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[Official] JYJ Park Yoo Chun - 박유천 (Singer, Songwriter, and Actor) Thread

Guest JPhylls

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class="posttitle"17November2013 [FAN ACCOUNT] We were here, at IAG Roadshow in Vietnam (Part 3) 

We reached the main entrance of the convention center at full speed. We have known that JYJ has checked out of their hotel in the afternoon so we assumed that they will not be heading back to the hotel. We went straight to the airport. Our plan was Micky Ah Xiao to get a taxi before hand and wait for us at the outside of the venue.

I was still indulging in YuChun’s performance on our way to the airport. His dance moves.. Really made me go crazy over him! Previously I don’t know who commented that YuChun has gotten fatter and he was not able to dance anymore… Please find out the person and ask her to confront me. YuChun’s sexy dance moves were really unforgettable.

The journey took about 40minutes and we finally arrived at Noi Bai International Airport. We immediately sprinted towards international departure. We have only run a few steps and found out there was a group of “suspicious people” in front of us. We buckled up our sense and ran quickly. Oh My God! Three of them who were escorted by bodyguards, walking towards our directon! Upon seeing YuChun, we were all stunned. YuChun was wearing a navy colour hoodie and was wearing sunglasses but the most significant part would be his perfect, rosy, small lips. Gosh~ It was so surreal when he was standing in front of me. The nearest distance between us was only 2 meters away. I felt like I was able to reach out to him if I stretch out my hand. How I wished that time could be frozen at this moment.

fdae6f600c33874464cfb152530fd9f9d72aa024Hua noona always reminds me that the happy times with YuChun are always very short. I had truly experienced it now since less than one minute, YuChun has passed by me and went into the departure hall. When he has disappeared in front of me, I felt as though a lump of my heart disappeared too. It was empty. Immediately, all the disappointment and exhaustion fill up my mind. I teared unintentionally. Yue Yue could not help but to hug me and cried out. I could not hold back any longer as soon as she cried. We were crying while hugging each other at the entrance of the airport. The other two noona who were with us also teared silently.

Me and Yue Yue were standing at the side of the bridge, looking at the direction where YuChun’s plane disappeared while the other two noona were sitting on the flight of stairs silently taking a bite on the dinner (bread) that Micky Ah Xiao bought for us. The bread was our lunch and also dinner. I knew that both noona were sad too but they tried to suppress their feelings in front of us.

At this time a person tapped on one of the noona’s shoulder. It was the reporter that interviewed us at the airport on the day JYJ arrived. It turned out that he still remembered us. He asked us if we needed any help when he saw our low spirited faces with dark circles beneath our eyes. When we told him what was happening, he was stunned and rolled his eyes widely and said, “You are really good fans indeed. (This was translated by Ah Xiao.)” He insisted on taking a photo with us and wanted us to leave him our contacts saying that if YuChun happens to visit Vietnam again in the future, he asked us to contact her and he will help us in any way he can.   

bd8a3ef33a87e950b271014212385343faf2b4c0Lastly I would like to express my gratitude to both noona, especially Gui Hua noona as she really went through a lot. She had to keep track of all the details for this trip when she was working. She really put her heart into arranging this Vietnam trip.

* Parts not related to YuChun and JYJ are not translated.

- END -

Source from 四夕悠宸@Mickybaidu

Picture credit as tagged

English translated & Shared by ParkYoochunSGFC

Note: Our translations are best-effort and based from original Chinese writings.  If any mistakes are found, it is unintentional.  Thank you for your understanding. 

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class="posttitle" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: none; font-weight: 500; vertical-align: baseline; text-shadow: white 1px 1px 0px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; text-rendering: optimizelegibility;"18November2013[FAN] “YuChun in my world”by 朴有天新加坡环球粉丝会PARKYOOCHUNSGFC

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-YuChun in my World-

I want to DRAW….

….the CURVE and DIP of his face

….the DEPTH of his dimples

….the LENGTH of his eyelashes

….the WIDTH of his forehead

And memorize them like FORMULAS

I want to CALCULATE….

….the DISTANCE between the two of us

….the ACCELERATION of my heartbeat every time I see him

….the DECELERATION of my breathing because of his gaze

….the POINT where he and I would meet

And do my best not to fail like taking an EXAM

I want to KNOW….

