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{yg} Big Bang (빅뱅) Official Thread (THIS THREAD IS CLOSED - see post for current thread #3!)

Guest jess1tym4life

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OH danng talk about PPOOOUND IT. haha i lvoe this gif! t5hanks tranng. and DUDE your fantasy MV is SOOO WHAT THE REAL MV should beee. i'd like to be a witness of YB's gloriuousss shirt ripping moment AGIAN!:]

^G-Dragon with braids/cornrows? Eh. :crazy: I don't think anyone in Big Bang should get those except..YB. -_- lol. And..for some reason Seung-Ri maybe..I liked his lil' half cornrows at the YG anni. concerts. XD But as far as full on braids/cornrows--> TAEYANG FTW!<3

FREALS jerilyn! word. ONLY YB could pull those off as a fellow ASIAN. im sorry but its truue. cos you don't see asians wlaking around with cornrows and making them work. its like only YB could make it work so farr. and I SO MISS THOSE BRAIDS RIGHT NOW! urgh.

Thanks cinnamonhoneybun for the album cover. i love it! its soooooooo yes shiny annd so wow. to me its pretty much retro, but somehow something that the whole world might like. cos it looks "intresting".

DANNNG JANNY! awww im soo happpy that you got your HOTISSUE CD ALREAYD!!! yeeee. how exciting. woow the picture of YB is so seductive looking. i WANT HIM haha. i cant wait to get miens but i hafta wait... an that RELALY sucks cos im getting it for x mas? urgh. haha. but their worth the wait right? haha. annd dang the concert pics thanks!

thanks GREAT IVIPS FOR THE GREAT PICTURES and gifs adn everything! but you guys know for the gureilla concert? were they performing on a BIG TRUCK or a stage? cos it seem slike they did it on the stage?

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Guest Jasmine<3

oh man

so baboya is the sequel to lies.. haha i wonder what the translations is.

=) it's cute though.

hehe woww !! bigbang is at top all the time now! haha never tired of it! the guerella concert is sooo cool ./ i wish i was lucky enough.. damn but even if i was in korea, i have no luck whatsover.. -_- BOO. haha

i can hope though~

WOW congrats janny! those look uber cool! are those posters with it? haha =) jealous jealous jealous! you dedicated fan! ^^

ooh and their new album cover is cool! so shiny... me likey

thanks for the links/gifs/ and pics ! =)

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Guest 80slitenite

woo Big Bang is VIP!! so awesome that guerilla concert they gave. love the new mv last farewell.

credit newsen (i used google to translate T_T)


Big Bang conquer Asia this year.

‘거짓말’열풍으로 최정상급 아이돌 그룹으로 발돋움한 빅뱅은 태국과 일본에서 연달아 앨범을 발표하며 인기세를 확장시킬 계획이다. 'Lie' Idol craze, the group came from Japan and Thailand after Big Bang, Janet album and announced plans to extend three popular.

빅뱅은 우선 30일 태국행 비행기에 몸을 싣는다. Big Bang in the first 30 days in the body, carries a plane ticket.

오는 12월 5일 귀국 예정인 빅뱅은 이 기간동안 현지에서 프로모션 활동을 펼친다. Big Bang is scheduled to return home on December 5, 2007 from the local promotional activities during this period to this day. 또 버진(Virgin) 라디오 연말 시상식과 유명 TV 프로그램에 출연하고 사인회를 갖는 등 빡빡한 스케줄을 소화한다. In addition, Virgin Radio (Virgin), and year-end awards, and famous for her roles in television programs such as signing a tight schedule and digestion.

이처럼 빅뱅이 태국으로 향한 이유는 태국에 휘몰아치고 있는 빅뱅 열풍 때문이다. This is the reason why Thailand towards such a big bang out of the Big Bang frenzy elsewhere in Thailand.

지난 9월 말 태국에서 발표된 빅뱅의 첫 싱글 ‘더티 캐쉬(Dirty Cash)’가 첫 주 28위로 데뷔한 데 이어 지난 11월 9일자 차트에서 1개월여 만에 1위를 차지했다. In late September in Thailand announced the first single Big Bang 'dirty cash (Dirty Cash)' after the first week 28th debut last November 9, a chart in one month the top spot. 이런 빅뱅이 16일자 차트에서도 1위를 차지해 2주 연속 정상을 지키고 있다. The Big Bang is dated 16 chart in the first place golfers two consecutive weeks to keep the summit. 게다가 다음 주 ‘거짓말’이 현지에서 발표될 예정이다. Moreover, next week, 'lie' is scheduled for release from the local.

