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[Official Thread] ♔ MinShin (Lee Min Ho & Park Shin Hye) ♔ - Thread 1

Guest pluie

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minshinromeojuliet said: These random thoughts just ran through my mind... Noticed how PSH has such great friendships with so many actors and idols... Now they must be kicking themselves for not holding on to this golden girl! Cos now it's even harder as she may be taking courage towards the golden boy! * delu mode* Sorry it must be the late night but it's a little prayer in my heart haha

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Guest MarieN1430293183

Just finished back reading your comments. Guys, this is a MinShin thread. It's about PSH and LMH. Please, stop saying I love one more than the other.

I swear, I've never felt so free to post something on a shipper thread. I was a GeunShin shipper (YB was my first drama) and I used to post a lot on GS forum. As a new shipper, I found it fun to be delulu. But then came Heartstrings and I became a YongShin shipper. I was banned from my GS family (literally). I was so hurt then I devoted myself to ship YS. But then they began to fight with all the YongSeo shippers. It was tired and useless. I used to like SNSD but after all the fan wars, I came to like them less and less. I know, it's stupid and immature. So I stopped shipping. And then, The Heirs appeared. And this time, it was different. There is something with MinShin you can't describe, you just feel it. And this is what I like about this couple. I fell in love with this couple and I was so happy when I found this thread. You are all so kind, gentle, respectful, funny and cute. I love being here, I love being free to post anything I want because I know I won't be bashed and even if I say something wrong, I know you will answer me with respect. This thread is like my second home and you are like my second family so please, please, please, let's stop talking about the haters. Like I say, haters gonna hate. Let's just spazz and be delulu together about MinShin. And if we sink, we will sink together. Araso?

EDIT: I didn't mean to bash GS or YS shippers. Of course, they are not all like that!

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Guest cheky2

So I want shinhye to attend LMH encore concert and while on stage just before the show ends let's the whole world know of their undying love for each other............wow am gonna stop right there I think lack of sleep is making me more delusional than I usually am.But how insanely crazy would that be though?ohohohohoho :)) okay am off to bed now.

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Guest zaizai_f4_only

Here we go the fancam of KJW signalling LMH to give her a call is true.... *sigh @1:24but i'm not as disappointed now lol.. looking from the fancam is more only like friendly gesture.
May be Minho says something like "we're (MINSHIN ofcourse lol) going dinner after this. you wanna come?"KJW: ohh ok just tell me over the phone(to give more information of the place)*TRYING TO MAKE MYSELF HAPPY THIS WAY LOL*
and and and ofcourse in the fancam there's also our MINSHIN got interviewd.. and we can see another giggly /bickering MINHO to SH :)) just like husband and wife like @pluie said xD@1:44

at around @2:37 KJW was talking to minho.. may b shes asking "when are we going?" and minho give a signal "when she's done"(pointing at SH) :)) am i hallucinating?

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Guest kaleidoscopegirl

I agree with all the previous posts, let's support them both  :) Isn't that why we're here? @weinya, thank you for sharing your thoughts, hope you keep on posting, let's all share the love for these two :) and just avoid negativity, it drags everybody down...Group hug >:D<
@zaizai_f4_only you've really dissected the video well =D> and you're right, I don't see anything with the that "call me" sign. I think it's more like "talk to you later" kind of thing? And can I just say I really like seeing the boys enjoying themselves at the table, I wish KWB would have been sitting with them, seems like everyone's really become good friends. And Minho did say everyone is  still active and communicate with their SNS right? And at the end part he did point KJW to Shinhye, I wonder what they we're talking about? Hmmm....If we connect that to the "call me sign" maybe they're planning a group dinner to celebrate? Like, just call us and let us know when? Or...........He could be saying, I'm going out with her tonight, she'll call you about our group dinner later :)) (Totally random thoughts!)

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Guest Enonane1 .

