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[Drama 2013] Goddess of Marriage 결혼의 여신

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Guest SexyDolceVita

SexyDolceVita said:

I agree that JH only feels a sense of responsibility towards tw in their marriage.

in episode 23, jh told yeon soo that she was living the karma and retribution of her own decision...a sense of duty and responsibility was what her life was about in that house.

I thought in episode 19, when jh was thrilled and grateful to leave and start a new life in ny with tw...maybe she has really developed some feelings or love for tw, even as a wife...

But now...i think jh only feels entitled to be responsible for tw... it is not love...more like...since im his wife now, i should behave like his wife....and be there for him.

Whereas towards hw, it was true passion and love that oozed straight from jh's heart, mind, body and soul.

Love has no reason. Love needs no reason. Love doesnt need to have meanings too.

Tw's love for jh has no reasons too.

He is just so crazily attracted to her that he has to have her, simply because he is kang tae wook, there is nothing in this world that he cannot attain yet...

The more difficult it is to hold onto jh, the more he would want to conquer and attain jh.

Mainly to satisfy his high ego, high self esteem and pride.

This is why jh mentioned tw's heart is filled with obssession and not love...

But in tw's eyes, to him...it is love..which we cant deny too because each person has his or her own definitions of love...

A successful relationship for tw can only occur when the woman he loves returns his love willingly and in a situation without interference from his parents.

In that kind of harsh environment, no matter how much a woman loves tw...she will cease to love him over time when she finds no sense in living like this...

That, my friend, is the sad truth about tw's fate and destiny.

Unless he leaves his family, he will never find true love...

I get what you're saying, but I don't agree. I would never call anyone who let himself engage in a relationship where the only way to retain the other person is just simply kind of possesing that person someone with high self esteem or arrogant. For me Tae Wok is similar to Eun Hee. Certainly at first he may look so full of himself, but that's simply a shell, in reality he's in a relationship where the other person cheated -I agree with you here, I didn't remember the time when she called him at midnight...- and does not love him and will undoubtly put himself down and even humiliate himself in orden to retain JH. Eun Hee was a little bit better because in her mind she thought she was like in a lovey-dovey world with her "awesome" relationship, Tae Wok however has always know JH has never felt love for him and regardless kept following her. In Eun Hee's case when she knew her husband was cheating her first reaction was to make any crazy plan just to make him come back. She left the house in the hope he'll realize how important she was, even leaving her son behind. I would never call a person that let herself be treated like Eun Hee a person with hight confidence. For me Tae Wok is similar, he's been following JH being put down always by the lack of love from her, the scene when they call each other at the orchard for me was a scene when it whas really portrayed how pathethic Tae Wok position is in their relationship, how he would do something that will hurt and humiliate him just for hear JH saying "I love you" by force. I would never say someone who prefers to be stepped on rather than left alone by a person who just simply does not respect him a person with high confidence and arrogant. For me Tae Wok is very weak, that type of person who has constructed a mask to the others in which he appears strong. At first in the drama they showed us how he was treated by his father and how lonely he was. For me he treats JH that way just because is the only way to have any relationship with her, since not only does her not love him, but either has opened herself to him. She tried to be a good wife, but for doing that she just merely followed the social norms. As I said in the process I think she kind of started worrying and seeing Tae Wok as an individual, unique person, but never enough as to allow them to have another kind of relationship in where they can stop objectifying each other in the way I said in my last post.

Tae Wok not only is constantly being put down by JH, but also by his family and even at work he's kind of laughed at -at least I sensed that- and he's like that to me because he just let everybody step on him and never strikes back. Eun Hee at the end started seeing how things were and changed, she stopped being that passive pathetic person. In her case it was/is more difficult because she has a son with the other one, and even now I think many of us are hoping she won't return to her utterly disgusting husband but maybe she will. If she does I will see her character as totally bad constructed, incoherent. TW and JH have different personalities and situation compared to EH and her husband, but for me there are similar things between how EH was and how TW is now and how EH's husband treated her and how JH treat TW. 