빅뱅은 귀국 후 곧바로 여러 가요 행사와 단독 콘서트, YG원콘서트로 연말을 바쁘게 보낸다. Immediately after returning to the Big Bang several yoga events and exclusive concerts, YG wonkonseoteuro sends a busy year-end. 한국 일정을 모두 소화한 빅뱅은 1월에 일본에서 첫 싱글 앨범을 발표할 예정이다. Both the United States scheduled for January in Japan because the Big Bang to announce the first single album. 될 빅뱅의 첫 일본 싱글 앨범은 모두 영어로 발표한다. Japan's Big Bang will be the first single released album is all in English. 프로모션 차 일본을 방문하는 계획도 거의 확정적이다. Japan also plans to visit a primary promotional almost immediately.

한편 빅뱅은 올해 MKMF에서 대상 격인 올해의 노래상을 수상하며 데뷔 이래 최고의 인기를 구가하고 있다. Meanwhile, Big Bang Song of the Year award this year, look at the target and the highest since the debut of the popular group. 얼마 전 두번째 미니앨범 ‘핫이슈’와 타이틀곡 ‘마지막 인사’를 발표했다. Not long ago, the second mini-album 'hot' and the title song 'Last farewell' report. 28일 서울 홍익대학교 정문에서 열린 게릴라콘서트에는 5,000여명의 팬들이 몰려 화제를 모았다. 28, a guerrilla concert held at the main gate of Seoul City University has 5,000 fans flocked to the Heard said.

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Guest sieghart

Was surfing online and found this in a Korean fan cafe. If it's already been posted, sorry, but it's too cute!

권지용 꼬꼬마시절에 썼던 100문 100답 中

맞벌이를 어떻게 생각해 - 내가 벌련다 부인은 쉬세요.

결혼하고픈 나이는 - 사랑하는 사람 생기고 내 위치확실해지면 바로.

젤루 좋아하는 말 - 그~~냥 , 사랑해 , 브라보

보물 1호 - 가족 , 악기 , 딱지

텅빈 운동장에서 외치고 싶은 말 - 무섭다~~영배야~~살려줘.

좌우명은 - 모든일에자신있게 , 나부터잘하자 , 부모님께효도하자.

외박경험은 - 많다.지금은 숙소생활.

가장 행복하다고 느낄때 - 무대서있을때.

세상사람들이 믿지 않는 나만의 체험 - 연습실괴담(귀신소리들음)

쌍커플이 있는 이성, 없는 이성 중 자신의 타입은 - 음 상관안함.

나는 몇살까지 살고 싶다 - 많이는말고적게도말고 부인죽으면 뒤따라갈정도.

가장 옆에서 챙겨줘야 하는 사람은 - 현득이(본명은현승이)

성형수술을 한다면 고치고 싶은 부위 - 코.

아침에 일어나서 처음 하는 것 - 딱지랑뽀뽀.

니 꿈이 뭐야 - 아들딸부인화목한가정의좋은아빠로 , 내가만든음악가족들에게 들려주면서 살것이다.

첫키스경험은 - 빨랐다ㅡㅡ;

(taken from http://blog.daum.net/23413/9423708?nil_profile=blog)

trans: (by sieghart)

100 Questions by Ji Yong (trainee-days)

What do you think about working together (co-working in marriage)?: I'll earn the money. My wife can rest. (omg!)

Age you want to marry: When I find the person I love and when my position (i.e. job?) is secure.

Words you love: 그~~냥 (just because~), I love you, Bravo. (lol?)

Precious posessions: Family, instrument, DDakji (I'm assuming this is a nickname for something... :S cuz it literally means scab or shell...)

Something you want to say in an empty gymnasium/field: I'm scared~~~ Youngbae, save me! (aww...)

Motto: Do everything with confidence, Take care of your parents, Let me do well first (^^;; bad trans. for the last one, someone help me out)

Times you've stayed out overnight: Lots. I live in a dormitory/hostel right now.

Times you feel most happy: When I'm on stage.

Personal experience that other people don't believe: 연습실괴담(귀신소리들음) (meaning that he's heard a ghost)

Double eye-lids or none?: Um, I don't really care.

