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[Drama 2013] Goddess of Marriage 결혼의 여신

Guest jobogae

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So it's finally over!So many thoughts about this drama as a whole. The finale was blah but it was actually the only sensible way this could have ended. The problem was that they wasted 15~20 episodes just going in circles, and with useless filler from other characters I don't even care about (I was actually *this* close to start skipping even the HW/SK scenes along with everyone else's who was not JH and the Kang family). Heck even the finale, although technically 'right', felt like it had a lot of filler.
I'm thinking, giving the way HJ and EH ended (staying in the marriage but in a rather realistic way, not actually with the path covered with roses or suddenly amazing husbands) makes me think the writer... gave up after realizing she wouldn't be able to write the story she wanted? idk, I'd like to read an interview in which she spills all lol was she forced to change stuff, or to make it more 'acceptable' to the conservative audience? while managing to sneak in a 'see, this is what REALLY happens when you stick with a Richard Simmons husband' or was she just paid to write some weekend drama and just wrote whatewver? idek.
Thoughts about the finale: I actually thought, like everyone else, that JH and HW would just look at each other from a distance, the end, so I guess... I should be happy they held hands lol. Tbh it would have been hella awkward if they started kissing after 1+ year of not seeing each other, holding hands and walking down the same path seems like a nice way to break the ice to me. Actually the fact that she didn't contact him for one year is a good thing to me, it shows that she didn't go through with the divorce because of another man, she did it for herself (not to mention the conservative families would flip some tables if they found out she was seeing someone else right after getting divorced. Not to mention (2) the press would have a field day with the speculation lol). The reason It feels unsatisfying for a lot of people it's because this ending comes after a bunch of episodes with no screentime for this couple. It's different to have a open ending in which the OTP just looks at each other from a distance when said OTP has lots of screentime previously. This was... idk, it was ok but in the end I still feel like I watched 20+ eps of nothing. 
The husbands didn't change much. Even with TW, although he did the one thing he could actually do for her (letting her go), all the circumstances that made the marriage fail are still there and they were shown one by one in the last episode... He's still the filial son under his Father's shadow, he still has this chaebol entitlement, shown by the fact that he had her followed to know what she was up to. She showed regret that she couldn't make the marriage work because she was lacking, it was clearly visible she was sad because she couldn't reciprocate, and that she didn't want to hurt his feelings. But really, what more could she have done? the only thing she was lacking was love for him, and that was something that wasn't up to her,this was a marriage that was doomed from the start. What were the real requirement to be a good wife for him, seeing that she did everything on her hands to fulfill her duty? Simple, to adapt herself completely to him, which in this context means becoming a Stepford Wife. Their marriage wasn't a 50-50 compromise between two adults who wanted to spend the rest of their lives together, it is JH 100% giving in to all of his and his family's requirements for the marriage to work, there was no middle ground. The closest it came to being an equal thing was when TW tried (and failed) to go to NY with her. The only way TW will have a succesful marriage with anyone is if his future wife can adapt to his family. It has to be another heiress with an iron will that is used to all that crap from Cheongdamdong from since birth (like being followed, having close to no privacy, being a perfect Cheongdamdong wife), it can't be another naive idealistic down to earth woman with no power to stand her ground. 
Now I don't think that even moving out would've solved their problems, it was shown when MIL called JH (who isn't even related to her anymore) to torture her, despite being "imprisoned". I'm sure she'd find a way to skype every day if they had managed to move to NY... lol See HJ too, she said to JH that MIL even managed to make her go on errands from prison. Going back to TW after one year would be exactly the same as before, she would be the one who would have to adapt. Not to mention their love was always one-sided and it's not like they even had children so why even bother. 
Maybe I'm the only one who thought it was hilarious that SK brought home a foreign boyfriend that can't understand her mom's yelling. Pretty sure that was part of the reason she chose him and the reason why her mom is so upset lol
As for my story with this drama, I started watching it because of Nam Sang Mi (I had finished watching Lights and Shadows a bit before, and I was impressed by one scene in one of the latest episodes. I had thought Nam Sang Mi was just another mediocre actress who had the role of being the love interest of the hero, until I saw that scene of her at the hospital and I realized she was really underused in that drama. Funny thing is, she even had a controlling boyfriend who had an one-sided obsession with her lol) and because I've read some good comments about the first two episodes. I had never seen LSW in anything, and I completely forgot KJH was suppossed to be in it until I saw him at the end of episode 1. 
I was never on TW's camp (well except for that one time in which he said he'd take her to NY and she was so happy she hugged him and it was so cute) because controlling jerks are my #1 pet peeve in kdramas, especially when they are romanticized (and in any kind of medium for that matter) and it was like someone took the laundry list of Things I Hate in a love Interest and created TW. If controlling my every single move, yelling at me and refusing to listen to me and see things from my point of view is your way of showing me your love then please don't because that's not romantic or cute to me. How could I support them if he basically coerced her to marry him. She was already determined to break up with him in episode one and went back mainly because she was wishy washy but also to a lesser extent because she didn't have support, and HW didn't hold onto her. I still remember that horrible hotel scene in which he was screaming at her and she asked him if he was going to hit her. He didn't stop talking to her in that way until they signed the papers and he was secure he had her under his grasp. Funny enough, he did a 180` and was nice to her when they first married, I thought that, like it usually happens in life, their issues with his anger management and such were just going to grow bigger. They didn't, and I don't know if that was the intention or if that was just poor writing, because everything else (aka MIL's anctics) DID grow bigger. Despite that, I was still interested in this drama for a good 10 episodes wondering how all of this would play out, was mightly annoyed they got married when she clearly didn't want to but still thought the dynamics would be interesting, and then the writer lost her will to write or something because they literally went in circles for the rest of the drama. So many episodes where nothing happened! I still remember those episodes in which JH had close to no screentime and the rest was just filler. 
In the end I think the writer managed to make TW somewhat sympathetic (especially compared to what could have been if she went all the way through with the violence part, maybe that's why she didn't) and I won't say he completely grew because he still is under the same circumstances and he won't break free, but he is a sad character. Can't erase 34ish episodes of him being a jerk though, but I do pity him. That scene where he and JH hugged in episode 35 was really moving.
As for HW blah, I won't even say anything, he basically got written out after JH married save for a couple scenes (like the car chase) and it's like they gave him SK's sleep-inducing storyline as a consolation prize. I support LSW going to another agency, even some unimportant supporting characters got more screentime than him. 
As for JH's future, that could be a good plot for another drama like I mentioned before :))

