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{yg} Big Bang (빅뱅) Official Thread (THIS THREAD IS CLOSED - see post for current thread #3!)

Guest jess1tym4life

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Guest *Bananza Princess*


You've done me proud Big Bang<33

HWAITING!^^ & the best of luck for the Golden Disk Awards!

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Guest stardaisy212

these r some gifs i made from best song of the year video

took me made a long time to make them

most of them r sr hugging ds

he sure a sweet pie to him hugging him and holdinh hands

ds makes me want to cry too

poor top no one got lub for u but u no what ur vips would give u some love back lols


awwww he holded onto ds hand even when he was going from the mic


awwwwww look at them holding hands




he wonldnt let him go lols


srds loveee


gdyb loveeeeeee


gdyb and srds love

it looks like sr saw gd huging yb so he hug ds


sr get gd and ds together

im so happpy for these boys i would cry my heart out cuz i no that they deserve this

today was a crazy day for big bang rite? lols

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Guest sookyung

these r some gifs i made from best song of the year video

took me made a long time to make them


awwww he holded onto ds hand even when he was going from the mic


awwwwww look at them holding hands




he wonldnt let him go lols


srds loveee


gdyb loveeeeeee


gdyb and srds love

it looks like sr saw gd huging yb so he hug ds


thankies for the gifs stardaisy212.. u know i was watching this with my lil sis.. and we went 'aww how sweet' when maknae tried to comfort daesung and held hands with the others.. ^^

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wow this pages jump so fast!!

CONGRATULATIONS BIG BANG!!!!!! happieeee for you \(^o^)/

hyunik, thanks for the photos. TOP undergoes a drastic change! from fattie to hottie ^^. hehe his friends must be vr shock to see him ne?!! & is that Big Bang choco bar really Big Bang's product or it's just the name of the choco bar??

once again, CONGRATS!!!!! ofr winning!

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wow this pages jump so fast!!

CONGRATULATIONS BIG BANG!!!!!! happieeee for you \(^o^)/

hyunik, thanks for the photos. TOP undergoes a drastic change! from fattie to hottie ^^. hehe his friends must be vr shock to see him ne?!! & is that Big Bang choco bar really Big Bang's product or it's just the name of the choco bar??

once again, CONGRATS!!!!! ofr winning!

hey SarahGirl! yeah~ TOP changed a lot! but even if he's still fat now, i'd still love him! ahaha! :P ne, his friends might be very shocked to see him looking extremely drop-dead gorgeous! haha!

and yes! BIG BANG chocolate bar! haha! it's just the name of the brand though. it tastes good! :) it's my cheap thrill actually. ;-)

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HYUNIK! the TOp pictures and stuff are just great!:]<3s it

THANKS everyone the gifs and non stopping picstures are just wonderful. like i siad im so proud of theeem.

finishing off the year like this couldnt be anybetter. but i just keep on watching their performance! i just like it a lot. but the part that was annoying me was that line of girls that come out. HONESTLY, i thought that was just so unnecssary. like wth did they need that? but i guess cos the stage was relaly big they needed more people? but the shouldaa been moving or something bcos when they dance it was that syncernise and some couldnt really do it. not pretty.

BUT now i cant wait for the next year to co,me and see what happens! AND YES WE"RE INCHING TOWARDS THE DAY THE SECOND MINI ALBUM"S COMING OUT! YEEE

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just heard the news!

CONGRATS to BIG BANG! (^______^)

after working almost nonstop, they truly deserved it.

and their Lie perf with the orchestra was awesome!

wasn't expecting that kind of collab. definitely one of the best.

thanks stardaisy212 for sharing those gifs!

and thanks everyone for all the updates!

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HYUNIK! the TOp pictures and stuff are just great!:]<3s it

you're welcome lilmisstammy! i also can't wait for their 2nd mini album!! :)

Big Bang 빅뱅 fighting!!

here's a cute random pic of T.O.P:


i found it while browsing through my gazillion pics of Big Bang! lol! :P

maaan, i love him and that's for sure.85wwx1i.gif

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Guest trangtwo

hyunik - Thanks for the list of winners! i was really wondering who else won.

stardaisy212 - OMO I don't have the clip with that view. Gahh I need to go find it!! but omg those moments are just too cute. The two young ones holding hands. It's just so cute how Seung Ri is trying to console him. And he tried to make Dae Sung say something, but he was still too emotional. Gosh I want to give him a hug.

Gosh, will we go through the same emotional excitement during/after the Golden Disk Awards next month?! :w00t:

Ok I just had to gif 3 moments:


I know these are happy tears, but it makes me want to cry...

