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Press Pics: Yuchun's #TGWSS Fanmeeting in Japan



Park Yuchun singing "FoundYou" or Chajatta at #TGWSS FM in Japan
More Here: JYJ CAFFEINE: JYJ News Week of 6/22=6/28/2015 http://jyjcaffeine.blogspot.com/2015/06/jyj-news-week-of-6226282015.html?spref=tw
YC Weibo Update
Park Yuchun and his colorful signed balls...LOL
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Signball razer[doge][喵喵]
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Park Yuchun Celebrates His 10th anniversary With Japanese Fans

[by You-bin Ha] Park Yuchun spent a special time with his fans in Japan.

Park Yuchun’s agency C-Jes Entertainment said, “Park Yuchun celebrated the 10th anniversary of his Japanese debut during ‘The Girl Who Sees Smells’ fans meeting. He prepared a surprise event for his fans and spent a great time with them”.

The event hall was full with 12,000 fans and each of them welcomed Park Yuchun with a flower when he came out on the stage. Fans made a special event by making a ‘10’ with their flowers and said ‘Congratulations’ in chorus.

After blowing out his cake’s candle he said, “Time flew very fast during these past 10 years. I will work harder in the future so I ask you to keep supporting me”.

Throughout the fan meeting, Park Yuchun talked about different subjects such as JYJ’s Dome tour, ‘Haemoo’ and ‘The Girl Who Sees Smell’ and shared his thoughts and feelings. He spent a pleasant time by reenacting one of his works’ and counseling fans’ worries.

Meanwhile, Park Yuchun will continue his fan meeting today. (photo by C-Jes Entertainment)

Contact: news@bntnews.co.uk

BNT News 




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[COMPILATION OF TWEETS] 150624 Park Yuchun ‘The Girl Who Sees Smells’ Fanmeeting in Japan (Day 2)


  • Entering the venue~~^^
    RT Love_Love6002: 会場入りました~~^^
  • Jen_BabyLove: To reduce his nervousness, Yuchun up his fringe and is showing-off his proud forehead
    RT babyskymicky: ユチョン 緊張感緩和するために前髪あげて自慢のおでこ出してます。
  • Jen_BabyLove: YUCHUN had teppanyaki last night. He had onion, scallops, meat and finally rice.
    RT babyskymicky: 昨日鉄板焼き行きました。オニオン、ホタテ、肉、最後ご飯食べました。
  • yochwennie: MC asked the same question. What have you been doing after the drama? YC said “Don’t you all know already?”
  • Jen_BabyLove: Yuchun is real handsome too today
    RT babyskymicky: ユチョン今日もめちゃハンサム♡
  • yochwennie: Yuchun introduced the teppanyaki he had yesterday
  • yochwennie: Yuchun’s wearing a white jacket
  • Jen_BabyLove: He was ready to explain bout the drama but tonight MC did it for him so he puts his hand on his chest, relieved w
    RT babyskymicky: ドラマを自分が説明するのかと構えてたら、ゆみさんが説明してくれて胸に手をあててホッとするユチョンw
  • Jen_BabyLove: Looks like he’s got something on his left eye (which I noticed last night too)
  • Jen_BabyLove: Yuchun got nervous while checking the arena just now via monitor at his waiting room
    RT babyskymicky: 楽屋で会場の様子をモニターで見てると緊張してくると。
  • yochwennie: MC: What does the female lead call you personally?
    YC: Oppa-ya. (Fan screams) Isn’t that a normal way of calling?
  • yochwennie: YC says he’s happy when the 3 of them have activities together and he misses JJ. He said he had teppanyaki last night, onion scallop + rice
  • yochwennie: When fans “booed” at him, he went “CHUUUURRR~~~” He did it twice today.
  • yochwennie: MC: What is Nam Goongmin like?
    YC: He’s warm.
    MC: How warm? Are there many types of warmness?
    YC: He’s a very courteous person.
  • yochwennie: If there are actions scenes, YC will practice in advance for 1-2 hours
  • Jen_BabyLove: I was told I have sense for action scenes. I have sense for rhythm coz I danced & Junsu wrote many dance numbers
    RT babyskymicky: 俺が、いや僕が言われたのはアクションに感があると。ダンスしてたからリズム感があるんだと思う。ジュンスがいっぱいダンスの曲作るから。
  • yochwennie: YC says he wishes to have a younger sister.
  • yochwennie: Yuchun looks so stiff and uneasy today >.<
  • Jen_BabyLove: When he heard OPPA fr audience, he went eh? Oppa? Just joking www Any teens here? “Hai” so he said no R-rated talk
    RT babyskymicky: 会場からのオッパの声に、え?オッパ??はい、冗談ですwww会場に十代いるんすかね?はーい。の声に、では18禁はやめます、と。
  • yochwennie: In the script, the direction was to act on his own for “CHURRR” so Yuchun actually looked in the mirror at home and practiced a few times
  • Jen_BabyLove: R u nervous abt romance scenes? Yes also high-spirit. Won’t eat garlic prior & listen to upbeat songs.
    RT babyskymicky: ラブシーンは緊張しますか?緊張しますね。ワクワクするんすよね。ラブシーンの前に気をつけることはニンニク食べない。明るい曲をいっぱい聞く。普段はニンニクよく食べますw
  • yochwennie: MC: Do you feel nervous when filming romantic scenes?
    YC: Nervous.
  • yochwennie: MC: How do you prepare yourself for it?
    YC: By not eating garlic at all and listen to slow music.
  • yochwennie: YC said he obviously worked with Jo Heebong before in 3 Days but he himself couldn’t recall.
  • yochwennie: Yuchun says he really wants to have a younger sister. Thinking of it makes him happy. He’ll be willing to do anything for her.
    He wants to have a daughter after getting married and he thinks his daughter will be really pretty.
  • yochwennie: YC says he’s careful not to eat garlic before romantic scenes but normally, he eats a lot of garlic.
  • yochwennie: Alien’s cryptic code of greeting [Cr ppeha]
  • yochwennie: Someone went up with this costume and Yuchun totally loves it.
  • Jen_BabyLove: This is the Chicchai Ossan comedian at Yuchun FM
  • yochwennie: Yuchun interacting with someone in a costume [link]
  • Jen_BabyLove: Before the audience surprise, Yuchun had this “you guys prepared it right?” face when sneaking peaks at the arena
    RT raterie: サプライズやる前に「お前ら用意してるんだろ?」って顔で会場をチラ見するユチョンすてきwww
  • Jen_BabyLove: 10th anniversary celebration corner.
    At the surprise, Yuchun said he’ll want to continue activities next 20-30 yrs
    RT babyskymicky: 10周年お祝いコーナー。サプライズ企画に、これからも活動20年30年続けて行きたい。とユチョン。
  • Jen_BabyLove: Scared Yuchun at every motion the Chicchai Ossan made w
    RT raterie: ちっちゃいおっさんの動きにいちいちビビるユチョンw
  • Jen_BabyLove: Image of Yuchun’s smell.
    Majority voted marine-type & fragrance expert made a mix for him. Yuchun likes non-strong
    RT babyskymicky: ユチョンの香りのイメージ。投票でマリン系が多かったのでマリン系を作ったと香りの調合士さん。ユチョン、普段は強くない香りが好きです。
  • Jen_BabyLove: Yuchun likes the marine-type fragrance
    RT babyskymicky: マリン系のかロンが気に入ったとユチョン。
  • Jen_BabyLove: Looks like Yuchun was really happy about having his own mix of fragrance made for him
    RT raterie: 特別調合の香水プレゼントしてもらえると聞いて本気で喜ぶユチョン
  • Jen_BabyLove: Presents today:
    ID card, name card, cap all used in the drama
    RT babyskymicky: ドラマで使った身分証とか名刺、キャップもプレゼント。
  • Jen_BabyLove: Yuchun used the female eye mask today. Very cute w
    RT babyskymicky: 今日は女の子のアイマスク。かわいいですw
  • Jen_BabyLove: Yuchun smelling & guessing what’s in the box, this time 1 of the comedians w
    RT raterie: 箱に入ったノッチの頭の匂いを嗅ぐユチョンw
  • Jen_BabyLove: His guess? Hair smell!
    RT raterie: ユチョンの答えは「毛の匂い!」
  • Jen_BabyLove: Yuchun got grapefruits, Japan soju, curry correct. Then came the comedian head, he touched & said animal? Human?
    RT babyskymicky:
  • Jen_BabyLove: When Yuchun made a gesture with his usual lips as if kissing, MC said oooh this lips, and Yuchun said it’s a habit
    RT babyskymicky: ちゅーのくちびるしたら、ゆみさんにまぁこのくちびるって言われて、癖なんです、とユチョン。
  • yochwennie: Yuchun during the guessing game. Touching the comedians head
  • Jen_BabyLove: Yuchun joked that fans coming at him with the recording bear toy are like stalkers w
    RT raterie: 録音クマを持って迫ってくるファンをストーカーみたいってw
  • Jen_BabyLove: Yuchun gets to piggyback a slightly heavy fan www
    RT babyskymicky: 若干ふくよかな方をおんぶすることになりユチョンが腕を屈伸www