I want to live by the age of ____: Not too old, not too young. The kind of age where if my wife dies, than I can too. (@$!@$!!@##%)

Person you want to take care of: Hyun-deuk-i (meaning Hyun Seung - SO1)

Feature you want to fix if you had plastic surgery: Nose (noO!!!)

Thing you do first when you wake up: Kiss DDakji (still have no idea what that means)

Dream: Father and raise a peaceful family, let them listen to the music I've made. (Argh, that's so cool!)

First kiss: I had it really young - - ;;

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Guest bitter SOOweet

SOUL'd to:GD: omg those guerilla concert pictures are AMAZING

such an apropriate post for topping the page haha ;p


seeing that lies is STILL on the charts -- lies seriously is a miracle

and last farewell is second! soon to be first?

how can we ever get tired of seeing big bang being #1. thats impossible! no... thats just crazy insane talk ;p

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Guest SOUL'd to:GD

DANNNG JANNY! awww im soo happpy that you got your HOTISSUE CD ALREAYD!!! yeeee. how exciting. woow the picture of YB is so seductive looking. i WANT HIM haha. i cant wait to get miens but i hafta wait... an that RELALY sucks cos im getting it for x mas? urgh. haha. but their worth the wait right? haha. annd dang the concert pics thanks!

thanks GREAT IVIPS FOR THE GREAT PICTURES and gifs adn everything! but you guys know for the gureilla concert? were they performing on a BIG TRUCK or a stage? cos it seem slike they did it on the stage?

Aww thanks Tammy! ^^ OMGSH YEAAHH, i know what you mean! LOL, the GD photo was SO seductive looking too~ he looked so like angry but sexy at the same time *dies* well he's sexy any time LOL. but you get me right!? When I turned and saw his page it totally filled me with temptation *__* I hope you and Nonou get your minalbums soon! ^^

Believe it or not, but I haven't even put together the TOP paper statue LOL, I'm a little too scared to attempt it and I don't think I'd have any idea how to put together the GD one too @_@ *dies*

^ that pic of GD with that mouth/face thing though, i just LOVE it when he does that, makes me go squeeee~ *__* It DEF. looks better if you're holding it in your hands though haha ^_^

Thank you sieghart for the old interview, I think Jin posted it once, that she found from a Chinese site or something, not sure, because the answers/questions are like the same, just that they're translated differently, using different words :) But I think there's some things you included that wasn't in the one she posted, so thank you for sharing!! ^^

Precious posessions: Family, instrument, DDakji (I'm assuming this is a nickname for something... :S cuz it literally means scab or shell...)

Thing you do first when you wake up: Kiss DDakji (still have no idea what that means)

DDAKJI is his doggy, lol :P I actually made a huge post about it here once ^_^


I THINK this is what it's grown out to be lol not sure either @_@ but I think it's too black to be Ddakji ;__; this big one might be another dog, but I know FOR SURE the puppy above IS DDAKJI :)


( please no hot linking ^^ )

Dream: Father and raise a peaceful family, let them listen to the music I've made.

that is WAY too cute :3

I want to live by the age of ____: Not too old, not too young. The kind of age where if my wife dies, than I can too.

Awwww omg :tears: that is such a sweet answer, I think Jin translated that but man, re-reading it just makes me fall apart over his sweetness.

tam haha hq's are def. the best, esp. since we see our boys more clearly ;DD

Jasmine Aw haha thanks jasmine, i was so happy i was screaming when i got it, my cousin was like "janny! you got a mail!" lol I like ran downstairs so fast I felt like I was about to trip =P But sadly, not posters coming with it T^T Unless you order from dvdheaven, the only international shipping place I know that has it, or maybe eclickkorea, but you know I was about to get it there for the poster but then my total with the shipping came to $52.00 and I decided to just wait for it to come in the store in k-town instead, :/

bitter SOOweet ahaha I know right? :lol:

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I want to live by the age of ____: Not too old, not too young. The kind of age where if my wife dies, than I can too. (@$!@$!!@##%)

Dream: Father and raise a peaceful family, let them listen to the music I've made. (Argh, that's so cool!)

