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[Drama 2013] Her Legend / Her Myth 그녀의 신화


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Guest leaaaaa

Ok, First impression of ep 4: I liked it! 
Personally, I loved how they potrayed the characters, esp JinHo.
Spoiler ahead.(sorry can't use spoiler tag for the whole thing. Dunno how )  Thanks to baduy I know how now, but I think the spoiler tag is broken atm since when I use the second one with the slash, it doesn't work...

 I feared he would be the cliche cold arrogant rich guy but fortunately he wasn't. He likes to talk, has his childish side and is funny. Totally adored that chara. He acted arrogant when it came to accusing JungSoo for stealing his wallet but he was totally adorable when he met his friend and complained in a childish way about JungSoo and how he thinks she stole his wallet. lol Furthermore, when he greeted his grandfather as if he is coming back from the army, was so funny. 

Oh, I also thought it is funny that he fell asleep while watching KyungHee's presentation. I think his 'attention' will change when he watches JungSoo's portfolio/presentation. lol

I have to admit that the cousin acted really sly (and smart) when she asked teenager JungSoo about DoYoeng and took the letters with her. I felt sad for JungSoo when she told her everything, she knew and even congratulated KyungHee at the table. KyungHee is really remorseless. Poor  DoYoeng for thinking her 'daughter' cares much about her. : /

I think MinKi won't be always the 'nice' guy in the drama since you can see that he is still very much smitten with KyungHee/SeoHyoen. When it comes to adult JungSoo. CJW did really a good job with her: It was sweet how she acted at the airport(lol what a coincidence that EVERYONE are there at the SAME day/time). lol and the way she hit JinHo's shin and said 'I'm sorry'. Hilarious lol. btw it was nice to see JinHo going after her afterwards instead of just cursing at her bc she 'hit' him.lol 

JungSoo and JinHo suit each other when it comes to their character. Both are happy and 'cute'. lol Even though the aunt is still evil, it seems like JungSoo still had a 'happy life' with her KyungHo Oppa, - not rich and with a nice education but still going after her dreams. It is bittersweet how she is still waiting for DoYoeng... 

Anyway, I liked this episode. Good job!! Can't wait for the next one..lol

Btw, anyone knows what the aunt said in the memory DoYoeng's husband remembered after they had the 'family dinner'? Is he suspicious?

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hibiscus23 said: @suchadiva42
really? then u shld visit KJH thread coz our frnd here StaRix is one of our KJH chingoos there! :) it's just a click away ok? LOL i hope so too that this drama is like SFFTS we can watch over/over again! yes i liked the kids same here the baby was super cute! i just wished the ending showed they got married! hope for a sequel :)))

thnx for those pix, vids you shared here, the more i can't seem to wait till i see the nxt epis! i hvnt chkd if it's subbed already n i hope so!

i started watching Famous Princess & it was available (then) at mysoju but didn't get to finish it for some reason! i had to urge to watch it coz of CJW after seeing her in SFFTS, she's got another movie i saw on YT but can't seem to recall the title! She was also in one epic drama but i hvnt seen it either! she's such a good actress, so natural! i like that actor too in FP right now he's got a new drama called You're the Best but i hvnt seen it yet, there's just too many and so little time!

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@ leaaaaa and anyone else who wants to put stuff in spoilers but can't figure out how...

The trouble with the totally crazy way the current soompi interface does spoilers is that you can't show people how do to it by example, because if you do, your example gets converted into a spoiler itself and so doesn't show in the way you enter it.

So it has to be described indirectly.

Just before the text you want to be hidden as a spoiler, you type the the word spoiler between square brackets. After the text you want to be hidden you type the word spoiler again, again in square brackets, but this time you put a / character (forward slash, located to the right of the period key on a US or Korean keyboard) after the opening square bracket.  It's a lot easier to do than that makes it sound. Give it a try.

And yes, Jong Wook is massively suspicious of evil aunt, because, as he remarks later to Do Yeong, her character and attitudes, and in particular what she says about Jeong Soo as a child, simply don't square with the very strong and lasting unpleasant impression she made on him back then. So he has a distinct feeling she was putting on an act on this recent occasion.