  • d945be80jw1etfg7omoowj20rj0jldrm.jpg~ori
  • Jen_BabyLove: Yuchun appeared piggybacking a fan and that fan said she’s happy even if she dies now, Yuchun said she’s very light
    RT babyskymicky: ユチョンおんぶして登場!おんぶされた人はもうしんでもいいとww軽いんですよ、とユチョン。
  • Consultation Corner
  • yochwennie: Fan problem 1: Her husband looks like Junsu. LMAO!
  • Jen_BabyLove: Fan problem:
    Just breathing makes me put on weight and I can’t stop.
    Yuchun: the only way is death wwwwww
    RT raterie: 呼吸をするだけで体重増加が止まらないというお悩みに、死んじゃうしかないってwwwww
  • Jen_BabyLove: What diet would you suggest?
    Yuchun: I think it’s not possible ww
    RT babyskymicky: どんなダイエットをすすめますか?
  • Jen_BabyLove: I won’t allow my little sis to spend the night outside. I’ll punch the guy! Sick & angry just imagining it www
    RT raterie: 自分の妹(妄想)のお泊まりは許さない、殴るから!気分悪い!と想像しただけで怒ってるwwww
  • Jen_BabyLove: After the video msg last night Yuchun called the 2 Directors & they’ll be coming to Osaka FM. Will catch up then
    RT raterie: 昨日のコメントを見て監督2人に連絡したら、来週の大阪ファンミにきてくれることになったって。その時にゆっくり話したいって
  • Jen_BabyLove: If his middle-school son said his GF wants to stay over? Yuchun: mid school? Too early no. High school ok, 20yrs old
    RT babyskymicky: 中学生の息子が彼女を家に泊めたいというがどうしたらいいか。
  • Jen_BabyLove: Envy Nam Goong Min’s physic. Maybe I train too, I thought only for about 3 mins. Sorry everyone I’m this type of guy
    RT raterie: ナムグンミンの身体が羨ましい。俺も鍛えようかなーと3分くらい思ったw すいませんみなさん、僕はこんな人なんです
  • Jen_BabyLove: When Junsu was shown, he smiled “just this is already interesting” w
    RT raterie: ジュンスが映った瞬間、「もう面白い」と笑顔w
  • Jen_BabyLove: Same video msg of Junsu from yesterday but Yuchun still point his finger at Junsu and laughed hard ww
    RT raterie: 昨日と同じジュンスのコメントだけど指さしながら今日も爆笑ww
  • Jen_BabyLove: Yuchun comment on Junsu msg:
    Well… a bit boring… every time it’s the same right?.. I’ll call him after this
    RT raterie: ジュンスのコメントの感想を聞かれて、「まあ、、、ちょっとつまんねえなー。毎回一緒でしょ?…今日終わったら電話してみます」と。ツンデレwww
  • Jen_BabyLove: Hope to meet/talk with fans not at event but incidental. 2 mths left & I want to properly do my activities b4 going
    Let’s meet again at the July fan meeting alright?
    RT raterie: 会場ではなく、普通にファンに出会って話ができたらって思います。あと2ヶ月しか残ってないけど、行くまではちゃんとできる活動はしないと思ってます。7月のファンミーティングでまた会いましょうね
  • Jen_BabyLove: Lastly, I love everyone
    RT babyskymicky: 最後に、みなさん愛してます。とユチョン♡
  • Jen_BabyLove: Chacchatta again today. Yuchun changed into white shirt very handsone!!! Enjoying himself
    RT babyskymicky: チャジャッタ。ユチョン白いシャツに着替えてきてちょーーーーカッコいいです!!!ノリノリ!
  • Live tweets trans credits: Love_Love6002 + Jen_BabyLove + babyskymicky + yochwennie + KISS_JYJ + raiterie
    Shared by: JYJ3

More updates here: JYJ CAFFEINE: JYJ News Week of 6/22=6/28/2015 http://jyjcaffeine.blogspot.com/2015/06/jyj-news-week-of-6226282015.html?spref=tw

