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{yg} Big Bang (빅뱅) Official Thread (THIS THREAD IS CLOSED - see post for current thread #3!)

Guest jess1tym4life

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I think this is my first time posting here?

welcome to the bigbang thread :)

my name is elaine

it's nice to meet you~

thanks for the gif by the way haha


haha i couldn't help, but to laugh at the

face expressions :P too cute.

*-meLon`||, thanks for sharing those pictures

definetely something i saved in my folder haha

i like your name btw, melons are yummy :phew:

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what da fkdfjs!!! I DID NOT KNOW THEY WERE ON SUKIRA!!! i totally missed it :/

pinkmarker - welcome to the big bang thread! wow ur off to a great start, sharing with us an awesome pic/gif, thank you...hahaha GD, what a GheiDork :P I LOVE DAESUNG with his kisses, kawaii!!!! AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO THINKS YB KINDA LOOK LIKE TEDDY THERE? I dunno...maybe its my eyes.

Janny thanks also for sharing pics....hmmm? anyone know when was that yellow theme performance? did i miss a performance?

ah! Jess thanks for the I AM SAM EP.11!

TOP is super hot in this drama! totally impressed me with his acting....his storyline is good, i caught a bit of the episode aired today, and he had a black eye and stuff and was in this one emotional scene, i cant wait to watch ><

thanks to all contributing!!!

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Guest stardaisy212

ah, thanks for the translation for JINGYO's message!

super adorable! i..... love you too! :lol:

what if, big bang all has similar hairstyles? the oh-so-famous JINGYO's bun!


미술쟁이 @ bestiz

^ TOP seems to be the only normal looking one! other than taeyang :lol:





round & round~


서재 @ bestiz

:lol: :lol:

lols that made my day

You're welcome everyone that said thank you & thank you for saying thank you <3

lol jaja



CREDITS Popcornfor2 + G-RI7EN's:SKY for uploading


omg how much color outfits do they have? lols

gd looks like Pikachu lols

awww top baby is missing

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I LOVE THEIR WARDROBE. but i shoulda known since the fashionistaaa GD was theree:] haha. i love how they can rock every color, espcially when not everyone can do that! thanks for the pictures janny. and pinkmarker for the gif. that was SO CUTE:]

monicaa=== YEAH yb does look kinda ish like teddy. but HAY teedddy's hot and YBS hotteer:] haha it all fits.

jess thanks for the iamsam top episdoee:]

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Guest easyascake

what if, big bang all has similar hairstyles? the oh-so-famous JINGYO's bun!


미술쟁이 @ bestiz

^ TOP seems to be the only normal looking one! other than taeyang :lol:

i couldn't help but laugh at this xD especially at top i can't imagine him really with that bun

thanks for the pic iluxx! that totally made my day ^o^

i love how they all dress colourful now rather than when it was just black and white..

but they look hot in both styles nevertheless.. if i were a guy i'd probably dress like them LOL.

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Guest Jasmine<3

LOl so i just got off the phone with my cousin a bit ago.. she has my AUTOGRAPHED bigbang poster..

LOl she told me some of her friends experiences^^

.. im so jealous! haha some are a bit too personal so i won't disclose thosee

but she went to their concert as VIP backstage of course .. and she was hanging out with GDs mom . ( they are really close ^^ )...

so then some fans who apparnelty knew gd's mom was all polite to her and was like " annyong UMMA ( calling gds mom MOM hahaha ) and was like " hows our GD doing?? " and really sweet.. but then when Gd's mom walked away

they like glared at my cousins friend and was like " WTF WHO ARE U HUH! HOW DO U GDS MOM HUH? WHY ARE U GUYS LINKING ARMS HUH!" and i told u guys before that she took a pic with GD .. so somehow the fans found her cyworld.. and was bombarding her with like " WHO ARE YOU HUH! WHO ARE U TO TAKE A PICTURE WITH OUR GD AND HUGGING ONTO HIS MOM!!?" " ARE YOU FAMILLYY?" HAHAHHAA so funny. so good thing my cousins friend is cool and was just laughing, so underneath the 'are u family' qq.she was like " . NO. im a VERRY CLOSE FRIND " HAHAHAHAHa they must be so angryhaha.. cause technically she is family she's like 6th cousin but her dad is like best friends with GD's dad.