30 something divorcee reunites with an old flame by chance,in the same place they met each other first.They catch up with their lives. Funny though that JH never knew he was arrested so maybe start with that (btw, I wanted to see JH's dad and sister's reaction to the news of JH's 'attempted suicide')Ex-husband goes on blind dates again and again but he's never satisfied with the prospects, he still can't get over his feelings for JH.JH and HW find each other again in Seoul, they have dates and stuff butHow will they tell their families? My guess is HW's mom would be supportive, although she might have some qualms with her being divorced, from SY group at that. But I'm thinking she'd get over it pretty quick.TW might be upset that JH went back to HW when he finds out (which he will, lets be real. Maybe he'll be curious one day and send his man to find out what she's up to, or simply might see them together by chance). He may try to win her back but that will last 5 episodes or so, until he meets a strong woman for which he'll fall slowly. She'll be a bad**ss prosecutor who takes crap from no one, and MIL will be intimidated by her and play the victim all the time and wonder why is so hard.JH's dad... I don't know lol he might opposse it because he's still holding a candle for TW? I dunno lolI think they'd get married after 2ish years of dating.
Anyway... GoM could have been a good 16-18 episode drama. But they just had to ruin it with the filler and the lazy writing.
Still, I had fun coming to this thread every week and ranting, reading everyone's POV and making predictions.
To all the actors, good job. To Nam Sang Mi I'll repeat, please chose a good role next! It would be good if she got a 16-20 episode weekday drama. I won't say a rom-com because those are getting low ratings these days lol But any drama is good, as long as her character isn't a spineless doormat. To Kim Ji Hoon, hope to see you as a character with a nicer personality next! If they don't get Goong Yoo for Miss Korea and SM has to cast someone from their agency, then I hope it's you. And to Lee Sang Woo, please change your agency LOL (maybe go to SM C&C since that's the trend these days :)) )

To everyone in this thread, THANK YOU for making this experience bearable with your insights and your witty comments! Hope to see you guys in another thread!

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I really love the scenes where jh n hw visited the house in jeju separately... the narrative voices of jh n hw (letters in the book)in the background are so beautiful n romantic...as if it reflected their own thoughts n feelings..While jh was standing there, it seemed like hw was addressing her, have you been well? Thoughts abt you fill my heart...If things aren't going well don't be too bothered...i hope your beautiful spirit is untroubled...While working all day, all I'm thinking of is how I can make you happy....i miss you, all I want to kiss you for a long time...you're the angel who only belongs to me...I'm sending you several long kisses, pls receive them happily and warmly... While hw was standing there, it seemed jh was addressing him...because i felt your wholehearted love, my heart was filled with joy...stupid me, now after I came to break up like that, I didn't realize how much I myself needed your love...how much I loved you with every fiber of my being...i am truly grateful for the pictures you sent, I really like your handsome lips but what's with the gaunt cheeks, what's the matter? How is the food over there? Not just jh n hw were smiling, me too...I watched the scenes again and again until I remember the lines by hard...i wish i could get hold of the book but I think it's in Korean... or perhaps there's an English version... I can't wait to go to Korea esp Jeju....