….the POWER I need to not trip nor faint when I see him

….the FORCE I need to push myself up if ever I fall down

….the ENERGY I need to follow every movement he makes

….the SPEED I need to keep up with him

And try not to forget each one of them to SURVIVE in his presence…

I’m an ENGINEER, a mere WRITER….

….who can be bad with NUMBERS but maybe not with WORDS

….who can forget FORMULAS but never my MUSE

….who can get lost in the ENGINEERING world but not in my OWN little world

And I’m working hard to hold on to my DREAM and make my INSPIRATION, Mr.

Park YuChun, proud…

With much love… (“,)

Written by abbie.gaile

Picture credit as tagged

Shared by ParkYoochunSGFC

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class="entry-title" style="margin: 0px 0px 20px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; font-weight: 400; font-style: inherit; vertical-align: baseline; text-shadow: white 1px 1px 0px;"Huge crowd waited for JYJ at the airport but they safely took the VIP exit...sorry for fans who waited for a long time... class="entry-title" style="margin: 0px 0px 20px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; font-weight: 400; font-style: inherit; vertical-align: baseline; text-shadow: white 1px 1px 0px;"[PICS] 131120 JYJ at Guangzhou Airport, ChinaNovember 20, 2013 · JYJ3 Team

JYJ  took the VIP Exit

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Credit: As tagged via WeiboShared by: JYJ3
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[HQ News Pic] 131121 #JYJ IAG press Conference

[HQ News Pic] 131121 #JYJ IAG press Conference

Credit to fans


20:50~21:00 | JYJ – Empty & Get Out21:06~21:11 | JYJ Jaejoong – Just Another Girl21:37~21:42 | JYJ – Only One


[Full Schedule]

8.46 pm – 8.50 pm (4 mins): MC introduces JYJ8.50 pm – 9.00 pm (10 mins): JYJ performs “Empty” and “Get Out”9.00 pm – 9.06 pm (5 mins): Jaejoong’s “Just Another Girl” MV9.06 pm – 9.11 pm (5 mins): Jaejoong performs “Just Another Girl”9.11 pm – 9.17 pm (6 mins): “Only One” MV9.17 pm – 9.27 pm (10 mins): JYJ Talk Time9.27 pm – 9.37 pm (10 mins): JYJ teaches “Only One” Dance Steps9.37 pm – 9.42 pm (5 mins): JYJ performs “Only One”

Picture Credit: Amy_the6002Info via: @chloe6002Shared by: JYJ3
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class="entry-title" style="margin: 0px 0px 20px;"[NEWS] 131121 JYJ Heads to Guangzhou as Ambassadors for Incheon Asian GamesNovember 21, 2013 · rilanna

The members of JYJ made their way over to Guangzhou as ambassadors promoting the 2014 Incheon Asian Games.

C-JeS Entertainment, JYJ’s agency, announced on November 21, “JYJ will be attending the press conference for the 2014 Incheon Asian Games. The members attended a press conference in Vietnam before and now they have made an appearance in Guangzhou, which gathered over 40 Chinese media outlets to report on JYJ’s promotional activity.”


“As the honorary ambassadors for Incheon Asian Games, we have recorded the theme song Only One, shot a music video and have been attending international showcases. It’s an honor that we are taking the lead in promoting this national event and we’re also happy that we can work together amid our busy schedule,” said JYJ. “We hope you will show a lot of love and support for 2014 Incheon Asian Games.”

JYJ had previously attended the press conference in Vietnam on October 24 and performed Only One for the first time.

Credit: MwaveShared by: JYJ3

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class="entry-title" style="margin: 0px 0px 20px;"[PIC] 131121 Park Yuchun gracing the cover of “Korean TV Drama Collection 2014″ MookNovember 21, 2013 · rilanna

Note: Mook is a thick illustrated publication on a single topic printed to look like a magazine (from magazine and book)

★ Special feature page will commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Korean Wave・will announce the results of up to 100 Productions・Actor・Actress rankings for the “Korean Drama Awards”

Date of Release: December 2ndMore Info Here

photo 51UPJ3rSSOL_SS500_.jpg

Source: Amazon JPShared by: JYJ3

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