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Park Yoo Chun successfully finishes fan meetings in Yokohama 
Park Yoo Chun made another unforgettable memory with his Japanese fans.
On June 25th, a representative of C-JeS Entertainment said, "On June 23rd and 24th, Park Yoo Chun held two fan meetings at Yokohama Arena in celebration of Park's 10th Japan debut anniversary."
24 thousand fans attended the fan meetings in total, and each show was held for about three hours. They welcomed Park Yoo Chun with paper flowers of many different colors, and they presented a surprise flower section event for Park Yoo Chun, and yelled, "Happy 10th anniversary (10周年 おめでとう)."
The fan meetings commenced with a special video presentation, which was composed of highlight scenes from drama 'Sensory Couple,' and the audiences made a standing ovation as Park Yoo Chun appeared on the stage.
It was Park Yoo Chun's first visit to Japan since July 2014, and Park Yoo Chun led the fan meeting in fluent Japanese without any translator.
A group of Japanese comedians participated in the fan meeting as special guests, and he deeply impressed the audiences with his fluency in Japanese once again.
Afterwards, Park Yoo Chun presented several keywords for drama 'Sensory Couple,' which will premiere in Japan on July 24th, and talked about many different behind-the-scenes episodes.
Park Yoo Chun also talked about other activities that he had last year, such as JYJ's Japan Dome Tour, and promotion of movie 'Sea Fog.' He also played highlight scenes from his recent works with a few randomly selected fans, and the fans were deeply touched by his great care for them once again.
Park Yoo Chun's setlist for the concerts included a song of his own composition called 'Walking Spring With Her (tentatively translated title),' Fukuyama Masaharu's 'Sai Ai (最愛),' and a solo track called 'Thirty.' For encore performance, he sang a song called 'Found,' and the fans sang the entire song along in Korean.
After finishing the fan meetings, Park Yoo Chun said, "It was a great pleasure to make another special memory with my fans in Japan. I hope that everyone would enjoy drama 'Sensory Couple,' and I will try to get back to this wonderful city as soon as possible."
A local official said, "We could see Park Yoo Chun's colossal power and influence through the two fan meetings, and he truly is the most leading Korean actor in Japan. We also could see how much he cherishes the time he spends with his fans, and his such an attitude seems to be the biggest reason of his unchanging popularity."
Meanwhile, Park Yoo Chun will hold his next fan meeting in Osaka on June 30th.
Park Yoo Chun successfully finishes fan meetings in Yokohama

/Reporting by Kim Dong-Joo en@starnnews.com
EN StarN News

Updates here: JYJ CAFFEINE: JYJ News Week of 6/22=6/28/2015 http://jyjcaffeine.blogspot.com/2015/06/jyj-news-week-of-6226282015.html?spref=tw

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Yuchun at Gimpo airport on his way to Osaka, Japan for a fanmeeting...

150629 Yoochun at Gimpo heading to Japan OSAKA!  
Have a safe flight! Fans are so near to him! (Ma6oo2) 
Via XIAkiss




Pics as tagged

Much more Pictures here: JYJ CAFFEINE: JYJ News Week of 6/29-7/5/2015 http://jyjcaffeine.blogspot.com/2015/06/jyj-news-week-of-629-752015.html?spref=tw


Park Yuchun's arrival in Osaka, Japan

こんばんは OSAKA!

Good evening to OSAKA!





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Park Yuchun To Hold Additional Fan Meetings In Yokohama

[by You-bin Ha] Park Yuchun adds two more fan meetings in Yokohama.

Park Yuchun’s agency C-Jes Entertainment said, “Park Yuchun will hold extra fan meetings ‘2015 Park Yuchun Fanmeeting Japan Tour ‘ALL ABOUT YU’ in Yokohama Arena on July 22 and 23. He will start his fan meetings in Osaka and will continue in Nagoya and Yokohama”.

His Japanese fan meeting was planned to be held four times, twice in Osaka and twice in Nagoya, but fans didn’t stop asking for an extra event.

The fan meeting will be organized under a special concept ‘All About Park Yuchun’ and plenty of diverse events such as talk time and singing time will be organized. Fans supported him since his debut and Park Yuchun wanted to make a special time with them to repay their love.

The staff said, “Park Yuchun’s popularity in definitely hot all around Asia and he proved it in China last winter and now in Japan. The ticket for extra fan meetings will be available soon but we expect that the competition will be keen”.

Meanwhile, Park Yuchun will start his fan meeting tour today in Osaka Jo Hall. (photo by C-Jes Entertainment)

Contact: news@bntnews.co.uk

More info here: JYJ CAFFEINE: JYJ News Week of 6/29-7/5/2015 http://jyjcaffeine.blogspot.com/2015/06/jyj-news-week-of-629-752015.html?spref=tw

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JYJ Membership Week To Be Open

[by Yanchingsally Chu] JYJ will hold its membership week in August.

Its agency C-Jes Entertainment revealed, “2015 JYJ Membership Week’ will be open from August 17 to 30 at Seoul Art Museum in Jongno-gu, Seoul. A photo exhibition showing the pictures of Park Yoo Chun and Kim Junsu will be held. Also, Park Yoo Chun and Kim Junsu will hold a fan meeting. We are preparing for the event to create great memories for both the members and the fans.”

In the two-week membership week, a photo exhibition with the theme ‘Time… will have to keep going on’ will be held. Pictures of the filming scenes in dramas, the behind-the-scenes photos of its concerts, the unreleased still cuts of its album and more will all be displayed in the exhibition.

Moreover, despite of their packed schedule, Park Yoo Chun and Kim Junsu will hold a special fan meeting together during the membership week. They will play games, give out presents, chat with their fans and perform at the event.

Meanwhile, the fan meeting will be held on August 25 at Jamsil Stadium. (photo by C-Jes Entertainment)

Contact: news@bntnews.co.uk

BNT News


Note: This article is misleading...I have read (through friend's translations) that Jaejoong is included (and well he should be) in the Photo exhibition as well.

Jaejoong will not be able to participate in the FM (but hoping we can at least see him somehow or hear his voice) as he is in active military.

Jaejoong even mentioned/hinted that they (JYJ) are preparing a song (at least) and there's a MV as well...

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[COMPILATION OF TWEETS] 150630 2015 Park Yuchun Fanmeeting Japan Tour ALL ABOUT YU in Osaka (Day 1)


  • smile0051: #YuchunFMinOsaka
  • tamanidoonatsu: A call comes from YUCHUN to fan!
  • tamanidoonatsu: Fans submit the paper which there wrote a phone number and he chooses them and calls
  • tamanidoonatsu: They are desperate for the search of the method to record a call now.Lol
  • rilanna: Yuchun appeared top to bottom in a white suit!
    RT lovemickysmile6: ユチョン 上下白のスーツで登場! #YuchunFMinOsaka
  • rilanna: Yuchun’s super smile (*´>ω<*)♡
    RT lovemickysmile6: ユチョン めっちゃ笑顔(*´>ω<*)♡ #YuchunFMinOsaka
  • rilanna: He said his white suit is dazzling w
    RT lovemickysmile6: 古家さんに白のスーツが眩しいと言われてるw #YuchunFMinOsaka
  • rilanna: Yuchun is drinking a tropical drink in a white suit ^o^
    RT mikiko6002: ユチョン白スーツでトロピカルドリンク飲んでます^o^
  • yochwennie: Instead of kimochi (which means feelings), Yuchun accidentally said kimuchi (which means kimchi)
  • rilanna: We are watching a scene from each drama^o^
    RT mikiko6002: 各ドラマ名シーン見てます^o^
  • rilanna: For the video of dramas, Yuchun was embarrassed while watching seriously
    RT lovemickysmile6: ドラマの映像、ユチョン真剣に見つつ恥ずかしそう。たまにニヤニヤしてるw #YuchunFMinOsaka
  • rilanna: First corner tells us everything about Yuchun!
    Reveal photos of Yuchun from his birth till now
    RT lovemickysmile6: 最初のコーナー ユチョンの全てを教えて!
  • yochwennie: Showing Yuchun’s baby photos but he looks reluctant
  • JyjloveM0604:


