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[Drama 2013] You're The Best Lee Soon Shin - 최고다 이순신


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Guest samsooky

Dear All... Oh my! I was afraid this would happen when the previews for this week came out. Are we ready to throw JH to the sharks?  I did warn everyone about that 100-ton gorilla didn't I? :) 
...all jesting aside, I have to chime in to agree with @yeoda @miumiu18 and others that have asked for calm and offered their perspective. I must say I am somewhat perplexed (please don't throw me to the sharks too) that we are ready to think the worst of JH. What exactly did we expect him to do?  In earlier episodes, we were all chiding him that as a CEO of a major talent agency he had nothing better to do than focus on one talent because he was in love with her. Now we are chiding him for a response, some have construed as giving into JA's nastiness and betraying SS but one I think was of relief and gratitude that a potentially volatile situation was diffused (SS could have been fired). 
Given, JH does not know what we know about JA but even if he did, in front of all those people, what would it look like if the CEO of the said agency backing SS suddenly disregards the responsibilities and does not appease the situation. SS is already having a hard time as it is, it would get worse and frankly, I think he expected a little more from SS. Right now she is just going along for the ride, allowing JA to call all the shots. She has to stand up and fight for herself! I am afraid that as @LoveSG has said, it is the writer that is really not deft at handling these plot points to further the story along.  
I would also like to chime in that as a 24 going on 25 year old woman, SS has a lot of catching up to do, quickly. She has to say something, ask for help to figure out the new landscape she finds herself, she must empower herself with information and basic 'street smarts'.  JH is there for her, she just needs to speak to him and realize that in this world we are strongest when we can stand and lean on each other.  The entertainment industry can be brutal and she needs to start using 'street smarts' without losing her optimism and her true self. Can we really expect JH to be there to rescue her in every situation? The writer is, I think (and I may be wrong), give us a message that she must take steps to rely on herself. Hard work is one thing but we all know, who have worked and lived in the real world, it takes a lot of variables to succeed. 
Anyway, if I can also be allowed to offer another perspective without angering any of you...I don't really buy that JH must continuously prove his love for SS by looking like a fool himself or turning her into one by being rude to YA (a sunbae to SS and one that others seem to regard with some acting credit). Love should not ask for that kind of sacrifice (I think YA's kind of love did and look what happened to JH -he was broken).  Many people around him already know he has special feelings for her, even the fact that he has upped and gone to Wando Island says more than is probably good for either of them. Anyway, what happened to the message of 'I trust/have faith in you' that SS told JH. If it is true love, it cannot live isolated, on a desert island, and must live in the messy world. It is up to SS (and us) to continue to have faith in this man, JH, who has proved  to be loyal (not without fault) to SS through many difficult times (even CW said this in earlier episodes after the video incident). I don't think that the writer used that phrase in Ep.35's CD scene for no reason, SS will need to practice that faith and in recognizing her feelings for JH, understand that his ulterior motive is always in her best interest. 
Of course, we (and YH, for that matter) are the only ones who have more info than JH or SS or even IS and CM for that matter...we have seen the nastiness in YA's behavior and words. Remember YH calling her on disregarding SS in front of JH's mom and IJ. YH also knows that YA still wants JH's attention (we all know it isn't true love but power play) and regards SS as a threat to everything she had - JH and MR in the palm of her hand. But for those ready to throw JH out of the ship and who want SS to lean on YH, I would like to point out that YH hasn't said anything has he about what he knows about YA and her true feelings (jealousy, hate, etc towards SS) to either JH to warn him when he heard SS will be working with JA nor SS (remember the bet too). I guess I am trying to say is that there is a friendship between JA, JH, and YH that goes beyond just the moment we find ourselves. History is hard to rewrite and forget and this drama is teaching us that we can't just throw people out of our lives. In fact, we hate Grandma Lee and criticize YS for that reason, she is ready to throw SS out just because she is not blood and a variety of other reasons that seem petty to us. BUT, as YH warned YA, by picking on SS and going behind JH's and MR's back to manipulate all the situations, she will be left with nothing.  Remember also that JH warned YA not to touch SS, when all the misunderstandings are cleared, JH will do more than just reject a social nicety like a drink amongst acquaintances friends or professional colleagues. He will put her out of his life as he has his heart.
I say all this to ease your hearts because this writer and director are now doing what they did in the transition of the 20-something to 30-something episodes, and driving all of us nuts with the less than warm and fuzzy scenes. But I also think this mirrors a shift to a more intense and serious and passionate relationship to be explored between SS and JH, cute may be there...but that's not all that is to a relationship. Neither have taken responsibility for their feelings for the other. JH must by next week, we know that but let's also not forget that the man was devastated the last time he gave his all for love. Courage is needed. For SS, she really must rally her 'willpower and strength' as the psychic said, to not only survive and grow as an actress but to fight for a true and pure love, which JH is offering.  
Please have faith and carry on dear friends...@LoveSG, you are spot on too about YA written as the antagonist to bring MR down (hadn't thought of it before reading your posts). But I also agree that the tables will turn, but probably not for another two weeks. The problem is that maybe this should have been a 30 or 40 episode story because she is definitely bringing on angst for the sake of angst and as a catalyst to move a character's growth (SS) and relationship (SS and JH) which she developed SO slowly.  She may have had that in mind from the get-go but I think some of it were miscalculations when they were so worried about 'bad ratings' and now we have these ugly situations thrown at us to move the story along faster. I have more to say about this but gotta run until next week...
So please have faith and courage friends...and for the sake of the actors who are working so very hard in difficult and demanding conditions, let's not abandon ship or show...perhaps take a breather under a palm tree for a few weeks....but come back because I have a feeling the outcome will be worth it!  >:D<

