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[Drama 2013] TV Novel: Eun Hee / TV소설 – 은희 티저

Guest reijaye

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Hope it will be the start of a great love story here. I am still hoping that VP will be the one who help EH to find the real killer and clear her father name. He is rich and with the resources to get info from the govt dept involved. Plse writer, keep the momentum going. Previously, I was begging writer to have SG telling the truth behind the death of SG father. As I stated, it was an accidental death, and due to statute of limitation SG will not be tried. Also, he has been taking care of SJ and grandma, he will have redeem himself of the death, by taking over the role of a son .He shd have told the true story and clear Hyeongman name. Since he didn't do it, but instead took the evil way out, I now want him to pay for his betrayal of his friend who was always there for him. Now, he is adding injuries to the wound by telling all that HM is a killer. If he continue his evilness, he shd pay for it. Don't drag the evilness too far, please,like another ongoing drama.

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Guest atomickitty

JUST when I gave up on getting any romance from this show, VP and EH have a hug. We'll see how that plays out on EHs side. VP obviously likes her but we'll see if she starts to develop feelings for him because of his help during this difficult time. Though I have a feeling JT will be of more help because he has knows more about the backstory than VP or EH do. I do think VP and EH are going to be start to like each other just so we can have a few episodes of "OH NO, you can't be with him because he's your 'brother'". Wish someone could make that stick for SJ and YJ. Those 2 getting engaged, don't even want to comment on that.. except to say.. nauseating.

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Starts with the hug between EH/VP .... says he will help find her mother and he understands what she is going thru cos he too felt like dying when he lost his mum. Back home in her bedroom at LK's house, EH has flashback on her last meeting when her mum hugged her .... LK comes in and EH pours out her worries/fears should she be undable to find her mother and implores LK to help find her, LK agrees.

Next scene shows EH's mum in her room, lies down... sad and crying.

Next engagement of SJ/YJ .... I am going to skip .... ugly dress and silly hairstyle.

Next EH seating on staircase at hotel, JT joins her. They are talking... JT trying to comfort her ... EH thinks the rumor is the likely cause of her mother's disappearance and JT says its not.  EH is surprised by this and asks what other reason is there .... JT does not answer this question.

Back at the secretary's desk, EH takes a call for VP, its from the police.  VP who came by answers the call .... he asks whether they found her and they replied no.  VP tells EH he informed the police to look out for EH.  He also asked EH whether she ate, tells EH that her mother would not want her skipping meals and handed over a lunch box for her to eat (he is too sweet for words :x  ).

EH's mum at the restaurant she is working at.... talking with the owner, a man comes in  and seats down (he is a PI), he takes a photo  from his pocket to confirm its the same woman he is looking for. 

Back in Incheon, after engagement party is over they gathered in Halmoni's living room talking bleh bleh bleh ..... YJ/SJ goes upstairs, YJ on cloud nine now excitedly talking about wedding, SJ says he just wants to get the wedding over and done with (not exactly the reaction YJ was hoping forr)... YJ goes into her room and suddenly SJ smiling face turns glum and he looks at his engagement ring rather sadly.

SG and wife in his room.  As usual SG is happy and his wife looks rather worried .... about EH's mum I think. 

PI reporting to LK in her office that he found EH's mum (some talk ..... I dont understand). PI wants to take LK immediately but she says she will go later and asks PI to keep this info a secret from VP.

SG waiting for Kang Jaepil at coffee shop.  Kang Jaepil comes in and SG asks the reason for his call.  Apparently Kang Jaepil has located Kim Jongpal, SG asks whether he is alive or dead (I cant really understand ..... but looks like Kang Jaepil is not forthcoming on the details .... I think he is hiding something from SG).

EH at her desk, phone rings and SG on the other side .... again pretending to be nice and helpful.  LK comes out of her room, its time to go home but EH not wanting to leave cos hoping to get some phone call about her mum .... LK says to go home as they can ask for calls to be redirect to the house (?).  They go home together, while getting off infront of the house LK sees EH's mum peeping out from the corner.  She quickly sends EH in and goes running in search of EH's mum .... not successful cos that silly woman is hiding, stupid woman silently says sorry to LK and please take care of EH (honestly this woman is beginning to richard simmons me off).

Back home in LK's study, VP comes in and asks for LK's help in locating EH's mum, much to her surprise. LK says leave it to the police and VP is annoyed she cant be bothered to even help.

Scene of Sundeok/Mdm Jeong talking about old man not eating cos ahjumoni is not around .... Mdm Jeong brought around the fake fortune teller to see what wrong with old man ..... will skip this.

EH's mum carrying large tray of dishes at front of restaurant .... LK waiting there for her there and calls out.  They have coffee together.... usual conversation. LK lets live together, u be mum and I be aunt talk. I will skip this cos EH's mum is pissing me off big time. End of scene EH's mum walked off.

Scene of EH coming out of police station (?) met VP there, some talk then VP says lets go back to hotel, he leaves and she for once smiles and follows him.