  • rilanna: A message from SKKS’s Ahn Nae-sang^o^
    RT mikiko6002: 成均館のアンネサンさんからメッセージ^o^
  • rilanna: Message from SKKS’s Ahn Nae-sang.
    ‘Yuchun-ah, do you remember me?’
    RT lovemickysmile6: ソンギュン館の共演者のアンネサンさんからメッセージ。
    ユチョナ、僕のこと覚えてる?ってwww #YuchunFMinOsaka
  • rilanna: A message even from Song Joongki^o^
    RT mikiko6002:ソンジュンギからもメッセージ^o^
  • rilanna: A message from Song Joongki! SKKS’s filming was so fun.
    Yuchun-ah, you have to stay healthy and come back without getting hurt(╥﹏╥)
    RT lovemickysmile6: ソンジュンギくんからメッセージ!ソンギュン館の撮影はホントに楽しかった。
    ユチョナ 元気で怪我せずもどってきてねって(╥﹏╥)
  • yochwennie: Song Joongki’s message to Yuchun: Be healthy, don’t hurt yourself and come back safe
    Song Joongki called him “Yuchun-ah…”ly.
  • yochwennie: Song Oksook, who played Suyeon’s mom in Missing You, called and said she’s close with Taeyang too.
    If there’s time, she wants to have dinner together with Taeyang and Yuchun [via KISS_JY]
  • rilanna: A scene chosen by fans that made them laugh.
    The ‘Chwaa’ in Ep 3 of ‘TGWSS’
    RT lovemickysmile6: ファンが選ぶこれは笑えるシーン。
    匂いを視る少女 3話のチェーwwww
  • rilanna: Yuchun reenacted ‘Chwaa’ lol it was ad-lib
    RT lovemickysmile6: チェー再現してるユチョンwあれはアドリブだと #YuchunFMinOsaka
  • yochwennie: YC said that he practiced 2~3 hours for the fighting scene in the elevator (3 days, ep 16) and filming took 7~8 hours.
    He was beaten and actually bled. He wants to film action scenes but thinks he can’t do and doesn’t want to do it anymore.
  • yochwennie: Fans selected a scene from Yuchun’s drama which they do not wish to see the most. YC didn’t get what that means and thought fans didn’t want to see him. MC explained to him that that’s not what i means. It means a scene they don’t like to watch eg. kissing scene
    The scene which was selected was Miss Ripley’s proposal scene. YC said he will never propose that way.
  • yochwennie: Yuchun also says that he dislikes watching his proposal scene the most. If he proposes, he will do it casually and say, “Marry me.”
  • rilanna: Yuchun wants to do an ordinary marriage proposal。
    「Get married to me」 while eating a meal or such
    RT mikiko6002: ユチョンは普通にプロポーズしたい。
  • yochwennie: MC: How many pairs of shades do you have?
    YC: Not many. About 20~30 pairs.
  • JyjloveM0604:
  • yochwennie: Yuchun said if he were to propose, he’d be driving and then casually/naturally say, “Let’s get married. As simple as that is good enough.
  • Jen_BabyLove: Yuchun did Lasik and says that maybe because of that, his tears fall easily during crying scenes
  • yochwennie: Q: One thing only you know?
    YC: Tears can only flow from one eye. It’s not done consciously at all.
    YC: It’s difficult to explain but perhaps it’s because of Lasik. [via 6002×2601, Cr lovemickysmile6]
  • yochwennie: MC asked YC why does he always touch his earpiece when singing. YC says if it’s worn properly, he can’t hear fans’ voices.
    And he can also sing better if the earpiece is slightly looser.
  • yochwennie: Fans noticed that Yuchun’s big toes stick out whenever he wears flip flops. YC says that’s how he is.
  • yochwennie: Your big toe sticks out when you wear flip flops.
    YC: Because I’ve got good stamina (laughs).
    Because it’s too strong, I can’t eat eel or garlic. [via 6002×2601, Cr lovemickysmile6]
  • yochwennie: YC’s habit: When the THREE of them are together, he has the tendency to lean his arm on JJ ^^
  • yochwennie: YC says he will unconsciously lean his arm on JJ if JJ is next to him and but if it was Junsu standing next to him, he won’t want to lean
  • yochwennie: Yuchun said his butt is flat so it doesn’t look nice when he wears pants because there’s no shape unlike Junsu. He’s envious of Junsu’s butt
  • Jen_BabyLove: The 100 questions corner, Yuchun can only answer 6 questions per minute
    RT babyskymicky: 1分間で6個しか答えられないユチョン。百の質問コーナーで
  • rilanna: Q: What do you wash first in your bath?
    YC: Shoulder
    RT lovemickysmile6: お風呂でまず先に洗うのは?
  • yochwennie: YC’s bath procedure: Wet his hair, apply shampoo then leave it on and start brushing teeth. Then, wash off and start washing his body.
  • yochwennie: Yuchun takes only 3 minutes to bathe [via KISS_JYJ]
  • rilanna: Q: What’s the closest role to you?
    YC: ‘The Girl Who Sees Smells”s Mugak
    RT lovemickysmile6: 自分に近い役は?
  • rilanna: Q: Which different role is the opposite?
    YC: ‘3days’
    RT lovemickysmile6 : 逆に違う役は?
    ユチョン:スリーディジュ #YuchunFMinOsaka
  • yochwennie: Q: Which role most resembles you?
    YC: Mugak.
  • yochwennie: Q: Which role is most different from you?
    YC: Taekyung.
  • yochwennie: Q: When you bathe, where do you start first?
    YC: Shoulders.
  • yochwennie: Q: What’s the most surprising thing you saw in Japan?
    YC: People wearing short skirts and cycling.
  • yochwennie: Speaking about girls cycling with short skirts, Yuchun says if he comes across it, he will look because men will unconsciously look
  • yochwennie: he says they could have worn short pants on the inside [via 6002×2601]
  • yochwennie: Q: Do you like mountain or sea?
    YC: Sea
  • yochwennie: Fans wrote their phone numbers when entering the venue. Yuchun is picking numbers to call now.
  • yochwennie: J-fans say they like YC with long hair. YC says he prefers short hair then there was bickering.
    In the end, YC says he can’t keep his hair long anymore because he is running out of time … [via KISS_JY]
  • rilanna: Yuchun walk out to prepare for the next (game)
    Only 3 people will be chosen to jump rope with Yuchun next
    RT lovemickysmile6: ユチョンさんは次の準備のため退場しました #YuchunFMinOsaka
  • rilanna: the 3 chosen people each held hands as a pair & opposite of Yuchun, and jumped rope with him
    RT lovemickysmile6: 選ばれた人3名がそれぞれユチョンとペアになって向き合って手を繋いで縄跳び。
  • rilanna: Yuchun in gray? He changed into a knitwear
    RT lovemickysmile6: ユチョン グレー?のニットにお着替え
  • yochwennie: YC is supposed to skip with fans hand-in-hand and face-to-face. The pair with the longest time wins. Fan 1 – 1, Fan 2- 2. Fan 3 – 0
  • yochwennie: The second fan was wearing skirt and Yuchun checked with her to see if she was alright ^^
  • rilanna: the person in 3rd place gets a signed folding fan; and a commemorative photo of the 2 of them, with Yuchun, and the photo has his autograph
    RT lovemickysmile6: 3位の人にサイン入り扇子とユチョンとツーショット記念写真、写真にもサイン!
  • rilanna: the person in 2nd place gets a signed bottle and a two-shot photo with his autograph on the photo
    RT lovemickysmile6: 2位の人に サイン入りボトル、ツーショット写真と写真にサイン #YuchunFMinOsaka
  • rilanna: 1st place winner gets autographed sneakers!!
    RT lovemickysmile6: 一位の優勝者には サイン入りスニーカー!!
  • rilanna: Yuchun picked a number of gifts from all of us to strike out on golf
    RT mikiko6002: ユチョン、ゴルフでストラックアウトをしてみんなへプレゼントの番号あてて
  • xiahfuji:
  • rilanna: Next is YUCHUN’s Kitchen lol he won’t use olive oil today
    Yuchun will be making patbingsu [red beans ice dessert], and 3 people chosen will get to sample it
    RT lovemickysmile6: お次はYUCHU’S キッチンw今日はオリーブオイル使いませんと古家さんw
  • rilanna: Tired Micky
    RT xiahfuji: お疲れミッキー♡ #YuchunFMinOsaka #박유천
  • yochwennie: Bingsoo making.
    1st bowl: Ice cream + oats + cherry + condensed milk + red bean
    2nd bowl: Ice cream + orange + mango + nuts + dry fruits/veg
  • yochwennie: Yuchun said to the fans “You don’t seem like you’re keen on eating this. But just say it tastes good, okay?”
  • rilanna: Two-shot commemorative photo with the 3 people who got to sample the patbingsu
    RT lovemickysmile6: パッピンスを試食してる3人とツーショット記念写真。
  • yochwennie: Q: Answering a question with a question?
    YC: That’s perhaps my personality. [via 6002×2601, Cr. lovemickysmile6]
  • yochwennie: YC: I don’t like going to haunted houses. It’s not my style. There are more fun stuff than that. Not something scary but I’d like to star in horror movies. Someday I would like to try acting as a ghost. [via 6002×2601, Cr babyskymicky]
  • yochwennie: Q: Which hairstyle do you like? Long hair?
    YC: Personally, it’s B or G for me. I prefer short hair. [via 6002×2601]
  • [Yuchun is singing] SaiAi
    RT lovemickysmile6: 最愛 #YuchunFMinOsaka
  • yochwennie: Yuchun says do not forget him and JYJ ㅠㅠ
  • yochwennie: Yuchun would like to thank fans and his members whom he has been with for 11 years. He could come to where he is today despite going through unfamiliar grounds because he has fans+members. He wishes that everyone would live well and healthy. [via KISS_JYJ]
  • yochwennie: Yuchun says that everyone should know that he only has 2 months left. He feels that if he still has time, he would do something more.
    He hopes that fans won’t forget him and JYJ. And to also support his other 2 members (JJ+JS) who are also working hard. [via KISS_JYJ]
  • yochwennie: YC was singing Found You and when he arrived at Junsu’s part, he shouted, “JUNSU!!” [via KISS_JYJ]
  • rilanna: YC is traveling down a row of the venue with a truck[/trolley]. the BGM is flowing out the 3-person ‘Chajatta’
    RT lovemickysmile6: トロッコで会場1周!BGMは3人のチャジャッタが流れてる(´; ∀ ;)
  • rilanna: For people in the arena in the stands, Yuchun is giving them handshakes
    RT lovemickysmile6: スタンド最前列の人、ユチョン握手してるよー♡
  • rilanna: YC also had a bazooka [gun] to send stuff flying
    RT lovemickysmile6: バズーカーも飛ばしてます
  • rilanna: FM has ended!
    RT lovemickysmile6: 終わりましたー!
  • yukarin33333: (๑ơ ₃ ơ)げっつ(笑)
  • rilanna: She had gotten to capture a signed ball
    RT Micky_megpyon6: サインボール撮らせて貰いました!
Live tweets trans credits: smile0051 + bambi6002 + tamanidoonatsu + lovemickysmile6 + mikiko6002 + yochwennie + JyjloveM0604 + KISS_JYJ + Jen_BabyLove + babyskymicky + xiahfuji + yukarin33333 + Micky_megpyon6 + 6002×2601 + rilanna of JYJ3  
Shared by: JYJ3
More Updates here: JYJ CAFFEINE: JYJ News Week of 6/29-7/5/2015 http://jyjcaffeine.blogspot.com/2015/06/jyj-news-week-of-629-752015.html?spref=tw