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Guest ilukd77

Aigoo ... Aigooo ... Aigoo ... Now I understand how it is difficult to survive in this world (I feel you grandma)... Look from JUST ONE SMILE Our beloved, handsome, sexy, cuutie pie CEO JH became hero to zero .... :-B .... Not good step honey ... You better behave My dear JH , otherwise you don't know from what weapon you are going to die .... You better feel sorry to SS .... And if you really go with YA for soju date ... I will K-LL you on the spot ....
Wae wae wae ... I am hating JH so much ... JJS I am so sorry ...but I cannot help it watching today's episode ... JJS biyane ... I love too much

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Guest s2SoEul

1bin said: i wonder if the dream sequence is the only place breadman will be kissed by HS.  poor guy.
considering JH just arrived on the scene and has been hands off with SS schedule, i think he responded accordingly.  CM was freaking out likely, and that created his thoughts that SS did something dumb.  and everyone else was saying the same thing.  SS is one of his actresses and if she does stupid things, it's a reflection of his mgmt co.  Whether or not SS is his love interest.  Since K is such a respect respect society, whether or not he had the facts straight, in the end, he'd still have to go apologize to the director and actors/actresses on behalf of his talent.  Everyone's time is $.  i'm not happy he was unhappy with SS. yet she just showed up with ice cream. that's not her job.  her job is to act.  SS should have sent IS & CM, and that's where SS has no confidence as an actress and YA was able to use that on her.  I cringed this morning and wanted to go back under the covers. so disappointing episode. 

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lovelyJihan said: waitttttttttttttttttt i knowwwwwwwwwwww the idiot is going to confess tomorrow right???? Soon Shinaaaa take him down!!!!!!!!!!!! run awayy from him into YH oppa's arms.. while his looking at ya =)) YH oppaaaa hug SS very tightly she really needs it!!! [-O< [-O<

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yep we just have tomorrows ep..don't about if the  written previe was right but he's preparing to tell his feelings to SS..am soo curious how he will do..i didn't want him to be rejected after what YA did to him..but if the thing turn up like today..than noo chance to JH..but yepp again am repeating myself like a parrot ..lets wait tomorrow..and as usually hope for the best..comoon director-nim make us happyyy... [-O<

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WOW. Talk about insightful! Everything you just said put everything into perfectly clear perspective for me and you are so right! I haven't had the chance to really sit and think about the episode thoroughly. ( While I was still in panic angry mode, I had to leave for work. Even now, I'm sneaking peeks on here at my computer. lol :)) ) But everything you said was so well thought out and makes so much perfect sense. You are brilliant and I would give you a hundred insightful badges if I could! (Not that I know what the point of those really are...)

Of course, I never had the intention of abandoning ship - never to JJS and IU and the rest of the hard working staff, because it's not like the actors and actresses are truly like the characters they are portraying.

