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{yg} Big Bang (빅뱅) Official Thread (THIS THREAD IS CLOSED - see post for current thread #3!)

Guest jess1tym4life

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Guest susmariosep

I don't know if this has been posted already, but i recieved my Big Bang stash from YesAsia the other day so i decided to take photos of the following:

* Desk calendar

* YB phone strap

* Big Bang planner

If anyone is interested in seeing the pictures then go here: http://omgfangirl.livejournal.com/623616.html

They're kinda crappy quality cause i used my mobile's camera, but hopefully they'll give everyone a better idea of what's in them.

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Guest nounu

Luck for BigBangForever.... she get to see them... as said before.. PLEASE share

pictures with us.. we would be so happy to see them shirtless... ahaha.. I wish i

would be going to HAWAII... man are the fans there lucky...

Sorry if this is weird.. but i've been meaning to ask what SEUNGRI DAY is??? i

don't really remember reading about it much.. thanks in advance....

and about rowing a boat to hawaii... i would love to come.. and i think that a lot

of other fans would too... so i think you will need a REALLY BIG BOAT monica..

aahahaha..LMAO.. it would be great to see the music videos.. can't wait.....

thanks jojo for translating again....


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Guest fallenbroke

Thanks Jojo , you're uber helpful :lol:

GD got bits of powder from the flames that went off on the stage into his eyes

^ BB has power ! :) Despite setbacks and injuries they still continue to perform at their best . I'm really happy they didn't give up just for their fans though it's a little worrying to know that G-D's hurt . MAN ! I mean , I know it'd hurt Janny alot . LOL .


^ YAH ! This is something to look for ! New album coming out in the month of August ? Pwahahaha ! :)

And this message is left behind by the boss of YG right ? Haha , cos he sounds quite casual and nice ! And yeah , I'm happy he wants to do MV's for the other member's solos . I'm so looking forward to Seung Ri's !


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Guest rufus.

Omg new album!! *o* [And new Moogadang stuff too FINALLY XD;;] GD is made of serious win. 8DD

Thanks for the translations!!

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Guest t. yama

Sorry if this is weird.. but i've been meaning to ask what SEUNGRI DAY is??? i

don't really remember reading about it much.. thanks in advance....

Heh, it's not weird at all. Big Bang has been having their "Want You" tour

in different cities in Korea and each time there is a concert, they specify it

to be a member's day. The first concert was YB's day, the 2nd was TOP's,

the 3rd was GD's, the 4th was Daesung's, and the last one will be Seungri

Day!! On each member's day, I guess it's there way to "shine" for the night

and have a little more attention? then the other members. The "Want You"

concerts look like so much funnn. I can't wait to see what Seungri has in

store for his day. More JT songs maybe? hehe.

Ah! I TOP this page!!! ;D

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Guest sockrahtease

thanks for the news translation. :) I'm anxious to see what their new mini-album awaits. <3 Especially in Hawaii - does that mean StonySkunk will be in the MV..?

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Guest juhjuh

So I was just reading DBSK's replies to the UFO fan message thingy.

(Which is a complete win cos Changmin is SO WITTY xD)

I was wondering... is there one for Big Bang too?

We've only read one so far ^^

One fan wrote that she wrote to Daesung "The next concert my wish is to hold your hand"

and Daesung replied "Is that enough? I can hug you tightly if you want...."

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Guest KuYA II

wow a mini album i can'tw ait!! ^^ ooo we get to see TOP more good for him he needs a lot of exposure hehe.

GD wrote the songs?!?!? awsome i can't wait....i'm glad that yg choosed GD's song to be the title I'M REALLY EXCITED!!

thanks for the infos!! =)

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Guest ImSmiley

all these new stuff is making

me so excited. i'm happy there's going

to be part 2 to Hello because we really

need to know if TOP cheated on the girl.

and i really hope all the guys beside GD and

TK will get their own mvs.

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Guest jaeners

Woo! I can't wait for the mini album. ^____^ And mv's for the other 3's solo songs? Sweet. I SO can't wait to see it. :D And I'm glad GD's song was chosen to be the title song for the mini album. I bet it'll be awesome. Thanks for the info!! ^^

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Guest thina

I can't wait to see what Seungri has in

store for his day. More JT songs maybe? hehe.

hahah that's what i'm guessing too! it wouldn't be a surprise :P wouldn't it be SUCH a shock if mangnae ended up doing a hardcore rap song instead and all the rap was done by him? :lol: THAT would put on a SHOW, big time.

thanks for the new MTV info of them jess! :) i can't WAIT to see that one. i almost can't tell the difference between YB and tempo now because of their shaven heads and hats, except for the height fact ;)

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Guest jiji89

hey what is a ufo page?? =/

i'd appreciate it if somebody can please explain..

and yah does anybody know how we can purchase their albums in the us?? do we gotta buy their stuff from ebay -_-

goshhh.....they need to start selling korean music at walmart or something. *sigh*

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I'm not sure what the UFO stuff is... but I was looking

at some Se7en things and he has one too. I read with his, you can

send him direct letters as in using a cellphone/computer and going to his

UFO and sending him a message. It will go to him wherever he is and he

might even reply to your message. So maybe Big Bang's is like that too?

jiji89^ That's a UFO :) Basically a way to send messages to them and you can hope for a response.

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Guest la.la.la

wahhh wish i could see them in hawaii. but it's virtually impossible

my cousins though just left on a cruise to see all of hawaii. those lucky biznatches

anyways mon, i don't think your friend is crazy for checking the airfares too hawaii, cause i did the same thing after i heard the news lol

but excited ti hear about the solo MVs & the mini album!!