.. thought i'd share

funny.. i just hope the VIPS over in korea behave..... i reallly really hope they don't go psycho -_- i was so impressed with the whole glo stick thing ^^

haha apparently the the Ghey bun on gd looks funny in person haha .. probably the same in pics, but it has def grown on me ^^! it was GHEY. but now it's just him haha


anyways thanks for all the pics/caps/gifs

hahaha TOP in i am same look so hot yo!

and i can't wait for my poster! my cousin already has it ^^

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1FUTBOL - i uploaded mp3 performances from the GoReal radio and they're available at YGBB, here's the link




^^hes too cute!!! too hot!!! he does a lil rap at the end of the clip, while in the classroom scene. I want him to get together with the friend, rather than Eunbyul (lead girl). The friends is much cuter! funny how Mushin (TOP's character) is suppose to be this simple and poor guy but he's got on a bling on his finger...LOL he forgot to take it of!!! but in the words of mangnae *HOT DAYUM!!!*

Jasmine- thanks for sharing us the stories, so sweet! mang i too do hope VIPs behave!

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Guest la.la.la

i was super bummed earlier today with drama, but all the big bang stuff make me happy!!! thank you everyone who put something here!!


seung ri is so adorable here~ i love how in alot of pics, seung ri is the only one looking at the camera looking super fabulous

they look really cute in the yellow theme. i can't wait to see that one!!!

and seung ri wore the SAKUN fake man shirt when he was on sukira!!! wah~ that is the one shirt that i have said "if i could only get one sakun tee, that would be it"

he looks alot better than i probably would in it though hehe

and all these translations help loads

so thanks much for the pics and translations!!!

i try to contribute something so here's a pic of seung ri from big bang early days (my seung ri pic folder on my comp is jam packed)


too good for words

oh and thanks for the I Am Sam ep. 11 links jess & mon. he's so cute there!!

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G-Dragon has a tattoo???!?

this pic is from G-RI7EN's:SKY -- http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff228/g...ng/070908g2.jpg

tattoo on his left arM? is that real?

can soemone put up a close up pic of that? and does anyone know what it says?


We believe its real. i think there was an article saying he got it done at Las Vegas. Not sure. But this topic was discuss ALOT. please try reading the previous posts.

I've been silent for a while..but not no more! AHHHH..sooo happy big bang won first!! they deserve it. & I LOVE THERE COLOR SCHEME FOR EACH PERFORMANCE.


^ ehh..where's TOP? But dude...GD..what a dork! i wanna squeeze him to death. & he looks good in yellow ^^

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I think this is my first time posting here?

Anyway, one more Big Bang pic on Sukira. :D


GD's v^.^ picture~~ <3

Oh my god. I LOOVVEE these pics. Thanks for posting them up. Gdragon is soo crazy. Without a doubt, he's the most photogenic out of all the boys. He can pull off just about any look. Oh yeah. And I'm really liking what he's wearing. He's soo HOTSEXYSMOKIN.

Jasmine<3: Whatt?!! You have an autographed big bang poster?!! OMG. You're soo lucky. I want an autographed poster, actually anything autographed is fine with me. Ahh. I'm jealous. Wow. You have a friend whose really close to GD's family. Heeyyy.. connections! LOL. Deng. Thats soo tiight. Man. Koreans can be mean. I can't believe they went to her cyworld and attacked her. Gosh. They're all just jealous.

Thank you Goldie for the GoReal radio translation. My god. You're amazing. Every radio interview so far has been translated by you. Man. You're the best! =]

Oh my god. I can't wait for next Monday. I think "I Am Sam" is supposed to be airing on tv in the LA area. Its gonna have subs too. YAYY!

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Okay, new YG message is up!


요즘 빅뱅이 많은 인기를 얻고 있는 것 같습니다. ^^

이번 [거짓말]의 홍보 활동은 좀더 오랜 시간 동안 집중해 볼 생각입니다.

