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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Guest susAmerica

hello! i am a newbie here

I have been lurking for quite sometime and I am just amaze by this girl. She got good looks, great personality, and a lot of talents. I hope we could see GHS in a new drama probably next year after her movie and I hope and pray that her 1st full length would be successful and could be release abroad. :)

Thanks to all who shares news and pictures about GHS because I got to learn more about her and inspired by her. :)

I don't know if this was already posted here but I would like to share these videos since I have been browsing different sites.

Happy Shares Company Goo Hye Sun vs. Jung Hyung Don

episode 56








episode 57








cr: Puskaz

Even though I don't fully understand it I cannot help but laugh at this. It is nice also to see GHS's mother and sister.

GHS is really competitive don't you think :D

rutsusan, thank you for the clips. In the past, wasfayya also posted them and I was going to translate them, but lost the page and forgot about it. As most of you know, this is a variety show/ game show where two celebrities are paired together. They do not know who they are paired with in the beginning and they have to guess later on in the show. Each person is given 10,000 WON (I do not know how much that is in other currency) and that is their total expense money for the entire week. They cannot get anything for free, I believe. They are also given assinments to accomplish and these assignments are called "missions". At the end of the week, the person who has the most money left over is the winner. This Happy Shares Show is the first show for the year 2005, so it must have aired at the start of January, 2005. I believe, GHS was already a part of Nonstop5 at this point and I know that Jung Hyun Dong (JHD) later joins the cast of Nonstop5.

http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTgwOTE5MDg=.html (first clip from above):

Actually the show is called "10,000 Won's Happiness". Two hosts are trying to glorify their show by saying that many foreigners have sent in Happy New Year messages from around the world. But as you see, the two hosts are impersonating the foreigners--they are speaking in Korean but with some intonations that resemble the language of the country. @1:30 The hosts are trying to strangle each other because they are making fun of each other's performance as foreigners.

@2:00 Intro to JHD as, if Bae Young Joon represents movies/dramas, JHD represents comedy. JHD said in the past that "if not food, give me death". He is known to steal food from others and his coworkers call him pig. The variety show thinks it is a miracle that he is participating in "10,000 Won's Happiness" since he does not have the freedom to buy as much food as he wants to eat if he wants to survive on 10,000 won for the week.

@2:13, GHS is intro as petit, elegant, with megatons of hidden potentials. Also, ulzzang, popular from Nonstoop 5, she will show you that small peppers can be the most spicy (meaning do not underestimate some one just because she is petit), she even stunned the producer in the beginning with her strong ability to extract the most out of her money (? I think that is what they are saying about the last phrase.).

@2:47 The show starts.

JHD is awakened by the camera team that would be following JHD around for the week. Each contestant is given a Korean traditional New Year money bag with 10,000 won in it. JHD asks the team to turn off the camera since I think he is saying that he is naked underneath. @3.23 GHS's home. She is with her mother. Her mother is asking if her daughter has to carry the money bag around. (Yes) Her mother is being her mother and when PD asks her what she worries the most and GHS mother says that the fact that her daughter cannot eat whatever she wants and has to stand alone when other people are eating. Her mother yells out from the apt. window to do well. @4:15 JHD is looking at the pic of his Ideal Female Type on the computer screen who is an announcer Jung Ji Young and she is on the screen with MC MONG. When the PD asks if JHD likes the Jung announcer, JHD says he actually likes MC Mong (a joke) and says that he likes MC Mong's right facial cheek. (joke). @4:52 Their first mission: must get 3 people per day to say exactly on a camcorder, "I wish that you get lots of blessing this New Year". If the contestants fail to get 3 people per day to record the exact greeting, then 500 Won will be deducted. JHD wants to be told everything that he needs to know for the show. When PD says everything is given already, JHD says, well, PDnim, you did not give me your heart. (joke) He is self-recorming his message into camcorder saying that he hopes to feel with his body the consequence of saving money and he feels that it will be a once in a life time opportunity for him and even asks a cameraman to wish him luck with "Fighting!".