First kiss: I had it really young - - ;;

awww he's so sweet :blush: if my wife dies, then i can too

like his dream too..father & raise a peaceful family, let them listen to the music i've made ^_^

DDAKJI is his doggy, lol :P I actually made a huge post about it here once ^_^


( please no hot linking ^^ )

i like GD here, so cute ^^

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Guest LOVEangiie

OMO! missed out on alot of BIG BANGIN' stuff! TT"

THANKS EVERYONE for pics, caps, gifs, link & everythinnnnggg!!

gahh seriously im very thankful of all your wonderful posts! XD

so many people to thank! sorry if i left some of you's out

everyone here are GREAtest (:

all the pics from the LOVE CONCERT looks hot.

i bet the perf. was totally off the hook! can't wait to watch it tomorrow!

its AIRING tomorrow right? :S

the GUERILLA CONCERT looks awesome! seeing from all the pics and everything..

its goin to be on TONIGHT!??? faksdhfakdhnfmn OMG im pee'd off ><"

got tutoring tonight so can't watch it! BLEHH guess i'll watch from links (x

thanks jaja, wonny, janny & redevilicia for the guerilla pics! (:

PIC SPAM! yay i love them thanks josephine for those pic spasms

of their love concert? DAESUNG (x ahhh he's so cute! & looking flyyy


thank you so much for all the translated articles melody!

big bang getting recognition from amazing artists is just too overwhelming

glad to see big bang is getting recognized everywhere.

hopefully one day the whole world would know them! LOL

AND BABO is a sequel to LIES.. awesome! lol...

i was wondering why it sounded like lies.. like the beat is kinda the same Oo''

thanks for the links and everything Vanessa! i agree with you,

this thread has DEFINATELY become one of my daily dosage LOL

thanks for this gif! how come i didnt see this in the MV? lol.. jiyong's so girly ^^

the gif of TOP kidding DAESUNG? forgot who posted it tho.

but OMG! lol.. thats so cute.. <3 i want to kiss him :blush: on the cheek LMAO!

janny: i'm too envious of you right now! LOL

you got ur HOT ISSUE! ^^ the photos/scans are just LOVE <33

ahhhhh the boys look so damn hot in those pics! ahaha (x





Credits: bestiz & angie for uploading

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Guest akfgtenshi

cinnamonhoneybun wow thanks for sharing the pic of the japanese single! It looks so PRETTY @_@ Big Bang and their recent album has such nice vibrant colors <3 haha I LOVE the red-ness and glittery-ness of the spiral and the BIG BANG and the polka dots are so cute and colorful :3 it's hella FUNK ;DDD I seriously can't wait eitherrr, yesaisa says the expected shipping date is like on January something D: I'd die T^T


It's SO freaking pretty @_@ And it looks rather red than orange on the very front cover, however inside is all orange (: Man this album is like a total new style all over again, esp. the photos and stuff; i mean, the photos FIT their album phrase: HOT ISSUE ;DD haha DEFINITELY HOT + SEXY <333333

so anyways I decided to share pics ^^;;












oh heyy, I TOPPED THE PAGE FOR ONCE! lol it's been a LONG time.


how come ur mini-album is orange? o.o

'cause like.... my mini-album is all red!! O.O

and another thing i noticed... the pics are also different!!

none of the pics are the same!!

this is so weird!!

can anyone explain the reason for that? >.<

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are there any shops which sells BB albums, singles or dvds in Bangkok? If anyone knows please pm me :) thank you!

AND OMG! those Gureilla pictures are awesome! i can see GD wore 3 layers of clothing X) plus the scarf and beanie! woah! well if he uses that much clothing here, i swear he'd be sweltering already! haha and awwh thanks sieghart for translating, GD is the sweeetest everrr! :lol: i wish he'd be my husband. HAHA DREAM ON BAZ! and Ddakji's cuteeee!

and Jasmine, if you wanna know the translation for Fool, it was posted here before, http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?sho...92&st=20880


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^ So you got the red/pink version?

I've just received mine and it's red/orange! I want the pink version, but like, we don't really get to choose it right? LOL

Don't worry about it. Yours is just as original as the orange version LOL.

They did the same thing with Always too.

They have a new website in Japanese!


OMG NEW MERCHANDISES! I really want the calendar! Well I want ALL OF THEM! XD



credit: ygfamily

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Guest Saebin :D



Went to find pics of TOP in his blue sunglasses for my 411,

so I decided to share. Really hard to find though :(

I remember seeing a request somewhere on this thread for his sunglass pics but i don't know if the request has been fulfilled already or how many pages back it has been O__O

btw am I the only one here who doesn't know what a guerilla concert exactly is? :mellow:

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Guest akfgtenshi

^ So you got the red/pink version?

