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{yg} Big Bang (빅뱅) Official Thread (THIS THREAD IS CLOSED - see post for current thread #3!)

Guest jess1tym4life

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Guest mon5482


THANKS TO thina....AHH SEUNGRI IS ALL GROWED UP...he's looking more and more handsome!!!

haha look at him..he's sucha perve!

YES! G-RI COMEBACK!!! awww how i miss those two!

i was staring at Kwon Leadah's bare chest, i cropped out the girl of course hahaha anywhoo, my coworker passed by my cubicle and looked at me weird o.O...and im like @_@ lol! thank god these boys have matured physically....otherwise he'd proabably think im a pervienuna...oh wait...haha i am much thanks to BIG BANG & FTI lmao!!! but heyyy im not the only one (*coughsEVERYONEOVER21*)

yay! i TOPped the page!!!


credit: victory90 & popcornfor2


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http://i154.photobucket.com/albums/s272/mo...40_102225_0.jpg >>> http://i154.photobucket.com/albums/s272/mo...ANG/bbvogue.jpg

Omo! look at the difference and that's not even the most recent picture....its only been (almost) a year since they've debut and they seriously have grown up right before our eyes.

WOAHH!! it's soooo trueee!!

hhaha! remember, opposites attract!

daesung can hug me whenever&wherever(:

hrm, i wish he was a little bigger though, i mean..i think he's around 136 pounds?

but at least he's tall!! haha

mon: for your question, in my opinion (which doesn't really matter lol)

i think top looks good in the redroc video

like one of those guys from a mafia with his aviators(:

you obessive person, you.

although i correct myself to talk nicely and all pretty and stuff x)

CHYEAHH seunghyun looks mighty mighty hot in those aviators and that suit and that smile :)

OH MY JEBUS!!!!!!!

i hope he's going to be alright,,

i was trying to read the thing but i just couldn't go on with what happened, it made my heart hurt so i couldn't go on with reading it T.T

he's going to be ohkay, i know it!

the stage must be like,,,short?

to have TWO members,,not one but TWO members fall off

daesungee will be fine :)

thanks for all those sexay pictures guys :)

these boys just don't know when to quit getting hotter do they ;)

just an observation but has anyone else noticed that seunghyun is getting a tad bit chubbier?

like for the conference, the pictures. when he smiled you could see it.

it's ohkay, cause that way i won't feel so fat when i go see him, right?

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Guest Dael.K

Please do not spam. If you are at lost for words, do not make such a pointless post.

yes sir!

waha, being warned is pretty scary :P


COH: woman, i was about to say.

haha IM an obsessive person? LOL

okok, i am, i admit.

haha thanks for the pic update (of seungri)

hopefully seunghyun will be alright

daesung too<3

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Guest nounu

wow.. thanks for the updates and all the pictures... know that

T.O.P. and DaeSung got hurt is SAD... this happenecd in one night...

wow... that was hard for us to take...

it's good that T.O.P. seemed to be okay.. but what about DS??? i

hope that he is doing well... man..(to lighten up the mood i'm making a joke...)

if he was CHUBBIER... than he would of "TONG TONG TONG" instead of

hurting his arm... wow.. maybe i should of been there to help him out..

and let him bounce back on stage... ahaha.... j/k

but anyways, all the pictures are CUTE.. OMG.. the G-RI thing is back i

see.. ahaha.. how cute... and i think SeungRI is offically a pervert.. ahaha..

look at him lifting DS's skirt... and YEASA... the look is a total TURN ON...

that was super FLY and HOT.....

T.O.P., hopefully will be able to finish "I am Sam"... because we all want to

watch it.. but if he's not in a godcondition.. then he should not be filming

until he is way better... BIG BANG is so strong.. they always act like they

are fine with out worrying anyone..

sorry i missed the weekend.. and i noticed that the thread grew like 8 pages...

i was like DARN IT.. s much reading.. ahaha.. and LOTS of picture.... (HOT ONES)

but thanks again for all the pictures, translations and everything else...

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Guest `Niiie

빅뱅의 멤버 탑고 대성이 콘서트 도중 무대에서 떨어지는 사고를 당했다.

 bigbang's top and dae sung have gotten into an accident during their concert.

 대성은 자신의 솔로곡인 '웃어본다'를 부르고 난 후, 탑은 '런투유'를 부르고 난 후 각각 3m 높이 무대에서 떨어졌다.

after daesung sang "oosuhbonda" and after top sang "runtoyou", they fell 3m from the high point of the stage


 이 사고로 대성은 팔꿈치와 옆구리에 가벼운 찰과상을 입었지만 탑은 오른쪽 다리를 절 만큼 부상 정도가 심각한 상태.

because of this accident daesung has injuries on his elbow and his hip/waist however top's injuries on his right leg are very serious.