@5:34 GHS is asked how she feels about the challenge: She was so nervous and feels lots of pressure so she did not get to sleep well. Her family also worried about her and thougth about just going on a trip and forgetting about the challenge. PD also asks her if she has any celebrity in mind to be her co-contestant in this show. Her driver/manager blurts out saying that GHS said that she wished that she could partner with Bi/Rain. She admits that that would have been very nice for her. (Well, we all know that she does get her wish in August of 2009 for the TLJ CF with BI!!!!) JHD wants his co-contestant to be Sun Woo Yong Yu because she is beautiful and admits to liking middle aged beautiful actresses. And JHD says he does not like to just have an average personality but wants to have the best and top personality. JHD comes to his workplace and finds that many people are aware that he is doing the show and they are going to make it very hard for him. When JHD wants to eat a candy bar, his coworker takes it away from him and taps him on the head saying that he has to take "10,000 Won Happiness" very seriously. The coworker also says that he feels good to say no or deny food to JHD. (I guess because JHD is know for stealing food from his coworkers.)

( I will try to translate the others as fast as I can.)

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more picture from japan promotion ;)



Just to point out, am a MINSUN-shipper. But I can't help but point out that GHS has such great chemistry with ech of the F3, particularly with Kim Bum :D I 've noticed that in some of his unguarded moments caught on camera, KB's eyes have tendency to linher on GHS i.e last scene on the beach; SS501 concert . I'd be happy to have GHS paired with KB regardless of teh age difference. IMO , the chemistry between them is palpable, producers ought to take notice. .:

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hi there! is there anyone of you know if our goo hye sun has a boyfriend? i wonder before, she likes to wear mini or sexy dresses but now its different. maybe, there is someone or somebody warned her not to wear sexy dresses?

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can Sue/Bella please check this out

유재석·장동건·김태희 등 국내 톱스타 35명 개인정보 유출

뉴스엔 원문 기사전송 2009-09-22 22:54


[뉴스엔 윤현진 기자]

유재석, 장동건, 김태희, 전도연 등 국내 톱스타들의 개인정보가 무더기로 유출됐다.

9월 22일 방송된 MBC ‘뉴스데스크’에 따르면 경찰은 2007년 7월부터 지난해 4월까지 모 포인트 적립회사 콜센터에서 일하며 유명연예인 35명의 개인정보를 유출한 천 모씨(21)를 전격 체포했다. 천 씨의 개인 컴퓨터에는 연예인들의 주민등록번호와 집주소, 심지어 휴대전화 번호까지 상세히 담겨있다.

천 씨는 연예인들의 포인트 적립카드 비밀번호를 알아낸 뒤 적립된 포인트로 자신의 물건을 직접 구매했다. 특히 경찰의 수사망을 피하기 위해 고인이 된 연예인의 명의를 골라 사용하는가 하면 포인트를 잘 사용하지 않는 이들을 노렸다. 천 씨의 표적이 된 연예인들에는 장동건, 조인성, 박효신, 구혜선, 유재석, 김태희, 전도연 등 내로라하는 국내 인기스타들이 모두 포함돼있다.

천 씨는 경찰에서 “어렸을 때 연예인에 대한 동경과 환상이 있으니까 궁금해서 호기심에 일을 저질렀다”고 범행동기를 진술했다. 천 씨는 이 포인트 적립회사를 그만 둔 이후에도 동사무소 공익근무요원으로 근무하며 컴퓨터에 저장된 유명 연예인들의 개인정보를 지속적으로 열람하며 불법행위를 저질렀다.

윤현진 issuebong@newsen.com

기사제보 및 보도자료 newsen@newsen.com

손에 잡히는 뉴스, 눈에 보이는 뉴스(www.newsen.com)

copyrightⓒ 뉴스엔. 무단전재 & 재배포 금지

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Guest blooming


Hi pink fairy,

Wow! Hyesun is really glowing. She's so beautiful. I think she did changed the color of her hair. I think she's really in love.:)) I like the way she dresses now.