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[INFO] 2015 Global K-Star Ranking – 06/15~06/21 & 06/22~06/28

‘Global K-Star Ranking’ used a combination of data from Chinese portal site Baidu’s ranking on Korean male stars, Chinese website 123fan’s polling system on Korean celebrities, Weibo’s ‘Star Influence Chart,’ and the number visitors and their searches on SSTV to announce the results. The rankings tend to vary weekly according to the hot topics pertaining to each starlet. (via Allkpop)

June 15 ~ June 21 photo 328556_100893_3156.jpg
#3 – Kim Jaejoong
June 22 ~ June 28 photo 330010_103156_1228.jpg
#4 – JYJ Kim Jaejoong
#10 – JYJ Park Yuchun
Comparison from 3rd to 4th week of June photo 330010_103157_1228.jpg
Source: SSTV/Star Seoul TV(1,2)  
Shared by: JYJ3
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Press Pics...Yuchun's "All About Yu" fanmeeting in Osaka, Japan.

사진 : 박유천 오사카 팬미팅 현장 / 씨제스엔터 제공

박유천, 오사카 팬미팅서 화이트 수트 입고 '1만 여심' 녹여

박유천, 오사카 팬미팅서 화이트 수트 입고 '1만 여심' 녹여

박유천, 오사카 팬미팅서 화이트 수트 입고 '1만 여심' 녹여

Fan Pics




as tagged

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More here: JYJ CAFFEINE: JYJ News Week of 6/29-7/5/2015 http://jyjcaffeine.blogspot.com/2015/06/jyj-news-week-of-629-752015.html?spref=tw

Pictures with winning fans...