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So this series is over...I haven't watched the finale so according to you guys Eun hee goes back to her husband...pfff...well, at least she had a fling with a cute younger man. What exactly her husband say or do that made her give him a 2nd chance? I'm curious. But @Auntie Mame said it best, she's not the same anymore and with 90% (if not more) of Korean directors of dramas being male, what could we expect. The good thing is JH who had a husband who had enough balls (and love) to let her go. If he didn't, how long would she have stayed in that marriage? Damn...

Thank you everyone for your input, insights, funny posts, it was really cool even if I haven't been here for a few weeks now.

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Guest smiles01

Okay this is my pure opinion and nothing else and I do understand that it was a drama, but I have to say I did not like  JH character at all.  I understand a lot of people did not like TW character but if I look at it from his point of view I think he did everything a person in love will do. And I mean it in this sense: he like JH because she could give him what he could not find in his family, and the only flaw she could find in him was he's money (and of course his mom I would probably want to run away from a MIL like her). But through a character analysis JH was at fault in the whole story, she never love him and never really put a stop to their relationship, she kept leading him on and in a way, gave him false hopes. ( this gives people reason to act the way he did, he was trying to not lose her even though he already knew he did, however she never confirmed it to him.) And whenever she finally decided ok this is not for me they have already being married for  a year but his side had also already grown cold.


I'm really sad this drama was a flop cause I really like Kim Ji Hoon, but as much as I like him I just couldn't stand the story. I'm sorry if my comment offends any one I just wanted to give my opinion.

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^ I'm not offended, it's alright ^_^

I disagree though, TW and JH are both grown-ups, and they're both at fault in this marriage. TW held onto a woman who was honest about her lack of romantic feelings for him and who cheated on him, he also knew very well how his family would be hell to his wife and still decided to live near his parents' home, and JH married a man out of filial duty and responsibility for a man she's been engaged for a while, she didn't listen to her heart and didn't take her mental and physical health in consideration.


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Guest SexyDolceVita


It is all about morals vs desires.

Regarding the marriage with TW, JH chose morals over her own desires.

As for the divorce from TW, JH went along with TW's iron fist decision also because of morals.

JH began and ended her marriage with TW with morals.

JH was brought up to care about other people's feelings first before her own.

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nzah said: I really love the scenes where jh n hw visited the house in jeju separately... the narrative voices of jh n hw (letters in the book)in the background are so beautiful n romantic...as if it reflected their own thoughts n feelings..While jh was standing there, it seemed like hw was addressing her, have you been well? Thoughts abt you fill my heart...If things aren't going well don't be too bothered...i hope your beautiful spirit is untroubled...While working all day, all I'm thinking of is how I can make you happy....i miss you, all I want to kiss you for a long time...you're the angel who only belongs to me...I'm sending you several long kisses, pls receive them happily and warmly... While hw was standing there, it seemed jh was addressing him...because i felt your wholehearted love, my heart was filled with joy...stupid me, now after I came to break up like that, I didn't realize how much I myself needed your love...how much I loved you with every fiber of my being...i am truly grateful for the pictures you sent, I really like your handsome lips but what's with the gaunt cheeks, what's the matter? How is the food over there? Not just jh n hw were smiling, me too...I watched the scenes again and again until I remember the lines by hard...i wish i could get hold of the book but I think it's in Korean... or perhaps there's an English version... I can't wait to go to Korea esp Jeju....

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smiles01 said:

Okay this is my pure opinion and nothing else and I do understand that it was a drama, but I have to say I did not like  JH character at all.  I understand a lot of people did not like TW character but if I look at it from his point of view I think he did everything a person in love will do. And I mean it in this sense: he like JH because she could give him what he could not find in his family, and the only flaw she could find in him was he's money (and of course his mom I would probably want to run away from a MIL like her). But through a character analysis JH was at fault in the whole story, she never love him and never really put a stop to their relationship, she kept leading him on and in a way, gave him false hopes. ( this gives people reason to act the way he did, he was trying to not lose her even though he already knew he did, however she never confirmed it to him.) And whenever she finally decided ok this is not for me they have already being married for  a year but his side had also already grown cold.


I'm really sad this drama was a flop cause I really like Kim Ji Hoon, but as much as I like him I just couldn't stand the story. I'm sorry if my comment offends any one I just wanted to give my opinion.

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Guest SexyDolceVita


Lee Sang Woo is really a hot cake in the k drama market!

He is going to act as the banker husband of Han Hye Jin in a new SBS drama, KIND WORDS, that will broadcast in December.

Apparently, Han Hye Jin will have an affair with a married Ji Jin Hee...

This role will be a dramatic departure from LSW's usual roles.


