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{yg} Big Bang (빅뱅) Official Thread (THIS THREAD IS CLOSED - see post for current thread #3!)

Guest jess1tym4life

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Guest rawesome

Ahhhh poor GD! I bet all of the GD lovers were/are worried as hell! I'm glad that his eyesight isn't affected, because that'd be too :(

I give GD props for sticking to the game plan. That's straight up love and dedication for the fans and to his craft.

On a lighter note... I can't wait for YG's message!!!

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Guest mon5482

YG MESSAGE...could someone please translate? even if its just the BIG BANG portion. thanks in advance!


I edited it so its just the BIG BANG portion...some parts of the RED ROC & MOOGADANG part mentions BIG BANG...

for the complete message CLICK HERE: YG MESSAGE

안녕하신지요.. 양현석입니다. 꾸벅 ~

소식이 너무 늦었습니다.ㅜㅜ 죄송합니다.

드릴 말씀이 많은 관계로 긴 서론 없이 YG의 전반적인 진행 사항들에 대해 말씀 드릴까 합니다.


지난 주말 창원 콘서트를 무사히 끝마친 ‘빅뱅(BIGBANG)’…

작년 연말 단독 콘서트에서부터 지방 5개 도시 투어까지 모든 공연을 성황리에 치르고 있는데요.

처음에는 무리한 공연 기획이 아닐까 주위에서 많이 걱정 했었는데, 요즘 제가 ‘빅뱅(BIGBANG)’덕분에 회사에서 큰소리치고 있다는.. ㅎㅎ

그건 그렇고.. ‘빅뱅(BIGBANG)’의 새 앨범 소식을 너무 오랫동안 못 전해 드렸죠…

드디어 오는 8월 중순, ‘빅뱅(BIGBANG)’의 새로운 앨범을 발표할 계획입니다...^^

일본에서는 한 두 곡이 실리는 앨범을 ‘싱글’ 이라 말하고, 정규 앨범의 절반 정도가 실리는 앨범을 ‘미니 앨범’ 이라고 하는데, 총 6트랙이 실릴 이번 빅뱅 앨범 역시 ‘미니 앨범’ 이라고 부르는 것이 더 맞는 표현인 것 같습니다.

이번 미니 앨범의 타이틀곡은 ‘지드래곤(G-Dragon)’이 작사, 작곡한 『거짓말』이라는 곡으로, 빠른 리듬과 무거운 베이스 소리가 잘 혼합된 하우스풍의 곡인데요, 익숙한 피아노 샘플링과 슬픈 가사가 잘 혼합되어 신나면서도 슬픈 느낌을 주는 새로운 느낌의 곡입니다.

관객들과 함께 호흡하기 좋은 곡.. ^^

사실 ‘원타임(1TYM)’의 테디가 만든 『Always』란 곡과 ‘페리’와 ‘용감한 형제’가 공동으로 만든 곡이 타이틀곡 경합을 벌였으나, 앨범 작업 막바지에 완성한 ‘지드래곤(G-Dragon)’의 솔로곡을 듣는 순간 “이 곡이 타이틀곡이다!”라는 느낌이 단번에 오더군요.

때문에 ‘지드래곤(G-Dragon)’의 곡을 빅뱅 타이틀곡으로 갑작스럽게 전환하게 되었습니다.

열심히 준비한 솔로곡인데 조금 미안한 마음이 들어 제가 ‘지드래곤(G-Dragon)’에게 한말..

너 혹시 ‘닌텐도DS’ 있냐?? ㅜㅜ


‘지드래곤(G-Dragon)’은 타이틀곡의 작사•작곡뿐 아니라, 이번 앨범에서 거의 모든 작사를 담당하였는데요.. 확실히 재능 있는 녀석인 것 같습니다.

