oh myyy thanks for sharing!

i LOL-ed thruout the whole vid at the ..

spazzing crazy fangirls,

the person holding the "will u marry me?" poster in her shades and portable player,

the person holding the cam laughing at her friend with the poster (reminds me of me and my friend hehe),

the "annyeong" and the comment "look at the heels on this one" (that was classic HAHA)

but i couldnt see GD anywhere lol

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Guest miranduh

can someone find me a place where to download Big Bang's old videos :(? i lost my mp3 player with everything i saved on it..like them learning their dance moves, when So-1 was actually still part of the group and such ^^

but anyway they're only going to Japan to build up momentum/catch up with all the other really hot bands (in a marketing perspective) and since they are at a really high standing in popularity, it seems good to venture out to possibly grab as much fangirls as possible

but it is true, so many people go i love big bang yet cannot match a face to a name unless it's their favourite one -___-;

everything they do is too soon, they've been out not so long yet they just exploded with so many cds/dvds/merchandise, it's unbelievable, sometimes it feels like they're the Hello Kitty of Korean boybands.. ;X

but i guess it just seems that way because usually it seems like YG doesn't really do much promotion for their artists as much as say..SMtown.

i hope my entry made sense because i can never really catch up on their current activities because they really do go sooo fast.

& i hope they don't overwork themselves,

and maybe im just rambling/ranting about how they're becoming such marketing ploy & i don't want that to happen because ilovegd =DD

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Guest ★KIKO


*it's hard to see and i can hardly see my face... but i know it's me! XD~ (the only without the Big Bang bandana)*


i'm right there:


i even look like one of the koreans! XD"

*person that is 0% asian*~ lol.

yaaah. it is almost impossible to se my face properly. *falls off the chair*

....OH MY GOD. You were there? You're so lucky! And you were even caught on camera? I wanna see them tooooo! So badly :tears:

This was today outside of the SBS building, a super fan, filming inkigayo..it is pretty funny..G-dragon at one point pulled the window down to see everyone..it was pretty cool...


Woaaa. That is SO awesome! Crazy fans! XD (yeah like I wouldn't run around like that :lol: )

So nostalgic! To see all the hairzz. I miss Daesungie's ponytail :lol: And the hair GD had just before the mushroom cut XD Kinda miss the gheibun too :rolleyes:

Here's a bunch of caps. Maan I can't wait to see this. Feels so weird to see Top dressed like that. While looking at the caps I couldn't help to crack up. My sister was even wondering why I was laughing so hard LMAO :phew:






















LOL SO CUTE! :w00t:







Hahahaha omg his crack-face <3







"This is my serious face"


(credits to; 승리킥 & me for re-uploading) DO NOT HOTLINK!

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TOP looks so cute ^^^ and stillr epresenting them CHUCKS underr. haha

Big Bang - How Gee & Last Farewell(Jan 27, 2008)


thaaaanks. for te link grrl! it was great, i like how they didnt really sing the wholle How geee, but this time you can relaly hear BB sing it, not the soundtrack. and must i say it was pretty goood. but i guess i kinda wante to hear YB's part?:] amd the last farewell, i love how they did a new beggning, and not having back up dancers made it even bteter! cos heck they dnt need theem, their mad dancing skills are enough, and their outfits! BLING BLING! hoooow or whaa? and it looks like TOP hyung was sharing his jewelery with a Dong Saeng.<3 i hella saw DS wearting the Sakun gold Chain that top always wears<3 awwww. cute. and must i say, YB loooked mch better than the other day. <3 good job. HWAIING

awww bebe ji! South Park BB is so cute, hahahhaha,. buuut ds and taeyang should have chnk-er eyesL:]haha.

thanks melody for the info! really now? then im guessing their gnna do A LOT like A LOT of stuff if their only staying for about a month and a half. hopee they dont over do it cos we do not wanna se a DEJAVU happening.

kiko picutres are great! loves it. i loveee how SR&DS wore like the same outfit, while GD&YB wore smae colors with mmatching shoes, hile TOP HUNG wore the whole shiny blue shizznizzle<3

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Guest U-knows.xHunnie

Okay the SBS performance was indeed so good , and i love the lastfarewell remix.