A distraught LK back at her office in the hotel with JT ....something JT says and LK tells him to stop looking for EH's mum. Some sort of talking, that makes LK go into some sort of shock and gives some instruction to JT.  Next scene shows JT driving his car.  EH's mum is resigning from that restaurant she worked at and the owner is angry at her (so would I, this woman is a pain in my neck).

Next scene, VP and EH at hotel again, she receives a phone call from JT and next scene shows VP/EH driving to meet up with JT at some road side. VP ask whether he found her and JT points to EH where he mother is.  EH is running in the woods and finds her mother at the grave.... cries and hugs her mother. END

Preview: EH crying at her father's grave.  VP is driving EH and her mum (probably back to Incheon?),  While VP getting into his car SJ approaches him, I think VP tells him that EH's mum has been found.  SJ carries this info back to SG and he gets upset again.  Another scene of JT/VP talking (JT is acting a cold ) .. dont understand their conversation but it leaves VP looking very puzzled.  Next scene, EH and mum walking in Incheon at night runs into YJ/SJ ... nasty YJ remarks to EH's mum that she thought she left Incheon .... SJ looks at YJ very unhappy with her remark.

Side Note:  Is LK sick or something??? This is the umpteenth time I see her almost collapsing while holding her forehead? And can someone bury EH's mum next to her husband ..... that woman annoys me no end with her potrayal of a martyr.


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@timsha where are you watching this latest ep from. I want to go and watch it too. Getting interesting here. Now, watching on KBS world which is behind by 10ep or so. Tq for all yr updates. Enjoying this show now. I am from Penang and also live here now.

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@krgeek I watch on www.2korea.net ..... they upload it within a couple of hours.

Edit:  Its all in korean .... but if u go further down, they have uploaded episodes that aired today .... look for the one with 74 included in a string of hangeul characters ... thats the lastest Eunhui upload.  Hope its helpful .... I am not really computer savvy being from the generation of the 70's (where word processors were more popular).

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Guest kharsufeyo

Im a newbie here, and I've been reading this forum for a few weeks already!! Nice to meet you all :)
I just want to VP & Eunhee to be together pleeaseee! Or JT?! But i think VP & Eunhee really look good together! <3

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Guest suikorene

Welcome myself and @kharsufeyo. Me too, been a silent reader here. So, you ship VP and EH? Looks like no one ship for EH/SJ here, it's a good news then :)

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Welcome aboard kharsufeyo. We are all,on the same boat cheering for VP/EH. Hope that they will not change the personality of VP. Like him as he is. There shd not be any stop to this pairing. Keeping my finger crossed and not another love, my love here.

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Guest kharsufeyo

@kdramafan469 yah lets just hope for the best, i'm dissapointed on the ending of Tv Novel Love My Love, dunno if you've watched that novel, but this drama is very interesting esp. when VP step in!! Both he and Eunhee have chemistry :) 
@suikorene yep, im a VP and Eunhee fan :) I don't like her to be ending up with SJ. He's a good man but he's not worth it for Eunhee, maybe JT will do, but they lack something, maybe that spark, when you see them together they kinda like brother and sister, not like VP and Eunhee, its just different, hehe, whatcha think?!
@krgeek well hello there! Yah hoping he will not change, we're not sure yet how will he feel by the time he find out that Eunhee is her half sister :( I just hope they end up together, eventhough VP is not included in the opening where all the casts are being showed, I wonder why?! :/
Nice to meet you all <3

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Wait a minute VP and Eh are half brother and half sister. They cant be together because u cant date your half brother or steph brother.  I think this drama going to be disappointed. Like I am How come they bring in VP guy and make him as a brother to EH. They two have major chemistry. Now it sucks that they not going to end up together because they related.
Maybe I need to stop watching  now.

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Havent got started yet ..... but I was watching ep 65 on KBS world this morning, and LK was telling EH that she left her brother when she was 20 yrs to work in Seoul and visited him off and on in Gaseong after that.... so EH was definitely conceived in Seoul..... back to the drawing board again.... VP's dad or someone else????  Will be back later with summarised recaps.

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Crying scene at Hyeongman's grave, I will cut it short ... lots of crying, are you Ok, are u hurt, I am sorry, have u eaten, promise not to do this again, etc   (:| .

Next scene, VP pacing up and down, see EH/mum coming back and greets the mother (I want to say this ... I have only seen VP bowing down low to EH's mum, to others it always an arrogant barely noticeably nod of the head), EH tells the mother that VP was of great help, mum holds VP's hands and thank him... VP refers to her as 'omonim'.... he drives them back to Incheon.

Next scene LK in her office ... JT walks in  and updates her ...(some talk between them....and LK saying that all this years she had been waiting and that she will continue to do so in future .... blurr @-). 

Old man comes running into his shop asking Sundeok about fake shaman who did acupuncture on him ....some problems with his arm...skipping

Haengja and Mija at Venus Cafe talking about YJ's engagement .... Sundeok rushing in seeking that fake shaman ...... skipping

Next scene, old man at his shop surprised to see EH and her mum .... EH's mum says sorry, old man wondering whether he is dreaming.