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JYJ to Hold Membership Week and Fan Meeting in August in Jongro


Posted on Jul 1, 2015


JYJ Membership Week
JYJ Membership Week/ photo= Cjes Entertainment

JYJ fan exhibition will happen again this year.
On the 30th, C-jes Entertainment announced that <2015 JYJ Membership Week> will take place at Seoul Art Museum in Jongro-gu from August 17 to 30. The event includes photo exhibitions of JYJ and a fan meeting of Park Yuchun and Kim Junsu to brush up the good times between fans and the group in the past.
This two-week long exhibition is held under the title of ‘Time…will have to keep going on’ displaying JYJ’s unreleased photos of drama filming scenes, album unreleased cuts and concert behind-the-scene photos.
Moreover, Park Yuchun and Kim Junsu will have a special fan meeting which include games, talk shows, and songs. The fan meeting will take place at Jamsil Indoor Gymnastic Stadium on August 25.
JYJ exhibition commemorates its fourth event this year and it has received tremendous love since it first kicked off in 2012. On the first year, the exhibition recorded the largest number of foreigners visit in South Korea as a single event, and became the center of attention by attracting 20,000 fans for three consecutive years.
wikikpop.com/?p=47828  via @WiKiKPOP

More Updates here: JYJ CAFFEINE: JYJ News Week of 6/29-7/5/2015 http://jyjcaffeine.blogspot.com/2015/06/jyj-news-week-of-629-752015.html?spref=tw

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[COMPILATION OF TWEETS] 150701 2015 Park Yuchun Fanmeeting Japan Tour ALL ABOUT YU in Osaka (Day 2)

  • rilanna: He came out in a gray suit and his hair on the right side
    RT lovemickysmile6: 今日はグレーのスーツで髪が右側だけ上がってる #YuchunFMinOsaka
  • rilanna: Although he was in white yesterday, Furuya-san is getting this refined impression of YC today
    RT lovemickysmile6: 昨日は白だけど今日はこれまたシックな感じでと古家さん。そうっすね、今日は明るい感じにとユチョン #YuchunFMinOsaka
  • yochwennie: Yuchun’s fringe is swept to the side today ^^
  • rilanna: It’s been a bit of a long time since YC’s hair been this way
    RT xiaholic0420: 髪型ちょっと古いw
  • rilanna: how Yuchun is sitting perched lol in the hall lol
    RT lovemickysmile6: ユチョン、座りなさいってw会場にw #YuchunFMinOsaka
  • rilanna: Yuchun sat, saying “Please sit”
  • yochwennie: MC: Is our sea beautiful? (showing background pic of the sea)
    YC: Yes, it’s the same as yesterday. You didn’t have to ask again.
    RT xiaholic0420: ユチョン様に「座りなさい」と言われ着席w
  • rilanna: Yuchun was asked ‘what is a characteristic of Osaka’ and he replied “speaking in Kansai-ben” & “make-up is thickly applied”
    RT xiaholic0420: ユチョン様、大阪の特徴を聞かれ「関西弁で話してる(当たり前w)」「化粧が少し濃い」www
  • yochwennie: YC commented that the people in Osaka has heavier makeup than people in Tokyo [via 6002×2601, Cr lovemickysmile6]
  • rilanna: All about Yuchun! Picture corner
    photo of his childhood memories. some different photos from yesterday
    RT lovemickysmile6: ユチョンの全てを教えて!お写真コーナ
  • rilanna: Yuchun’s American photo lols it’s a photo from his 1st year of high school. Furuya-san asked ‘which 7-11 was he[YC] in front of?’ when living in America
    photo of his childhood memories. some different photos from yesterday
    RT lovemickysmile6: ユチョンのヤンキーな写真がww高校一年生のときの写真だそう。
    アメリカに住んでたときの 古家さんにどこのセブンイレブンの前ですか?
  • rilanna: a photo of Yuchun’s high school days lolss
    Yuchun did a superb tsukkomi and said “Let’s go to the next photo”
    RT xiaholic0420: ユチョン高校時代の写真wwwふるやさんの「どこ目指してたんですかw」と絶妙なツッコミにユチョン「次いきましょうw」www
  • yochwennie: Showing a pic of Yuchun’s hip hop self back in the US. YC couldn’t stop laughing after looking at it and said “뭐야..(what’s this?)”
  • rilanna: YC ate deep-fried food on a skewer yesterday. He didn’t have any pickled twice or such food?
    RT lovemickysmile6: ユチョン昨日は串あげを食べたそう。二度漬けとかしなかった?
  • rilanna: Drama history corner
    the video is the same one from yesterday
    RT lovemickysmile6: ドラマヒストリーのコーナーw
  • rilanna: RTP’s omurice scene
    YC was asked if he likes omurice
    YC said he likes curry more than omurice
    RT lovemickysmile6: オクセジャのオムライスシーン
  • rilanna: While watch a VTR of Rooftop Prince, YC said curry is better than omurice
    RT xiaholic0420: 屋根部屋のプリンスのVTR見ながら、オムライスよりはカレーの方が好きですとw
  • yochwennie: Watching the omurice scene from Rooftop Prince. MC: Do you like omurice? YC: I prefer curry rice.
  • yochwennie: MC asked if he likes Song Yuhyeon’s hairstyle. Yuchun says he doesn’t really like it because it looks dumb [via 6002×2601]
  • rilanna: It took 2 days to film the action scene on the train in ‘Three Days’.
    RT lovemickysmile6: スリーデイズ 新幹線の中のアクションシーンは撮影に2日かかった。
  • yochwennie: YC said that to prevent his cap from falling in the train fighting scene in 3 Days, they used clip to keep it in place
  • rilanna: The action scene in ‘Three Days’ was hard work.
    RT lovemickysmile6: スリーデイズはアクションシーンが大変だった。
  • yochwennie: Watching a scene from Miss Ripley when when they were discussing about proposals, YC still said that he wants to propose while driving
  • yochwennie: YC likes the wedding scene from Rooftop Prince the most because he has never before cried as much as he did in that scene
  • yochwennie: Yuchun looked at himself in the wedding scene of Rooftop Prince and said, “So young…” and he still recalls that
    he and HJM could not stop crying after filming that scene.
  • rilanna: It was difficult being expressionless as ‘TGWSS’ Mugak
    RT lovemickysmile6: 匂いを見る少女 無感覚、無表情が難しかった
  • yochwennie: YC dislikes the scene in SKK Scandal where he jumped into the stream. He was afraid he would drown and the water looked so cold it’ll kill
  • rilanna: A video message from Shin Sekyung!
    YC: I’ll give her a call when this [FM] ends today
    Hall: Ehhh~~~~~!!!
    Loud jeerings lolss
    RT xiaholic0420: シンセギョンからビデオレター!
  • yochwennie: Today’s video message is from SSK. YC says her message was too short, so he will call her later. Fans screamed and YC said he’s shocked
  • rilanna: Message from ‘TGWSS’ Tae-joon
    It was a message shorter than Shin Sekyung’s
    RT lovemickysmile6: ネムボソ テジュンくんからメッセージ
  • yochwennie: YC said he was looking at his debut pictures while eating yesterday and he wishes to go back to his debut days
  • rilanna: Looking at the photo from 10 years ago now, he wants to go back to those old days. He’ll like to be young
    RT lovemickysmile6: 昨日10代の頃の写真を見てたけど、その頃に戻りたいと。いやぁ若くて良かった
  • yochwennie: Watching clips selected by fans. YC: Are they the same as yesterday’s? MC: No, how can we show the same clips?
  • yochwennie: They are showing a funny clip of Jungwoo singing Magic Castle in Missing You
  • yochwennie: The song which Yuchun would pick (among Japanese songs) when he’s at the noraebang –> Toshinobu Kubota – Missing [via 6002×2601]
  • yochwennie: YC says he will be eating at a restaurant Heechul went before
  • yochwennie: YC said he wants to tattoo his eyebrows but fans objected so he said he won’t be doing it. He has been considering it for a few months.
  • yochwennie: YC says he can naturally tell JJ that he loves him but Junsu…JJ is gentle and he gets jealous easily. But he doesn’t know what JS’s mind
    YC doesn’t express his feelings to Junsu that much because he doesn’t know what’s in Junsu’s mind. And he feels shy around Junsu
  • yochwennie: YC also said he still feels nervous when he’s with Junsu even they’ve known each other for 10 years. He still treats Junsu with respect
  • yochwennie: Yuchun went for pedicure with Yuhwan after his movie filming ended. He had Captain America’s shield drawn on his thumb.
  • yochwennie: Asked what’s the most recent embarrassing event, YC said while filming Lucid Dream in Busan, he spent a few days with Yuhwan.
    They went for pedicure for the first time and he had Captain America’s shield drawn on his big toe.
  • yochwennie: Yuchun taking off his socks to show the Captain America shield drawing on his toe
  • xiaholic0420: 映画撮影終了後ユファンが釜山に来て一緒にペディキュアしに行ったとw親指にキャプテンアメリカのシール貼ったらしいw会場「見たーーい!」大阪の圧力で靴下脱いで見せてもらいましたがフットカバーしか撮れずw
  • yochwennie: YC said the manicurist kept touching his toe so he felt shy. Though it was a good experience, he would never do it again.
  • yochwennie: Asked if there’s a fixed song he must sing when he goes to the karaoke, YC says there’s no fixed song but there’s one song which he always picks. Toshinobu Kubota’s song but the notes are too high so it’s difficult to sing. [via 6002×2601 , Cr lovemickysmile6]
  • yochwennie: MC: Do you like your own voice?
    YC: I’ve never thought about this but I think it’s a little bit too low. But if it’s mixed with Junsu
    ….YC started imitating Junsu’s voice and JJ’s laugh.
  • rubypurple_fan: YC imitated JJ’s laughter -> he puts his hand to cover his mouth while laughing.
    RT JejuMegu1120: ユチョンがジェジュンの笑い真似したら、アッは♡アッは♡ゆって、手を口に当ててたw
  • yochwennie: Q: When the three of you are together you sometimes blank out.
    YC: JJ’s Japanese is good and Junsu is funny so that’s enough. I’ll blank out
  • yochwennie: Q: Have you done bungee jump?
    YC: /shaking his head/ If a drama has a bungee jump scene, I won’t star in it.
  • yochwennie: Q: What do you think if a girl proposes first?
    YC: It’s better for the man to do it first.
  • rilanna: Q: Place you wants to go to in Japan?
    YC: Okinawa
    Q: To be born again?
    YC: I don’t want to be born again
    Q: Favorite color?
    YC: Blue
    Q: If you have a 10-day vacation?
    YC: I want to watch fireworks
    Q: A woman’s hairstyle, long or short?
    YC: It depends on the person
    Q: The person he wants to meet the most right now?
    YC: Jaejoong!
    The color of Yuchun’s underpants today are wine red
    Q: What do you want to eat the most right now?
    YC: Uronhai (shochu and oolong tea)

