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[Official Thread] ♔ MinShin (Lee Min Ho & Park Shin Hye) ♔ - Thread 1

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Guest lilyrose81

may be they need more time to make sure the feeling they have now are not 'kim tan and eun shang'  but Lee min ho and Park shin hye's love... 

My sentiment exactly! It's a little risky when two people fall in love after acting together, it might be their characters falling in love but not themselves, give them some time and space to figure things out. And we will have to wait for news and nonetheless still hoping for the best for the two of them.


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Guest madiena

thanhthuy said:

Sure is cold where I am so thought after reading all the not so sure about our MinShin couple comments I would say what I saw and what I think......

I think what we saw at the awards show was exactly what we saw......the old adage you get what you see applies to MinShin at the awards show....they were not pretending.....or giving fan service......they were having a wonderful time being with each other and that was because it was safe to do so within the confines of the award show.....so they took advantage of it......that was smart......

I saw 2 young 20 something people that are more than infatuated and more than liking each other. I would definitely say that the line is more on starting to love than anything.  They were basking in each others presence at the awards show.......

I saw Min Ho being not only protective and supportive but very sweet toward Shin Hye.  I saw Shin Hye being sweet and demure toward Min Ho. The stealing glances was from both sides not just one and the sweet gestures were on both sides. Seems to me like Min Ho was taking a lot of steps toward Shin Hye on awards night. And if you think they were just doing fan service then watch the awards show again and watch the way the other actors and actresses are responding to the MinShin couple. It was no show and it was not fan service. We were seeing the real beginning romance of these 2 and everyone there was aware of it.....

I don't know why we are taking serious any old reports or interviews. The past is the past. Min Ho seems like a normal 26/27 year old male.....and I am sure he has had a few successes where women are concerned. I don't really think he likes noonas more than younger females b/c he has always been stuck with older females. He didn't have a choice in the selection of his co-stars in his past dramas.....but he has never said he prefers them.....and if the way a lot of fans act with all the good looking actors and male idols then there seems to be more than a few older females ready and willing to do anything these guys want........don't just blame the guy. And we really have no proof he has done anything that would make him look bad. And what would we have him say about his past co-stars but nice things? he didn't make any declarations or act or sound like he really liked them....he was being a gentleman when asked about his co-stars.....that is a gentleman.......

He seems like a really shy and nice guy. I believe he is a gentleman just like Shin Hye said.   It is a shame to think otherwise without proof.  And I am not sure why anyone is thinking that way to start with......

And I for one believe Shin Hye is a lot stronger than she is being given credit for......she wouldn't have survived in the entertainment world since childhood if she weren't ....... she is strong and confident. Of course she is leery of anti-fans...anyone would be but I don't think she has ever fallen hard enough for anyone to fight for her love but I think she may have this time......she might have been infatuated with some of her past co-stars but I don't see it....she is too tomboyish with all of them.....the only man I have ever seen her act like a female with is Min Ho. She was the same during their Etude cfs and now Heirs......I think we do Shin Hye an injustice when we think she is fragile. Just because she is a beautiful fragile looking female does not mean she is fragile.....I would say she has a determined iron rod backbone and I have a feeling she is just too nice sometimes but that doesn't mean she is weak or foolish or fragile....she seems to be one strong level-headed female....a true feminist so to speak.......

I believe Min Ho and Shin Hye will decide if they want to pursue a relationship and no one will know about it....what we saw with her and Min Ho in Heirs was special and everyone that has seen the drama recognizes that.....we should not sell either Min Ho or Shin Hye short and I don't think we should assume Min Ho is doing something wrong.  He seemed very sincere toward her to me....and she seems sincere toward him......

I really hope neither Shin Hye or Min Ho or their staff have been reading the past couple pages of posts because they suddenly got negative and I don't think there is anything to be negative about....Min Ho seems like the type of man that will tell Shin Hye if he is interested and I have a feeling it will be up to Shin Hye whether they become a serious couple or not.......

and the thing with KJW - when she is supposed to be making the call me gesture Shin Hye is right there and doesn't seem fazed....I don't think there is anything to it and is one of those little things thrown at us to cause problems....I have noticed there is a certain faction that keeps trying their damn best to make KJW be connected to either Woo Bin or Min Ho....both guys have treated her as a younger girl and have not treated her as a female they are interested in....I feel sorry for her that this group is doing this...what if she and HS? really are trying to start a relationship? how wrong of idiots to try to cause trouble by making it look like she is doing something she isn't.....and is there any of our shippers who think Shin Hye would act this way toward Min Ho if she wasn't sure of him?????

so I am still loving this couple and praying for them to be able to be a couple if they want to,.....as shippers we have to be positive and ignore any confusion or falsehoods thrown at us.....people throw them at us for a reason and it is to confuse us and to make us lose hope for our couple.....

