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{yg} Big Bang (빅뱅) Official Thread (THIS THREAD IS CLOSED - see post for current thread #3!)

Guest jess1tym4life

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Guest sweetddalki

i was on bestiz and i read all of this on there:

On August 19th (day after GD's bday) Big Bang is having a fan meeting

(dies of jealousy)

If you send a message to Big Bang on ufotown they sometimes reply to you

(dies of jealousy)

One fan wrote that she wrote to Daesung "The next concert my wish is to hold your hand"

and Daesung replied "Is that enough? I can hug you tightly if you want...."

(dies of jealousy)

and then next concert is SEUNGRI Day<3333333

anddd Gummy came all the way from Japan to perform with Big Bang

how sweettt :D

Thanks Jojo!


I can't belive Daesung said that O_O


He's so cute!!! I wish I was the fan...

And I hope she gets her hug :D

And that's so sweet of Gummy

I love how YG fambam really loves BB

They support each other hardcore.

GD's getting old xP

(I'm only saying that to make my old hag self feel better)


ASHIII! i topped a page!

got nothing new to share but heres a pic of HOT richard simmons DAESUNG! =)


Thanks Monica!


That's pretty hot.

He's only cut but that's NICEEEEE.

But that dancers gotta go... :\


AWE! GD got hurt O_O

Damn pyrotechnics!!!

That's crazy, the odds...

I hope he's alright!

Eye damage... that's... epic

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Guest lovenotee

awww daesungs so sweet! ^^

how do you send them messages on the ufo thing? o_o

omg i hope gd is okay T____T

someone please translate!

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Guest ..kaleena..

aww, i hope gdragon's ok!! TT^TT what happened??

One fan wrote that she wrote to Daesung "The next concert my wish is to hold your hand"

and Daesung replied "Is that enough? I can hug you tightly if you want...."

and DAESUNG!! that is so sweet of him!!! hahaha , i wanna hug you tightly!!! *raises hand* hahaha eeeek, lucky fan XD

anways, i made some GIFs today, haha, sorry if they were already made but it was too cute

i917821_Daesung1t.gif <--Doraemon daesung? or UFO daesung?

i917836_Daesung2.gif <-- putting it back awkwardly. hahaha

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Guest SOUL'd to:GD


ARE YOU GUYS SERIOUS!!?? DON'T TELL ME THE GUN POWDER GOT ON HIS EYE!?? omffffggg isn't gun powder dangerous!?

Oh my gosh please don't let it be his eyes are somewhere badddd :tears:

oh gosshhh my poor baby, whyyyy :( gaahh KWON LEADAH, I know you can fight whatever you have to go through right now! ><


Let's all pray for our Kwon Leadah, eventhough we don't really know what's reall wrong with him right now,

but we'll pray for him to be at his best and there's no bad injure :(

Yeah I agree Monica, I really admire how, no matter what, he'll keep the show going on until it's finished.

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Guest jOjOlEE_x3

GD got bits of powder from the flames that went off on the stage into his eyes

full translation coming......

그룹 빅뱅의 지드래곤이 부상에도 불구하고 콘서트를 강행하는 투혼을 발휘, 팬들을 깜짝 놀라게 했다.

지드래곤은 15일 창원 KBS 홀에서 열린 ‘원츄콘서트’에서 두 번째 곡 ‘흔들어’가 시작되는 중에 무대에서 터진 화약파편에 눈을 맞았다.

Big Bang’s G-Dragon suffered an injury but still showed his spirit by performing, and surprised his fans. On the 15th in ChangWon’s Want You Concert, the parts of flames/fireworks that went off during their second song, Shake It, went into G-Dragon’s eyes.

콘서트 초반에 눈을 부상당한 그는 전혀 내색 없이 콘서트를 끝마쳤다. 때문에 주위 사람들이 부상당한 사실을 몰랐다고 한다.

Although he suffered this injury in the beginning of the concert, he was able to perform during the concert without a problem. Because of this, no one could tell that he was hurt.

소속사 YG엔터테인먼트의 관계자는 “콘서트 다음날 지드래곤이 눈에 안대를 하고 나타나 깜짝 놀랐다”며 “병원에서 화약파편이 동공에 맞지 않아서 시력에 이상은 없고 며칠 간만 치료를 받으면 된다고 해 불행중 다행”이라고 밝혔다.