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Guest eusung


it's been long since they've come out doing perfs and stuff.

i can't wait to hear their new mini album.

and i'm still crossing my fingers for those solo mvs.


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Guest the7REAL.

This is going to be...long. :ph34r: And, I'm sure I'll have plenty more to say after this until mid August and beyond..haha

Holy Macaroni. When Monica texted me yesterday about YG's new message and read it to me over the phone, y'all don't even know how EXTREMELY HAPPY I was/ still am! NO amount of exclamation marks can truly express everything that was going through my mind, so I chose to spazz over the phone for hours since I type slower than what I can say..hahaha. Anyways, now that my mind is more..well rested and hopefully I got all the 'fangirl' out of me from talking about it, I can talk about YG's message about Big Bang..xD

First of all, THANK YOU JOJO! You are an ANGEL!<3

1) YG bragging about Big Bang at work is cute as hell. Them making YG happy, for some odd reason makes me happy and so so proud that they are really meeting or exceeding his expectations for them. I feel like buying YG shoes for some reason since he likes them so much.

2) YG putting GD's song as Big Bang's title song instead of Teddy and Perry's composed song, says A LOT about GD's growing skills and natural talent. Teddy and Perry are like masters of that field and for YG to approve GD's song is just amazing to me. I'm so proud of GD, and for some reason, found that waaaaay waaaay...attractive? I guess since wow...he is THAT good to even have written that song that MGD will use. @_@;; I just find it really great, GD deserves that random Nintendo DS...lol. ah, love him lotsss. I still think of how he passed on a solo career, and it just makes me admire him more for staying with BB, to know that he can write songs and do anything, I'm glad he is with BB. It shows how its more than just about the money to him. To me it seems like its more about reaching your dreams, having the experience and being able to share it with your friends. >.<;;

3) I'm excited for the mini-album! The solo MVs! the part 2 of the Red Roc MV with TOP! Seriously, its like YG has been reading our minds or something, he knows exactly what we want (or if not everyone, than me..haha) I really really want to hear 'Lie' and 'Always', both songs I'm so curious to hear so so much.

4) HAWAII?!?!?! Firstly, there better be no freakin' booty rump shakers in that video. Stony Skunk's Boomdiboodi video, I couldn't watch all of it cause there was so much richard simmons on the screen..LOL. Big Bang better not have that in their video. Please be something tasteful... If they have some pretty local girls or something hula dancing then that's cool. Like maybe they'll show Big Bang hula dancing? haha. Or just being silly and relaxing and stuff. And I desperately want to see YG people cameos..like..heh..Danny on a hammock..=X Or yeah, be like 1TYM's You and Me MV. I can see TOP wearing some burmuda shorts and hawaiin print shirts with sun tan lotion on his nose and everyone else....shirtless..@_@..haha. Or maybe it will have some little storyline..ha. This is really random but my first thought to Big Bang in Hawaii was that GD should hella rock that eye patch like a pirate..HAHA. on the beach..xD that would be so funny...lols. And I keep still thinking YB has braids still..;__; so I thought he'd look good on a beach with his braids..but ahh...he had to shave it off..grr T__T;

Ah, I'm so jealous Big Bang will be in Hawaii!!! I was going to stop over there on my way to Guam at the END of this month but now I wish it was this weekend...@_@;; lol. Ah, Big Bang in Hawaii, that's a lot of eye candy for Maknae and choiTOP and all of them, girls in bikinis and what-not on the beaches. Well, I hope they have fun....they deserve a little break, even if its shooting a MV in Hawaii, it's still HAWAII. And right now that seems like more than paradise to me. Big Bang + Hawaii = where I want to be right now.



Even though YB is my favorite in the group, I swear, I'm in love with everyone in Big Bang...haha. XD My natural highhhhh. they stay on myyy hype. =]

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Guest NO NAME?

Whoa, there's a lot of updates. Thanks so much jOjOlEE_x3 for the translations. I'm looking forward to their mini album. Hah, how cool. An MV for all of the member's solo songs :D They're going to Hawaii!?!? What am I doing here in Alaska since Hawaii is near. Haha.

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Guest MEyes

4)HAWAII?!?!?! Firstly, there better be no freakin' booty rump shakers in that video. Stony Skunk's Boomdiboodi video, I couldn't watch all of it cause there was so much richard simmons on the screen..LOL. Big Bang better not have that in their video. Please be something tasteful... If they have some pretty local girls or something hula dancing then that's cool. Like maybe they'll show Big Bang hula dancing? haha. Or just being silly and relaxing and stuff. And I desperately want to see YG people cameos..like..heh..Danny on a hammock..=X Or yeah, be like 1TYM's You and Me MV. I can see TOP wearing some burmuda shorts and hawaiin print shirts with sun tan lotion on his nose and everyone else....shirtless..@_@..haha. Or maybe it will have some little storyline..ha. This is really random but my first thought to Big Bang in Hawaii was that GD should hella rock that eye patch like a pirate..HAHA. on the beach..xD that would be so funny...lols. And I keep still thinking YB has braids still..;__; so I thought he'd look good on a beach with his braids..but ahh...he had to shave it off..grr T__T;


Oh my gosh, I choked on my own spit reading that paragraph, hahahahaha!

But I get what ur saying. I'd like to see a vid of them relaxing and being natural (being theirselves). I can't wait to hear "Lies," though. I bet that song is so good~~~ I'm excited by the others, too, but GD's the one who wrote/composed "SHAKE IT," and I love that song!!!

I can't wait to see the continuation of the "HELLO" vid (if they make one). I always wondered what he did afterwards...like did he run out in the street and started bashing more car windshields or did he go home and eat cereal for dinner??? Ehh, I don't know! Haha...

Anywayz, thanks to all for sharing the info!

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