작년의 경우 ‘지드래곤(G-Dragon)’과 ‘태양’의 솔로곡 뮤직비디오만 찍는 바람에 그 동안 나머지 멤버들에게 제가 조금 미안했었는데요.. 이제부터 나머지 멤버들의 뮤직비디오를 차례대로 진행해볼까 합니다.

이번 앨범에는 ‘탑(T.O.P)’의 솔로곡이 실릴 예정인데요..

‘탑(T.O.P)의 뮤직비디오는 얼마 전 삭발씬을 감행하며 출연한 ‘레드락(Red-Roc)’의 『헬로(Hello)』뮤직비디오의 후속편으로 찍어보면 어떨까라는 생각을 가지고 있습니다,

드라마 ‘아이 엠 샘’ 출연과 ‘레드락(Red-Roc)’ 뮤직비디오 방영, 그리고 본인의 솔로곡 뮤직비디오까지 당분간 ‘탑(T.O.P)’의 노출이 상당히 많아질 것 같네요.

작년의 경우 한 달에 한 번씩 싱글 앨범을 발표하느라, 한 곡으로 오랜 활동을 하지 못했는데요.. 이번 앨범은 좀더 오랜 활동을 기대하고 있습니다.

때문에 현재 태양의 솔로 앨범을 활발히 녹음 중에 있습니다만, 아직은 발표 시기를 예상할 수 없습니다.

‘빅뱅(BIGBANG)’은 이번 주말 『Always』라는 곡의 뮤직비디오 촬영 차 하와이에 갑니다 (‘스토니스컹크(Stony Skunk)와 함께). 타이틀곡 『거짓말』의 뮤직비디오는 돌아오는 대로 서울에서 촬영할 계획이고요. ^^ ‘빅뱅(BIGBANG)’의 앨범 소식은 다음에 좀 더 자세하게 전해 드릴께요.


YG 양현석 올림

credit: ygfamily.com

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Guest nounu

OMG... G-D baby, thanks for being okay.. it made everyone feel better.... thanks for the first translation jojo..

and the one you're going to translate also... you make it much easier for us non-korean readers to understand...

i hope it's something good.... like movies, or a concert... .. KWOWN LEDAH...HWAITING!!!<<<333 we love you...


YEASAAAAHA...i T.O.P.ped a page.. first time...

sorry i don't have anything nice to share..... i'll get something nice next time....

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Guest jOjOlEE_x3



지난 주말 창원 콘서트를 무사히 끝마친 ‘빅뱅(BIGBANG)’…

Last weekend Big Bang safely finished their ChangWon concert...

작년 연말 단독 콘서트에서부터 지방 5개 도시 투어까지 모든 공연을 성황리에 치르고 있는데요.

Ever since their first solo concert last year they’ve been performing in 5 cities nationwide.

처음에는 무리한 공연 기획이 아닐까 주위에서 많이 걱정 했었는데, 요즘 제가 ‘빅뱅(BIGBANG)’덕분에 회사에서 큰소리치고 있다는.. ㅎㅎ

At first we worried that it was an unreasonable plan, but these days I am bragging about Big Bang at work.. haha :]

그건 그렇고.. ‘빅뱅(BIGBANG)’의 새 앨범 소식을 너무 오랫동안 못 전해 드렸죠…

드디어 오는 8월 중순, ‘빅뱅(BIGBANG)’의 새로운 앨범을 발표할 계획입니다...^^

Anyway, I haven’t said anything about Big Bang’s new album in a while...

Finally this mid-August we are planning to release Big Bang’s new album...^^

일본에서는 한 두 곡이 실리는 앨범을 ‘싱글’ 이라 말하고, 정규 앨범의 절반 정도가 실리는 앨범을 ‘미니 앨범’ 이라고 하는데, 총 6트랙이 실릴 이번 빅뱅 앨범 역시 ‘미니 앨범’ 이라고 부르는 것이 더 맞는 표현인 것 같습니다.