I am too stubborn for that and will continue praying and hoping that these 2 special people can be the end game for each other ......

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TerryG said: faidaris said: TerryG said: Ok....just a side note here.  I know there is quite a bit of love for PSH on this forum, I love her too.  But there are two people involved in this and not everything is. or should be on LMH.  Whether they decide to go forward depends on both of them not just one person.  It's not always the male that has to take the lead.  Maybe he's said what was needed to be said, and it's PSH that is being hesitant, or resistant in spite of how she feels.  We as shippers don't know, but we can have a bit more faith that these are two level headed people.  Just a reminder, it was PSH that described LMH as a gentleman.  And from what I've seen he's always been that to her.  I really wish there was a bit less bias being displayed in who is already going to end up getting their heart broken. Can't we please look at things from both sides? :-??

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I think all of us should accept and embrace our differences in views on uri OTP for that's what makes us a family! Do you think all family members think alike or believe in the same thing on everything? No, right? But still, they accept each other and support each other especially for their love for the family! That's the beauty of a family! :) Family members do quarrel a bit, fight a bit, because every family member goes through different path in life, they experience different things in life but at the end of the day they are still family! From this differences they will teach each other, and they will learn from each other. That's how we should be. And what doesn't kill us makes us stronger, right? :) The important thing in our family despite all the hardships, troubles, challenges is that at the end of the day what we want to see is the happiness of uri OTP being together! [-O<
Cheers my beloved MinShin shipper family! 

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About the latest real life couples:

I love LSG...he is my other favorite after lmh....but I didn't know much about SNSD.....right now I'm watching Prime Minister And I and wow...I'm in love with Yoona there....the drama and her character are simply awesome....so I'm happy with this couple... ♥

Same way for Sooyoung....I love her since her amazing acting turn in Dating Agency Cyrano....I think she and JKH are cute....haven't seen any of his dramas though....

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Guest MarieN1430293183

I've already said it and I will say it again : GIRLS ARE WEIRD.
Should I remain you something guys? PSH had a diner with TWO guys and nobody bashed them. Even if they were ONLY the 3 of them having dinner. And KJW made a "call me" sign to LMH next to PSH and there, everybody bashed her.
I say it again : GIRLS ARE WEIRD.

But you are so cute when you are jealous so please don't change.

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m8lov said: I've already said it and I will say it again : GIRLS ARE WEIRD.
Should I remain you something guys? PSH had a diner with TWO guys and nobody bashed them. Even if they were ONLY the 3 of them having dinner. And KJW made a "call me" sign to LMH next to PSH and there, everybody bashed her.
I say it again : GIRLS ARE WEIRD.

But you are so cute when you are jealous so please don't change.

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Guest madiena

LorenHaze said: madiena said:

                                                                                                                                                                    i just share this..how can they hate her..i love how she tread the kid..she never  hesitation to touch them
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Guest Enonane1 .

.... madiena said: sorry..for me it's ok..MH also can speak with other people lol include KJW..They filming together.it weird if they didn't talk each other..Also SH also close with another guy like MH,KHN,KWB and CJH right but nothing between them..i think after bts video out they will many shipper.SH also talk with LJS at SBS drama award..if KJW and MH have relationship do u think he will treat SH like that in front KJW.

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Enonane1 . said: Sure is cold where I am so thought after reading all the not so sure about our MinShin couple comments I would say what I saw and what I think......
I think what we saw at the awards show was exactly what we saw......the old adage you get what you see applies to MinShin at the awards show....they were not pretending.....or giving fan service......they were having a wonderful time being with each other and that was because it was safe to do so within the confines of the award show.....so they took advantage of it......that was smart......