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Just to point out, am a MINSUN-shipper. But I can't help but point out that GHS has such great chemistry with ech of the F3, particularly with Kim Bum :D I 've noticed that in some of his unguarded moments caught on camera, KB's eyes have tendency to linher on GHS i.e last scene on the beach; SS501 concert . I'd be happy to have GHS paired with KB regardless of teh age difference. IMO , the chemistry between them is palpable, producers ought to take notice. .:

I agree, even though my wish would be to have Goo work with LMH again, I think she has good chemistry with the rest of the F4 as well. Actually, I think she has good chemistry with all the guys she's worked with in the past, even all her CF partners, I wouldn't mind seeing her in a drama with any one of them.

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Guest rutsusan

( I will try to translate the others as fast as I can.)

Sue, thanks for the translation. I really appreciate it. You do not need to translate it all this time. :)

Pink fairy and natali thanks for the pictures. Long hair really fits her. ;)

Minjee thanks for the welcome :)

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Guest susAmerica

can Sue/Bella please check this out

Thank you slek for the article:

[뉴스엔 윤현진 기자]= by Newsen's Yoon Hyun Jin Reporter on 9/22/09유재석, 장동건, 김태희, 전도연 등 국내 톱스타들의 개인정보가 무더기로 유출됐다.

9월 22일 방송된 MBC ‘뉴스데스크’에 따르면 경찰은 2007년 7월부터 지난해 4월까지 모 포인트 적립회사 콜센터에서 일하며 유명연예인 35명의 개인정보를 유출한 천 모씨(21)를 전격 체포했다. 천 씨의 개인 컴퓨터에는 연예인들의 주민등록번호와 집주소, 심지어 휴대전화 번호까지 상세히 담겨있다.

천 씨는 연예인들의 포인트 적립카드 비밀번호를 알아낸 뒤 적립된 포인트로 자신의 물건을 직접 구매했다. 특히 경찰의 수사망을 피하기 위해 고인이 된 연예인의 명의를 골라 사용하는가 하면 포인트를 잘 사용하지 않는 이들을 노렸다. 천 씨의 표적이 된 연예인들에는 장동건, 조인성, 박효신, 구혜선, 유재석, 김태희, 전도연 등 내로라하는 국내 인기스타들이 모두 포함돼있다.

천 씨는 경찰에서 “어렸을 때 연예인에 대한 동경과 환상이 있으니까 궁금해서 호기심에 일을 저질렀다”고 범행동기를 진술했다. 천 씨는 이 포인트 적립회사를 그만 둔 이후에도 동사무소 공익근무요원으로 근무하며 컴퓨터에 저장된 유명 연예인들의 개인정보를 지속적으로 열람하며 불법행위를 저질렀다.

윤현진 issuebong@newsen.com

기사제보 및 보도자료 newsen@newsen.com

손에 잡히는 뉴스, 눈에 보이는 뉴스(www.newsen.com)

copyrightⓒ 뉴스엔. 무단전재 & 재배포 금지

Basically this is about credit card fraud committed by a 21 yo man who used to work at a credit card company mentioned. He had 35 entertainers' private information such as address, telephone numbers, cell numbers and the Korean citizens' personal numbers and well as their secret card numbers. He used the information to buy personal things. He used the card mumbers of celebrities did not often used their "points" of some sort. These celebrities include: GHS, Jang Dong gun, Jo In Sung, Park Hyo Shin, Yoo Jae Suk, Kim Tae Hee, etc. He has been arrested and charged as of Sept 22.

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Guest susAmerica







credit as tagged


Pink Fairy, thanks for the article and the pix of our GHS.

Headline: [포토엔]구혜선, ‘부끄러운 인사 건네며’ [2009-09-22 21:29:24]

Headline: "GHS, Waving Her Shy Greeting"

[뉴스엔 지형준 기자]=by Newsen's Ji Hyung Joon Reporter

배우 정우성 고원원 주연의 영화 ‘호우시절’(감독 허진호) VIP 시사회가 9월 22일 오후 9시 서울 강남구 삼성동 메가박스 코엑스에서 열렸다.

이날 시사회에 배우 구혜선이 참석했다.

