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{yg} Big Bang (빅뱅) Official Thread (THIS THREAD IS CLOSED - see post for current thread #3!)

Guest jess1tym4life

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Guest x_freya_x


I was at BB live from tonight.

I don't have any pictures, I' sorry, the staff was very annoying about not using cameras, we were in the front but on the sidem so they were able to catch us anytime.

Oh, and im warning you know, Im french so Im not used to that keyboard I'm using in Korea, so if there's A instead of Q, W instead of Z, or M instead of , .... its normal T-T


this concert was BEYOND AWESOME

I don't know where to start.

Well first, for everyone who would like to go to a concert in korea one day but don't have tickets the day of the live ITS OKAY.

Like you know, this live was sold out in a couple of minutes but they were OFFICIALLY selling new tickets the day of the live !

And WTF SERIOUSLY It was VERY GOOD tickets. It was a stadium, and we were on the floor, not around in the balcony... I don't know how to call that but that means at the very end during the encore we were able to ran near the stage and touch the boys hand and stuff !

So ? What happened... I really dunno where to start. The live was almost 3 hours long, all the boys were there and the fans yelled a LOT everytime Seungri was doing something / talking it was super cute <3

They all have their solo, and OMG Seungri played the piano while Daesung had his solo and then Daesung played the drums, he started doing a drums solo, then with a band and Seungri had his solo.

YB had his solo again with his shirt almost off and then on his knee under the water XDDDD <<33 oh dear YB... <3

During breaks, they was different videos with the boys and it was really really AWESOME (and full of fanservice O_o)

First there were little CM... What can I remember now... GD and Daesung in girls with wigs and cocumbers on their face being all dorky

Or else there was also TOP in his car and...was it GD or Seungri ? -o- I honestly can't remember I'm sorry but they were in a car wash station or something and lets say it was GD, was outside and suddently yelled "SUPAAAA JUNIAAA" with the don't don move at the end of the MV and it was all WTF ?! ... Just like TOP in the car who was ..... -__-** And a BB song started in the back... and im sorry i don't understand korea so I don't know what was the meaning of that xD;;

Seungri ;ade a CM for the patch you'r putting under your eyes for dark circles XDDD


And there was another video... They made a remake of Coffee prince.... *---*

TOP was the main guy (han Kyul)

GD was... Eun chan XD

Seungri was playing one of the waiters AND also the other girl (Yoo Joo) and when he is playing her , he had a girls' wig xD

YB was playing Han sung (the guy with the dog)

Daesung was a waiter too xD A dorky one.

... And as you can guessm the fanservice REALLY was here. OMG seriously TOP/GD FTW.

GD was acting all cute Ma-chan-like with TOP who was '-' at first... At one moment, GD enters the toilets but TOP is here, so he is confused, but TOP zip his pants, and we see him with his fingers.. as if he needs to wash them but he didn't... and then GD says something but TOP made him shut up by...putting his fingers on GD mouth ! XDDDDD omg everyone died at that moment.

Then they hugged.... and then KISSED ! YES. Well, we don't see the lips, just GD's hair and TOP's eyes closing XD

And then TOp is pushing GD and touch his chest and it seems that he realize that it's boobs... xD its awesome the look on their faces.

And a bit after, they kiss again xD We don't see the lips, but theres another view and it really look like they really kissed xD It's crazy.


But lets stop about the vids and lets talk about the live again xD;

At one moment they arrived dressed in animals xD

First Seungri comes in a panda outfit on the pink panther song...then TOP arrive in a green dinausor ourfit on Jurrasic park music theme...but a while after they change it and its some cute little song and he start moving like the dork he is xD

And seungri touch his butt >.>

Then YB arrive in a monkey outfit xD there's also a story going on between them and talks but as I said I don't understand korean

and YB has a stuffed rabbit in his hand I dunno why xD

then GD arrive in a mouse outfit...

there's some kind of fight

and finally Daesung arrive, on The lion king first opening song... and the other 4 are like "Our king !" prostrating themselves before Daesung xD

Then they kinda fight again ? Or something... Well, and the little scenery stops and they sang... Dirty catsh with those outfits ^^ <3

But they must have been VERY hot in there cause they are not singing half of the lyrics xD

The proof ism at the end of the songm YB has already the top of his monkey outfit down, and the others are taking them off too. GD is taking care of TOP's outfit xD and Seungri and Daesung of one another. (And they are obviously dressed under, t shirt and jeans... lol )

There was a "flying TOP" in a platform during one song, no one was waiting for that, they were singing behing a white curtainand suddentlym TOP apperaed at the other side of the stadium in the middle of the fans xD So he flying just above us @@

And there was 1 rock band as guest, and a rapper... I think the rock band was no Brainm but really don't auote me on this. They sang 2 songs and then a 3rd one with GD and TOP.