VP having coffee at cafe and EH joins him. She is happy, and he says she should have stayed longer but she smilingly tells him how can a secretary keep the VP waiting. She asks him to have a meal with her and he is surprised cos this is first time for her to invite him, he tells her to instead eat with her mother, asks her if she happy to be with her mother again.  (this is the first time I have seen them together, relaxed and smiling....they look so good together). She thanks him for his help, and he says to thank JT instead.  EH says she is thankful to both VP and JT.  VP says he is leaving and ask her to stay the night with her mum.

Next the old man and EH's mum talking in her room.... he is upset about her thoughtless actions.... he asks her the reason for it and she tells him that LK is actually EH's birth mum.... old man in shock but he is still upset with EH's mum stupid actions.

VP walking back to his car and SJ goes up to him.... asks him about EH's mum and VP tells him that they found EH's mum. SJ is glad.  VP congratulates him on his engagement.

SG in his office and on the phone thanking someone for attending the engagement...... SG walks in tells him about EH's mum being found .... SG is not pleased hearing this...... immediately goes to old man's house and speaks with EH and mum about how relieved he is that she is back, etc.  EH's mum apologise for not attending the wedding.  SG says in future to call him if they require anything.  He goes back to his office and really upset with the situation, and places a call to Kang Jaepil... I think he wanted clarification that Kang Jaepil has handled his requests ..... SG tells him that if he will not stand for it if Kang Jaepil is not being truthful (something like that).  The dumb side-kick guy tells Kang Jaepil what if SG finds out that they lied as they have no idea where Kim Yongpal is.  Jaepil tells him to keep his mouth shut and not say anything.

Lee Baeksu/Sambong scene in storage room ... talking about the old man's arm and the con shaman..... skip

Mdm Jeong/con shaman scene at Venus Cafe ..... in come Lee Baeksu/Sambong (stick in hand)/shaman hiding behind counter .. skip

Seoul Hotel ...... VP comes upon JT deep in thought.  Tells him that EH is staying in Incheon for the night.  Small talk .... thanking each other for finding EH's mum.  Some talk ..... (I could not catch the drift of the conversation..... something about EH's dad, blur, JT says something... something like u might regret it later and walked off...this left VP looking very puzzled, could be JT is hinting about the step sibling thing and telling VP not to get too close to EH???)

Dinner scene at the old man's house .....   old man reopening soup shop

SG with halmoni .... tells her EH's mum is back ... she looks not happy that he heard the news from SJ.  Wants to know whether EH too is back.... cautions SG to keep a close eye on SJ just in case ...... but SG is very sure that now they are engaged SJ will not seek EH. Both look unsettled.

SG and wife in room ... talking about return of EH's mum...

EH/mum walking around the market place at night ....runs into SJ/YJ (she is clinging to his arm ... and he removes her hand... she did not like that), SJ greets EH's mum.  YJ tells EH's mum....didn't you leave Incheon?, its strange that u left because of the rumors (SJ cautions her), YJ says it cos I am curious, EH cuts in and gives an excuse that it was due to work(?), then YJ mentions her engagement and EH says sorry she could not attend as she was busy at the hotel. EH's mum congratulates her, I think SJ is upset with YJ's behaviour and excuses himself and drags YJ off.

Back at home YJ asks SJ whether he is angry .... he asks her how she could say such things to EH's mum... YJ says she was just curious.... asks him if he is really not angry and he says no.  She tries to hug him but he pushes her away  [-X , tells her that the elders are around and they need to be careful when they are at home, tells her to go to her room.   SJ goes to his room, he looks very down, thinks about EH apologising for not attending the engagement and then looks at his engagement ring .... he is looking very down.

EH/mum talking in their room at night.

Next day EH/VP in his car (he came to pick her up??? :) ).... they are going to her father's grave ..... (vague understanding...I think VP asked her how come her father is buried there ..... she said someone did that and later she hope to find and thank the person).  At the grave EH pay respects to her dad (VP watching from afar). While EH is talking to her dad, VP notices a man walking by (I think he is someone who takes care of the graves there) the man sees EH and says something (something like usually one person only visits??) that got VP's attention ..... VP asks the man a question (not sure .... something like do you know the person responsible for this burial?) END

Preview: EH/VP sitting and talking.  VP sends EH home .... (LK's voice over telling VP not to be so involved with EH), SG in the factory alone at night (Halmoni's voice over .... blur), sorry too many voice overs I cant make sense ...... but one interesting thing VP is in Incheon and he visits EH's mum .... he says something.... OK my understanding and I could be wrong ..... but sounded like he was officially asking permission for something (???). 

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Please don't make them related in any way. They definitely are step siblings. Not another love my love where step sibling cannot marry. VP/EH story is exactly like Senghui and the lawyer. Mother married the guy father and when mother and daughter is reunited, the pair has to split up. So, are we gonna get the same happening here. If YJ and SJ can get married, why not EHand VP. Hypocrite if so.

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