In Japan they call an album with 1-2 songs a ‘Single’, and about half as many songs as a full album a ‘Mini Album”, so I guess Big Bang’s new album will be called a “Mini Album”, as it has a total of 6 songs.

이번 미니 앨범의 타이틀곡은 ‘지드래곤(G-Dragon)’이 작사, 작곡한 『거짓말』이라는 곡으로, 빠른 리듬과 무거운 베이스 소리가 잘 혼합된 하우스풍의 곡인데요, 익숙한 피아노 샘플링과 슬픈 가사가 잘 혼합되어 신나면서도 슬픈 느낌을 주는 새로운 느낌의 곡입니다.

관객들과 함께 호흡하기 좋은 곡.. ^^

This mini album’s title song will be call “Lie”, written by G-Dragon. It has a quick rhythm and low bass, and there is piano in the background with sad lyrics. It is a song that is both fun and sad at the same time. It’s a good song to sing with the audience (fans)...^^

사실 ‘원타임(1TYM)’의 테디가 만든 『Always』란 곡과 ‘페리’와 ‘용감한 형제’가 공동으로 만든 곡이 타이틀곡 경합을 벌였으나, 앨범 작업 막바지에 완성한 ‘지드래곤(G-Dragon)’의 솔로곡을 듣는 순간 “이 곡이 타이틀곡이다!”라는 느낌이 단번에 오더군요.

Actually a song called “Always” composed by 1TYM’s Teddy and Perry was going to be the title song, but when I heard G-Dragon’s song toward the end of the producing of the album, I thought “This is the title song!”

때문에 ‘지드래곤(G-Dragon)’의 곡을 빅뱅 타이틀곡으로 갑작스럽게 전환하게 되었습니다.

That is why we suddenly changed the title song to G-Dragon’s song.

열심히 준비한 솔로곡인데 조금 미안한 마음이 들어 제가 ‘지드래곤(G-Dragon)’에게 한말..

너 혹시 ‘닌텐도DS’ 있냐?? ㅜㅜ

I felt sorry that he worked so hard that I asked G-Dragon...

Do you have a “Nintendo DS”? TT



‘지드래곤(G-Dragon)’은 타이틀곡의 작사•작곡뿐 아니라, 이번 앨범에서 거의 모든 작사를 담당하였는데요.. 확실히 재능 있는 녀석인 것 같습니다.


G-Dragon didn’t only produce the title song, but he wrote the lyrics for almost all of the songs in this album... he is definitely a boy with a lot of skill.

작년의 경우 ‘지드래곤(G-Dragon)’과 ‘태양’의 솔로곡 뮤직비디오만 찍는 바람에 그 동안 나머지 멤버들에게 제가 조금 미안했었는데요.. 이제부터 나머지 멤버들의 뮤직비디오를 차례대로 진행해볼까 합니다.

Last year I felt sorry that we only filmed music videos for G-Dragon’s and Taeyang’s solo songs... now I am thinking of filming music videos for all of the member’s solo songs.

이번 앨범에는 ‘탑(T.O.P)’의 솔로곡이 실릴 예정인데요..

In this album, TOP’s solo song will be included..

‘탑(T.O.P)의 뮤직비디오는 얼마 전 삭발씬을 감행하며 출연한 ‘레드락(Red-Roc)’의 『헬로(Hello)』뮤직비디오의 후속편으로 찍어보면 어떨까라는 생각을 가지고 있습니다,

A couple of weeks ago TOP’s acting was shown in Red-Roc’s “Hello” music video, and we are thinking of filming a second part to that

드라마 ‘아이 엠 샘’ 출연과 ‘레드락(Red-Roc)’ 뮤직비디오 방영, 그리고 본인의 솔로곡 뮤직비디오까지 당분간 ‘탑(T.O.P)’의 노출이 상당히 많아질 것 같네요.

Because of acting in the drama “I Am Sam” and Red-Roc’s music video, and his own solo music video, I think we will be seeing a lot of TOP.