And then the rapper guy (another guy from YG family I think but who... :S sorry) did his solo, and then started for TOP solo. TOP arrived with a baseball bat, there was red public phone too and at one moment during the song he broke the window of the phone box

Hmm what else... im sorry my post is a mess, but im still so hyper *-*.

During one of their talkm they are all sat on the floor and GD is talking with his red cap on the face, and even on the giant screen be can't see anything of his face...and the fans started shouting "Moja ! Moja !" To ask him to take it off...and he was suuuuper cute, shamefully trying to fix his hair under his cap.... and finally deciding to put it on anyway but on the side, like that we could see him ! <3

For the encore they sang Always, and they were...on a boat xD yes there was a boat on stage, the same as the one of the MV... And that's when everyone in the front started running to the stage, us included... and beware, this is my (most than previously) fangirl-ish moment :

[start]Daesung and Seungri noticed me *-* I was like on 3rd row , but we were standing without anything between the stage on usm so very very close..and they both saw me, and because Im occidental Seungri was like "Oh !" Twice ! and waved at me, and Daesung did the same and after he winked at me with a move of his hand xD <33 And I also touched TOP and GD hands <33 4 DONE, ONE TO GO ! XD

Oh and there was also a camera who noticed me and my friend during 'my girl'... @@ the came especially to film us, so I was all ""yeahh" with the BB light (looking like a crown) and the bandana (wrote Vandana in the goodies shop xD) and my friend showed a panned with "Paris Eseo" on it xD;... I wonder if there will be a DVD or something x-x [/ends]

Well, I'm silent rider here usually, I think I understood with your post that there were other international fans comming to the live ? Maybe they will be able to make a better live report than me ! XD;

And maybe they speak korean and will be able to tell us what they were saying tooo : D

Ahaha since i'm in this internet cafe to write this, someone is playing Last farewell ON REPEAT -o-;

EDIT: oh and that guy from the swimming pool team thing... he was in the stadium talking with some poeple from the staff at one moment, behind us... and suddently fans atarted screaming ! Oo but I didnt know who he was and how comes so many fans knew who he was too ? XD Well, maybe its just like 'one is screaming so I'll scream too'...xD But he passed between the fans twice (before the live began) and twice, they screamed XD

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ohmygod, i freaking got high reading your fan account. GD & TOP FTW! gosh they are sooo cute!

and i can tell that the concert was A BLASTT!

and you got to touch them! and got a PRIVATE INTIMATE moment! hahah whooots. glad for you girl! (x

and guys, thanks for the many pics and gifs!

and no forgetting the g-ri love someone posted. heh[:



THANKS FOR THE LINK YO! ohmyguh, i agreeee their english is like WOW.


the song would end JUST WHEN IM GETTING INTO IT ><


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I'm very happy to see our Maknae back on stage! <3333333

LOL the Special Stage was messy but it was so much fun! It kinda felt like watching your buddies performing a skit or something LOL. I forgive them cos with the concert and everything, they wouldn't have much time to practice. I'm just glad that we could hear them better this time. I NEED HQ CLIP PLZ KTHX.

I was reading a few news articles regarding the concert. AND OMOOOOOO! I found out that they did a parody of Coffee Prince, specifically THE KISSING SCENE. It said that the kissing scene looked SO REAL, causing all the fans to roar LOL. The two men were... TOP and.. someone that I couldn't read LOL. Maybe someone can help me out -____-;;

And LOL was Seungri dressing up as Han YooJoo? Anyway, I'm a fan of Coffee Prince as well so this is awesome news for me!

One more thing. They opened the concert with Crazy Dog! Perfect song <3

longtusk - WOW YOU HAVE "FOR THE WORLD" ALBUM ALREADY?!!!! I ARE JELLY OF YOU! I really, really hope you can share with us the pictures soon cos I'm like dying here LOL.

credit: bestiz


It seems that TOP and G-DRAGON had a kissing scene MWAHAHAHA xD.

It says that Jiyong played Eunchan [LOL] and TOP played Hankyul xD



My cousins are going today T_T.



It must have been a BLAST lol.

Thanks for the fan account!

[and you got to touch them T_T xDDD]

*goes to find fancams on naver*

I want there to be a DVD T_T.



I really didn't know "So Beautiful" was "No Number" xDDD

And that "Together, Forever" was "A Fool's Only Tears" xDDD

I'm still in the process of listening to the previews but....



