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{yg} Big Bang (빅뱅) Official Thread (THIS THREAD IS CLOSED - see post for current thread #3!)

Guest jess1tym4life

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just watched them perform, no top, gahhhhhh! our boys need rest! seungri was there, and he was dancing. :crazy: but he didnt look like he was in pain, i dont really know, the stupid player had to buffer every few seconds, ima wait for it on tv, it shows on kbsworld a little later. i have that on my tv so i can watch it more clearly.

is daesung really wearing that?! gah i'll wait for kbsworld..

watching it online is just torture! gahhhhh! it gets stuck every few seconds. no fun!

oh btw mon, youre so lucky you went to all 3 concerts! i really hope i get to go to one of their future concerts. reading you post! gah!!! who was that who missed out on top cos she was too busy with daesung? anaya was it? gah if i was there, i bet id be like her. most of my attention's gonna be directed to daesung. :lol:

thanks baz for those gifs

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Guest josephineeee

bad news again ..

TOP fainted due to exhaustion i guess ...

because of concert and KBS song festival rehearsal plus the weather change ..

he's in the hospital .. gettin some injection i spose =/

so later kbs song festival .. he might not appearing ..



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Guest icystarz88

omg!! TOP collapsed??

hope he's fine now.. T.T

seriously they need to rest..

so.. BB's performance ended?

i cant watch kbs online..

hope someone will post the caps =)

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Omooooooo i didn't know about this until basmspasm said on the other thread.

and then i rushed here.. eeeks.

i was happily waiting for BB (like the 4 of them) to perform later on KBS World (yeah 1 hour delay over here)

but this news is... O.O! and Seungri shouldn't be dancing tooo.. Aigooo. Poor boys..

they're the most hardworking group i've ever seen seriously..

big bang fighting!!!!

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Oh God! This is so not good :/

Baby Seunghyun injured his ankle, now Grandpa SeungHyun collapsed?

I'm very worried. I wanna be optimistic and all, but I wonder when the boys will be able to get proper rest cos after the concert they'll be busy with their Japanese debut!

Two short cuts from today's episode of Nothing is Impossible.

TOP - 071230 Nothing is Impossible [CUT 1]

TOP - 071230 Nothing is Impossible [CUT 2]

Okay I'm gonna go watch KBS Music Festival on tv now.

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Guest ewmoocow

gah! what TOP oppa fainted? ]: those boys should learn how to rest more. they are rushing things too much!

i must go see the performance and the good sunday episode...

i hope both seunghyuns get better soon!

it's the seunghyun curse for 2008! :3

*knocks on wood for good luck*

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Guest xscandal

hey everyone, i am a silent reader of this thread.

and i just watched bb perf on KBS world, omg and our BOYS loook so tired!!! not a very energetic dance,

plus without TOP, the whole performance loooked so incomplete? : (

and TOP rapping parts were played, then taeyang sort of sang along?

but seungi loook ok today! he wasnt limping or anything. so thats good :)


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Guest princess_boojae

Just watched the 'battle' of _ _ _ _ and Big Bang!

The stage seemed...weird...without TOP.

I mean I'm seriously not used to it.

So.........its like.....a blank on it.

Aish.They have done their best to fill the empty space.

You guys are the best!!!

Choi Seung Hyun!!!You better get some rest and get well soon!!



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Guest Seraphic_Gin


God, my eyes teared up and I just drooled over them. BIGBANG'S PERFORMANCE with their hyungs + CL, is fab. I'm being such a fangirl these days, and I don't like CL leaning up to GD. Lolx, don't take it seriously though. But for reals - YG FAMILY IS FAB. I missed a lot of faces, and with BB doing a performance with them is HEART.

I miss them all.

The Gayo performance was done. Now off to their WORLD ALBUM. :rolleyes: Lolx. For reals - the english is better, just some off parts in their pronunciation (minimal). But I agree with the whole thing be a bit corny. Gosh, if I was a new fan - I would've laughed at their lyrics but knowing the original songs - then I can cope. I love the cover album though. KUDOS!

Then the BAD NEWS. The SeungHyun's should be well fit and rest, this goes to all the members as well. But they just can't argue with their schedule, can they? Oh, I have a suggestion, instead of giving them gifts and gifts that will just be placed in a corner - I wish to send them vitamins. Lolx. Just a random thought since their all getting sick.

It's good to know that the I-VIP'S who went to their concert had FUN.

We might not be able to reach that level of happiness, but thanks for news and pictures.

Some of us might just have some other times to watch the boys.

Btw, how come many of you don't like GD's new hair? Well from the bun to the bob - I LOVE IT. Lolx, I don't know but maybe because it's in the rockerish side that's why I loved it. Cool!^^

Thanks for posting pics, links and news.

I'm on a cloud 9 high now.