 당시 콘서트장에 대기 중인 응급대원은 "탑의 다리 인대에 문제가 있을 것 같다. 당장 병원에 가서 검사를 받아야 할 것 같다"고 말했다.

at that moment of the concert, the ambulance and such were waiting...according to them.." top will have problems with his leg muscles...he must go to the hopstial asap and get this checked out." 

 탑은 현재 KBS 드라마 '아이 엠 셈'을 촬영 중이라 드라마 출연에 문제가 생기진 않을까 소속사 측에서도 검사결과에 신경을 곤두세우고 있다.

top's drama "i am sam" that he is filming...there are questions about him being able film bc of hsi situation 

 YG엔터테인먼트 측의 한 관계자는 "팬들이 많이 걱정하는 것 같은데 워낙 멤버들이 아파도 아픈 티를 내지 않아서 오히려 답답하다. 탑은 일단 오늘 병원에 가서 검사를 받아봐야 부상의 심각 정도가 파악될 것 같다"고 전했다.

ygentertainment announced that they feel like fans are worried...even if the memebrs are hurt or sick..they dont show it..so fans feel frustrated with that. Top is going to the hosptial and that will tell whether the accident is really bad. 

 한편 빅뱅은 전국 콘서트 투어 동안 탑과 대성의 부상 외에도 태양이 대구 콘서트서 피로누적으로 링거를 맞고 무대에 오르고, 지드래곤은 창원 콘서트 초반 눈에 화약파편을 맞은 상태로 공연을 강행하는 등 부상투혼은 보였다.

During Bigbang's concert...regardless of daesung and top's accident, taeyang has gotten "linggae" shots before the concert at daegu because he was very fatigued. G-dragon at the Changwon concert, he got hit by a firework and he still performed.

WTH is wrong with them?dont they have or think of the safety for the boys???? Top is the only one with the most serious injurys. mang. this is BS. YG be more careful since they are his goldpot.

hhaha! remember, opposites attract!

daesung can hug me whenever&wherever(:

hrm, i wish he was a little bigger though, i mean..i think he's around 136 pounds?

but at least he's tall!! haha

ROFLmao. that makes the both of us. Dang. Daesung is so fweakin yummy. he's 136 lbs? wow. so skinny.

he needs to eat more....

UFO town vid...thanks for the vid. i miss their voices. but translaltion would have been a big help for me....

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Guest 1nn0xsmile

Gosh i was worrying our boys,

seeing TOP's smile on I am Sam conference pix, ouff i feel so good

he looks so happy

im glad he recover very fast

our DaeSUng i believe he's okay, he's so cute ^^ xixi

thnks for those pix..

eee..SeungRi is cute.. wahh alot of his pic, i love them all

i cant explain, but our SR became so hot XD

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Guest jOjOlEE_x3

can i post hyunseung (SO-1) news in here?!?!


i think he was just like an extra, i`m not sure because i only saw captures:


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Guest SOUL'd to:GD

aww SEUNGRI's writing is wayyy too adorable for words :3 <3333 i wish i knew what it says @_@ lmao.

but omgsh GD's writing is hella cute too *dies* <33

omg it's hyunseung! DD: i missed that boy and felt soo bad for him :(

thanks for sharing jojo~ whoa, can't believe he's in a drama haha.

his voice was so pretty :3

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Guest xXsmilesXx

I love SeugRi's handwriting it's too cute.

I too wish i knew what it says..^So-1..aww miss that when when was watching the documentary

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Guest the7REAL.

yeesh, like a rollercoaster ride backtracking and reading. thanks for all the news + pics. I've been...out, and that TOP and Daesung falling off stage news made my heart sink again. @_@; but these boys are like rubber, always bouncing back. the 'I am Sam' conference pics TOP looks good but wondering if he is hiding his pain..;_; I hope both Daesung and TOP recover quickly.

Jerilyn, yes you can :] anyways..yeahh we have been rambling on bout TOP/GD/ & Daesung lately. So here's something for you of Taeyang/YB. :] http://youtube.com/watch?v=Bz_SLSz8ZJc. He looks soo thuggin` there ahah. Something for you & all teh YB lovers :]. I call him taeyang tho ^_^
^eeek! that is one of my favorite looks on YB! *_* definitely gangstaboo status! haha. But seriously, I love when he puts his bandana like that and when he wears that green jacket. In that one radio show where he was dressed like that and the camera was all glowy lookin' I was swoonin' watching him. :wub: maaan, voice definitely like chocolate, I hope he has lotsa lotsa parts in their new album..xD And I'm still amped for his solo single album..i don't care if its pushed back a little or not, as long as it can happen, I'll be waiting.^^; even with Big Bang, like Monica said before, we've definitely been spoiled this year by Big Bang since we've seen more variety and everything from them than other groups usually do in one year. So for everything else, I can wait for what they have in store for us.^^
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Guest amyyboo

omg, THE CONCERT PICTURES ARE SOOO SEXXYY! you can see the Pecs are starting to form!! Oh man, soo happy.