I also think Tae Wok has to solve the problem with his parents and make a move in which he'll be strong and start making his voice at least audible, per example stop trying to clean his brother stuff while being ridiculized at work or leave the house or something similar. I think there are too many problems between his family/him/his self confidence he has to solve before he can start trusting himself. He'll never be able to love anyone before that IMO, love is between equals, if not, is slavery, that kind of relationship where you trash out your dignity because you think you are not really worth it, always unsure...exactly what TW does regarding JH. He may shout a little but I find that ourburst from him a sign of how weak he is, because they have no consequences an in the end he does not get to be respected by anyone, not even his wife. As some said per example the next talk he'll have with HW is going to be so sad, he's so unsure about himself he's going to "intimidate" HW...if I was HW I would laugh as hell in his face, "JH is sick and you're here saying me what? That you're both very happy? Yeah...I can see that trough your peacock act..." =; 

Hmm... you have offered me a new perspective of tw...

Tw as a person who has no actual confidence in himself...although he seems to have it all the time...

I kinda think he only has no confidence when he has to handle jh...

In episode two, during the highway bridge quarrel...tw repeatedly announces he has lost...he admits defeat in front of jh...can jh just forgive him for giving her the one million us dollars? Jh is making him feel so defeated as a man...he feels like a loser in front of her...his self esteem is thrashed by her coldness, her rejection of him, her decision to break up and cancel the wedding...

However, for other matters, for eg. work related, not counting taejin's mess..., tw seems to be self confident and decisive...

I agree that his family is kinda oppressive and treats him much like a tool... a tool to show to the world or at least chaebol society that he is doing kang family proud...by being the smart, no nonsense prosecutor... he is exactly what his older brothers are not...the perfect son of kang man ho...

even sk has mentioned to hw that tw is the only decent son from kang family...

Tw is also a tool to produce offsprings or rather grandsons for kang man ho to choose as his chaebol empire's heir...

From your perspective, i agree tw appears to be rather pitiful...indeed. :(

However, in the character description of tw on the gom official website, tw is described to be a self confident go getter...which i agree with...

because he truly behaves like that...

But if you say he has no real confidence underneath all that... hmm... i supposed only towards jh and his family...

Especially towards jh.

Because numerous times we see how tw has been acting so insecure with jh...such that he constantly worries that jh will run away from him due to his dysfunctional family...

he even described himself as a boy grabbing the corner of his mother's shirt, fearing she would leave him. He is projecting this self image on his relationship with jh...

This alone deeply reflects how unconfident tw is towards his relationship with jh...

As for possessive love...maybe this stems from his insecurity and low confidence in keeping jh by his side... Well at least sub consciously...he knows jh might leave him one day since she has been suffering so much in his family...

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Guest SexyDolceVita

kim ji hoon filming scenes of GoM at han river on 22 september 2013...
i supposed it was for episode 28, 29 or 30?
so tae wook will be brooding alone at han river, thinking about jh and their marriage? will he be deliberating over giving jh the divorce she requested?5ig.jpeg

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Guest SexyDolceVita

If kang family is going down the drain...after all the scandals involving fil and tj are exposed...maybe mil and fil will escape to a foreign country, tj will be imprisoned...and tw will go to ny to further his studies alone.

Tw will agree to divorce jh and set her free.

On a saturday, they will have a touching farewell scene at incheon airport, where jh is sending tw off as none of his family members are in south korea to see him off.

As tw is on the plane waiting for take off, he sends a last msg on his korean cell phone to hw, telling him to take good care of jh as she is already freed from their marriage. TW then switches off his cell phone for good.

Meanwhile, a lady sits down beside tw and accidentally drops a book about usa constitution laws...

Tw helps her to pick up the book and passes it back to her after glancing at the title.

they give each other a polite nod and smile.

The lady thanks tw for his helpful gesture.