PEACE.^^ :blush:

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LOl.. Tae Yang rapped TOP's part.. xDD

but yeah i agree.. it always feels weird with only 4 people.

and there's not much energy actually..

i saw seungri dancing and i was like... are you really okay?

anyway hope TOP is fine~~ ^^

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Guest heartsongs

OMG I just ­watched their performance on KBS World. Seungri was there but TOP was not there. And when they came out, the boys looked ... not happy. They looked tired. Without TOP, I felt so strange. Honestly, their performance was not so fly. I can't enjoy it because I kept thinking what's wrong with TOP? Is Seungri ok? Hope all of them get some rest soon. They deserve it.

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OH MY!!!!! TOP collapsed?!!!!! damn!!! what is happening to the two (SEUNGRI and TOP) they should rest..i mean their schedules are soo hectic....the management should give them a break at least....

uhm...does anyone have a video of the COFFEE PRINCE PARODY that they did on their concert???


oh and the pic with the pillow hugging was soooooo CUTE!!!!!! I love TOP's pic ....

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Guest lil' zen

were they at the start for the KBS Music Fest?? I have KBS for the first time and I so wanna watch it...but........>. < I hope TOP gets well soon...poor thing...& Seung-ri too...

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Guest msxadina

ohh my gosh i wrote a whole like essay and then it didnt go through,

stupid me, thought that it did & closed the internet thing.

anyways let me try to remember what i wrote.

about the concert pics and videos,

man they were awesome! so cute too,

the music drama,

although i was mad about


being there,

i must say it was too cute.

i was jumping up and down laughing.

when DS sang hahah cracked up mad a lot.

daesung did make the music drama funny.

top, awww he gets no girl, that's what happens when you're so hot.

GD and his "omana" pose haha so adorable.

if only top did it haha it would've been hilarious.

too bad seungri wasn't in there, but if he was i

would've cried watching him with another girl. haha

aww my seungri looks so adorable in there!!! **squeals**

i wish i was the bear and the paper&he touched me

i think i would've like melted in his arms.

I hope seungri feels better, after the concert he should ice it, or after like a performance or something.

my poor baby! getting lifted off the stage to go to the hospital.

at least he was there for the last day for the concert.

YG MEN aww shooot. i screamed when i saw all well some of the yg men out there.

i think i teared up when baekie came out singing "hot ddu guh", cause i miss seeing him.

even though i never finished watching it, i thought it was so awesome, i have to watch it after i finish this post.

the world album, ohh gosh

i love it even though i hardly understood them in some songs.

but good thing the lyrics are out haha now i can annoy my step sister and step brother with them.

cause they get annoyed when we sing in korean, so now i can sing in english!! haha YAYY!!

umm i just remembered, top fell on his face.

lmfao ! haha i have to see this! it must be hilarious,

and aww for the everyone who witnessed it. haha

Daesung fell too, but it was cute. the picture of him on the ground?

hahaha ohh man it was scary yet so adorable, i just wanna pinch his cheeks so bad.

i wish i could've gone to their concerts.

i can't wait to see if the concerts come out on DVD.

i wanna get it so badd!!! no geujitmal ahhaha did i spell that right? ohh wells.

thanks to everyone who shared pictures and gifs and videos. :]

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hehe, so I just got done listening to the album yesterday morning, and yeah i told my friend how it was kinda on the "pimp-ish" side and then I came on here and I didn't expect that term to be used, but anyways it was a good album overall. I'm kinda happy that they didn't fully re-write Lie because I didn't want them to mess up the meaning, like they kinda did with the other songs. But I give props to our boys. ^_^

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Guest lovegoodfood

its heartening to see Seung Ri dancing and hopping and performing for us again....... When I see him dance on the stage, I cant help but look at his legs and hope he wont re injured himself again!!!

Regarding TOP's collapse, the boys are really working non stop and hope he get enough rest and recharged!!! We shall see the 5 of them dancing and singing for us as a team really soon.......

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omo TOP collapsed?

the hyung & the maknae sick?

they need major rest and stop overworking!

and here's the full video

okay, i forgot the name of the show ^^;;

anyone mind telling me?

referring to the gifs



ack! oops

i saw someone posted the link .. my bad

anyways, it's just different players

so yeah, came back and finished the show :D

i guess you'll witness a lot of splashing and people falling down, not much G-Dae goin' on

and lol .. did jiyong really had to wear his hat? cuz it got wet afterwards xD

yep, have to wait for the next part



i like this picture ^^ the fur thingy on his hood looks like a skunk


credit - daum.net

ohh and i saw the perf of the KBS festival

yeahh .. wasn't feeling GD

well, you can't expect everyone to be active with the stuff goin' on

um, was taeyang lipsynching or singing TOP's part? hard to tell

i'm still amazed how seungri did his solo dance 0.0

and the dance was adorable. meeeooooowwwww!!

funny song keke

the beginning is sort of like the bokko dance

look how cheery he is ^^


V LOL, yr not allowed to post dl links

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