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Losing your virginity?

Guest hullogoodbye

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said: Though a lot of people don't mind if your a V or not, IT STILL DOES. You may think that since our society is breaking the norms when it comes to premarital sex, there are still a lot out there who value it. My grandmother once said, it's the ONLY GIFT you will be able to give to your husband. TRUST AND RESPECT is something that is attached to it. At first, I wasn't able to understand at all until I got married. and there it was. 

It has a great impact on my life. I lost it to my husband, even before we were married. Like what the rest has said, give it someone who's worth it. I was prepared, and I wasn't going to regret it my entire life. Then he said "I wouldn't have married you if I learned that I wasn't your first". Too much for the V right? Well, that's how it actually works. 

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laissezze said: Though a lot of people don't mind if your a V or not, IT STILL DOES. You may think that since our society is breaking the norms when it comes to premarital sex, there are still a lot out there who value it. My grandmother once said, it's the ONLY GIFT you will be able to give to your husband. TRUST AND RESPECT is something that is attached to it. At first, I wasn't able to understand at all until I got married. and there it was. 
It has a great impact on my life. I lost it to my husband, even before we were married. Like what the rest has said, give it someone who's worth it. I was prepared, and I wasn't going to regret it my entire life. Then he said "I wouldn't have married you if I learned that I wasn't your first". Too much for the V right? Well, that's how it actually works. 

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Guest dolcedor.

mintcracker said: laissezze said: Though a lot of people don't mind if your a V or not, IT STILL DOES. You may think that since our society is breaking the norms when it comes to premarital sex, there are still a lot out there who value it. My grandmother once said, it's the ONLY GIFT you will be able to give to your husband. TRUST AND RESPECT is something that is attached to it. At first, I wasn't able to understand at all until I got married. and there it was. 
It has a great impact on my life. I lost it to my husband, even before we were married. Like what the rest has said, give it someone who's worth it. I was prepared, and I wasn't going to regret it my entire life. Then he said "I wouldn't have married you if I learned that I wasn't your first". Too much for the V right? Well, that's how it actually works. 

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laissezze said: Though a lot of people don't mind if your a V or not, IT STILL DOES. You may think that since our society is breaking the norms when it comes to premarital sex, there are still a lot out there who value it. My grandmother once said, it's the ONLY GIFT you will be able to give to your husband. TRUST AND RESPECT is something that is attached to it. At first, I wasn't able to understand at all until I got married. and there it was. 
It has a great impact on my life. I lost it to my husband, even before we were married. Like what the rest has said, give it someone who's worth it. I was prepared, and I wasn't going to regret it my entire life. Then he said "I wouldn't have married you if I learned that I wasn't your first". Too much for the V right? Well, that's how it actually works. 

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I noticed all the people that are offended are the de-flowered soiled doves? [loose girls]

please dont try to make the nice girls be like you

society and morals is really going down and people shouldnt forget the old ways

sometimes things were better the old way, new ways or ideas in modern times is not always better

people in the later generations always think they are so smart and are right about everything and using excuses like it's not 1950 it's 2012 , etc, etc

people back in 1950 were not dumb, they had better morals and higher standards, something thats becoming a rarity these days

this is also related to the topic about white washed asians vs asians that are aware of their culture and more conservative

being white washed also has something to do with girls losing virginity at a very young age because they think it's acceptable since all their friends are doing it

sometimes being a little traditional or conservative is a good thing

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green papaya said: I noticed all the people that are offended are the de-flowered soiled doves? [loose girls]

please dont try to make the nice girls be like you

society and morals is really going down and people shouldnt forget the old ways

sometimes things were better the old way, new ways or ideas in modern times is not always better

people in the later generations always think they are so smart and are right about everything and using excuses like it's not 1950 it's 2012 , etc, etc

people back in 1950 were not dumb, they had better morals and higher standards, something thats becoming a rarity these days

this is also related to the topic about white washed asians vs asians that are aware of their culture and more conservative

being white washed also has something to do with girls losing virginity at a very young age because they think it's acceptable since all their friends are doing it

sometimes being a little traditional or conservative is a good thing

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Guest I_play_with_dolls

green papaya said: I noticed all the people that are offended are the de-flowered soiled doves? [loose girls]

please dont try to make the nice girls be like you

society and morals is really going down and people shouldnt forget the old ways

sometimes things were better the old way, new ways or ideas in modern times is not always better

people in the later generations always think they are so smart and are right about everything and using excuses like it's not 1950 it's 2012 , etc, etc

people back in 1950 were not dumb, they had better morals and higher standards, something thats becoming a rarity these days

this is also related to the topic about white washed asians vs asians that are aware of their culture and more conservative

being white washed also has something to do with girls losing virginity at a very young age because they think it's acceptable since all their friends are doing it

sometimes being a little traditional or conservative is a good thing

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Guest scoompi4eva

It was amazing, there was fireworks, candles, rose petals and Boyz 2 Men playing in the background.  It brought a tear to my eye

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Also don't forget men in some Asian countries usually had multiple wives "back in the days". Just saying. Those were the old days. You are now living in the 21 century, you are not obligated to follow "older traditions". Which the majority of our society don't.

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I've had sex with a guy I didn't really love just to experience sex. It was satisfying for the time being, but nothing memorable or brag-worthy. With my current, when we have sex, you can bet that I remember it and enjoy it much much more.

I love sex by the way, so it's not like I'm romanticizing it.

