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{yg} Big Bang (빅뱅) Official Thread (THIS THREAD IS CLOSED - see post for current thread #3!)

Guest jess1tym4life

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Guest LLamamon

I'm excited for their anniversary too! VIPs contribute! it's their one year anniversary. =] Lets make them feel loved. not that they already dont.

LLamamon the link to buy it is http://z3.invisionfree.com/TheMARKETPLACE/...?showtopic=2501. I dont know if she is still taking orders so try contacting her there anyways. =] good luck. =]

ohh thank you much for that! much appreciated ^___^. haha and thanks for postin the pictures....*le sigh* brings back good memories :D!!!

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Guest she7g

yes i cant wait for the next want u concert too, i wanna see all da fan cam and pics too, dang i miss da boys, any news as to when the next single is gonna come out? it is june already and i'm still patiently waiting....hurry mr yg....

and plz someone translate seungri's mess, thx :)

also happy 300th day to big bang too!

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Guest chungmonkey629


even tho i've fallen in love with f.t. island, i will still luv you guys with all my heart <3

btw, quick question. My friend is traveling to korea this summer, and she really wants to go see big bang. Are all their tickets for their want you concert sold out?

I'm guessing yes. But, doesn't hurt to ask, right?

Oh, btw. I just talked to the TOP poser on yahoo, lol. Now he/she is saying that he/she is gd. I acted like i totally believed them. I sounded so stupid, i acted all ditzy and stuff, and i swear, i think i gagged like 10 times. I asked him what church he went to, b/c my friend went to the same church as him before he debuted, and he was like "Ask her. I'll see if I remember her." Lol. Obviously he doesn't know which church gd used to go to before his debut. Silly silly poser.

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Guest the7REAL.

HAPPY 300TH DAY BIG BANG + FELLOW VIPs! ^__^ uhh tomorrow..but early..LOL

I lub you forever and evers. <3 lol

they are seriously my favorite boys..lol

1tym my favorite men, big bang is my home skillets. LOL. I'm being silly again.. :sweatingbullets:

ohhh a message from maknae! (ahh im so used to spelling it this way I can't help it anymore..so hard to change..lols)

i cant wait to see what he says. *_*

THANKS iluxxx for the translation!!!! You rock!~~~<3

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Thank you for the BB Bud Message translations iluxxx!! Hehe I love that clip.

GD: Once you use it, people would want to kiss your lips ^^

Hahaha!! Cute GD :)

Has it really been 300 days of Big Bang already? Wow! It's been the best 300 days of my life...

I really want their 4th single to come out NOW! Or at least some new pics/videos.

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Guest xXsmilesXx

Happy 300th BIG BANG!!!

Omg i can't believe it's their 300 day..i so happy for them...i miss them too...really can't wait for their new single..and TOp's and YB's album..omg..omg...

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Guest jOjOlEE_x3


hey everyone!!

i haven`t been here in a while

did everyone forget me? T^T


안녕하세요 ^^ 승리입니다 승리데이가 어제였지만...

Hello^^ It’s Seungri although Seungri Day was yesterday...

어제.. 연습이 조금 늦게 끝나서 깜빡 했어요 죄송해요!!!

Yesterday...practice ended a little late so I forgot I’m sorry!!!

빅뱅이 데뷔한지 300일이 얼마 남지 않았어요~

It’s almost 300 days since Big Bang has debuted~

추카추카추 빰빠라밤 빰빰빠 빰바라밤~~~~

*Congratulations Sound Effects*

빅뱅이 된지 엊그제 같은데 벌써.... 1년이 지나 가버렸네요 우와~

It feels like Big Bang was made yesterday but already... one year has passed wow~

1년동안 같이 쭉함께해 온 빅뱅을 사랑해주시는 Fan분들 도

All the fans who have stayed with us and loved us for one year

아픈데 없으시고 하시는일 다들 잘되고 계시나요~??

Are you healthy and successful~??