Seungri is such a perverted lil girl! ahahahah.

Is it me or in TOP's picture, he seem's a lil bit chubbier? o.0 But still, he looks dang good!! I love his eyebrows, hahah they're so archyy. I wanna do em thinner :w00t:

jOjOlEE_x3, thanks for the update on So-1. Dang, his hair looks kinda funkyy, but still good :]

Ahh, mon5482, i wish there was subb for the UFO message. I wanted to know what he was saying. Anywhoo, he seems fine. So i'm happy. ] & thnx for vids!!

HAHA, i know Jerilyn! I love Taeyang with the bandana like that. The green suits him really well too. :]

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Guest mariika

Thanks for the pics!! :o Those totally made my week lol XD

Does anyone know what song Youngbae sings with Jieun in that fancam??? Sounds like pretty song 8D

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Thanks for the picture overload, guys!!

I can't believe Daesung & Tempo fell off the stage! Aww, they probably feel so

disappointed in themselves and I hope they get better soon!!!

Tempo looks so GOOD in those press conference pics! Him in a suit is wooow. It's

kinda funny how he's not wearing dress pants or shoes hehehe. Those

Want You pics... oh god. I'm not even going to go there.

OMG SO-1?! He was an extra in a drama?! omg I wanna see it even if it's just

a few seconds cuz I love him :( His new image still makes me twitch, though.

mariika, the song that Taeyang and Jieun is singing is "Something in Common" by

Bobby Brown & Whitney Houston ^_^

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Guest mon5482

can i post hyunseung (SO-1) news in here?!?!


i think he was just like an extra, i`m not sure because i only saw captures:


aww SO-1...woah his hair is umm..... :blink: dang..i havent heard anything about him since that one time someone mentioned he had left YG. its good to see him venturing out and not givin up...he's also one talented fella, tho he didnt make it to BIG BANG, doesnt mean it was the end. He made me cry along with the rest of the boys when he didnt make it...gosh I still remember GD & TOP crying the most when he had to go...he was kinda like their b!aTch (in a good way) hehehehe!!!

yeesh, like a rollercoaster ride backtracking and reading. thanks for all the news + pics. I've been...out, and that TOP and Daesung falling off stage news made my heart sink again. @_@; but these boys are like rubber, always bouncing back. the 'I am Sam' conference pics TOP looks good but wondering if he is hiding his pain..;_; I hope both Daesung and TOP recover quickly.

^eeek! that is one of my favorite looks on YB! *_* definitely gangstaboo status! haha. But seriously, I love when he puts his bandana like that and when he wears that green jacket. In that one radio show where he was dressed like that and the camera was all glowy lookin' I was swoonin' watching him. :wub: maaan, voice definitely like chocolate, I hope he has lotsa lotsa parts in their new album..xD And I'm still amped for his solo single album..i don't care if its pushed back a little or not, as long as it can happen, I'll be waiting.^^; even with Big Bang, like Monica said before, we've definitely been spoiled this year by Big Bang since we've seen more variety and everything from them than other groups usually do in one year. So for everything else, I can wait for what they have in store for us.^^

been wondrin' where you've been, thought u went hybernating along with the other YB fans hehehe j/k. im wondrin too if TOP is in any pain...tho he looks good in those pictures, scratch that, look HELLA SUPAFLY in the pictures...our boys tend to be good at hiding their bad conditions, so im still worried as well.

I'll gladly wait a month or two, heck even til christmas :vicx: for that mini album to come out IN TRADE for their safety & good health; no more news of them gettin in any accidents...i get mini heartattacks when i hear bad news like yesterday. i hope they recover well and fast...BIG BANG HWAITING!!!!

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THANKKKS for the translation. OH TY. those boys are making uss crazy. I HOPEEEEEEEEE/ PRAY that they are going to be A OKAY. and poor top,his leg injury, hoepuflly, it turns out to be nothing that bad as they said, and that he could carry on with his drama. it'll be sad to see it not air? but that wont happen huh? hopefully not.