^:)^ >:D

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Although I rant on Junho but  can't stop smiling laughing reading all your post guys... You're @ALL SOOOOO funny z5l.gifz5l.gifJunho really dead meat today z5l.gifSuddenly become Nations #1 Enemy! z5l.gifMaybe we need to tell this to JJS in twitter ruqg.gif

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Guest ilukd77

s2SoEul said: 1bin said: i wonder if the dream sequence is the only place breadman will be kissed by HS.  poor guy.
considering JH just arrived on the scene and has been hands off with SS schedule, i think he responded accordingly.  CM was freaking out likely, and that created his thoughts that SS did something dumb.  and everyone else was saying the same thing.  SS is one of his actresses and if she does stupid things, it's a reflection of his mgmt co.  Whether or not SS is his love interest.  Since K is such a respect respect society, whether or not he had the facts straight, in the end, he'd still have to go apologize to the director and actors/actresses on behalf of his talent.  Everyone's time is $.  i'm not happy he was unhappy with SS. yet she just showed up with ice cream. that's not her job.  her job is to act.  SS should have sent IS & CM, and that's where SS has no confidence as an actress and YA was able to use that on her.  I cringed this morning and wanted to go back under the covers. so disappointing episode. 

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Guest ilukd77

edensor said: Although I rant on Junho but  can't stop smiling laughing reading all your post guys... You're @ALL SOOOOO funny z5l.gifz5l.gifJunho really dead meat today z5l.gifSuddenly become Nations #1 Enemy! z5l.gifMaybe we need to tell this to JJS in twitter ruqg.gif

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@samsooky bravo. i like reading your post. its was very insightful but i put awesome. hehehe. you state all the pro and con. coudnt agree more with you.   =D>of course nobody want to throw you to the shark. dont worry. they just want to throw YA. although the want to throw JH too i think deep down half of us here will be crying weeks.  :(

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hahahahaha @edensor i think tonight it's proven that oir love for SS is really something..i can't believe i actually  want to cut uri JH Into pieces just because of SS..but yes..i want to do that..until he makes me hapoy again [-(

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Guest normalahamid

about the ice-cream part..I think the reason SS follow YA's request is because she has no choice considering she still a rookie..if she reject YA's request, she will be considered being rude to her senior..plus, she already involved in many trouble before..so, whether she like or not, she need to follow what YA said so that people will not badmouthing about her again..

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You're all angry to YA rite? Well... Soon Shin have solutions...Maybe someone posted this before but its just reminder for you to its FUNCTION at times like this...
She is giving you a product advise and since she LIKES YH NOT JUNHO her product she advertise is also flowery... Young Hoon chorom qgt.gif


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Guest maejm

it's almost 5am here and i can't sleep i have chronic insomnia, guess ep37 is not good for my health LOLthanks to everyone here talking to you made me feel soo much better 

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Hi Guys!!
I was at a wedding...So I wasn't able to watch today's episode!!But while reading your reviews....I'm starting feeling depressed....my heart is breaking!!Oh....no....Why does Soon Shin have to suffer and be wronged like this!! It's not fair!! I'm downloading the episode...but I'm afraid to watch it!!
Futhermore, my computer is dead and I won't be able to borrow one tomorrow!!I'll read your comments and reviews....hoping that sunday will be a better day for our Soon Shin :)
PS: I hope that the writer will bring happiness to Baeker Ajjoshi and Hye Shin!! They are cute!! I'd like to see them more!! I expect cute moments between them!! :D
Thank you for all your work, pics, comments guys!! I'm laughing so much!!In any case, just reading what you wrote I wanted to SLAP YA!! She's so fake!! It's incredible!! But she has to remember that you reap what you sow!! She will be alone and sad at the end!! Without friends and all!!

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gotta catch my sleep now. i sleep late last nite and i miss my sahur. heh. thats was all JJS fault who made me really stick to Whats Up. love talking with all of you guys. so many interaction and so many opinion. maybe SS is not the best but you guys are totally the best. happy sahur to all and good nite er its almost morning here.  :D see you guys later. until ep 38. adios for now. :-h

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I don't really feel like to post any Junho oics for today. But maybe at least we can appreciate how he don't care anything and looking for soon Shin.

But weird thing is... it doesn't look like its going to rain or have a storm soon. But the ship seems to hurried to go and not waiting for Junho and Soon Shin.

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