It's very cold out here on my mountain top and lightly snowing.....will be an interesting night for me because Granny is too old (even though sometimes I think I will have to tie her down to keep her from trying to do outside chores in the bitter cold and snow) to help me with chores and my brother's leave is up and he is back with his Marine unit......I miss him already.... sigh
so I thought while I am inside warming up that I would do like everyone else and say my thoughts about our MinShin couple......this is not a I am this one's fan or that one's fan...it is how I became their fan.
I am definitely not the oooey gooey lovey dovey type girl.....I don't usually even think of love stuff because I am too busy with my life and surviving ...... I have never felt any sort of feelings toward a drama couple or actors/actresses/idols etc etc...I always felt they are too fake.....I don't mean that badly I just mean that it seems like they live fake lives.....it was my opinion. I still feel many do but then I was introduced to Park Shin Hye's Tree of Heaven.  I thought at 16 she was really good and there was just something that made her stand out. So I watched all her dramas and movies. I was impressed. then I watched her cf's because she has an innocence that pulls you into her world. Through her cf's I was introduced to Lee Min Ho. I was intrigued by their chemistry and compatibility. But they were so young in those Etude cf's so I didn't give it much more thought. And it seemed that they did not have any other interactions after that. I watched many more K-Dramas and learned to love many actors and actresses but there was still something about the Min Ho and Shin Hye pairing that kept me interested in them. So I watched Min Ho's dramas, I came to love him too. 
I don't know what it is about these two but they both have this aura about them that pulls you in and you feel the sincerity within them. I think they are exactly like they appear. There doesn't seem to be any hidden, stuck-up I'm better than you attitude about either one. They seem to be very grounded and down to earth. And when they are together there is a chemistry that is almost otherworldly about them...I know that sounds weird but other than there is a regalness to them I don't know how to describe it. It is just there and it is heart warming and tangible. Those that don't like them or hate them will always find someone or something to hate and their lives are pitiful. I have learned to ignore their posts or to some degree I have learned to bite my tongue and not touch the computer when they yank my chain too much.....being ex-Army leaves one with a tendency to be more physical in releasing anger or pent up pissed off energy....so I work out or run and sometimes I name the ever present elk around my home with the names of the antis or naysayers of MinShin....makes me feel so much better!!!! Luckily no elk or deer poacher has came within my sights while I am fuming about antis or haters.....ahem.....
It's weird the feelings I have toward these 2. Min Ho is older than me and Shin Hye is younger. But watching them I feel like they are much loved members of my family that I cherish and wish the best for......the family that you stand there and grin stupidly at during all their cute interactions.....Their chemistry was present from the beginning of Heirs and their fondness for each other was evident too. It was a lot of fun watching the drama awards and watching the expressions on the other actors and actresses toward our MinShin couple. Most were enthralled with the little romantic show going on in front of their eyes. I have a feeling some of those like SJS do not usually show such compassion toward this sort of show. There again is the effect of that aura that follows these 2 around. I also think Woo Bin is a behind the scenes encouraging force for these 2...it was evident in how pleased he was that they won the couple award.....
I fear they will not follow their hearts because of the foolishness of people who don't wish them well. But I feel that Min Ho's true fans and Shin Hye's true fans will be encouraging them and wishing them well. There are a lot of Minoz fans and Starlight fans who love the chemistry of these 2 and see how good they are together and how good for each other they are.....so I am saying a little prayer that my 2 favorite family-like members will be able to find the happiness they deserve.
ahhhh.....I should hush now and go check on the farm animals and make sure everything is secure because it is bitter cold outside...I need to break the skim of ice on the branch (small stream of water) in case any deer and elk need water....even though the deer and elk are a bain on my existence......I just hope the electricity doesn't go out ....
forgive me for always including my mountain and what goes on here.......but I just love this thread......