The other person who was mighty suspicious, though whether he's still around to confer with his client all these years later we don't know, was the lawyer Do Yeong sent over to arrange the Korean side of the adoption of "Jeong Soo". When evil aunt handed over what were supposedly Jeong Soo's identity papers to the lawyer, he immediately spotted that the name on them was Kyeong Hee and wanted to know why. The Aunt's desperate explanation is that the newcomer to their family had a very similar name to her own natural daughter,  so that they decided to call her by a new name in everyday life is one the lawyer clearly finds hard to swallow, but his not to reason why...  It's a nicely  ironic touch that the Aunt, trying to cover up her discomfiture on this awkward point, tries to distract the lawyer from the real issue by stressing how very apt the name they supposedly chose for their new family member was, and how she has lived up to up to it so far, thanks, she claims, to their bestowing it on her.  The Hanja behind the name are  正, just, righteous and   秀  elegant, graceful, refined. It's a unisex name, though more commonly used for males.

Incidentally, what lay behind the rather garbled last part of the text preview was that at the planning meeting, Jin Ho come up with the idea that they needed an injection of new thinking to make the new product line a success, and they weren't going to get it from the people round the table who are all products of top fashion or management schools, all trained to think along the same tracks. (We see that doesn't go down at all well with Kyeong Hee.) So Jin Ho's radical very "un-Korean" suggestion is that they bypass recruitment by academic background or paper qualification altogether and make a place on the design team for someone who is to be selected on the basis of anonymous submission of a design portfolio and examples of their work, in  a completely open competition with no restrictions whatever on the background of the entrants. Kyeong Hee is also visibly not keen on that idea either, but she pretends to think it's wonderful because she is relentlessly sucking up to Jin Ho, whom she decided to lead to the altar the very first moment he was pointed out to her at the funeral of Jong Woo's
father as the heir apparent of Shinwha.

Oh, and in case anyone's puzzled about the mechanics of the original deception, only evil aunt and Kyeong Hee and her father know that she's going out to be adopted by Do Yeong. They tell Jeong Soo and her male cousin that Kyeong Hee is going to study in the States on the proceeds of her mother's savings, supplemented by a scholarship gained by her academic attainments. That's why Jeong Soo suspects nothing when on the eve of her departure, Kyeong Hee starts to grill her about the time with the rich "ajumma" so she can build a tissue of false memories. Of course, she goes one better by stealing all the returned letters and appropriating the memories and attitudes they contain on the plane, also in the process depriving Jeong Soo of the key to the seaside house, though Kyeong Hee doesn't realize what that key was until years later. And that's why Jeong Soo is so astonished when she catches a glimpse of Do Yeong at the airport: as far as she knows, Do Yeong never came out of her coma, and Kyeong Hee worked her own way through college, then thought herself too good for her family and so broke ties with them. She doesn't know that Do Yeong adopted her.

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I can remember as a kid being mean and spiteful towards my mother for some imagined wrong, and one of the things I said to her a little to often was: " I know I'm adopted and when my real rich family find out where you are hiding me they will come for me and they will let me have/they will let me do what I want. Although I was bratty enough to say these things I never believed nor would I have left my mother for strangers. I was a rotten kid sometimes.
However how much must you really dislike your family that you would beg your mom and have her convince your father to let you be adopted by strangers in someone else's place, and mean it. To leave your family without a backwards glance surely must make you special.To have no contact with them for years and when you come back to the motherland you stop by your birth moms to make sure that when she meets your adopted family she doesn't make any slip ups and call you by your real name.
I also don't know what this say's about the parents, what were they thinking. Did they think KH would go off have a good upbringing ,get a good education, find a great job and then rejoin her poor family, thus lifting them up as well? Then we have the second male lead, I have only seen this actor once when he was not evil, so I don't hold out much hope that he will remain a good guy. 
The thing that keeps me addicted to drama's is how the good guys are always good and in the end also the winners, if that alone is not enough they also are forgiving and understanding of the bad guys. I pray to be this good some day but I don't hold out much hope.

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Good morning everyone! Thanks for being active here... Really appreciate it. :)

Welcome here @IBELIS! >:D<
To those who are asking to do the "spoiler" thing....Just put this >>> [spoiler ] (but without space, I just put space so that you could see it)
before your sentence. No space between ] and the first word of your sentence... Hope it's understandable.. :))

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