    RT lovemickysmile6: 日本で行きたいとこ
  • yochwennie: Q: Favorite place in Japan?
    YC: Okinawa
    Q: Do you want to be born again?
    YC: No
    Q: Favorite color?
    YC: Red? Green? Blue.
    Q: What would you like to do if you have 10 days of holiday?
    YC: I want to see fireworks.
    Q: Underwear color?
    YC: Wine red.
    Q: The person who want to see the most?
    YC: Jaejoong
    Q: Do you prefer girls with long hair? Or short hair?
    YC: It depends
    Q: What food do you dislike?
    YC: Food with fishy smell/taste
  • rubypurple_fan: When asked who do you want to meet now, YC immediately answer JJ.
    RT JejuMegu1120: ユチョンいま誰に会いたい?の質問に
  • rubypurple_fan: What do you want to drink? Oolong Tea
    Fave hairstyle? Short or long? Depends on the person
    What are you afraid of? Heights
    Stars you admire? Junsu and Jejung
    Person you want to meet? Jejung
    RT babyskymicky: 今飲みたいのは?ウーロンハイ。
  • rilanna: He wants to meet Jaejoong because he didn’t get to meet him for while
    RT lovemickysmile6: ジェジュンとは当分会えないから会いたいですよね
  • rubypurple_fan: Fave place in Japan: Okinawa
    Current obsession: Dragon Quest
    Do you want to be reincarnated? No
    Fave color: Blue
    If you have a holiday for 10 days, what would you do? I want to go see fireworks
    RT babyskymicky: 日本でお気に入りの場所は沖縄。
  • rubypurple_fan: How about a marriage proposal from women? Not really. The proposal should be done by the man.
    RT babyskymicky: 女性からのプロポーズはどうですか?
  • rilanna: Next is the corner where Yuchun makes a call to a person
    RT lovemickysmile6: 次はユチョンがひとりに電話をかけるコーナー
  • rilanna: He did the the first [call], but it didn’t work, saying ‘the phone number you’ve dialed is currently in use lols
    RT lovemickysmile6: 一人目かけたけど、おかけになった電話番号は現在使われておりませんwww
  • rilanna: YC put the necklace on the person who greeted him (over the phone) in today’s ‘Moshi-moshi[T/N: how you say Hello on the phone in Japanese]‘ corner. […]
    RT xiaholic0420: 今日のもしもしコーナーで当たった方が選んだのはネックレス。ネックレスをつけてくれてそのネックレスをもらえます。羨ましいー!
  • rilanna: Yuchun is leaving now to prepare for the next thing
    RT lovemickysmile6: ユチョン 次の準備のため一旦退場
  • rilanna: Yuchun in a white collarless T-shirt? He reappeared with rolled-up jeans
    RT lovemickysmile6: ユチョン 白の襟なしポロシャツ?にジーンズをロールアップして再登場
  • rilanna: The next corner was with a long jump rope yesterday but today includes a ball with the 3 chosen people.
    RT lovemickysmile6: 次のコーナー、昨日は長縄跳びだったけど今日は選ばれた三人と玉入れ。
  • rilanna: There’ll be a signed two-shot check with a gift for each person [on stage]
    3rd gets a wind chime, 2nd gets a straw hat, & 1st gets signed beach sandals
    RT lovemickysmile6: それぞれにプレゼントとサイン入りツーショットチェキ
    3位の方は風鈴 2位の方は麦わら帽子、1位の方はサイン入りビーチサンダル
  • rilanna: Hit the mark in the most! 10-sec dance
    RT lovemickysmile6: 一番に命中!10秒ダンス
  • rilanna: Strikeout! Yuchun’s mission is ’10-sec Dance’ for hitting the mark in the 1st turn!! This is the moment
    RT xiaholic0420: ストラックアウトで1番命中したYCへのミッション「10秒ダンス」!!一瞬ですw
  • rilanna: There’s a hit the mark in 2nd turn! has to eat a lemon and whistle
    RT lovemickysmile6: 次は2番に命中!レモンを食べて口笛を吹くw
  • rilanna: His ‘so sour’ face is cute ; it’s so sour that he can’t whistle well
    RT lovemickysmile6: 酸っぱい顔がww可愛いww酸っぱくて口笛が上手く吹けない爆ww
  • rilanna: Hit the mark in the 8th turn! Russian [Roulette] Cream Cuff, 2 are mustard-filled out of 8 pieces
    RT lovemickysmile6: 8番命中!ロシアンシュークリームw8個中、2個辛子入りw
  • rilanna: Takoyaki were really burnt in YUCHUN’s Kitchen today
    RT lovemickysmile6: YUCHU’s キッチン 今日はたこ焼き ほんとに焼いてもらうってw
  • rilanna: For all the 3 people today, takoyaki from Yuchun Ah~ He is offering it to her
  • RT xiaholic0420: 今日は3人とも、ユチョンにたこ焼きをあーんしてもらいました #YuchunFMinOsaka
  • yochwennie: YC said he feels kinda tired after making takoyaki. It’s his last day in Osaka and it may take 2 years before he can meet fans again.
  • yochwennie: Fans called his name and he suddenly lost his train of thoughts
  • SaiAi & Chajatta were sung
  • yochwennie: While singing Found You, he yelled Junsu’s name again when it came to Junsu’s part XDDD
  • rilanna: Thank you for such a fun & happy time, YuchunTT
  • rubypurple_fan: YC left his microphone at the moving stage so he went back to get it~
    RT mickynews64: 아이코 (박수짝) 내 마이크 총총총 #박유천
  • yochwennie: YC’s Ending speech: Thank you for making good memories for me in Osaka. I would like to come again. Today is my last day in Osaka. When I come again, let’s meet with smiling faces. (He was going to say something else but he held back). Let’s save this for later.
  • Jen_BabyLove: Oh yesterday was flying hearts tonight is flying stars
    RT lovemickysmile6: 今日は星が上から降ってきた!
  • 6002×2601:
  • Jen_BabyLove: FM over
    RT lovemickysmile6: 終わりました!
  • misa_jj:
Live tweets trans credits: lovemickysmile6 + yochwennie + xiaholic0420 + rubypurple_fan + JejuMegu1120 + babyskymicky + 6002×2601 + raiterie + Jen_BabyLove + misa_jj + rilanna of JYJ3 
Shared by: JYJ3
Visit JYJ3 for complete recap
More updates here: JYJ CAFFEINE: JYJ News Week of 6/29-7/5/2015 http://jyjcaffeine.blogspot.com/2015/06/jyj-news-week-of-629-752015.html?spref=tw
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Some translations from 'All About Yu' (Yuchun's fm in Osaka Night 2)