11월 초쯤... 후속곡으로 교체할지... 아니면 12월 초 발표 예정이었던 두 번째 미니 앨범을 한 달 앞당겨 발표할 지에 대해 고민 중입니다. (이미 작업해 놓은 비장의 곡들이... ㅎㅎ)

생각이 정리되는 대로 다시 말씀드릴게요. ^^

일본 진출

얼마 전 빅뱅의 일본 진출 음반 계약을 체결했습니다.

지난 수년간... 빅뱅의 일본 진출을 위해 일본의 많은 유명 레코드 회사들과 거물급 인사들을 거의 다 접촉해보았다고 해도 과언이 아닌데요...

빅뱅의 일본 계약 당사자는 엉뚱하게도 언더그라운드 음악만을 전문으로 다루는 매우 작은 회사로 결정하였습니다.

그 이유는 빅뱅의 경우 음악 마니아를 상대로 언더그라운드 시장부터 공략해 나가는 길이 옳다고 판단했기 때문입니다.

총 6곡이 실리게 될 빅뱅의 첫 일본 싱글 앨범은 모두 영어로 발표합니다..

한류 가수가 아닌 해외 아티스트로 소개하기 위함인데요..

빅뱅의 프로모션 참여 시기는 내년 초로 예정되어 있어 국내 활동에 지장을 주지 않을 것입니다.

비록 일본 파트너가 작은 회사이긴 하지만, 이들은 얼마 전 일본의 한 언더 그룹을 발굴하여 밀리언셀러를 기록한 감각있는 팀이랍니다. ^^


가수들에게 있어 가장 영광스러운 자리는 아마도 단독 콘서트 무대일 것입니다.

국 내 공연 시장의 규모가 워낙 작은지라, 대중적으로 큰 인기를 끌고 있는 가수들조차 단독 콘서트를 진행하기란 여간 어려운 일이 아닌데요. 이런 국내 상황을 감안한다면... 데뷔 1년도 되지 않은 신인이 총 6회에 걸친 전국 콘서트에서 4만 명에 가까운 유료 관객을 동원했다는 것은 매우 의미있는 일이라고 생각합니다.

오는 연말인 12월 29일, 30일.. 서울 잠실 올림픽 펜싱 경기장에서 빅뱅의 단독 콘서트 (ALWAYS)를 진행할 예정입니다. 티켓 예매는 10월부터 시작할 예정으로, 자세한 소식은 추후 다시 공지하도록 하겠습니다.

양사장의 약속 : 티켓 가격은 저렴하게.. 무대 비용은 남기지 말고..

열심히 준비해서 좋은 공연을 만들도록 노력하겠습니다.. 많이 찾아주시길.


tokyollvogue from YG Family thread said that Big Bang has already recorded all songs for their second mini album ^^ YAY!

And YG also apologized about the whole TOP jacket fiasco.

Ngaaa I wonder what's gonna happen on 29 and 30/12. Let's wait for a full translation ^^

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SECOND MINI ALBUM ALREADY?! WOW THESE BOYS JUST NEVER STOP SURPRISING ME! :D :D i wonder when they will release it..i'm already feeling EXCITED thinking about it AIGOOOOO <3333 and i'm glad nothing MAJOR happened w/ TOP's jacket incident -______________-

thanks MONICA for posting the TOP cut! i'm lovin him moree in this drama~ he was so sweet when that girl was like carrying the box and he rapidly walked and took it from her and put the box up for her :] i really want him to be w/ his FRIEND and not the main..they make a CUTE COUPLE! maaan i hope @ the end they somehow end up as an item *cross fingers* his rapping was SUPERRR FLY! the students were like bobbing their hands! and i LOVED his ending "LET'S GO WHOO" haha they way he said it--PRICELESS!

thanks TIFFANY for answering my question ^^ i've been checkin YA everyday just waiting for the poster and the day i do NOT check it comes out ayeesh but woot i'm going to get it w/ my TOP pillow

thanks MELON(name..? =]) for sharing the SUKIRA pics! OMGEE when i first saw it i thought WHAT THE HECK IS TEDDY DOING THERE? but then after a close look i was like o___________O it's YB!! i always thought TOP and Teddy looked alike because of their similarity w/ the tough and bad boy image but WOWERS YB and Teddy are FRIGGIN IDENTICAL! DOUBLE HOTNESS <333

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GAHHH WHAT~?! A SECOND MINI ALBUM FROM OUR BOYS~? that is waaay too awesome, this sooo makes me whole MONTH happy hahah :P thanks for all the new stuff everyone, i love the new pictures of the boys. and GD's spinning bun is just PRICELESS :lol: i can't wait to see what their 2nd mini is gonna sound like~! i wonder if it's gonna be anything like the 1st, or would it be TOTALLY different... ponder ponder :P

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Guest MoiraElla

Okay, new YG message is up!