It's just more emotionally AND physically satisfying when it's with someone who means a lot to you rather than just a hook up... which explains why sometimes I'll want to have sex with him all day but never did feel the same way with anyone else.

But like, yeah, that's just me. If you think you're better off with hook ups or FWBs, then go for it!

I agree so much with @dolcedor. as well -- the term virginity is soooo archaic and almost demeaning. Just have sex when you FEEL ready. You'll know.

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Guest Cor Leonis

You know what?
Just go out and lose it to whoever because at the end of your life you like the majority of the human populace would have had sex with more than a handful of people.  Once you get into college, you're definitely going to lose it.  Most girls lose it in their first year or so of college.  It'll happen when you least expect it.  Hell, you could be like some girls I've known with which they lost it cause they were drunk at a college frat party tryin' to fit in and get noticed.  Half the women I've met are just as bad as half the men I've met.  Trust, you won't settle with just one fcuk.
On another note, you know, the answer lies in YOUR beliefs, morals, and values.  It's something you ask yourself instead of coming to a group of strangers asking them what you should do with your body.  Your question did bring up a good topic, but it's not wise to throw your personal info out there like that.  Believe it or not, there are guys out there that fiend on virgins.  There is no greater power or ability of possession than BEING THE FIRST TO TAKE A WOMAN.  You will never forget your first, but do you think they'll care to remember you? 
It's called you were used and who knows you may do the same to others later on in your life.  That's just how things are especially in the society we live in.  It's a society of pleasure seekers.  Pick up almost any magazine on the shelf and you'll get tips how to please your fling.  Sex is a game to a lot of people.  You get frowned on by not having "experience."  So, Game Up  *rolls eyes*

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Guest [ knockOUT ]

hullogoodbye said: AHAHAHA, this topic is so overdone.
So, I'm 17. A senior in HS. I've had boyfriends before, and plenty of really nice guys have asked me out. However, I am a commitment-phobe, and it's hard for me to be attracted/like someone. I'm sexually attracted to a lot of guys, but the pull is strictly physical. So, I mainly hook up with guys.
However, I am still a virgin. Should I lose it to a hook up, or a FWB? Or do you think I should wait? I hear it's really amazing with someone that you love, and it's not like I'm going to get off my first time, so I'd really only be doing it to try something new. Was it a big deal for you? Has it made an impact on your life? Do you still reflect on your first time? 

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Guest papiroflexia

Don't plan it. Just let it happen naturally and when you feel ready and want to!
Mm, ever heard of how men create the concept of "virginity" b/c they thought that their penises were that great that it can change a women? Naah.
I don't believe that it's that "life altering" and it's not unless it was forced upon you. If you feel like you're ready, go for it and don't let the society norm get to you. 
There's so much more to girls than our virginity, yknow? As an individual we all have something to share that's greater than the fact that "Oh I haven't let a payniss bewteen my legs before."
Like if you feel like you're ready for the next step after all that hooking up, totally go for it.

I feel like a lot of people feel guilty and regret it because our culture has made it a big deal. If you can do it without connecting your emotions to it, then do it. If you know you will connect your emotions to it, then don't.

"Was it a big deal for you? Has it made an impact on your life? Do you still reflect on your first time? "

It was a big deal for me at first b/c I was young, wait wtf I was 17 1/2 LOLOL well my point was my perspective has changed b/c I realize that it's just my virginity. And if people judged me on that, seriously they can go eff themselves. It was a big deal b/c during that time I still believed it was. Get me? It can get confusing. Sorry.
Impact on my life, well I've just gotten a lot more comfortable with my body. I knew what made me happy and yeah. I don't reflect on it much anymore but it was nice since it was with my current bf and he's someone I love and am comfortable with yeah HAHA. Then again I'm not the type to mess around either, but the main point is, it's best with someone you're comfortable with. 

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Guest joanarcv

However, I am still a virgin. Should I lose it to a hook up, or a FWB? Or do you think I should wait? I hear it's really amazing with someone that you love, and it's not like I'm going to get off my first time, so I'd really only be doing it to try something new.

I suggest you wait. You're only 17.
Society never said that you need to lose your virginity at this age.
And also, at such a young age, I don't advice you on losing it with a hookup or a FWB.
Why? Because I have a feeling that when you mature into adulthood, you're going to regret it and wish that you lost it with someone you were in love with.

And of course there's chances that you're not going to get off your first time.
But in my opinion, losing your virginity isn't something to casually do just to try something new for the first time.
You're basically giving up your body to a man.
Don't you want to give it up to someone special?

Just remember that it's something that you're most likely going to remember forever.
Something so special like that shouldn't be wasted into a hookup or a FWB.
It's meant to be lost to a man who is romantically in love with you.

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Guest kimldt55

Doesn't matter where it is, who it is, but just make sure your comfortable in the situation and aware of it. If your comfortable with bringing in a close friend and undressing yourself, then so be it, thats who you are

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I definitely think you should do it with someone worthwhile.  I lost my virginity to my now husband and it makes it even more special.  That was 4 years ago and I never thought we'd get married but I did know he was special and that I was committed to him. 

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I think you should lose it to someone you love
then again i hooked up with someone during HS, knowing her for 2 weeks i went for it
The only thing that hurt was she cried after it, i felt like she regretted the moment 
We ended up dating for half a year, surprisingly she made me change a lot of the way i think 
(To the guys out there, use a condom man i was scare shitless when her period came late )

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