I saw 2 young 20 something people that are more than infatuated and more than liking each other. I would definitely say that the line is more on starting to love than anything.  They were basking in each others presence at the awards show.......
I saw Min Ho being not only protective and supportive but very sweet toward Shin Hye.  I saw Shin Hye being sweet and demure toward Min Ho. The stealing glances was from both sides not just one and the sweet gestures were on both sides. Seems to me like Min Ho was taking a lot of steps toward Shin Hye on awards night. And if you think they were just doing fan service then watch the awards show again and watch the way the other actors and actresses are responding to the MinShin couple. It was no show and it was not fan service. We were seeing the real beginning romance of these 2 and everyone there was aware of it.....
I don't know why we are taking serious any old reports or interviews. The past is the past. Min Ho seems like a normal 26/27 year old male.....and I am sure he has had a few successes where women are concerned. I don't really think he likes noonas more than younger females b/c he has always been stuck with older females. He didn't have a choice in the selection of his co-stars in his past dramas.....but he has never said he prefers them.....and if the way a lot of fans act with all the good looking actors and male idols then there seems to be more than a few older females ready and willing to do anything these guys want........don't just blame the guy. And we really have no proof he has done anything that would make him look bad. And what would we have him say about his past co-stars but nice things? he didn't make any declarations or act or sound like he really liked them....he was being a gentleman when asked about his co-stars.....that is a gentleman.......
He seems like a really shy and nice guy. I believe he is a gentleman just like Shin Hye said.   It is a shame to think otherwise without proof.  And I am not sure why anyone is thinking that way to start with......
And I for one believe Shin Hye is a lot stronger than she is being given credit for......she wouldn't have survived in the entertainment world since childhood if she weren't ....... she is strong and confident. Of course she is leery of anti-fans...anyone would be but I don't think she has ever fallen hard enough for anyone to fight for her love but I think she may have this time......she might have been infatuated with some of her past co-stars but I don't see it....she is too tomboyish with all of them.....the only man I have ever seen her act like a female with is Min Ho. She was the same during their Etude cfs and now Heirs......I think we do Shin Hye an injustice when we think she is fragile. Just because she is a beautiful fragile looking female does not mean she is fragile.....I would say she has a determined iron rod backbone and I have a feeling she is just too nice sometimes but that doesn't mean she is weak or foolish or fragile....she seems to be one strong level-headed female....a true feminist so to speak.......
I believe Min Ho and Shin Hye will decide if they want to pursue a relationship and no one will know about it....what we saw with her and Min Ho in Heirs was special and everyone that has seen the drama recognizes that.....we should not sell either Min Ho or Shin Hye short and I don't think we should assume Min Ho is doing something wrong.  He seemed very sincere toward her to me....and she seems sincere toward him......
I really hope neither Shin Hye or Min Ho or their staff have been reading the past couple pages of posts because they suddenly got negative and I don't think there is anything to be negative about....Min Ho seems like the type of man that will tell Shin Hye if he is interested and I have a feeling it will be up to Shin Hye whether they become a serious couple or not.......
and the thing with KJW - when she is supposed to be making the call me gesture Shin Hye is right there and doesn't seem fazed....I don't think there is anything to it and is one of those little things thrown at us to cause problems....I have noticed there is a certain faction that keeps trying their damn best to make KJW be connected to either Woo Bin or Min Ho....both guys have treated her as a younger girl and have not treated her as a female they are interested in....I feel sorry for her that this group is doing this...what if she and HS? really are trying to start a relationship? how wrong of idiots to try to cause trouble by making it look like she is doing something she isn't.....and is there any of our shippers who think Shin Hye would act this way toward Min Ho if she wasn't sure of him?????
so I am still loving this couple and praying for them to be able to be a couple if they want to,.....as shippers we have to be positive and ignore any confusion or falsehoods thrown at us.....people throw them at us for a reason and it is to confuse us and to make us lose hope for our couple.....
I am too stubborn for that and will continue praying and hoping that these 2 special people can be the end game for each other ......

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Haha i think we're being like this coz there's no news on Minshin and we missed them! After the magical moments of sbs awards we're being greedy, aren't we?

As for KJW, i think she's harmless. See her reaction everytime Minshin was in the spotlight during sbs awards, she was genuinely happy too. Besides, Shinhye also has a lot of male friends. She's also playful and touchy with them i.e Woobin. Would we want her to stop being friends with them just bcoz she's into Minho? The same goes to Minho. As long as there's a diff between how he treats Shinhye than the rest, i've no complaints

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