작년의 경우 한 달에 한 번씩 싱글 앨범을 발표하느라, 한 곡으로 오랜 활동을 하지 못했는데요.. 이번 앨범은 좀더 오랜 활동을 기대하고 있습니다.

Last year Big Bang didn’t get to perform with one song for a long time because new singles were released every month... I think that they will be performing for a longer time with this album.

때문에 현재 태양의 솔로 앨범을 활발히 녹음 중에 있습니다만, 아직은 발표 시기를 예상할 수 없습니다.

Currently we are recording for Taeyang’s solo album, but we are unsure yet as of when it will be released.

‘빅뱅(BIGBANG)’은 이번 주말 『Always』라는 곡의 뮤직비디오 촬영 차 하와이에 갑니다 (‘스토니스컹크(Stony Skunk)와 함께). 타이틀곡 『거짓말』의 뮤직비디오는 돌아오는 대로 서울에서 촬영할 계획이고요. ^^ ‘빅뱅(BIGBANG)’의 앨범 소식은 다음에 좀 더 자세하게 전해 드릴께요.

Big Bang will be going to Hawaii this weekend to film the “Always” music video (with Stony Stunk). We will film the music video for the title song “Lie” in Seoul.^^ I’ll update with more specific details about Big Bang’s new album later.




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Guest nounu

DAMN....i want to hear the song GD wrote..."LIE"it seems so good, from the sound

of it... wow... i am really proud of them.... i can't wait until their new MINI ALBUM

comes out... how exciting.... thanks again jojo.... i think this new album is going

to surprise all of us...


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Guest mon5482



WOW!!! GD is 'one of a something' as my cousins and I would say....i'm very proud of him...he's such a hard worker and such great talent in writing. I cant wait to hear the title track "Lie" sounds really interesting.

'ALWAYS' produced by Perry & TEDDY...i could already tell its gonna be HOTT!!!

YES!!! do a sequel to that HELLO m/v....haha i think Mr.YG has been secretly reading fans messages about TOP's acting skills and how we badly want a sequel to that mv since it also left us confused. I can't wait for the drama too! and his solo single...yes a TOP solo music video its gonna be so HOTT!!!

oh mang their new music video...filmed in HAWAII!!! OMGSH!!! we better be seeing SKIN...from T.O.P. :D ahh anyone who runs into them in HAWAII are so lucky ><!!!! hawaii has beautiful islands...but why not film it in in THE REAL BIG island of USA....gah! so close yet so far ToT!!!!

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Guest 5ecret

OMO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANKS SO MUCH JOJO for translating!!!! :D You're a lifesaver.

I'm toooooooo excited! I can't wait for BB to release their new MV/album, etc etc etc etc.

And FINALLY all of them will have their own solo MV's, I'm TOOOO EXCITED :w00t:

YAY TO a 2nd part to the "Hello" MV! AHHHH! Our boys are working so hard!!!! <333

I wonder how "Always" will sound like! I can't wait to hear the whole album! Oh the anticipation!!! *squeals*

And I'm :tears: because BIG BANG IS GOING TO HAWAII!!!! ANDDDDDDD, I was just there for TWO WEEKS LAST MONTH!!!!!!! IF ONLY I WERE THERE WHEN THEY'LL BE THERE, OMGGGG! If anything, I'll have my bestfriend look for them! I wonder if they'll be filming in Oahu!!! OMOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Whoever's in Hawaii, I hope you get to see them and take pictures! lol

But anyway, I'm just SO HAPPY that YG finally left a message!!

And, Monica, I agree! I HOPE WE DO SEE MORE SKIN FROM TOP. ;) I'm sure he's been working out a lot! I've been through the scorching weather in Hawaii, and C'mon now, he shouldn't be covering himself in a thick hoodie and covering his adorable face. That's all I gotta say!