And you can listen to all of V.I.P on the Japanese site ^^

...and the first part of the "Lies" song is supposedly Korean, so the person made the preview only have English xD


Welcome back ^^

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one minute previews of the songs in for the world. i havent listened to all yet but gah ive just heard a few and homahgad i am spazzing. haha! i dont know how to rip the audio and stuff.. but you can hear it all here :w00t::w00t::w00t: their english is soooo good! me likey me likey me likey!!!!!



thanks for sharing!!!

super hot!

can't wait till it comes out so i can get one!!!

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Guest grritseve

yupp i was at teh concert too today.. it was amazing.. VERY different from the REAL.

anyone who's interested in merchandise.. please PM me ASAP about what you want including sizes if any and how many. i will be picking up some extras.. and no they will not be the price that's stated. it will be a little more.

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hey everyone..i posted before in the past but then i stopped and went right back to my lurking days..lol

anyways I'm happy that Seung Ri is back. I heard he was injuryed but thankfully that he is okay and back with the rest of the big bang boys.

So they performed with WG again? I can't wait to go home and watch there performance it's one of my favorite ones.

Anyways I have a quick question: Does Big Bang have some kind of couple name I know there's one for GD & Seung Ri but I forgot it.


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Guest naturalhonee

after listening to the previews of "For The World"...

i have to say so far im loving "La La La" the most. i can understand their english best in this one, and the lyrics seem to go really well with the melody "its b to the bang thats why/right, and we wont stop movin movin movin" LOVES IT lol

"Together, Forever" comes in a close second (A Fool's Only Tears). ive always loved this song in korean anyway so im a little biased, but the rap bits in this one are so nice <3 they changed it up a bit to fit the english lyrics in.

the other songs sound good too, although i have to say "So beautiful" (Unknown Number) made me LOL.

"she is so beau-ti-ful" WHAT?! hahaha

edit. omgg im STILL listening to them. 1 min previews have never sounded so good. *fan girl spazz*

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one minute previews of the songs in for the world. i havent listened to all yet but gah ive just heard a few and homahgad i am spazzing. haha! i dont know how to rip the audio and stuff.. but you can hear it all here :w00t::w00t::w00t: their english is soooo good! me likey me likey me likey!!!!!




be back to thanks everyone else. too busy spazzing and listening to their previews XD

edit: ah so i'm finally back. can't get over their previews. it's seriously loveeeee! i can actually understand them now & sing to the actual words :lol: my current favs have to be Together, Forever and also, Always. those songs have been my fav ever since (that's because i just knew them during their lies period). aaaaanyways, man, their pronounciations are great! i mean, even daesung and seungri sounds really good!

but before that, OMG SEUNGRI'S BACK! it's been too long baby, too long :)

anyways, thanks trang for the love concert link! and also the mvad preview. :D saw daesung jump into the pool!

stardaisy! haha sungmin was too cute doing top's part XD and sooyoung seems to know their movements more than sungmin does =_____=;

wonny, for those caps and gifs! HAHAHAH can't believe top was actually just standing there while the rest were dancing, but its okay. i still love that dorkus. XD oh, and i also love love love his jacket!

zura again! thanks for the caps and hq link for their music bank! gd, sr, they look so overly hot! gd's fringe with his beanie on! haha his hair kinda resembles sunye's. just a thought. haha! ds, with his, "where did my eyes go?" face. AISH. cute<3 them in blueeee baby. haha! oh that gif, where yeeun was guiding daesung was cute too. haha he looks so clueless, yet he still had his smiley face on. and also, they can't seem to complete their air heart. only once i guess XD and ahhh! TOOBIN! sexayh!

thanks lanladay for the yt link :)

jaja. woah! a concert in japan? maaaan, i wish i could go since it's for the worrrrrrld! haha.

marmar, other couple names? haha like ToDae(top+daseung), DaeRi(daesung+seungri) well those are the ones i know.

and everyone else. can't remember who else to thank. haha, i'm just really tired!

tam where you at? we're waiting for lovely gifs from you! hahaha XD

ah, glad to read that they acted out coffee prince! i just recently watched their parody by suju XD so now, i get the picture! TOP&GD?! :w00t: can't wait to see some fancams! ohh man, crazy dog as their opening song, that must've rocked! seungri on piano? daesung with drums?!!!!! holyyyyyyyyyyy moley! great to read your experience freya.

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Guest Babii3x

Silent reader ..

Thanks for the links everyone. Tell me & Lies =] SeungRi's backk <333

^^^ Marmar - Ermmm GD & SeungRi's couple name is G-Ri .... i'm not sure about the other couple names tho...