And like seriously our BB boys are so amazing at singing live i almost couldnt beleive

it, i was like are they lipsynching, cause they sound so goooood.

And haha i think im the only one who likes that lump of furr on GD's head.

Anyways i think they should still be promoting in Korea as well , cause there

success level there is really high , but i'm gonna miss not seeing them

perform for a WHOLEMONTH and yes lets keep this threa active guys.

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Guest blue_bubble

Hi! I'm new the thread, but i've been a fan of Big Bang for a quite a while. I just watched their farewell performance, and it was amazing!!

But is it just me, or does anybody also feel like they should be in Japan LONGER than a month. Don't get me wrong. I would love it if they stayed in Korea and promoted there more. They're rising to great heights! But I also want Big Bang to be successful in Japan, and one mere month will not do any new foreign artist good. Just because their music video comes up occasionally and their cds are in store doesn't mean they've already made it to the top, unfortunately. It's tough entering the Japanese market. It's even tougher, though, making it big and establishing a well-known name in Japan because of the competition and also because the market treats any foreign newcomer as rookies.

Yes, I would love it if they could focus on both Korea and Japan, but do you know how much stress that would be on them? Going back and forth to promote albums? I think they should be promoting and focusing on one thing at a time.

I think everyone is sad that they'll be gone for a month. I'm sad, too. But I think we should still support their promotion in Japan, no matter how long it takes.

And hey! It's not like they're gone from the entire music industry for the whole month. Just korea. We can still enjoy watching their Japanese performances and music videos :D

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Guest okaylikegetaway

hmmmmmmm first the special stage: GOSH THIS THING WAS SO GENIUS. I WAS SMILING THE WHOLE TIME I WAS WATCHING IT. It was so funnnny and you could totally tell the chemistry between the boys and HAHA, they were having so much fun! dude i hecka didnt even notice that TOP hesitated to go down on the floor so i had to go back and watch it again, gosh that boy is so funny. DAESUNG'S "IM COLD" DANCE AHHHHHHHHH it hecka blended in, so pro lmao. &&yes seung-ri was most def getting hyphy at the end there. basically i enjoyed this performance so freaking much its almost ridiculous

music core: LOVE LOVE LOVE the remix to last farewell. i have to admit the dance YB did at the beginning was HOT, even though I normally overlook him in the group [sorrrrrrrry baby]. i love the new dance they have for it at the beginning <3 dude there were SOOOOOO many fans there it was insane. but a good insane :] LOL @ the chase the bug game, you gotta love BEE-D HOW GEE was surprisingly not painful to watch, TOP's english live is so smexy. and lol @ GD sporting the cd. also it was so cute when the seungri and daesung popped in when TOP was mc-ing it was like wth where'd you guys pop out from?

sbs: once again, their english was so nice, not engrishy at all, and most definately feeling the last farewell remix. i liked the gold :]

and I for one am really glad they are staying in japan for only a month so they can hurry back to korea and start promoting YB's solo album or start working on their next album, which i know will be all sorts of GREATNESS. I think it's a smart move for them to be in japan for only a month because they aren't aiming to be at the top of the charts there or anything, they're just trying to kinda break in from the bottom, and get them to be a little more known so when they come again [which they probably will] more people will recognize them and it will be easier for them to get to the top. & a month or so is just long enough for the casual fans in korea to miss them, but not forget them. so yay for smart tactics!

oh and i know im late but thank you Melody for translating that article about the fake headlines, it was really cute esp @ "Seung-ri, makes sense" i think i spit my water out when i read that one, they sure do love to joke around, huh? && thank you for all the other news you posted about them!