YG Entertainment said “The next day we were surprised to see G-Dragon come to practice with a patch over his eye. The parts of the gunpowder from the flames didn’t touch his pupil so it won’t affect his sight, and he will need a couple of days of treatment.”

빅뱅은 지난달 30일 대구 콘서트에서도 태양이 링거를 맞고 무대에 오르는 등 팬들에게 멎진 무대를 선보이기 위해 불꽃투혼을 보여주고 있다.

Last month on the 30th member Taeyang got ringer’s solution and also showed his passion.

한편, 빅뱅은 이달 29일 전주를 끝으로 첫 전국투어 콘서트의 대미를 장식한다.

The 29th of this month will be the final concert of Big Bang’s nationwide tour.


i own a page babeyy

i hope you get better GD<333333

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Guest xaida

i knew it. It was from the fireworks. :(

and omg. it happened at teh beginning of the concert?!

:tears: awww, poor GD.

its a GOOD thing that it didnt touch his pupil.

god knows what would happen to his vision.

and its good how he still continue on with the show.

even though his eye was injured.

thanks Jojo for translating.

>__< we wouldnt know whats wrong with him. if no one translated this.


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Guest lovenotee

jOjOlEE_x3, thanks for translating!


powder from flames??!! :wacko:

its good to hear that he's okay

aw, he still had the courage to perform

thats so nice of him

best of luck to him!

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Guest kdsnabi426

Thank you for the translation, jOjOlEE_x3! I've been so worried about him all day. Those darn fireworks! :crazy: Thank goodness he's okay and the injury won't affect his sight. Wow GD's awesome to be able to carry on performing after getting hit in the EYE with gunpowder from fireworks. Our Kwon Leader's tough! I hope the injury won't leave a nasty scar on his eye cuz GD's always had such nice skin. Get well soon Kwon Leader! <3

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Guest sungieluv

OMOGSH :o I hope hes ok. not to much damage. thoes can be dangerous.

im so proud of him :D hes so dedicated~ he should get some rest

i remember at the HB, Brian told us to move back from the stage b.c of the fireworks that were going to go off.. >.<

thanks for the translationss~!

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Guest the7REAL.

Thanks Jojo for the translation!

I'm glad GD is okay! Gosh, these boys make me worry so much! @_@;;

They always go on even when they're hurt... <_< Our leada's too strong..;_;

Many hugs and kisses to G-Dragon<3<3<3<3

I know this is probably inappropriate but I don't know..imagining GD with an eyepatch...lol. @_@;

I'm silly, I know. -_-; I'm glad it didn't go directly into his eyes. :tears: :tears: :tears:

I almost teared up when Fye was telling me about the article before we were sure what happened...@_@;;

GD hwaiting~

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Guest thereesaaa

omg. im soo glad to hear that his vision wasn't affected.

but still, i hope he can take that eye patch off soon

and get better. (:

i seriously got teary eyed when i read that.

hes such a hard working guy.

agh. i loveee gd<33(:

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Guest t. yama

Thank you so much for translating Jojo!! When Fye told me about it..I was in shock. >.<

I'm so glad that it didn't get to his pupil. GD is such a dedicated leadahh. <33

Just like YB, he stuck out the concert until the end. :wub:

GD Hwaiting!! :]

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Guest seesheen

oh man i hope gd's ok =\

they shouldnt use those fireworks

they look cool but they're dangerous

that takes some dedication to finish the concert man

props to gd for that

& omg those keychains are so freakin cute

especially the daesung one

i want them allllllll!! <33333

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Guest grritseve

i'm glad GD's okay :(

gun powders are so dangerous, but good thing it didn't touch his pupils.

thanks for the translations jojo, yea he's so dedicated to his job <3

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Guest SOUL'd to:GD

thank you for the full translations jojo dear <333

Monica told me most about it before anyone translated the article so it made me felt relieved a little ><

then hearing out the full thing made it all better, I'm glad he didn't get injured badly :(

Gah, I wish he cared about himself more >< But I really do feel proud and admire him at most

the fact that no matter what he's gonna put himself out there for his fans, and get the show done.

Gah, How amazing can this boy get right? Because he's already BEYOND it.

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