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------------* Bio Oil :: The Stuff Miracles are Made of!

Guest anjelique

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i just got my bio-oil and hopefully it will work with

the scars i have on my legs. ^^ i need it to go away

before my sister's wedding~!! ahh! if it does start to fade

i'll show you the after pictures. =] i'll make sure to take

before pictures too~! hehe i'll be back with my results!

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Guest confusedface

Ok. So I ordered a 60mL bio-oil from onlinepharmacy and it came today. Very good considering it only took six business days! I will share my experiences later on. Wish me luck!

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Guest grllprops

would this work on like, acne? >< really extreme acne?

wouldnt oil cause more pimples?

>< sorry if already asked and answered.


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Guest s0y0un*

this stuff didnt work for me

it just made my skin realli dry

so i had to stop using it >.<

and after a week it became normal again

but i didnt have any acne to begin with..

just a very few small bumps lol

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Guest zoomstar

Has anyone had results from clearing stretch marks? I tried it a few weeks ago but i saw no change... but i didnt put it on 3 times like recommended so mayb thats y... anyone?

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Guest sakuralily

im lucky people are saying that they get bumps and stuff and pimples Ive been using bio oil for like a a week and a half its really good for my skin but I use it in moderation and dont follow the instructions i just use it 2-3 drops once every two days its makeing my skin soft and getting rid of pimples and scars

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Guest dipNdot

I got mine in today and I just applied to my face 5 mins ago. I think I put a little more than needed because my face feels oily now. How much is a drop? I just tab the bottle onto my face...maybe more than recommended. Anyway, that's not I'm trying to go on about, but about the blackheads. I just applied to my face and then my fingers begin to feel little bumps and I look at my fingers and they seem to resemble white heads. Has this happen to anyone? If they're really white heads, gosh bio-oil is really good. I didn't expect to see results on the first trial.

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Guest Mikiko-xoxo

I've been using bio oil for a week or two I think and I don't know if my scars and stretch marks are fading...hmm...maybe because I check if it works every two hours...lmao!

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would this work on like, acne? >< really extreme acne?

wouldnt oil cause more pimples?

>< sorry if already asked and answered.


Bio-oil is only used for scars/strech marks/untoned skin hun.

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Guest litoxshortaii

i got mine today! hopefully, it'll work on me.

do you guys apply urs directly using ur fingers or do you use cotton balls?

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Does anyone whats a good site to get it to San Diego?

Looks like some people are losing theres through post from overseas or something.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest limekat

I bought Bio-Oil a few weeks ago... Not much diff in skin... i think some people are lucky & some aren't? The first week after using it, I had pimples coming up in the spots that I used it in. I was trying to fade my freckles - because I heard it might fade them, but suddenly pimples started popping up. I've never ever had pimples in that part of my face before and it was really annoying. I never get acne and only a few little bumps on my forehead - so maybe Bio-Oil works for some, but not for others like me Oo.

In Anjelique's post, it said that it may clear blackheads... I don't think so. Putting hot water on my face to open pores up and squeeze the blackheads out is more effective than rubbing the oil on it after putting hot water on your face for me... so yeah.

I don't think bio-oil helped my skintone one bit, nor the freckles - it made my skin worse. I've had clear, soft skin for over 3 months, but when I started using this oil my skin became dry? I don't know how that could happen, because it's oil... so now I've stopped using it and returned to my Clinique regime and my skin is not dry anymore T_T! Not sure whether to recommend this product or not.

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i bought bio oil last month. for the first week i only applied it on once a day (At night) coz i was afraid that my skin would appear oil and shiney at school. i didn't see a difference - -.. so i began to apply twice a day.. one in the morning and one at night after i wash my face. i started to see it FINALLY working. my acne scars are fading away slowly. :) i'm hoping it'll all go away by summer vacation! :D

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Guest seaweed333

i plan to buy it tomorrow

but im going to use it on the easter holidays in case my skin gets bad

it might be 'purging' your skin of impurities if you get breakouts so you should try it for at least a week or two before you give up unless like your having like major problems with it

btw does it only work on acne scars?

coz i dont have any

im using it only for blackheads & normal scars

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Guest wateret

I bought 2. I use one AND I still have one left. if anyone here wants to buy it, let me know. It's 125ml bottle... I bouught it for $21. so if you pay me $25, i will ship it to u

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