I've just received mine and it's red/orange! I want the pink version, but like, we don't really get to choose it right? LOL

Don't worry about it. Yours is just as original as the orange version LOL.

They did the same thing with Always too.

they had the same thing with Always too?? o.o

i didn't kno... >.<

hmm... here is how my mini-album is like:












*sorry about the bad quality... the pics were taken with my cellphone. ^^"

does anyone want HQ scans of the pics?

i'm thinking about scanning the pictures...

i just didn't do yet cause everytime i think about it my mom or my dad are using the computer that has the scanner. *sweatdrop*

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Feature you want to fix if you had plastic surgery: Nose (noO!!!)

ahhh no!! >< i like your nose!! well sort of .. it's not like i'm in love with it but still!!!!!

nahh, i doubt he would

just don't be that guy who flys to the sky if you know what I mean =P

AHAHAHAHA his facial expression is so funi XD


aww mangg

i had more pics but they were dynamic -__-

too lazy to resize --;;

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I got my CD today too!!!! :DDDDDD

so i decided to make the scans for the girls of the pictures that are already not scanned or posted already, so i decided to post it on here for everyone else. my scanner sucks. sorry :/







GD always does those faces. but i have to admit ... i find him so UNBELIEVABLY HOT doing so! *wipes sweat* :sweatingbullets: ahahaha

<33333333333333 I'm a greedy child I want BOTH version. I think i just might go searching for the second version just for the photographs. lol

I know im not alone on this either. :phew:

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Guest josephineeee


everyone got her album alrdy ..

i still hav to wait two more wks . SIGH !

thanks for the scans girls ^^


soompi users .. just pm me can alrdy ^^

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Guest Seraphic_Gin

~Ommo, it's hard to keep up with this page. But honestly, BIGBANG just got me dancing around like crazy! LAST FAREWELL MV, was so good - GREAT! Reminds me of my TOP Fic. And their performances are fabulous! Utterly amazing!

It's easy to point out the hardwork they have been doing! It really shows.

Thanks for the pictures everyone! Scans, links and all. Very much appreciated!^^

Wish I could grab my own copy of the cd though, it looks fantastic.

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Big Bang 2008 Calendar & Diary will be released soon on YG e-shop!

Pre-order: December 3, 2007

Release Date: December 12, 2007




credit: me, ygfamily, ygbigbang

YB + the bubblegum = cute

And more JiRi action is love.

Kind of want the calendar.

I had seen scans of both versions of the 2nd mini album and thought I would want one more than the other. But seeing the scans of akfgtenshi's album changed my mind. :lol: I want both versions now! Jailbait is looking mighty appealing. :ph34r:

Speaking of Jailbait, he looked particularly hot in the Last Farewell MV. @ 1:08 he like has this facial expression and idk it just makes me go :w00t: whenever I watch the mv.

Loving the Last Farewell perfs. So full of crack goodness. Hopefully Big Bang's hairstylists don't continue to give Jailbait that TOPSpock hair. Bring back Hotnae hair ala Hot Issue mini album photos, por favor.


Jaja, thanks for the Japanese website link!

But wtf @ lyrics making. lol That just sounds weird to me, even though I understand what they mean by it.

And I had forgotten Seungri was going to be called V.I. O_o Still sounds like a STD to me. They really should just stick to Victory.


credit: ygbigbang.jp, LovesBallad for screencap

I uploaded the teaser of V.I.P (English ver) clip that's on the Japanese website. Same footage as V.I.P from the We Belong Together mv though.

V.I.P teaser

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^calender and diary

hahaha,i want both

thanks for sharing!!

anyway,big bang did not perform in music bank today?

i'm waiting all week for a new last farewell performance

they left me wanting more and more

the scans look uberly hot

i wonder when is my copy coming.hmm

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Guest kaat;chup

For The World Album Cover

I like the cover.. its nice,

anyone else here who knows the songs that will be featured,, well, i mean is will they include any songs they've released before? :rolleyes:

I am definitely buying the album.. A GIFT FOR my birthday on January.. *yeah*

Big Bang 2008 Calendar & Diary will be released soon on YG e-shop!

Pre-order: December 3, 2007

Release Date: December 12, 2007

OH~ another merch!! haha.

I haven't received my mini album yet and now.. here's another goodie! LOL.

are the pictures used in the pictures are something they've had before?? or they really had a new photoshoot or this? :rolleyes:

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