YC imitated JJ's laughter -> he puts his hand to cover his mouth while laughing. #AllAboutYu 

When asked who do you want to meet now, YC immediately answer JJ. #AllAboutYu 

#AllAboutYu 2/2 What are you afraid of? Heights Stars you admire? Junsu and Jejung Person you want to meet? Jejung
YC says he can naturally tell JJ that he loves him but Junsu...JJ is gentle and he gets jealous easily. But he doesn't know what JS's mind
YC doesn't express his feelings to Junsu that much because he doesn't know what's in Junsu's mind. And he feels shy around Junsu

Via rubypurple_fan

JaeChun feels...

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Park Yuchun Fascinates Osaka With His Charms

[by Woorim Ahn] Park Yuchun heated up Osaka with his white suit.

CJeS Entertainment said, “Park Yuchun shook up fangirls’ hearts when he showed up with all-white look at ‘2015 Park Yuchun Fanmeeting Japan Tour ‘All About Yu’’, which was held at Osaka Jyo Hall in Osaka, Japan on June 30. He made a shaved ice for the fans and spent a special day with them.”

The one became the hottest issue was his all-white suit. He appeared on the stage by singing ‘Walking In Spring With Her’, then the fans gave a big applause for him. He smiled at the audience and they all stood up to sing along with him.

In addition, he opened ‘YUCHUN’s Kitchen’ to make a special memory with the fans and cooked for them. He had on a cute chef gown and made one and only shaved ice. Through choosing several fans to taste it on the stage, he gave it to them one by one.

He also flashed back his previous work and told behind-the-scene stories about filming. Moreover, he called one of the audiences to invite her on the stage and held a special event for her to meet his fan in closer distance.

A representative of Park Yuchun’s Japan tour said, “Despite of bad weather, about 10,000 fans gathered in Osaka to see him since it was his first solo concert in the area. The audiences reacted to Park Yuchun’s every single move and facial expression and Park Yuchun tried his best to communicate with them as a repay for their love.”

Meanwhile, Park Yuchun will continue his fan meeting until July 1 at the same place. (photo by CJeS Entertainment)

Contact: news@bntnews.co.uk

BNT News

Park Yuchun...Press Pics..."All About Yu"


More HQ Press Pics Here: JYJ CAFFEINE: JYJ News Week of 6/29-7/5/2015 http://jyjcaffeine.blogspot.com/2015/06/jyj-news-week-of-629-752015.html?spref=tw

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Yoochun fan support ahead of his military enlistment...


[!!] This project is for Philippine and International Fans. Please send your letters for Yoochun on or before July 15. Please make it easy to read. This project is for Philippine and International Fans.

Please observe the one letter per fan rule.

For fans who would like to join our project, kindly see the following guidelines:

1. This Project is open to all Yoochun fans and JYJ fans who would like to send their love for 6002 on his upcoming enlistment.
2. The letter should ONLY consist of the following:
a. Love for Yoochun
b. Support for Yoochun or JYJ
c. Wishes for Yoochun
3. Please use a clean white A4 size paper. You can decorate on it as you wish, but please ensure that your HAND WRITTEN messages will be readable. Scan your letter and email to us.
5. Allot free space on the side as the letters will be bounded. You will not like your letter to be incomplete.
6. If you wish to put your photo, you may paste it on the lower part
7. Deadline of submission is until July 15, 2015 only.

EMAIL IT TO US AT jyjphilippines@yahoo.com


More updates here: JYJ CAFFEINE: JYJ News Week of 6/29-7/5/2015 http://jyjcaffeine.blogspot.com/2015/06/jyj-news-week-of-629-752015.html?spref=tw

Park Yuchun on the cover of Hanryu TOP magazine

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http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B010D5TGEM/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_LXCMvb11XNTAM  @amazonJP

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