Tw smiles and says it is okay... and remarks btw, that book is an old edition, maybe she should get the latest edition.

The lady smiles and says really? Is he a law student too?

Tw smiles and says she can say so...

They both smile at each other charmingly....

Plane takes off to new york...

Meanwhile, hw returns to his room at home and checks his cell phone. He sees the msg from tw and ponders for a moment... then he picks up his jacket and runs out of the house, startling his mom, who loudly asks hw where is he going?

Hw gets into his white ford ranger car and drives off.

He drives to the sbc radio station and waits at the entrance.

Jh exits from the radio station after her saturday shift and is shocked to see hw waiting for her.

She says goodbyes to her colleagues and stands metres away from hw looking at him.

Hw walks slowly to jh and says he is kim hyun woo, nice to meet her.

Jh smiles and is tickled by hw... she says her name is song ji hye, interesting to meet him.

Hw asks if she wants to have dinner with this stranger?

Jh asks...will it be dangerous?

Hw smiles and says...not really that dangerous...

Jh smiles and gently nods her head...

Hw extends his hand and holds jh's hand... they both walk towards hw's car together...

The end...or to be continued...

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SexyDolceVita said:
When i look at this photo, why am i rooting for them again?what a good looking couple seriously!please produce a new light hearted romantic drama for these two!please make sure they will end up together in that one! argh... they look so tragically in love here...my pendulum effect is acting up again...
can they make a clone of jh...so the clone can end up with tw? as much as i find him scarily stubborn sometimes, i kinda pity him at the same time...
this drama is making a schizophrenic patient out of me... urgh...

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IMO, JH has always cared for TW and possibly has come to love him.  He's not a bad guy.  He had unrealistic expectations of what he could do for his wife.  And what his family would allow.  Sort of had blinders on and was in denial mode so he could have her.  Her disappointment in him is great because she trusted him to be her shield.  And that didn't happen.  He just caved under pressure from his parents.  And figuratively told her to suck it up.  That betrayal of her trust is what has caused her to be at the breaking point.  He may be able to salvage his marriage if he's willing to sacrifice his family for her.  If he's not I can't see them being happy together.  She may stay with him out of her sense of loyalty to her commitment to marriage but she will never smile again.  
As for HW,  he lost his chance when he gave JH up.  Why cry over spilled milk?   He could have a good marriage with SK if she would grow up and stop trying to placate him and her mother.  And accept she was not his first choice.  She can't be that surprised.  She knew he was in love with someone else when she first came back.  
Michael Noh still hasn't learned his lesson.  He's arrogant, demanding and verbally abusive.  I want to see her dump him for good.  Don't take him back, NEVER!

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Auntie Mame said: Ignoring the ewwww factor,  The two characters who should become a couple is HJ and FIL.  I think they understand each other completely and have a certain amount of respect for each other.  FIL certainly seems to admire HY's abilities, strength, tenaciousness and perseverance. :))

As for TW's anger, after finding the message on JH's phone, I wonder if he's angry with her or with himself.  If he's angry with her, he is mistaken.  He needs to be angry with himself for neglecting his wife's situation to the degree that a stranger has to give her emotional support.  He should feel pathetic, not angry. 8-|

Here's the possible final count of the couples:

HJ gets her divorce, but gets the hotel, resort, etc. as a settlement. 
Eun Hee does NOT reconcile with sleazebag, Michael Noh.  She stays an independent career woman.  Younger guy is disappointed, but they will remain as good friends.
SK finally accepts that HW's heart will never be hers and leaves HW.
After the collapse of the Kang glass house, TW will finally realize how words/promises are useless, unless they are also accompany by action. 
And, JH will be receptive to TW's actions, which will allow them to stay together.

And, I certainly hope Mushroom Head wakes up before he makes a mistake.  But, knowing JS's upright and sane character, she'll probably reveal her all daughter's faults and not agree to the marriage.