AND THANKS MUCHo, for all the IAMSAM pic spams<3 we need more of that, but is all good<3

AND li8ke at one point of th epcture spams, GD had his shirt likeee APART, so we saw his chest, i was like DAAAAAAAANg, and then i scroll down more seeing a pictur eof him as a girl and i was like WTTTTTTTTTTTTFEZY. haha but he makes it work. ANND AWWW SEUNGRI is soooo ADORABLE<3

ahha THanks for the YB info and pics<3 is. LOVE HIM. and poor thing hadda take shots nbefore the concert.

I CANNOT WAIT FOR THEIR ALBUM AND MUSIC VIDEO TO COME OUT. i can feeeel, a BIIIIIG GIGANTIC, spazzing moments in hereee. its gnna be BIG BANGin'.


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Guest bbasya

THANKS for all the updates on BIG BANG! ^^

^ i hope he can still do the drama too. :tears:

TOP's injury sounded pretty serious. =[

i hope TOP and Daesung are alright. and YB too!

:w00t: wah! seungri looks so HOT. ::fans self::

it looked like they had hella fun doing the parody. hehe.

LMAO! Seungri was trying to pull up Daesung's skirt! :lol:


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Guest sungieluv

yeah its a relief that TOP & DS r ok. >.< but i havent seen any pic of DS after the concert. i wanna see how he is :(

but TOP looks greAT :)

i wanna go to the VIP fan meeting x(

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Guest rawesome

I honestly don't know where to begin because even though I've already seen these pictures this morning, I'm still on spaz mode LOL

Okay, first of all...I'm glad that TOP and Daesung are okay. I actually cried because I was worried over those two! Our boys are tough soldiers. Even when injured, they still continue to fight(ing!) no matter what. I hope the accidents would stop now because it's just too heartbreaking. Speaking of TOP, daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn! He's looking ultra sexy in those press conference pictures! And thank you to everyone that posted pictures from the concert and as always to Ms. Monica for those uploaded clips on your YouTube account :D

i was staring at Kwon Leadah's bare chest, i cropped out the girl of course hahaha anywhoo, my coworker passed by my cubicle and looked at me weird o.O...and im like @_@ lol! thank god these boys have matured physically....otherwise he'd proabably think im a pervienuna...oh wait...haha i am much thanks to BIG BANG & FTI lmao!!! but heyyy im not the only one (*coughsEVERYONEOVER21*)

Okay, I'm guilty because I'm over 21 =X But yeah...whoa @ GD's chest! 0_0 He sure is working out! (okay, must stop looking because he's off limits LOL) But then, he looks better than me as a girl LOL


I'm a bit disappointed that Daesung was cut off from that chest picture of GD (I'm sorry but I can't help it! >.<). A few more inches and maybe we could've seen if his chest was bare too :excl:

As always, Seungri is soo adorable! (even his handwriting) Even in that picture wherein he was making this funny expression, he’s still cute =) This is the 2nd time that he’s worn a shirt that I want. First, it was this green The Hundreds shirt from “The Real” and now that Crooks & Castles.

I’m just a bit concerned about this http://www.geekimages.com/pics/20070626/1185768913_la3.jpg NAUGHTY, NAUGHTY MANGNAE! LOL

Of course, I didn’t forget about Tae Yang. Even though I’ve predicted that he’ll rip off his wife beater, I ain’t mad at him nor am I complaining. I don’t know about the other TY/YB fans, but his “Ma Girl”/”My Girl” performance never gets old. Thanks amyyboo for that clip of him singing. It actually got me singing too! That voice yo…*swoons* I really wish he’d wear his brow ring again… I can’t wait for his solo single to come out and just like Jerilyn, I don’t care if it gets pushed back as long as it comes out. Another thing, I like his duet with Jieun and I think that’s “Something In Common” (?).

They sure have grown so much in less than a year. Shoot, they've accomplished a lot! They're definitely one of the best things to happen in my Life this year. I can't wait for their mini-album, new MV and everything else that they have in store for us. More power BIG BANG!

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Guest la.la.la

thanks for that pic jOjOlEE_x3!

wooo SO-1 in a drama!!

when my sisters saw him get cut in the documentary, they thought he didn't look very Big Bang, but said "he should so be an actor. he looks made for dramas!"

so i hope SO-1 is successful in whatever he does

& just a random occurence, but the other day i was working @ my parents store & in walks a guy that looks like TOP!! my sisters said they didn't see him so they don't believe me, but my sis says his shirt had T's all over it. coincidence? i think not. i think the guy realized i was staring at him though heh

& just a question:

i was watching big bang's mbc debut when they sang VIP (i must say seung ri looks really good there)

i thought the whole cage thing they had in front of them was a really cool thing, so i was just wondering if anyone knows any other performances where they had that


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