EDIT - OMO they performed my favorite song from the minialbum and we get to see the whole performance :w00t:

Big Bang Oh Ma Baby MBC Teleconcert 071117

I'm going crazy now. The dance is HOT. Gahh love the Yung Joc move!! It was weird hearing Tae Yang sing Seung Ri's part, but it was still hot nonetheless. But OMG I can only handle so much of Top's hotness. *fans self* Hot hot hot.

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Your Gifs made my day. It made me laugh a lot because your captions were just heeeeeeeeeeelarious. That's so sweet of them to show their brotherly love. GDYB love, SRDS Love, or GDSRDS love, either way BIG BANG Love foreverrrr! ^_^

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Guest sookyung

hyunik - Thanks for the list of winners! i was really wondering who else won.

stardaisy212 - OMO I don't have the clip with that view. Gahh I need to go find it!! but omg those moments are just too cute. The two young ones holding hands. It's just so cute how Seung Ri is trying to console him. And he tried to make Dae Sung say something, but he was still too emotional. Gosh I want to give him a hug.

Gosh, will we go through the same emotional excitement during/after the Golden Disk Awards next month?! :w00t:

Ok I just had to gif 3 moments:



I know these are happy tears, but it makes me want to cry...


trangtwo, amazing gifs.. the one with daesung crying goes straight to my heart.. i'm glad for them though.. (:

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all these pics, gifs, links, everything <3

thanQ! i cant keep up XD

the performance was flawless, beautiful.


they deserve it, im sure this'll motivate and feul them further to continue this Big bang into the music industry [lol. excuse the pun]

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Guest SOUL'd to:GD

thanks Trang for the cute gifs, man when I was watching it.. i felt like I was THERE, lol @_@ sigh. I think I'd be way out of it if I was there to see it all happen in front of me ><

Aww Vanessa!! That is SO cute, esp. the gifs.. and ESP. this one! : http://img249.imageshack.us/img249/9753/33205615ve9.gif :wub:

anddd this one! http://i11.tinypic.com/87l8suh.gif WAHH cutiee *spiritual glompage* it should have been showed with the ysmm show itself huh? XD


It's SO cute and hilarious, hahaha. When Seungri was showing the pen hitting-on-table thing and the bg sound was like "whoaahh~" and his expression's like yeah i know i'm good at it ROFL. Man, I think I'd get straight fails if Big Bang were in my class @_@ lol omg did the guy just say "hi i'm gd"? LOLOL. I loved when the man was like "SEUNGRI OPPA!!" and then Seungri starts his walk off all cool afterwards he goes limpin' all retardedly lol. And then the little part before the end he gets up and does this small walk-dance thing, gah~ so cutee. WAAHH GD's fly gentlemen rap was soo cute *dies* totally was hoping he would rap that song again some day. His smile is so adorable gosh, KILLER SMILEEE~ *falls over* loved when they beat box too. BIGBANG'ness always makes the day for everyone :blush: ENJOY V.I.P's!!~~ ^_^

More images :)















^ LOL :lol: that cutie.


"mm, interesting *attempts to poke*"


MMM. lol


^ sooo cute, i love this one <3 keke~ TOTALLY worth scrubbin toilets for free for him eh JAJA? :P

Credits Popcornfor2 + SOUL'd to:GD for uploading :) please do not hot link ^^

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Guest yunhobaby

haha. i was 'lol'-ing at youngbae. such a poser huh? i noticed how he was at first all calm and collected (as always) together with daesung but once the cameraman came, he joined the other three. haha.

and gd was enjoying it throughout huh? i bet his mind was working at that moment, thinking how he would've done the arrangement of the song differently

YUUUUUP! hahahahahaha.

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Guest helennn

I WISH THIS WAS ME ! :rolleyes:

omg, this thread grows supersupersuper fast! D:

and like everyone elseee, i wanna congratulate big bang <3 ! :D

all their hard work paid off :]


it's so adorable<3

i hopee big bang come to next years hollywood bowl again D:

i really really really really really really really really x 100146879874654 wanna see them againn ! :[

bigbighwaiting! :]

^^can't wait for the 2nd mini album!


his eyes look nice here[:

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ugh i hated that i couldnt go online yesterday!!!!! i srsly felt like pulling all of my hair! awwww daesung!!!!!!!! he made me cry. and trust me, i dont cry! :tears: the boys really desreved it! they looked so good! and the performance was the best lies performance ever! i loved ittt! A-MA-ZING!

thanks everyone who posted pics, gifs, and yt links, i cant watch it on tv cos i dont have the channel so thankyouuuuu!

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