Although, I don't agree with the manner and method of SK's mother, I can't fault her for her intent in stopping her daughter from, walking, with eyes wide-opened, into a major fiasco. :-<

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SexyDolceVita said: p6e9.jpg
When i look at this photo, why am i rooting for them again?what a good looking couple seriously!please produce a new light hearted romantic drama for these two!please make sure they will end up together in that one! argh... they look so tragically in love here...my pendulum effect is acting up again...
can they make a clone of jh...so the clone can end up with tw? as much as i find him scarily stubborn sometimes, i kinda pity him at the same time...
this drama is making a schizophrenic patient out of me... urgh...

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Guest SexyDolceVita

SexyDolceVita said:

When i look at this photo, why am i rooting for them again?what a good looking couple seriously!please produce a new light hearted romantic drama for these two!please make sure they will end up together in that one! argh... they look so tragically in love here...my pendulum effect is acting up again...

can they make a clone of jh...so the clone can end up with tw? as much as i find him scarily stubborn sometimes, i kinda pity him at the same time...

this drama is making a schizophrenic patient out of me... urgh...

I actually would like to see them as a couple in real life coz they look so good together, and I saw some posts about how he is with her... he is so freaking cute. But as much as I always try to understand tw, and I do understand him, I want jh to end up with hw hehehhe

I just watched the arirang interview with kjh...while he was filming episode 22 with nsm...go check youtube...

He was asked what type of woman he likes...and marriage plans...

He answered he likes a woman who smiles a lot...although he doesnt really have a criteria...

He has no intention of marrying now but of course he wld like to marry the woman he loves eventually...

Hmm... just asking... is nam sang mi the type of woman who smiles a lot in real life?

I mean those who are more familiar with her real personality can maybe shed some light?

Btw... some expose on future episodes...

Kjh revealed that he and nsm will be fighting a lot and a war will start between them... he shook his head when he said that...

More quarrel scenes to come!

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Hi...  sorry to be MIA for sometime....

I just sort of watch the 2 episodes every week... I agree that JH and TW look good together.... Maybe they can learn to live together without hurting each other....

Even SK is not as irritating as she was earlier in the drama....

Does anyone know who is the actor who plays this "new" character.. ?  I do not even know what is the character's name....  but he is the one who seems possibly interested in Eun Hee...


I went back to the beginning of the thread and could not find him there either....

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Guest SexyDolceVita

Hi...  sorry to be MIA for sometime....

I just sort of watch the 2 episodes every week... I agree that JH and TW look good together.... Maybe they can learn to live together without hurting each other....

Even SK is not as irritating as she was earlier in the drama....

Does anyone know who is the actor who plays this "new" character.. ?  I do not even know what is the character's name....  but he is the one who seems possibly interested in Eun Hee...

I went back to the beginning of the thread and could not find him there either....

He is.... Kwak Hee-sung.

He is in the news today...going to starr in a new kbs mon to fri half hr drama...which starts in november.

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Thank you so much, @SexyDolceVita... I just realized you have kindly responded, and so fast...!


I realized I had seen him recently in Drama Special "Night Watch" with Ki Tae-young.... (Neighborhood Watch on YT, I think)


He reminds me of Jaejoong...

Something about his features and his smile...

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@jdkk09 - it was funny in the last episode, when he tried to put her down (again) by speaking English, and she responded in English.... It was wonderful to see his shocked face.....

This man did not even come back asking for forgiveness... She should not take him back even if he crawls...  I think she is now getting a better sense of herself.

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Guest SexyDolceVita


Thank you so much, @SexyDolceVita... I just realized you have kindly responded, and so fast...!

I realized I had seen him recently in Drama Special "Night Watch" with Ki Tae-young.... (Neighborhood Watch on YT, I think)

He reminds me of Jaejoong...

Something about his features and his smile...

He has the potential to be a leading man of future dramas...

Hope his acting is good though...

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Guest SexyDolceVita

My Speculated Interpretations! Will be rectified and confirmed later...now pls just read for entertainment purposes.