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Guest zaizai_f4_only

kaleidoscopegirl said: I agree with all the previous posts, let's support them both  :) Isn't that why we're here? @weinya, thank you for sharing your thoughts, hope you keep on posting, let's all share the love for these two :) and just avoid negativity, it drags everybody down...Group hug >:D<
@zaizai_f4_only you've really dissected the video well =D> and you're right, I don't see anything with the that "call me" sign. I think it's more like "talk to you later" kind of thing? And can I just say I really like seeing the boys enjoying themselves at the table, I wish KWB would have been sitting with them, seems like everyone's really become good friends. And Minho did say everyone is  still active and communicate with their SNS right? And at the end part he did point KJW to Shinhye, I wonder what they we're talking about? Hmmm....If we connect that to the "call me sign" maybe they're planning a group dinner to celebrate? Like, just call us and let us know when? Or...........He could be saying, I'm going out with her tonight, she'll call you about our group dinner later :)) (Totally random thoughts!)

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Guest feliciawst

xiux said: feliciawst said: xiux said:

When they stand up and hold hands…

Host: I came to ask about the concept behind your outfit today.

PSH: Oh… (shyly) can I tell the truth?

Host: Of course!

PSH: Because I want to win Best Couple with Tan, a lot of shippers (haha the Chinese translation means fans-who-like-the-TanSang-couple) said that we are like Romeo and Juliet. So… (laughs shyly and can't continue).

Host: Then will the two of you stand up please! Let's see if there's a Romeo and Juliet atmosphere. (LMH is also giggling at this point!!) Min Ho-sshi, please come forward. Shin Hye-sshi as well. (They both get up and come forward while giggling). Let's see if the two are like Romeo and Juliet! How about you two hold hands? Yes yes. (LMH takes her hand lol the two of them are SO SHY AND CUTE HERE.) Do they look like Romeo and Juliet?

Fans: Yes!!!

Host: Did you guys coordinate this Romeo and Juliet thing?

LMH: You didn't tell me earlier! I didn't know! (They both laugh)

PSH: I thought he would have the Romeo charm and air.

LMH: The feeling is that she is a pure goddess.

Host: Then what was your concept? Hers was Juliet and yours?

LMH: Mine… because the fans really like me in blue suits, so I wore a blue suit with print.

Host: Ah I see. On this side, it's purely for LMH's fans…

PSH: And I did it for the drama fans.

Host: Ah I see thank you, applause for the two please. 

(The two of them continue to be shy and adorable, both covering their face.)

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Here we go the fancam of KJW signalling LMH to give her a call is true.... *sigh @1:24
but i'm not as disappointed now lol.. looking from the fancam is more only like friendly gesture.

May be Minho says something like "we're (MINSHIN ofcourse lol) going dinner after this. you wanna come?"
KJW: ohh ok just tell me over the phone(to give more information of the place)

and and and ofcourse in the fancam there's also our MINSHIN got interviewd.. and we can see another giggly /bickering MINHO to SH :)) just like husband and wife like @pluie said xD


at around @2:37 KJW was talking to minho.. may b shes asking "when are we going?" and minho give a signal "when she's done"(pointing at SH) :)) am i hallucinating?

zai zai_f4_only gumawo for the video.and here this my investigation:

1.I'm happy to saw minho chat with the boy,he is really enjoying talking with kim won and chanyoung here.but.....did you see where his eyes always gone between the conversation??????? :-h

2.Yes that is true minho hold her hand when she is winning the award but not only him cause kim won hold ji woon hand too ;)

like give a cheer for a friend but when shin hye won,only minho give her a hug not just clap her hand like she did with ji woon

(that is different between friend and.......'oppa-dongsaeng' cough cough lovers...... :\"> and only minho can touch her,nobody cant do the same even kim won his brother itself [-( so.....overly jealous future husband :)>-

3.Yes....jiwon give a sign to call but if you watched again and again it's like gesture friend when we had to separate(I always do that with my boy ..friend when we meet at ocasion,I always said to them to call me when there is some news or like that,and for me that is NORMALLLL gesture) If minho or jiwon had a feeling why he is so brave to show it at minoz and when you look into his eyes no warming stare or lovely stare like he give to cough sister cough gf cough shin hye :x for me its like friend stare and nothing at all

4.when they had to interview,look at minho gaze when they start to bickering again.He look at her so....SOFTLY...for me and look the interviewer like 'hei guys...dont fight in here.please get a room'' :D

