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{yg} Big Bang (빅뱅) Official Thread (THIS THREAD IS CLOSED - see post for current thread #3!)

Guest jess1tym4life

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^dangg seungri has been looking EXTREMELY cheesy these days lol!! I think he surpasses daesung!!! aww I love seeing that smile on his face :) he really does love being on stage~ thanks for sharing ^^

and the article about seungri's panda eyes (thank you melody ^^), I don't get how smoking is associated with this eyes? I never knew smoking can do that to you o______________O????? its okay seungri!!! we love you and your dark circles ^^ I think his circles ARE a part of his charm, HAVE CONFIDENCE!! :D

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Guest -+@r_lOve

thanks for the pics! its the sweater GD designed!! i want one T.T and that was a cute moment with YB & i believe

danny from 1TYM


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Thanks to tasume521 for translating the rest of the article. You are such an awesome helper!!

You’re living on your own now…do you keep the apt clean?

G-Dragon: We moved and promised (ourselves) that we would keep the apt clean since having your own home and keeping it clean is something a man can take pride in. The floor above ours is where Yang Hyun Suk lives so I’m not so sure that we can guarantee this…

Best compliment?

TaeYang: Of course, “your music is great. you did well. your performances are amazing” those words are the best.

Your plans for acting?

TOP: Rather than be really hasty in finding just any other role, I think that it’s better to carefully consider and find a role that best suits me.

Since you’re the youngest, what is your (plan for survival is the lit. translation.They’re asking Seungri if he faces any difficulties being the youngest in the group)

SeungRi: (The other members of BB) treat me very well. I guess that if you would call giving my all/trying my best in everything I do a plan for survival, then that’s mine.

You’ve become college students…is there something in particular that you want to do?

TOP, Tae Yang: We still don’t feel like we’re college students. A lot of people say things like “I want to go on a blind date” “I want to go on a MT [a bonding trip–usually an overnighter–that clubs take in order to get to know each other, etc]” but we haven’t really thought that yet. But, if we do become college students, [we think] it would be really fun. We’d be able to meet a lot of new friends and learn a lot.

Translated by: tasume521

credit: big bang wordpress

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Guest vip_gd

Really? Their schedule says that it'll air on the 7th?


Big Bang's ideal girl?

Translated by melodygreenleaf. Credit if taking!

aw, GD's response is so sweet ^^ Any girl would go out with him judging from his cheesy(yet touching) answer.

haha, seungri's dark circle xD I've always wondered why they're so prominent and tend to stand out.

waah! he didn't explain why he got them! lack of sleep? genes?

huhu guess who's acting all ladylike ;)




he has sexy legs haha


credit bestiz & me for uploading

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^ is that gd? XD

thanks sookyung, loooser,sulin&Poop-Shoop-A-Loop for the fancams!

and melody! for more translations! still no update about top eh?

ah yes, the umbrella taeyang sang with jieun was awesome! i mean, he did a great job singing chris brown's part. wish it was longer though! :( ah wells. same goes with hate that i love you..

aawhhh look at how dorky top looks! XD man, him and his pout again! <3


Big Bang : Fool's Only Tears @ GREAT Concert 2007.12.29


Big Bang : How Gee MV @ GREAT Concert Fancam


okay, first of all, I LOVEEEEEEEEED THE DUET VERSION OF FOOL'S ONLY TEARS! not that i don't like the original version, but gah! daesung+taeyang+the jazzy vibe = AWESOMELY SOOOOOTHING MUSIC!<33333 i reaaaaaally hope there's gonna be a dvd for the great concert :lol: *prays hard* i love this version so much! then taeyang&daesung rapped! haha they were pretty awesome as well :) how gee, reminds me of kanye west's gold digger's mv, and those shades gd was wearing, yeah, reminds me of the glasses wore at kanye's stronger mv. and, with the cars, women dancing =______=; hahaha nonetheless, i love it! :D thanks for posting these up!

i'm glad you made these :phew: hahaha they're absolutely sexy! :w00t:
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Big Bang's ideal girl?

Big Bang Seungri, "I never even touched a cigarette, yet dark circles..."

thanks for the article ^_____^

good boy seungri! please remember.. never ever touch it. xDD

Sungieluv!! I LOVE THE CAP!! WAHH . i wanna wear one tooo. HAHAHA.

nice one, good job! we'll definitely help to look out for it! xD!!

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aw, GD's response is so sweet ^^ Any girl would go out with him judging from his cheesy(yet touching) answer.

haha, seungri's dark circle xD I've always wondered why they're so prominent and tend to stand out.

waah! he didn't explain why he got them! lack of sleep? genes?

huhu guess who's acting all ladylike ;)

LET me guess its GD? haha;] he's always made a pretty lady to me>.<


mady, that cartoons of GD was soo cute. haha i lveee the outfits. but his hair on the weird makes it cute and weirdish?hah

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been a silient reader/newbie in this thread

just started getting addicted to big bang

about 2 or 3 months ago

on shindong's happy shares company

Really? Their schedule says that it'll air on the 7th?