Episode 27 synopsis
한 자리에 마주한 태욱과 현우 사이에는 묘한 긴장감이 흐르고, 태욱은 자신보다 지혜를 더 이해 하는 현우의 모습에 화가난다. 한편 만호는 혜정을 찾아와 이혼소송을 만류 하지만 혜정은 뜻을 굽히지 않고 소송을 준비해가는데..

After the tension filled meeting with Hyun Woo, Tae wook is mad that Hyun Woo understands Ji Hye better than him.
Kang Man Ho tries to threaten Hye Jung to withdraw her lawsuit but an adamant Hye Jung is determined to sue TaeJin all the way till the end...

Episode 28 synopsis

지혜는 자신을 데리러 온 태욱에게 집으로 돌아가지 않겠다며 거부하고 지혜의 완강한 태도에 태욱은 1주일의 시간을 주며 가 버린다. 한편 민정과 예솔의 상견례 자리에 애자와 희봉이 찾아오고 은희와 맞닥들이는데..

Tae Wook arrives at Ji Sun's place to pick up Ji Hye to return to their villa at Kang family estate. However, Ji Hye adamantly refuses to go back to the hellhole she barely made it out alive earlier. Tae Wook gives Ji Hye a one week ultimatum to return to their villa.
After Ji Hye has been staying at Ji Sun's house for one week, Tae Wook wants to bring Ji Hye back to their villa but Ji Hye adamantly refuses to return to the hellhole she barely made it out alive earlier.

Both families of Min Jung and Ye Seul are brought together for a meeting by Eun Hee? (really not sure about this... :P)

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Guest SexyDolceVita

Latest interview with Kim Ji Hoon

In this interview, KJH talks about his view of Kang Tae Wook's relationship with Song Ji Hye in GoM.
He says if he is Tae Wook in real life, he will let Song Ji Hye go because he loves her and would want her to be happy.
Urm...is this a story plot expose or hint? wahahaha....TW-JH shippers please control yourselves and don't cry!
HW-JH shippers please prepare champagnes for the ultimate ending...

He also mentions he has a good chemistry with Nam Sang Mi as a couple...and he enjoys working with her, so he doesn't mind acting with Nam Sang Mi again, as long as it is a romantic comedy!

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Im happy to knw that jh refused to go back to the cold castle....i believe this wud lead to something for jh & hw...

Will keep on believing on a happy ending for hw & jh <3

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class="content-title" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-family: 'Open Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, sans-serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; line-height: 1.4em; font-size: 26px; vertical-align: baseline; color: rgb(63, 63, 64); text-shadow: rgb(255, 255, 255) 1px 1px 0px; visibility: visible; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: auto; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: auto; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"Actress Nam Sang Mi Has Eyes Only for Chocolate at Bobbi Brown Shoot

Actress Nam Sang Mi was selected as the promotional model for luxury cosmetics brand Bobbi Brown.  Recently, a video was uploaded onto the brand’s YouTube channel which gave a behind-the-scenes look at Nam Sang Mi while filming a commercial for Bobbi Brown’s Rich Chocolate line. 

The elegant actress was in the midst of having her makeup done when she saw her staff come in and seat themselves at a Godiva chocolate display nearby.  The actress had apparently been controlling her desire to eat the expensive chocolates but, upon seeing her staff picking up and eating pieces of chocolate, could not resist the temptation. 

Nam Sang Mi cutely asked several times if her makeup was finished and if she could eat the chocolate.  The staff could not help but laugh at her loveable eagerness.  Then the beautiful actress hurried to the table, telling her makeup artists to also come and eat with her.  Watch the video below.  

In other news, Nam Sang Mi is currently starring in the SBS drama “Goddess of Marriage” with a star-studded cast that includes Kim Ji Hoon, Lee Sang Woo, Lee Tae Ran, Jo Min Su, and Jang Young Nam

Source: Soompi
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