&& thank you tam for your lovely gifs and everyone else who posted links, gifs or pictures of our favorite boys

this was a long post :o

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Guest &teekayy;

new to this threadd :D hehe

I didn't like what GD was wearing. At all o.o

That was a good performance though I think they're getting better at singing live :D

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Guest iaRediL

ok, so i FINALLY watched the special HAHA perf (i think i'm the slowest)...and as evryone has said pages ago, I LOVE IT!! IT'S COMICAL!!! hahaha...my fav has got to be the part wen TOP ended up in the wrong place during the ahh~~i'm cold dance. (yeah.i'm mean :sweatingbullets: )

for no reason, i was even lauging wen there was nothing funny going on!! :blink: ahah...must've been the aftershock...still grinning ryt now..

YB and cold?? ai~sh....really worried bout that dude....

but RESPECT. how is it that he has a cold and still can sing sooooo wEll??? hmm....that there, is NATURAL talent....*sigh*..so in luv...

finally i'd lyk to thnk (i can only rmmbr a few) ewmoocow, zura, tam, melody, bebe ji, kiko, redevilica and other VIPs for all the pics, gifs, updates trans, links and other BB goodies!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE and LOVE to all!!!

LOLs...wish those SOUTH PARK BB could actually star in one of the SP series...i'd watch it even though i dont watch SP!! >.<

and TOP oppa luks weird in those, er...wat'du call korean traditional clothes?? hanbok, ryt?? hahah...but he still luks HAWT!! though, his hair dont really fit the style....hahaha...

ooo00~~love the hair evolution pics!! XD made my day!!

*sigh* so sad i cant share anything.... :tears:

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Guest helennn

This was today outside of the SBS building, a super fan, filming inkigayo..it is pretty funny..G-dragon at one point pulled the window down to see everyone..it was pretty cool...


LOLOLL! that was sooo funny xD

i would've so done that (x

i love how she's just standing there and dacning around

and everyone else is like running everywhere xD

& since everyone is talking about hair...

i decided to share a picture xD



silly top ;D

oh and about the USC concert again, has anyone heard anything about it ? D:

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Guest melodygreenleaf

Hi! I'm new the thread, but i've been a fan of Big Bang for a quite a while. I just watched their farewell performance, and it was amazing!!

But is it just me, or does anybody also feel like they should be in Japan LONGER than a month. Don't get me wrong. I would love it if they stayed in Korea and promoted there more. They're rising to great heights! But I also want Big Bang to be successful in Japan, and one mere month will not do any new foreign artist good. Just because their music video comes up occasionally and their cds are in store doesn't mean they've already made it to the top, unfortunately. It's tough entering the Japanese market. It's even tougher, though, making it big and establishing a well-known name in Japan because of the competition and also because the market treats any foreign newcomer as rookies.


And yes. I agree with everything you said about staying in Japan longer than a month. One month is defintiely not enough for them to take over Japan. (although they may prove me wrong because they're Big Bang xD) But then again, they did say that they just wanted to get their name out.

All I'm saying is that I wish they left a little bit later than now. I mean even the PD for "Nothing is Impossible" is seriously thinking about making TOP a permanent MC, but that obviously will not happen in the near future.

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OMG.. big bang ate up all my computer space @______@; I can't download anything anymore. :tears:

But anywayyyyyy I'm watching Mission Impossible right now.. TOP is so cute! He's like.. so respectful and shy hahaha. Funny how he's still wearing chucks under his hanbok HAHAHA. I didn't even notice that until Tammy pointed it out :P I skimmed around the video cause I really have no clue what they're doing o______O what is mission impossible exactly??

TOP didn't talk at all.. except the part where he was re-enacting "the king and the clown". Well I think he is o_O cause I saw a pic of Lee Junki pop up lol~

TT_________________TT This took me FOREVER to upload cause my internet was being trippy =_=;; and it turned out it wasn't even my internet. It was my retarded computer :mellow: okay anyway, enjoy :)

I was watching a HQ vid.. but my caps turned out not so HQ, lol ._.;





TOP got left out when they got overexcited about something XD





"lonelyy..I'm so lonely~~" :lol: hes so adorable XD







Got left behind again. Such a lagger =P










TOP always has the best facial expressions :lol:



^ & just cause he's my fav. MC <3


TOP's reaction was funny LOL


"OHHHH! burned!!!"