‘호우시절’은 가장 통속적이지만 동시에 모두가 공감하는 사랑이라는 소재를 평범한 일상 속 인물들을 통해 솔직한 감정과 진심을 담아 풀어내는 허진호 감독의 5번째 로맨스 영화다. 남성적 카리스마는 물론 어른 남자의 여유와 소년의 순수함까지 다양한 모습을 가진 배우 정우성과 첫사랑의 풋풋함과 성숙한 애인의 느낌이 공존하는 매력으로 한국 관객에게 첫 인사를 건네는 고원원이 연인으로 연기 호흡을 맞춰 더욱 관심을 모은다.

고원원은 ‘8월의 크리스마스’ 심은하, ‘봄날은 간다’ 이영애, ‘외출’ 손예진, ‘행복’ 임수정에 이어 ‘호우시절’의 다섯번째 여주인공으로 한국 관객에게는 낯설지만 1998년 ‘스파이시 러브 수프’로 데뷔, ‘북경 자전거’, 성룡과 공연한 ‘BB프로젝트’를 거쳐 ‘난징!난징!’으로 최근 박스오피스 1위를 기록, 현재 중국에서 인기 가도를 달리고 있는 여배우다.

‘호우시절’ 오는 10월 8일 개봉된다.

지형준 jeehouse@newsen.com

기사제보 및 보도자료 newsen@newsen.com

손에 잡히는 뉴스, 눈에 보이는 뉴스(www.newsen.com)

copyrightⓒ 뉴스엔. 무단전재 & 재배포 금지

(I will just summarize)

GHS attended a VIP Movie Premier of "Rain Days" starring Jung Woo Sung and Go Won Won and directed by Huh Jin Ho. It was held on Sept 22 at 9 at the Seoul Mega Box. It is a 5th romantic movie by the same director. Of course, Jung Woo Sung is a famous and popular movie actor and Go Won Won is making her first debut to the Korean audience. "Rain Days" will open to the public on October 8, 2009.

I have a silly question: How does one get to go to VIP movie permiers? By private invitation only??

Jung Woo Sung came to GHS' art exhibition in July 2009 and I am assuming that he may have invited her to his premier? Unless, of course, any celebrity is free to go to premiers without any invitation? I also read in another article that GHS is joining a group called Good Downloading which, I believe, is a promotion against movie piracy and Jung Woo Sung is an active participant as well. This group is doing an active promotion and even an event in the fall sometime. GHS is a director planning to do more directing and Jung Woo Sung is very much interested in directing also and, I have heard, that he is plannning to also direct a movie this coming year. Perhaps they are becoming good chums due to same interests?

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Pink Fairy, thanks for the article and the pix of our GHS.

Headline: [포토엔]구혜선, ‘부끄러운 인사 건네며’ [2009-09-22 21:29:24]

Headline: "GHS, Waving Her Shy Greeting"

[뉴스엔 지형준 기자]=by Newsen's Ji Hyung Joon Reporter

배우 정우성 고원원 주연의 영화 ‘호우시절’(감독 허진호) VIP 시사회가 9월 22일 오후 9시 서울 강남구 삼성동 메가박스 코엑스에서 열렸다.

이날 시사회에 배우 구혜선이 참석했다.

‘호우시절’은 가장 통속적이지만 동시에 모두가 공감하는 사랑이라는 소재를 평범한 일상 속 인물들을 통해 솔직한 감정과 진심을 담아 풀어내는 허진호 감독의 5번째 로맨스 영화다. 남성적 카리스마는 물론 어른 남자의 여유와 소년의 순수함까지 다양한 모습을 가진 배우 정우성과 첫사랑의 풋풋함과 성숙한 애인의 느낌이 공존하는 매력으로 한국 관객에게 첫 인사를 건네는 고원원이 연인으로 연기 호흡을 맞춰 더욱 관심을 모은다.

