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Guys: Do You Pay For Dates?

Guest mickeyd

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Guest SlicedBread

Lie said: brokenmachine said: There are definitely girls who measure a guy's love via money spent. But I think more girls measure a guy's love via his attitude towards the money he spends. He could be spending the money because he sees it as a sacrifice he is making which in a sense is a loss for the guy, and hence he will expect it to be made up by the girl. OR he could be spending the money because he sees it's his responsibility to take care of people he love which the value of money is not actually lost but already exchanged to sense of fulfillment. 

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Guest I_play_with_dolls

I dated my ex boyfriend for a year and I always paid and I just don't mean dinner I mean like tickets, cab fare, ect. He only paid twice throughout our whole entire relationship.I didn't mind too much though because honestly he lived with a single mom since he was 6 years old so financially they struggle and I've extremely privileged since my parents spoiled me rotten. Of course if I'm dates with people who I'm not a relationship with I expect the guy to pay for his own stuff because I'll only pay for me, doesn't matter who asked who out imo. 

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Guest AtomAgeStrawberry

speedredefined said:  But if you speak your mind, Asian chicks think you're "bitter" or "angry".  So in essence, if you're an Asian dude you're screwed no matter what you do.  The Asian chicks just wanna be able to #abuse while Asian guys stay quiet about it.    @AtomAgeStrawberry @NaughtyDog @jennibear01 @hearthealer @BrokenMachine  #nowin    

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Guest laobanh

If you're asking your significant other on a date to the movies in a manner where you offer to provide the service, then you pay.

If you've only suggested that you two do something, you can split the payment in half or suggest who pays. Be sure that whom ever paid that time, that the other person pays next time.
If you're a bit stingy, just split the payment in half between the two of you.
Maybe one is short on money or it's a special occasion, etc etc. There's so much things to consider. Do you two have jobs? See, but I guess it's just personal preference.
Right now, my girlfriend is paying for our dates since I chose to be jobless this summer. She's probably spent over $1000 on me in 2 months (We watch a lot of movies, eat out, and drive). Once I start working again next month, I'm going to pay for our dates until I at least build up a reasonable debt; not $1000, but enough to make up for the time she's been temporarily carrying me around like a baby for.

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stating that the initiator should pay is extreamly bias, noting that in our culture, the woman doesn't really do much in comparison to the man when starting romantic relations. 
it is clear through the countless threads on this forum with similar complaints to "how do if he likes me" and describes situations where the woman takes little to no effort to show the man affection, however in her report, states multiple attempts by the man to portray feelings. obviously the woman in these threads are romantically interested yet doesn't even give back a romantic hint, to the advances given.
"whoever initiates pays" does not work due to this. until you change the current reality of "the man initiates romance" 
i've been hit on before, and the vast majority of the time, the woman would ask if she wanted ME to ask HER out. basically giving me a heads up that IF i ask, she'd say yes.
if a woman pays for her half she is generous. if a man pays for just half, he is stingy. until women say a man paying for them is a turn off, women cannot claim they live in a equal life style. 

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Guest brokenmachine

ajlee613 said: the current currency value of engagment rings have been set at a standard now by businiesses that is with out a doubt.

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Guest brokenmachine

Oh I don't deny and never denied relationship need efforts and thoughts and financial stability to exist.
My replies were just directed to the mentality that men make financial sacrifices (or sacrifices of any kind) to make a woman theirs and just basing it on these sacrifices. 
And it applies to women too, you hear girls saying I sacrificed so and so for this person so I expect so and so back. I think in the long terms the mentality of 'I am making sacrifices' becomes a burden for both parties, or it's something that scares away some people hence some girls are more conscious about paying 50/50.

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