Big Bang's ideal girl?

Translated by melodygreenleaf. Credit if taking!

G-Dragon: "It'd be nice if we contact each other a lot, we're comfortable together, and we feel something when we look at each other. I would like a girl who works hard and can accept [my faults]."

TOP: "I like the kind of girl whom I can learn a lot from. Age isn't important. And isn't each individual unique? I would like a girl who's different from me."

Daesung: "I like the kind of girl who's pretty when she smiles/laughs and takes care of her body not to show if off but because she truly cares for her health."

Taeyang: "My ideal girl is one who can learn." [*T/N: He omitted the subject, so this can also be "...one whom I can learn from."]

Seungri: "I like the kind of girl whom I can communicate well with."

Big Bang Seungri, "I never even touched a cigarette, yet dark circles..."

Translated by melodygreenleaf. Credit if taking!

"My dark circles are very prominent whether I'm tired or not. I get asked if I smoke a lot, and these kind of comments affect me negatively because I have never even touched a cigarette. Some people call my dark circles my "charm", but I'm not too sure about that."


These two are both from the same interview here

I just translated these portions because the rest of the questions/answers are not too interesting.

v If you read the date on the picture, it says August 18th. But it's been a long time since we've seen it, so I don't think you should remove it. It's cute ^^

thanks for the interview translation

funny how taeyang omit that question

really sweet!!!!

i found pix of taeyang and sr from my friend idn dah it is posted yet but well tell me n i will remove it


just wondering cause it really bothers me

does anyone know where i can find ^^those/these

type of pictures..

they have the writings on the picture with the date??




does anyone know where i can find this picture?

its the picture icon on RNGUYEN username


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Guest NaBi_713

Can anyone please please! translate this MSG!!

It's from our little Darknae!! >.,<

MSG From SEUNGRI 2008/01/02

이세상 모든 V.I.P분들 새해복많이받으세요^^♡

안녕하세요 bigbang을 사랑해주시는 모든 fan여러분들 승리입니다^^

정말 오랫만에 글을쓰는거같은데요 그동안 너무나 바쁘고 정신이없어서 T.T

이해해주시길바라겟습니다 일단 이글로써 12월 29일 빅뱅 단독콘서트 두번째날 오셨던

많은 관객분들에게 죄송하다는 말씀 전해드리고싶습니다 공연도중...

특효화약 효과에 쇼크를받고 급격한 혈압 변화로인해... 정신을 잃었었다고합니다..

사전에 몸관리를 철저히못했던 제잘못과... 프로답지못한 무대매너로써 많은분들께 실망을드린것같아서

너무나 속상하고 후회하고있습니다 이글로써 그날오셨던 많은관객분들과 저희빅뱅 멤버들에게

미안하다는 말을 전해드리고싶어서 글을쓰게되었습니다..

다시는 !!!! 쓰러지거나 아프거나해서 fan여러분들의 걱정을사는일을 두번다시하지않겠다고 이자리에서

약속드리겠습니다 ^^

다리부상도 주변에서 많은 분들께서 도와주셔서 빨리 나을거라고 생각합니다

이번 2007년 bigbang에게는 정말 값지고 멋진해였습니다 그뒤에는 fan여러분들이있었기에

가능한일이었다고생각합니다 많은걸 느끼고 배우고 2008년을 맞이할수있게 도와주신

V.I.P분들과 Bigbang멤버형들 그리고 저희 YG회사 식구에게 너무나 감사드립니다

2008년도에는 Bigbang의 해외앨범으로 활동을 하게된다고하는데요

얼마전 일본에서 Bigbang의 첫 미니앨범이 발매되었다고합니다 한국에계시는 fan여러분들도

일본앨범은 영어.ver 로 녹음이되어있으니깐요 많은 관심과 사랑부탁드립니다 그리고

인터넷상에 떠도는 일본앨범 lalala 여자귀신소동은.. .... 죄송하지만 그부분 나레이션이에요^^

너무 놀라지말아주세요!!! ㅜㅜ 귀신소리나온다고 노래 안듣고그러시면안돼요.....

2008년도에도 Bigbang의 새로운시도들과 변화들을 유심히 지켜봐주시고

2007년도한해 열심히 뒤에서 밀어주고 후원해준 우리 이쁜 V.I.P여러분 너무나 감사드립니다

올해에도 fan분들만 믿고 저희는 달리겠습니다 !!!

연말 스케쥴들이 줄줄이 끝나면서 저희팀 멤버형들의 긴장이풀리면서

감기에 몸살에 많이 몸이안좋은데요...