무지 무지 궁금한데 알수있는 방법이 없으니 원~ 답답해요

I’m very very curious but there is no way to find out~ I am anxious

빅뱅이 전국투어콘서트를 하고 있음에도 불구하고

Although we’re having a nationwide tour

빅뱅의 더 많은 자료를 원하시는 우리 VIP분들은 욕심쟁이 우후훗!!!

VIP fans who want more pictures/videos are selfish haha! (jokingly)

복습하고 또 복습해 다큐대사 까지 다 외웠다는 우리 VIP분들은 똑똑쟁이 푸후훗~!!

Our VIP fans who even memorized the documentary are smart haha~!!

하지만! 현실적으로 빅뱅은 지금 콘서트외에는 활동이 없다는거...

Except! In reality Big Bang doesn’t have any schedules because of our tour...


It’s sad.....ㅠㅠ

그런데!!! 빅뱅전국투어콘서트에는 매콘서트마다 특별한것들이 있다는거~!!

But!! There are special events each concert~!!

그리고 이번 춘천콘서트는 TOPday라는거!! 어제 TOP형 연습하느라

And the concert this time in ChoonChun is TOPday!! Yesterday Top Hyung was practicing

잠을 안잤다는거...

And didn’t sleep...

그러니까 우리 춘천콘서트에서 많은 분들을 만났으면 좋겠어요~ 우후훗~!

So I hope we can meet many fans at our ChoonChun concert~

그리고 우리 눈치빠른 VIP분들 눈치채셨을꺼에요...^^

And our smart VIP fans will probably already know...^^

승리day는 어느지역일까요~? 알아맞춰보세요~

But where is Seungri day~? Guess~

또콘서트얘기네 흐흐

Haha concert talk again

요즘날씨가 갑자기 더워져서 쪼금 난감하신분들..

These days the weather has suddenly gotten hotter...

저도조금 그래요 흑흑 ㅜㅜ

I’m suffering too ㅜㅜ

아무튼 승리데이지났지만!HAPPY 승리! 데이!!

Anyway although Seungri Day was yesterday! Happy Seungri! Day!!

조용히 열심히 만들고 꾸려가고있는 빅뱅을위해

For Big Bang who is working hard

모두들 브라보!!!!!!!! and 파이팅!!^^

Bravo!!!!! And Hwaiting!!^^

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Guest missmayleecha

hey everyone!!

i haven`t been here in a while

did everyone forget me? T^T


안녕하세요 ^^ 승리입니다 승리데이가 어제였지만...

Hello^^ It’s Seungri although Seungri Day was yesterday...

어제.. 연습이 조금 늦게 끝나서 깜빡 했어요 죄송해요!!!

Yesterday...practice ended a little late so I forgot I’m sorry!!!

빅뱅이 데뷔한지 300일이 얼마 남지 않았어요~

It’s almost 300 days since Big Bang has debuted~

추카추카추 빰빠라밤 빰빰빠 빰바라밤~~~~

*Congratulations Sound Effects*

빅뱅이 된지 엊그제 같은데 벌써.... 1년이 지나 가버렸네요 우와~

It feels like Big Bang was made yesterday but already... one year has passed wow~

1년동안 같이 쭉함께해 온 빅뱅을 사랑해주시는 Fan분들 도

All the fans who have stayed with us and loved us for one year

아픈데 없으시고 하시는일 다들 잘되고 계시나요~??

Are you healthy and successful~??

무지 무지 궁금한데 알수있는 방법이 없으니 원~ 답답해요

I’m very very curious but there is no way to find out~ I am anxious

빅뱅이 전국투어콘서트를 하고 있음에도 불구하고

Although we’re having a nationwide tour

빅뱅의 더 많은 자료를 원하시는 우리 VIP분들은 욕심쟁이 우후훗!!!

VIP fans who want more pictures/videos are selfish haha! (jokingly)

복습하고 또 복습해 다큐대사 까지 다 외웠다는 우리 VIP분들은 똑똑쟁이 푸후훗~!!

Our VIP fans who even memorized the documentary are smart haha~!!

하지만! 현실적으로 빅뱅은 지금 콘서트외에는 활동이 없다는거...