TOP's reaction was the exactly the same the second time she did it. LOL.

sorry was too lazy to make a close-up x)

caps&gifs by Poop-Shoop-A-Loop

basmspasm --> yeah I know my username's kinda long.. LOL. You can call me Hang :)

I kind of agree with blue_bubble, mostly 'cause I worry about their health (they are never idle and always doing some kind of activity ) and I feel that one month in Japan is a bit short.. so I'm thinking are they planning on jampacking everything together?? :crazy: What'll that do for TOP who insists on flying back and forth b/w Korea and Japan? -_-


EDIT; thank you so much x9293x for the youtube links ^^ I have no more space to download anything T_T so I'll watch it on youtube until I do some cleaning up xD


Edit againn >.<

Oh I didn't realize it was just the cuts, not the whole episode ^^;; daesung is soooo funny and cuteee! just gotta love him<3 He looks so adorable in that winter hat of his ^^ Following after his hyung.. wearing hats even in the water.. lol.. I wouldn't be surprised if that hat is actually GD's. I bet GD has a bigger hat/beanie collection than his shoe collection LOL.

Daesung hecka cheated when he almost fell in the water but instead jumped onto the other mat XD!!!

Did anybody else hear them say SEUNGRI during


's "tug-o-war"? I know they meant seungri as in "victory" and not the actual SeungRi from Big Bang but it still made me extremely excited XDDD

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Guest babygirl1

hi!! guy ummmm

can i ask a question?

do u guy hav the new solo of taeyang

sryy if im in the wrong thread?

omg omg immm soooo sryyyyy i did 2 post

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Guest ewmoocow

Whoo~ I just caught up with everything [: 'How Gee' was awesome, I like their English! The remix of 'Last Farewell' was so good, I'm going to look around for the download link to it. [; MVAD with DaeSung was LOL! I can't get enough of him. That show was totally made for him. Good luck in Japan Big Bang!

On a side note, I've been watching TOP's Manwon Happiness again because I loved his hair with blonde, don't you? [: I made some gifs of it and found some old ones from other sites off of google and such.


TOP eating chicken while wearing his outfit from the preformance of 'Candy'.


Preforming their 'Manwon Song'. LOL at the random hammer. I love that song <3


While TOP was doing his so called MV on the beach, SeungRi comes out of no where saying, "catch me if you can!" LOL


LOL, their mini fashion show, silly SeungRi. [; LOL at DaeSung's glasses!

Keke~ that's all I have to share. [: Sorry for all the gif spams, I just love looking/making them! <3

Thanks everyone for all of those caps of TOP and pictures from their preformances!~ Your welcome to everyone that said thank you.

Oh, and I noticed something about GD and YB. They both had a face peircing before and now it's gone; YB's eyebrow peircing and GD lip peircing. Well, I'm not sure if GD's peircing was real or not, but I know YB's was. Did Mr. YG tell them to take it off or something? o.o''

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Guest melodygreenleaf

hi!! guy ummmm

can i ask a question?

do u guy hav the new solo of taeyang

sryy if im in the wrong thread?

Nobody has it because it hasn't come out yet xD

It's planned for release around March~April. (but then again it was "planned for release" last September -_-)

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LOL, their mini fashion show, silly SeungRi. [; LOL at DaeSung's glasses!

HAHAH i remember this!!! his name was "sebastian lee" :lol: and when he said fantastic, it sounded like "fahn-taz-steek" hahaha~ and heeey that's the same jacket he wore in the DIRTY CASH mv!

thanks for all the GIFs, info, and picture sharing VIPs! ^0^ tempo looks sooo cute in that outfit with a biiig bubble jacket on top hahah~!

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