이번주 푹쉬고 재정비하여 다시 멋지고 폼나는 Bigbang형들로 돌아왔으면좋겠습니다...

저는 멀쩡하네요 ㅜㅜ !!!!!

여러분 저희 올해에도 멋진음악과 춤그리고 멋진 무대들 많이 보여드리고 성숙한모습으로

찾아뵐테니깐요 그때까지 지금처럼 사랑듬뿍 주실꺼죠..?

믿을께요 ♡

이세상 모든 V.I.P분들과 4명의 멋진 형들과 YG 모든식구들

새해 부자되세요!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!^^


Credit : ygbigbang.com

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Guest ewmoocow

dang, i had to go back 20 pages for this thread. ah top oppa is still in the hospital! :3 thanks for translating the articles everyone! i finally caught up to the big bang videos and such on youtube and veoh. i still can't wait for the second half of good sunday! <3


my friend finally came home from korea and she was showing me all of these pictures and such. ah, i'm still jealous!

she also sent this card that she made for top because she found out he was in the hospital to the yg entertainment office.

i hope that top gets to read it! i wrote, "us ivips from the usa wishes you well!~" in korean with the help of my friend. [:

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Guest juhjuh

Someone please translate this! I think TOP's been discharged from the hospital today, but do not take my word for it until someone translates this properly.

연말 병원신세 빅뱅 탑-지드래곤 2일 동시 퇴원 [2008-01-02 17:19:32]

[뉴스엔 김형우 기자]

과로로 입원했던 빅뱅의 탑(오른쪽)과 지드래곤이 2일 퇴원했다.

탑과 승리는 2일 오후 5시께 입원 치료를 받던 서울 신촌의 한 병원에서 퇴원했다.

탑(최승현)은 지난해 12월30일 오후 9시30분께 KBS 2TV ‘2007 KBS 가요대축제’ 생방송 출연을 준비하던 중 탈진 증세를 보이며 쓰러져 신촌의 한 병원에 입원했다. 이로 인해 탑은 이날 방송에 결국 출연하지 못했고 빅뱅 역시 4인조로 무대에 올랐다.

이에 탑은 병원에서 최소 일주일 입원해야한다는 판단을 받았다. 병원 측은 될수 있는 한 오래 입원 치료를 받아야한다는 입장이다. 하지만 당초 예상보다 몸 상태가 빨리 호전돼 이날 결국 퇴원하게 됐다.

이번에 함께 치료를 받은 지드래곤(권지용) 역시 탑과 함께 퇴원했다.

두 사람은 퇴원을 했지만 몸이 완쾌될 때까지 당분간 휴식을 가질 예정이다. 소속사 YG엔터테인먼트는 연말 바쁜 일정으로 빅뱅 멤버 전원이 육체적으로 매우 힘든 상황이라고 전하며 며칠 간 충분한 휴식을 취하게 할 계획이라고 밝혔다.

김형우 cox109@newsen.com

V Like I've said before, it'd help if you'd check out the FAQ first ^^

Q: Where can I send them gifts, fan mail?

A: 서울시 마포구 상수동 349-10 호성빌딩 4층 (주)YG 엔터테인먼트

우편번호 121-829

Seoul-si, Mapogu Sangsudong 349-10

Ho-sung building 4th floor

YG Entertainment

postal code 121-829


[click here for other YG artist address + mailing tips]

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i have a few questions...

where does everyone send their fan gifts and mail for big bang to? i know there's gotta be a specific address! :P

and how do fans contact/ talk to them? anyone have an e-mail address? or do they use cyworld or whatever?

i would think they'd an e-mail for fans, but seeing how busy they are :vicx: and their ever rising level of popularity, i wouldn't be surprised if they don't even bother or have time to read (and/or respond to) their mail. my cousin will probably die if she reads this cause she thinks its ridiculous that i even care so much :lol: , but i think it'd be so cool if i could let them know how glad i am that they are our big bang. :) & of course to wish them good luck & to get well soon.

haha, do i sound obsessed? they just inspire me. :)

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Guest x_freya_x

I don't even know if one has been posted already... I don't have the time to check the whole thread as I'm in Seoul but well, I finally uploaded some stuff from camera to comp and here is my fancam of the NG from the coffee prince parody and the CMs of BB is Great :


The quality sucks because it was at the very endm and with the lights on, the screen where a lot more whit-ish...And Youtube doesn't help, sorry. I guess it doesn't hurt to post it anyway lol.

I don't think I have much to share except that. Except maybe that WTF I'm stalked by BB in Seoul, like, really. Everytime I enter a shop Lies is playing, and in all the internet cafe there's someone listening at least once to a BB song... :D *love being stalked*

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