Except! In reality Big Bang doesn’t have any schedules because of our tour...


It’s sad.....ㅠㅠ

그런데!!! 빅뱅전국투어콘서트에는 매콘서트마다 특별한것들이 있다는거~!!

But!! There are special events each concert~!!

그리고 이번 춘천콘서트는 TOPday라는거!! 어제 TOP형 연습하느라

And the concert this time in ChoonChun is TOPday!! Yesterday Top Hyung was practicing

잠을 안잤다는거...

And didn’t sleep...

그러니까 우리 춘천콘서트에서 많은 분들을 만났으면 좋겠어요~ 우후훗~!

So I hope we can meet many fans at our ChoonChun concert~

그리고 우리 눈치빠른 VIP분들 눈치채셨을꺼에요...^^

And our smart VIP fans will probably already know...^^

승리day는 어느지역일까요~? 알아맞춰보세요~

But where is Seungri day~? Guess~

또콘서트얘기네 흐흐

Haha concert talk again

요즘날씨가 갑자기 더워져서 쪼금 난감하신분들..

These days the weather has suddenly gotten hotter...

저도조금 그래요 흑흑 ㅜㅜ

I’m suffering too ㅜㅜ

아무튼 승리데이지났지만!HAPPY 승리! 데이!!

Anyway although Seungri Day was yesterday! Happy Seungri! Day!!

조용히 열심히 만들고 꾸려가고있는 빅뱅을위해

For Big Bang who is working hard

모두들 브라보!!!!!!!! and 파이팅!!^^

Bravo!!!!! And Hwaiting!!^^

yess...Thank YOU!

Seungri is such a hottie :D

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Guest the7REAL.

^Hii welcome back!!! lols I remember you from YGBB...Jojo! XD thanks for translating Seungri's message!!!

His congratulations sound effects part is so HIM. LOLOL. random and silly<3

LOL this part....

빅뱅의 더 많은 자료를 원하시는 우리 VIP분들은 욕심쟁이 우후훗!!!

VIP fans who want more pictures/videos are selfish haha! (jokingly)

reminds me of Sophia's post somewhere above...LOL

Hahaha!! Cute GD :)

Has it really been 300 days of Big Bang already? Wow! It's been the best 300 days of my life...

I really want their 4th single to come out NOW! Or at least some new pics/videos.

^LOL as if he is reading our minds. =O So I think they know now how much we are 'suffering' without them..haha..which possibly means they will have lovely surprises for us later..hehe. say what? DVD?! lol

arrgg I'm not a 'smart VIP fan'..LOL...someone watch the documentary and tell us what the heck Maknae is talking about what we should know. I think he is hinting on the order in which the days of each member's day of the concerts..@_@;; But I'm not sure since I'm braindead..lol..and I don't seem to notice very much of these kinds of things..HAHA..or maybe its so simple, that when someone tells me, I'll know..but not know I know..you know? LOL :blink: BIG BANG HWAITING~~

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Guest yma818

Thanks for translating jOjOlEE_x3!

It is much appreciated. Seung Ri did read our minds. We need some big bang up in here!!!!

I cant waitttttt now. Big Bang Hwaiting!!!

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Guest 사랑競文

btw, quick question. My friend is traveling to korea this summer, and she really wants to go see big bang. Are all their tickets for their want you concert sold out?

I'm guessing yes. But, doesn't hurt to ask, right?

Oh, btw. I just talked to the TOP poser on yahoo, lol. Now he/she is saying that he/she is gd. I acted like i totally believed them. I sounded so stupid, i acted all ditzy and stuff, and i swear, i think i gagged like 10 times. I asked him what church he went to, b/c my friend went to the same church as him before he debuted, and he was like "Ask her. I'll see if I remember her." Lol. Obviously he doesn't know which church gd used to go to before his debut. Silly silly poser.

Yup. all of them are.

or at least im 99.999999999% sure they are.

I mean their first concert sold out in a minute didnt it O_O?

so i bet the WANTYOU concert are as well.