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Guest kdsnabi426

jOjOlEE_x3 u are awesome! thanks for the quick translation! omg new album in august! yay! no more push backs, ahaha! 6 tracks?! oh man that's sweet. i see gd's writing and composing skills are still going good! can't wait to hear lie and always and see the mv's. wow bb in hawaii! lucky fans there be on the look-out, haha! music videos for all the solos is one think i've been hoping for a long time. so is he saying they'll me new solo songs too? cuz it'd be weird to have Big Boy on the new mini album, haha. anyway this news is all so exciting! i can't wait until everything is released. i wonder if top's solo will be the part 2 for hello? that'd be awesome.

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Guest xaida


YAAY! news about the "mini" album! lol

>< i cant wait for it! it seems so far away, lol mid-August,

and OMG! Hawaii~ ahhhhh, the lucky peeps whu gets to see them!

wish i was in Hawaii too. >__< lol

Wow, amazing GD wrote almost all da songs in the "mini album" lol can't wait to hear them!

and the song "Always" produced by Teddy&&Perry. i can't wait to hear that also!

hmmm.. i wonder what they will do in the MV.

run around shirtless on the beach, :w00t:

YES! a part 2 to "Hello" now we can see TOP hit the Girl and da GUY with the bat! lmfao! jkjk

and LMFAO! i find it funny how YG asked GD if he has a Nintendo DS, x]

and YAAAY! Now TOP DAESUNG and SEUNGRI get a SOLO mv! maybee. lol

>__< this is so exciting! lol. i cant wait! :lol:

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omg jOjOlEE_x3 thank you again for translations!!!

IM GOING TO BE IN BIG BANG HEAVEN!! new album, mini album, japan, hawaii,

g-dragon's skills, teddy and perry?!?!?! Part 2 to Tempo's mv?! Solo mvs for the

rest of the members?! This is too much for me :sweatingbullets:

Woohoo I love them :) YG spoils his company haha. Buying GD a DS :) How cute.

I'm so excited for all of this to happen. I want to see them in Hawaii :(



i was reading the rest of the YG message and apparently Moogadang is coming back this saturday! Anyway, their title song is a song that G-Dragon wrote, and it was originally Big Bang's song, but they gave it up for Moogadang.

Jojo, you are the best!! Thanks AGAIN! Ahh G-Dragon is working so hard!!

I wish I could be like him!! I'm glad that Moogadang is back too! I was wondering

if they disappeared forever =\

If it was originally a Big Bang song, it must be good!!!

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Guest mon5482


im in hawaiii

i hope i get to meet them!!



oh lucky! i hope u get to meet them! dont be intimidated to approach them but also be reasonable. dont bother them when their busy...but find a way to show them ur their fans...without the overpsychotic screams of BIG BAAAAANNNNNGGGG!!! all up in their face...trust me they wont like that. but from my experience..big bang & managers werent too strict (unlike suju & their managers) but maybe just caught them at the right time...BUT I WISH GOODLUCK TO THE BIG BANG FANS IN HAWAII!!! *jealousy creeps in me ah!*

my cousin Justine started checking out airfares as soon as i told her about this news...she's so effin crazy!!! we were like 'hmm? i wonder how far we can row a boat?...be real FOBS in hawaii hahahaha!!!' sorry we're so random and weird.

but yeah we're checking out the flights from Incheon to Hawaii via KOREA AIRLINES...checking out when would they arrive...so FANS IN HAWAII....IT WOULD BE NICE IF YOU CAN GIVE THEM A WARM GREETING AT THE AIRPORT WHEN THEY ARRIVE...GET THEM 'LEID' lol!!!!

oh mang i can already picture these boys wide eyed...checking out all the ladies in bikinis...why do i have a feeling SEUNGRI will be enjoying this A LOT...hahahaha!!!!!

oh yeah...i guess next time i'll be a lil bit clearer when i pray for BIG BANG to come to the U.S...yes i did say i'll be there fosho wherever they are in the U.S...if this was a WANT YOU CONCERT...i wouldve already booked my flight...but since this is just for a m/v it doesn't count haha....so next time i'll pray 'MAINLAND USA' just in case so it's not HAWAII OR ALASKA LMAO!!!!