고원원은 ‘8월의 크리스마스’ 심은하, ‘봄날은 간다’ 이영애, ‘외출’ 손예진, ‘행복’ 임수정에 이어 ‘호우시절’의 다섯번째 여주인공으로 한국 관객에게는 낯설지만 1998년 ‘스파이시 러브 수프’로 데뷔, ‘북경 자전거’, 성룡과 공연한 ‘BB프로젝트’를 거쳐 ‘난징!난징!’으로 최근 박스오피스 1위를 기록, 현재 중국에서 인기 가도를 달리고 있는 여배우다.

‘호우시절’ 오는 10월 8일 개봉된다.

지형준 jeehouse@newsen.com

기사제보 및 보도자료 newsen@newsen.com

손에 잡히는 뉴스, 눈에 보이는 뉴스(www.newsen.com)

copyrightⓒ 뉴스엔. 무단전재 & 재배포 금지

(I will just summarize)

GHS attended a VIP Movie Premier of "Rain Days" starring Jung Woo Sung and Go Won Won and directed by Huh Jin Ho. It was held on Sept 22 at 9 at the Seoul Mega Box. It is a 5th romantic movie by the same director. Of course, Jung Woo Sung is a famous and popular movie actor and Go Won Won is making her first debut to the Korean audience. "Rain Days" will open to the public on October 8, 2009.

I have a silly question: How does one get to go to VIP movie permiers? By private invitation only??

Jung Woo Sung came to GHS' art exhibition in July 2009 and I am assuming that he may have invited her to his premier? Unless, of course, any celebrity is free to go to premiers without any invitation? I also read in another article that GHS is joining a group called Good Downloading which, I believe, is a promotion against movie piracy and Jung Woo Sung is an active participant as well. This group is doing an active promotion and even an event in the fall sometime. GHS is a director planning to do more directing and Jung Woo Sung is very much interested in directing also and, I have heard, that he is plannning to also direct a movie this coming year. Perhaps they are becoming good chums due to same interests?

From my understanding, for a private VIP movie premiere, I do think it is private invitation and also open to some members of the fan club as well depending on who is coordinating the event.

he is also known to be a good sunbae to his hoobaes though and it would be a great opportunity for her to mingle and network.

Does anyone know the status of her movie right now in terms of getting enough backers to finance the project?

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Jung Woo Sung came to GHS' art exhibition in July 2009 and I am assuming that he may have invited her to his premier? Unless, of course, any celebrity is free to go to premiers without any invitation? I also read in another article that GHS is joining a group called Good Downloading which, I believe, is a promotion against movie piracy and Jung Woo Sung is an active participant as well. This group is doing an active promotion and even an event in the fall sometime. GHS is a director planning to do more directing and Jung Woo Sung is very much interested in directing also and, I have heard, that he is plannning to also direct a movie this coming year. Perhaps they are becoming good chums due to same interests?

Probably this is non related at all....but do you know that Jung Woo Sung ex-gf of a few years, Kim Min Hee, happen to be Kim Ji Hoon (one of the SSP mc) co-star in his last KBS drama Matchmaker's Lover last year...and KJH happened to be the guy that was rumoured to be GHS bf last February Though they denied any romantic relationship, GHS & KJH claimed to have been good friends for years & he was helping her with her album.....As I said it was probably non related at all but sumhow it seems like they're running in the same circle.....

As for VIP premier, I believe beside invitation it's also open to celebrities for them to show their support to their fellow actors & directors....

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Probably this is non relared at all....but do you know that Jung Woo Sung ex-gf of a few years, Kim Min Hee, happen to be Kim Ji Hoon (one of the SSP mc) co-star in his last KBS drama Matchmaker's Lover last year...and KJH happened to be the guy that was rumoured to be GHS bf last February Though they denied any romantic relationship, GHS & KJH claimed to have been good friends for years & he was helping her with her album.....As I said it was probably non related at all but sumhow it seems like they're running in the same circle.....

As for VIP premier, I believe beside invitation it's also open to celebrities for them to show their support to their fellow actors & directors....

Actually that is Lee Jung Jae and Kim Min Hee and not Jung Woo Sung. Jung Woo Sung and LJJ are very good buddies from my understanding and JWS also had/has a long term gf.

I think you are right, aside from invitiation but perhaps open to a few celebrities.

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