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(OFFICIAL) Micheoseo Couple T♥G Taecyeon ♥ Gui Gui; Global Couple Thread !! TaecGui ♥ YeonJie Part 1


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It's been a while since I last posted and visited this forum. But my online friends have been updating me (you know who you are. I love you all guys for all your updates).

So tomorrow's Friday and I don't know what to do. I've been watching other couples' episodes (previous couples) to keep me distracted from the saddness I feel for TaecGui. But this doesn't mean I'm no longer a TaecGui shipper. As what I've said with my earlier posts, TaecGui is my first and last couple to ship.

Well, I came up with something for tomorrow. Here's some suggestions on how to spent Friday night:

1. Watch episode 1 to episode 15 (I tell you when you watch closely to each episode, you'll discover more details about TaecGui)

2. Analyze TaecGui actions per episodes (It's okey to be delusional :) )

3. Make a MV for TaecGui and share it to this forum

4. Stalk Guigui or Taec (this is my favorite hobby but I don't understand Korean or Chinese so I guess I'll stick to number 3)

5. For some, you can vote taec/2pm or Guigui. I heard 2pm is currently on poll with something (for me, MBC TaecGui poll is my last poll ever in my life)

Oh well, I talk to much. The point here is that I want to help you, fellow shippers, who feel the same as I'm feeling right now.

I'm not afraid that ship may sink because I know that will NEVER happen! This forum has almost 1million views and that is something. I'll say this again and agan. I AM PROUD TO BE A TAECGUI SHIPPER AND I LOVE THIS FORUM!

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cavchelsea said:

i kinda expecting taec's kiss scene in his upcoming drama...because i think if he really want to be an actor he should do it verywell (in order to have a better future wih guigui in case of dating freedom n money..kkk) ;)

sorrry but i think guigui is better than Taec in terms of first onscreen kiss..i mean he did only a "stiff" bobo with suzy..while guigui did quite a good job with arron, eventhough she's just "accept" arron but the feelings is good..i don't know how to explain this further.. :-/

well even if his kiss scene in who are you turns out to be a good or a "passsionate" one, maybe i'll just see it as a way to make guigui jealous kkkk :D

ouggh so hard too keep myself off from delusional mode >.<
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Shirley Yeung said:

Vote for Taecgui here =D


They're coming first in the votes

Anyone who can help us vote here? I want to vote too.

Anyone wanting to vote for Taecgui couple? Find their picture and click on the Chinese red button under it. The part next to it is the number of votes they have

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angelangie said: okie i been order by @bladerunner to repost most of the wedding pictures :P heheheheh just joking....well in case i miss out anything let me know i will not post everything at once....cause there is alot of it from what i collected and i need times to go thru it to eliminates those duplicated one lols :P:D that what happen when you keep pressing 'Save as' ROFL =))
credit: As Tagged

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pluie625 said: Bubble GG said: tomorrow is friday~ oh NO!! :(( :((
I keep on repeating all eps.. This is bad.. REALLY BAD!! aish, cinca!!
As soon as we say goodbye, I miss you
Should we go far away somewhere so we can’t ever part?
Even if I throw away my career, nevertheless
I think I might be happy
I don’t think my body’s pulse is normal, I’m crazy
That’s what you do. Please help me

A.D.T.O.Y--> taec part 

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taecguilove said: I need to confess...I'm a hottest...well sort of cause 2pm is the only kpop group I follow for past 3-4 years....and of course taec is my bias..haha Since I started followed them in especially taecyeon, I've never been this happy that taec was partnered with a girl..and give my ALL blessing that I really wish and hope they will become REAL couple...since the first time I saw them together during the press conference for gwgm..it struck me...wow they really comfortable and compatible with each other. And since then I become what we are here now...hehehe...anyways I'm happy here and really glad we can share our craziness in this paradise of taecgui...no matter what other people say about them..I'll stick to my believe (sometimes delusional believe..hihi hi)...and one day they'll be together.. :x :\"> :)>-

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bibidep said: 129alphabet said:




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Sorry i really dont want to intefere in this thread but i hv to at least state some fact.. 2PM is the korea tourism ambassador together with missA since 2011 and nichkhun for tourism Thailand.. I hv to beg to differ from your post before.. Its true probably taec is getting more recognition to wider audience now..but mostly other than kpop lover because gwgm is popular outside korea <br />

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Okay you guys can continue spazzing now

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cavchelsea said: @taecguilove : Yeaaaaahhh..We should!! i don't care whether its drama, CF, MV, tourism promotion, or stage performance on their duet song...anything is GWENCHANA~ just make taecgui work together again :D their relationships may grow better,maybe Taecgui will receive more love in Korea (like khuntoria) n it will make us shippers HAPPY

@bluemoonlight : hahaha that's one the reasons why i decided to watch TaecGui, because in the presscon she said she liked nichkhun, same like me :D
i liked 2pm as a whole group but not so into each member (except Nichkhun ofcourse :P ),i love their songs, interested in their dramas n some of their activities. But after GWGM my feelings toward them grow deeper as i see their interactions on interviews and varshows, they really have a great brotherhood despite few bad things happened in the past. Now i'm starting to love the members as individuals too :)

@angelangie n @miz-em unnies i always love :x your words hahahaha :))

@bibidep : WOW unnie... well said indeed... =D>

let me  join the GANBEIIII too <:-P yeeeyyy party party :D

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