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Guest jiji89

oh lucky! i hope u get to meet them! dont be intimidated to approach them but also be reasonable. dont bother them when their busy...but find a way to show them ur their fans...without the overpsychotic screams of BIG BAAAAANNNNNGGGG!!! all up in their face...trust me they wont like that. but from my experience..big bang & managers werent too strict (unlike suju & their managers) but maybe just caught them at the right time...BUT I WISH GOODLUCK TO THE BIG BANG FANS IN HAWAII!!! *jealousy creeps in me ah!*

my cousin Justine started checking out airfares as soon as i told her about this news...she's so effin crazy!!! we were like 'hmm? i wonder how far we can row a boat?...be real FOBS in hawaii hahahaha!!!' sorry we're so random and weird.

but yeah we're checking out the flights from Incheon to Hawaii via KOREA AIRLINES...checking out when would they arrive...so FANS IN HAWAII....IT WOULD BE NICE IF YOU CAN GIVE THEM A WARM GREETING AT THE AIRPORT WHEN THEY ARRIVE...GET THEM 'LEID' lol!!!!

oh mang i can already picture these boys wide eyed...checking out all the ladies in bikinis...why do i have a feeling SEUNGRI will be enjoying this A LOT...hahahaha!!!!!

LOL!! that is too funny!!. yah seungri will prolly be all 'wow'd by everything.

well i see u met big bang be4?? omg DO TELL!!

*eek!!* i wanna meet them!!

well for me im planning to work as a backup dancer for yg entertainment so maybe one day i'll meet them.

hehe ^_^

goshh isnt korea airlines expensive??

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GD got bits of powder from the flames that went off on the stage into his eyes

0___0 I'm so glad that he is alright! Man I wonder how he didn't show it!

that boy is so strong! and etc. but i'm so glad that he is alright =D




I can't wait to hear GD's song! I'm pretty sure its AMAZING! =D Like always!

and “Always” composed by 1TYM’s Teddy and Perry" AHHHHHHHH! i can't

wait! its gonna be hot hot hot! FILMING ALL THE OF THE SOLO SONGS =D Man,


THAT WOULD BE AWESOME! maybe they might clear things up?

HAWAIII!!!!!!!!!!!!! i wish i lived there -_______- man.


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i hopeeee GD's all good now. pooor thing. thats ALL true passion. never letting their fans down. LOVEEE THEm!!!

DUUUDE. friggeen MONICA, texted me about them FILMING IN HAAWAIII, and i just had to go on. WTHHHHH HAWAII? WHY NOT LIKE LONG BEACH OR SOMTHING. on REAL LAND. haha DITOO monica. FREALS. those lucky people who get to see BB. DUUUUUDEEEEEEEE. i am so mad. haha BUT i guess its a step for BB in the US? hopefully, they;ll do some vacationing in CAAAALI.

haha leiid? monica your hella funny. and DEFINETELY< WE ALL NEeEEED SOME MORE SKIN PERIOD. FROM EVERYTOne!

NEW ALBUM?! NEXT MONTH?! DUDEEE their killing us, i CAN WAIT THOUGH. YEESSUMS. everything sounds like its gnna be a SMASH hit, hot, and everyyythinnnng. YEEEEEEEE.

theeeeeey SOO should make a sequel to the HEllo MV. cos yeah thaey hella left us hanging and what not. WE NEED TO KNOW THE TRUTH. WHO CHEATED ON WHO(O?!!?!?!?!?!?!

BUT HAWAIII, like YEEEEE. ima run away and fly there to see theeem

:] SIKE. haha

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