요즘 빅뱅이 많은 인기를 얻고 있는 것 같습니다. ^^

이번 [거짓말]의 홍보 활동은 좀더 오랜 시간 동안 집중해 볼 생각입니다.

11월 초쯤... 후속곡으로 교체할지... 아니면 12월 초 발표 예정이었던 두 번째 미니 앨범을 한 달 앞당겨 발표할 지에 대해 고민 중입니다. (이미 작업해 놓은 비장의 곡들이... ㅎㅎ)

생각이 정리되는 대로 다시 말씀드릴게요. ^^

일본 진출

얼마 전 빅뱅의 일본 진출 음반 계약을 체결했습니다.

지난 수년간... 빅뱅의 일본 진출을 위해 일본의 많은 유명 레코드 회사들과 거물급 인사들을 거의 다 접촉해보았다고 해도 과언이 아닌데요...

빅뱅의 일본 계약 당사자는 엉뚱하게도 언더그라운드 음악만을 전문으로 다루는 매우 작은 회사로 결정하였습니다.

그 이유는 빅뱅의 경우 음악 마니아를 상대로 언더그라운드 시장부터 공략해 나가는 길이 옳다고 판단했기 때문입니다.

총 6곡이 실리게 될 빅뱅의 첫 일본 싱글 앨범은 모두 영어로 발표합니다..

한류 가수가 아닌 해외 아티스트로 소개하기 위함인데요..

빅뱅의 프로모션 참여 시기는 내년 초로 예정되어 있어 국내 활동에 지장을 주지 않을 것입니다.

비록 일본 파트너가 작은 회사이긴 하지만, 이들은 얼마 전 일본의 한 언더 그룹을 발굴하여 밀리언셀러를 기록한 감각있는 팀이랍니다. ^^


가수들에게 있어 가장 영광스러운 자리는 아마도 단독 콘서트 무대일 것입니다.

국 내 공연 시장의 규모가 워낙 작은지라, 대중적으로 큰 인기를 끌고 있는 가수들조차 단독 콘서트를 진행하기란 여간 어려운 일이 아닌데요. 이런 국내 상황을 감안한다면... 데뷔 1년도 되지 않은 신인이 총 6회에 걸친 전국 콘서트에서 4만 명에 가까운 유료 관객을 동원했다는 것은 매우 의미있는 일이라고 생각합니다.

오는 연말인 12월 29일, 30일.. 서울 잠실 올림픽 펜싱 경기장에서 빅뱅의 단독 콘서트 (ALWAYS)를 진행할 예정입니다. 티켓 예매는 10월부터 시작할 예정으로, 자세한 소식은 추후 다시 공지하도록 하겠습니다.

양사장의 약속 : 티켓 가격은 저렴하게.. 무대 비용은 남기지 말고..

열심히 준비해서 좋은 공연을 만들도록 노력하겠습니다.. 많이 찾아주시길.


tokyollvogue from YG Family thread said that Big Bang has already recorded all songs for their second mini album ^^ YAY!

And YG also apologized about the whole TOP jacket fiasco.

Ngaaa I wonder what's gonna happen on 29 and 30/12. Let's wait for a full translation ^^

let me do a rough translation for whats going on dec 29/30.

it says that on dec 29 to 30th, they are having an independent concert for their album ALWAYS in Seoul Jamsil Olympic stadium. Ticket sales from October to the day of the event (i think??).

please correct me if i'm wrong !! ^O^;;

oh my gosh! they already recorded their second mini album?!?! man they are really hard workers. make me look like shameeeee. hahaha but yeah, i can't wait until we get to hear their second mini album! i hope itll be as successful as this one is, and i bet it is gonna be!!! because they are professionalll!!

thanks for all the links, pictures, everything everyone!!! <3

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