5.After he chat with jiwoon and he wave to fans,look at his gesture (:| he is always at around at shinhye back when she is in interview

for me its just like waiting her girlfriend and take care of her until she going back to home even they have to take separate way because she scared of antis again.....

and that is my suggestion

the most important is when there is someone said no minshin moment after the award end,for me they didnt need do that

because we know shinhye well known as actress want hide her relation and minho....we are know he dont want do another mistake like his pas relation.Even we know,minho doesnt had problem to show his affection in public but of course he respect her decision more to hide it,but we never know what really going happen only both of them know the truth :D

I'm not denial in here but I'm try to be objective to saw what happen

please do not compare their moment with another because for me each moment had a different meaning

and for me....their moment in sbs award like the best moment for them and show to us how affection their with each other :)>-

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itemprop="name" style="box-sizing: border-box; margin: 10px 0px; font-weight: normal; line-height: 1.2em; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); text-rendering: optimizelegibility; font-size: 1.6em; font-family: Varela, arial, sans-serif !important;"Lee Min Ho and Park Shin Hye win SBS Best Couple Award


Video clip of SBS Best Couple Award:

Translation starting from 1:15
MC : Now, I am near the audience’s space. I can’t skip talking about this couple. The Lee Min Ho and Park Shin Hye couple. Are you guys sitting separately on purpose? Aren’t you?
Lee Min Ho : Shin Hye had another schedule, and did that. I wanted to sit next to her, but I couldn’t do it.
MC : Do you want to win Best Couple Award?
Park Shin Hye : If I say, "No", it’s a lie. Yes. I want to win.
MC : Oh, I see. It will be good for you. And there is So Ji Sub. He is here with a great suit. You and Gong Hyo are also Best Couple nominees.
So Ji Sub : We are? But I am alone now so I think I can’t get it.
MC : Okay… I like your belt. Very big buckle, so great. And here is someone who I can’t skip. Lee Jong Suk and Lee Bo Young couple. What is the great charm of Lee Bo Young?
Lee Jong Suk : Uh… Uh…
MC : No charm? Seriously? She and you are Best Couple nominees.
Lee Bo Young : He forgot about it. Has too much time passed?
Lee Jong Suk : She has too much charm so I need time to think.
MC : If you say only one?
Lee Jong Suk : First of all, she is pretty.
MC : Oh… There isn’t great charm. To Lee Bo Young, what is a great charm of Lee Jong Suk?
Lee Bo Young : I don’t want to answer right now but I want to win. He is tall, and had a good manner as man when we shot. He was awesome.
MC : He was? There are many big stars here. I don’t want to skip this man. You are so handsome.
Jo In Sung : Thank you.
MC : You are so handsome with whose permission?
Jo In Sung : According to my wish in this lifetime.
MC : This lifetime kkk, anyway you are so awesome. I want your shoes. Can’t Song Hye Gyo come here because of her shooting?
Jo In sung : Unfortunately she couldn’t come here. She is shooting a Chinese film right now.
MC : I see, thank you for your great looks. Lee Bo Young, it’s time to reveal the Best Couple.
Lee Bo Young : Many couples engaged in a heated competition. The vote has just finished.
Kim Woo Bin : Let’s check who is the Best Couple that you guys chose among these ten couples. 2013 SBS Acting Award, Best Couple is Heirs’ Lee Min Ho and Park Shin Hye. Congratulations.
MC : Lee Min Ho and Park Shin Hye. Congratulations. Lee Min Ho's rival is awarding a prize to him.Tell us your feelings.
Lee Min Ho : I feel strange because Young Do gave me this.
Kim Woo Bin : Congratulations.
Lee Min Ho : Please congratulate with more sincerity.
Kim Woo Bin : Con~gratulations!
Lee Min Ho : While shooting this drama, I've been asked many times if Park Shin Hye and I were actually dating. They asked if it wasn't really acting, but I am thankful for Eun Sang who understood and took in the spontaneous person that I am.
Park Shin Hye : I would like to thank writer Kim Eun Sook for writing such a lovely Tan-Eun couple and the director for shooting it beautifully. As for the charming and lively Minho oppa, I have an introverted personality so I wasn't able to joke around with you, but thank you for leading a lacking younger sister. I’ve been asked the same questions. I think our chemistry was as good as if we were. I want to say thank you to oppa. Oppa, thank you so much.
Lee Min Ho : Woo Bin, thanks.
MC : Congratulate the couple again.