(TOP/GD poser. i have a feeling i know who that is. lowlife. PM me. =p)

puahaha jojo.

dont worry, i remember you xD

Thanks for the translations!


Seungri is so cute <3

Just wanna give him a hug.


(i love you peoples. xD 빅뱅파이팅!~)

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Guest jOjOlEE_x3

hahaha jerilyn and vk, glad you didn`t forget me

&&i wanna meet more people in here :D

you`re welcome for the translations everyone!

no problem :D

and i was looking around on bestiz

and i heard that this fancafe: cafe.daum.net/bigbangm

is making a photobook for sale?

i don`t know too much about it, but it`s not like an official product

it`s just made by that cafe :]

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Guest AnGeLSNowWhiTE

Aww SeungRi so cute..hope everyone had a good SeungRi day ^^

Thanks for the translation....well sounds like the boys are working very hard and are busy! Can't wait for their next single...is it going to be in Japanese? >_< sorry trying to keep up with everything...

I really like Top's new Hair..he looks very good handsome!! =)

YAY...300th Day for Big Bang!! They must be celebrating now ^^

I found an old video but its very cute ...

Waking Up T.O.P

hahha SeungRi and Daesung are so cute with the pots and pans.<3

.Youngbae with the vaccum+wild hair ..hahahah

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Guest t. yama

Happy 300th day to Big Bang + VIPs

(*sounds of firecrackers and popping sounds with BB's music playing in the backgroud)

Ahh! 300 days! :] I'm so proud of these boys. I will always be a fan for life. <33

jOjOlEE_x3, thank you soo much for translating Maknae's message. Whatever he

write always sounds so cute. I'm so glad he wrote a message and updated all of

us on how Big Bang are doing. HAHA, videos and pics? That would be nice. XD

Hmm, I'm not a smart VIP fan either...haha. How sad =[ I wanna know what he's

talking about tooo. Does any one know?

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Guest sophie_han

Hi everybody.... Does anyone know the address of YG Entertainment in korea... i have some thing to sent for YG but I don't know the address, can anyone help me.....thank you very much....

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Guest dankyung

: D hii i have a friend who's going back to her birth place in busan and i told her about the big bang like tour thingy for Want You. can i get more infro on it for where it is and stuff? also would that one also be sold out?? thanks for answering (:

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Guest xaida

OMG! THANKS Jojo! for translating! *i think you namee is jojo, just guessing from your ID lol*


*i will be clelebreating WITH you! lol*

=__= smart V.i.P fans. guess i'm not one of them! XD

i nevered even FINISHED watching the documentary LOL!

i proabbly will, to see wat SeungRi is talking about. hah.


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Guest the7REAL.

Hi everybody.... Does anyone know the address of YG Entertainment in korea... i have some thing to sent for YG but I don't know the address, can anyone help me.....thank you very much....

Here you go.^^ They have couple of buildings..

This one is to send fanmail to any other YG artist like Se7en, 1TYM, etc.

서울시 마포구 합정동 371-26 덕양빌딩 3층

YG Entertainment

Seoul-si Ma Po Gu Hap Jung Dong

371-26 Duk Yang Building 3rd Story


AND THEN...this next address is to send fanmail specifically for Big Bang as the fanclub cafe lists this one...

서울시 마포구 상수동 349-10 호성빌딩 4층 (주)YG 엔터테인먼트

우편번호 121-829

Seoul-si, Mapogu Sangsudong 349-10

Ho-sung building 4th floor

YG Entertainment

postal code 121-829


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Guest SOUL'd to:GD

ahh~~~ Jojo boo, thanks for the translations! ;D

Aww Seungri is super adorable <333 man what are these things he's saying to us!? @_@ Trying to give us hints or something!?

lmaooo. and yea it really is incredibly hot down here TT_TT Seungrrrii~~ i think i'm gonna burn to death!

uwaa yaayy!~


I loved you since the beginning, and till today.

And I will still love you until forever and everrr~~ <33


V my bad typo :x lmao i just noticed it too. *kicks self* i been so brain dead over this hot richard simmons weather *dies*

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