Zura3.DS&SR - Wooo thanks for the previews ! =DD Cnt wait til it comes out .... yupp the english is good lol. Havent listened to them all yet ....

x_Freya_x - OMG you're soo lucky ! Thanks for sharing. GD & Daesung in girl wigs :lol: GD & TOP ..... how cute lol. Got noticed by SeungRi & Daesung ..... omg how lucky >.<

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[Preview] B I G B A N G - Big Bang [For the World]


[Preview] How Gee - Big Bang [For the World]


[Preview] Lie - Big Bang [For the World]


[Preview] So Beautiful - Big Bang [For the World]


[Preview] Lalala - Big Bang [For the World]


[Preview] Together, Forever - Big Bang [For the World]


[Preview] Always - Big Bang [For the World]


credits: bb bestiz + sheerbliss@soompi for uploading (:

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^^^ Marmar - Ermmm GD & SeungRi's couple name is G-Ri .... i'm not sure about the other couple names tho...

^ thanks I was right...cool

Is Big Bang performing tomorrow at the Gayo Awards thing?


I TOPPED a page cool..first time for the Big Bang thread okay..I'm gonna go look for some pictures of my favorite Big Bang memeber.

Be back.

I'm BACK!!..lol


Isn't he just so damn sexy!!...man so hot..lol


man what a HOT smile...damn he is just too sexy..lol



picture of Seungri so happy his back...

credit: to google images and as label'd

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Guest chungmah.


one minute previews of the songs in for the world. i havent listened to all yet but gah ive just heard a few and homahgad i am spazzing. haha! i dont know how to rip the audio and stuff.. but you can hear it all here :w00t::w00t::w00t: their english is soooo good! me likey me likey me likey!!!!!



Thanks for sharing!!

OMG the english for LIE is so awesome. Awhhhh So cool. Is it just me or does the music/beat sound a little different?

Their english is very good!

They have a version of ALWAYS *_____*

Okay gimme a second..


You've made me very happy ^___^

When will these be released? My friend and I are OMGing at the moment.

All the songs are greaat.

I love in La La La when DaeSung sang: You told me, everything was gonna be fine.

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Guest iLOVEYB_x


one minute previews of the songs in for the world. i havent listened to all yet but gah ive just heard a few and homahgad i am spazzing. haha! i dont know how to rip the audio and stuff.. but you can hear it all here :w00t::w00t::w00t: their english is soooo good! me likey me likey me likey!!!!!



HOHMAGAH~~ i love you 32857386932x right now. xD thanks for the link. their english are OMEGA good. i cant wait for the album now. i love it when YB sings "she is so beaut-ti-ful" in "So Beautiful". i'm loving TOP and GD's rap in Always and Together, Forever.

i'm seriously spazzing and squealing out of my mind. but hey...its a fangirl thing. =D

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Guest stardaisy212

omg im so jealous of u guys

i wish i was there

i'm loving the new songs

i'm totallying buying the album

their english is so good

they dont have the fob accents some ppl do lmao

omg i cant stop laughing at lies

i guess im use to them sing in korean that when they sang in english its funny :lol:

i have to say sr has a sexy voice when he sings in english

omgggggggggggggggg did anyone heardddd top singing in together,forever??

more to come

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Guest la.la.la

thanks for the previews zura!!!

they're so wonderful. i love Together,Forever soooo much

i uploaded the previews onto youtube for anyone who prefers it (i didn't put VIP or How Gee cause they already have those previews out):



So Beautiful (english version of "Unknown Number")

La La La

Together, Forever (english version of "A Fool's Only Tears")


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Guest pga pga

:w00t::w00t: OMG THEY`RE JUST PERFECT :)



:D I WANT 2 GIVE A SPECIAL THANKS 4 MA FELLLO VIPS Sheerbliss B) Zura3.DS&SR. B) I LOVE YOU BOTH & 4 Each Person Who Uploaded Great Pictures :P THANK YOU ... THANK YOU ;)


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thanks for the previews zura!!!

they're so wonderful. i love Together,Forever soooo much

i uploaded the previews onto youtube for anyone who prefers it (i didn't put VIP or How Gee cause they already have those previews out):



So Beautiful (english version of "Unknown Number")

La La La

Together, Forever (english version of "A Fool's Only Tears")


dang! that was a BOMB!!! BIG BANG!!

this is hell good!!


i want to have a copy now!!!

this can definitely BREAK THROUGH!

their pronunciations even up to the rap part are superb!! very clean!! very understandable!

yah! you BIG boys studied hard eh??

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Guest whohungjen?

omg music bank

i couldnt log in to kbs last night >__> i dont know WHY i was so mad

so ty for all the youtube links!

yes, SEUNGRI is back!

his huge smile in last farewell awwww

btw preview clips zomg

yea why not just come to US instead of japan? ;) hahaa

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