LSW will cheat on Han Hye Jin first...and disappoints her in many ways.

Hope LSW can show a different side of his acting skills!


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I guess Lee Sang Woo (aka: HW) will be going over to another drama - starting in December 2013.  Hopefully this one will have him doing more than just sit there in jail.  The title is "One Warm Words" .  Hopefully someone can translate this website:




Just notice that @SexyDolceVita already post it and I can for the life of me delete mine. 


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raramocha said: nzah said: I really love the scenes where jh n hw visited the house in jeju separately... the narrative voices of jh n hw (letters in the book)in the background are so beautiful n romantic...as if it reflected their own thoughts n feelings..While jh was standing there, it seemed like hw was addressing her, have you been well? Thoughts abt you fill my heart...If things aren't going well don't be too bothered...i hope your beautiful spirit is untroubled...While working all day, all I'm thinking of is how I can make you happy....i miss you, all I want to kiss you for a long time...you're the angel who only belongs to me...I'm sending you several long kisses, pls receive them happily and warmly... While hw was standing there, it seemed jh was addressing him...because i felt your wholehearted love, my heart was filled with joy...stupid me, now after I came to break up like that, I didn't realize how much I myself needed your love...how much I loved you with every fiber of my being...i am truly grateful for the pictures you sent, I really like your handsome lips but what's with the gaunt cheeks, what's the matter? How is the food over there? Not just jh n hw were smiling, me too...I watched the scenes again and again until I remember the lines by hard...i wish i could get hold of the book but I think it's in Korean... or perhaps there's an English version... I can't wait to go to Korea esp Jeju....

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Guest ailskdrama



Now that I had more than 24 hours to digest the ending of gom I thought to spend some time mentioning a few things I loved about this drama

- great acting

- great ost ... particularly like someday and stay. The lyrics were dead on and had a powerful effect on me every time I listened to them I felt they were communicatingl jh or hw feelings.

- equally powerful were the author's love letters read by hw and jh voice over. I know the writer left it vague but I noticed that when jh was thinking about the words of the author in ep 36 it is hw and not tw's voice that was reading them (further confirming her romantic love for hw vs tw) those words fitted so perfectly to how hw feels towards her. I felt as if she was also finally acknowledging his feelings for her in that scene. Because after she got married to tw she truly shut her feelings toward hw (very respectable and noble) Equally the passage hw experiences in ep 36 with jh voiceover was so on target (for a minute there I thought perhaps jh had really sent those words to him even that wouldn't mke sense) So in this way I think the author did tie the story together.

- lastly I actually thought the story for eh and hj did end consistently too even though I dont agree with the writer's point of view per se though I know it is commong woman stay in a marriage for the kids.

Anyways just wanted to leave this forun in a positive note.

Here are a few YouTube video for us to enjoy the ost and reminisce th powerful love between jh and hw. I think that's all we can do to keep the candle burning for the hw jh ship (the tw and jh ship have quite a lot of screenshots to stare at. Hw and jh have very few)


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ailskdrama said: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=A19YgnO9mu8 http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0rSwnNf0yqg Now that I had more than 24 hours to digest the ending of gom I thought to spend some time mentioning a few things I loved about this drama - great acting - great ost ... particularly like someday and stay. The lyrics were dead on and had a powerful effect on me every time I listened to them I felt they were communicatingl jh or hw feelings. - equally powerful were the author's love letters read by hw and jh voice over. I know the writer left it vague but I noticed that when jh was thinking about the words of the author in ep 36 it is hw and not tw's voice that was reading them (further confirming her romantic love for hw vs tw) those words fitted so perfectly to how hw feels towards her. I felt as if she was also finally acknowledging his feelings for her in that scene. Because after she got married to tw she truly shut her feelings toward hw (very respectable and noble) Equally the passage hw experiences in ep 36 with jh voiceover was so on target (for a minute there I thought perhaps jh had really sent those words to him even that wouldn't mke sense) So in this way I think the author did tie the story together. - lastly I actually thought the story for eh and hj did end consistently too even though I dont agree with the writer's point of view per se though I know it is commong woman stay in a marriage for the kids. Anyways just wanted to leave this forun in a positive note. Here are a few YouTube video for us to enjoy the ost and reminisce th powerful love between jh and hw. I think that's all we can do to keep the candle burning for the hw jh ship (the tw and jh ship have quite a lot of screenshots to stare at. Hw and jh have very few) .

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EH going back to hubby SS reminds me of the Ooh La La couple - when Yeo-ok  (Kim Jung Eun) went back to Soo-nam {Shin Hyun Joon).  Many of us were rooting for Yeo-ok to end up with her first love, Hyeon Woo (Han Jae Seok) and when that didn't happen, we all went "what the... !" 

Sadly, the script writer did not humour us to give us what we want.

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