Credit: http://www.dramafever.com/news/congrats-lee-min-ho-and-park-shin-hye-win-sbs-best-couple-award/

@pluie @yoyoo if you need the translation for the Best Couple Award video see above from DramaFever. You might need it on our 1st page  :\">
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zaizai_f4_only said: kaleidoscopegirl said: I agree with all the previous posts, let's support them both  :) Isn't that why we're here? @weinya, thank you for sharing your thoughts, hope you keep on posting, let's all share the love for these two :) and just avoid negativity, it drags everybody down...Group hug >:D<
@zaizai_f4_only you've really dissected the video well =D> and you're right, I don't see anything with the that "call me" sign. I think it's more like "talk to you later" kind of thing? And can I just say I really like seeing the boys enjoying themselves at the table, I wish KWB would have been sitting with them, seems like everyone's really become good friends. And Minho did say everyone is  still active and communicate with their SNS right? And at the end part he did point KJW to Shinhye, I wonder what they we're talking about? Hmmm....If we connect that to the "call me sign" maybe they're planning a group dinner to celebrate? Like, just call us and let us know when? Or...........He could be saying, I'm going out with her tonight, she'll call you about our group dinner later :)) (Totally random thoughts!)

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Guest armanita

i can't help but falling in love with you all! for the all insightful, awesome, funny comment, daebak! how can you all write your mind like that, hahaha. Thank you, chingus! you read my mind while i'm not good in express out my mind/feeling..

i'm 23,yo and i thinks i get my karma! before heirs, i didnt like min ho, my lil sist was a minsun (min ho and KHS) shipper and she loves all about min ho, and i said to my lil sist, "what is shipper?how can you be a matchmaker? so silly.."

but now, i get my karma! after heirs, i like lee min ho and for the first time of my life, being a shipper hahaahaha. now, my lil sister not a shipper anymore, she only loves exo and she laugh and tease me, she said,"you're so childish to be a shipper in such your age"

whatever! I don't care for what she said as long as i enjoy this ship with you all..i just can't deny how great chemistry between LMH and PSH, like a fairytale but i hope it'll be real.

and after being a minshin shipper, i try to stalk in some other ship (the ship of other actor-actress i like) but i find this ship the best for me, this ship like a family, care of each other, so funny and very wise. Proud of you all..

@pluie, i love your video, hope minshin will watch it!

okay, good morning/evening/afternoon for all, lets have a wonderful day, today i need to back to my real life and have a busy day to decrease my addiction of this thread :P i hope there will be so much page to backread soon :)

#btw, i wondr how can LMH knew about his fans love him to wear blue in sbs award? and how can psh knew fans want a romeo juliet concpt ?hmmm, i hope he know about our wish,too. hahaha.

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Guest kaleidoscopegirl

@ravairie my thoughts exactly  :):)) :))
I think this is what really happened......Shinhye: We can't be seen in public together anymore, and Dispatch is following us very closely. Ottoke?! :(Minho: (To Shinhye) Don't worry, I've got a plan! :D :>            (To KJW) Let's all celebrate and have dinner together. Please pass the message to everyone (since CJH and KMH already left) B-)KJW: Ok... (then hours later) Hey, you never told me the details! When and where do you want to have the dinner, so I can tell everyone? :-/Minho: Unable to speak to her (he's surrounded by so many people)KJW: Just signals :-cShinhye: :-w Sees what KJW is doing (this is based on the pic that was posted few pages back) and gives Minho the "I'm watching you                    with both eyes" sign (We just didn't see it)Minho: When approached by KJW again ^#(^ (he doesn't want to get in trouble this time) so he signals for her(KJW) to talk to Shinhye               instead and plan the dinner with her. 
The End. =)) 

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