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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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wow sus! thanks for bringing us those interesting tidbits from other threads, and also inserting the related past trans.

some of us who fell for ghs since pure 19 must have remembered how very slowy this thread progressed then. <_<

i have to echo what some others have already said. thanks sus!! :)

it is definitely your translations that has been the main contributing factor to the fast growing number of readers/pages to this thread. now so many of us not only know her as just another actress but also discovered her deep, interesting, strong, admirable character within that small petitie pretty frame. :D

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Guest mapleleung

cr. http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=guhye...page=1&bbs=


쎄씨 피처에디터 백세라


Q12. 최근에 맡았던 기사 중에서 가장 기억에 남는 기사는?

2달 전에 구혜선씨를 인터뷰한 적이 있었는데, 이 때 정말 재미있게 인터뷰를 했었던 기억이 나네요.

구혜선씨와 인터뷰를 하면서는 연예인과 인터뷰를 한다는 생각이 들지 않았어요.

편하게 이런 저런 이야기를 하면서 인터뷰를 정말 재미있게 해서 시간이 다 되고 자리를 뜨기 싫을 정도였던 기억이 나네요.


Above is an excerpt from the cited blog that contained the interview of Bak Se Rah, who is the editor of the CeCi magazine.

A college student was interviewing Bak about her work as an editor (i.e. what it is like and her advice to people who may be interested in her field as a future career). the date of the post is Jan. 7, 2010.

The student asked this question among her many questions:

Q12. What is your most recent yet most memorable interview?

Answer: My interview with Goo Hye Sun two months ago is most memorable to me. I had so much fun interviewing her. As I was doing the interview, I forgot that she is a celebrity. It was so comfortable talking with her about so many things that I remember not wanting it to end.

Below is the November issue of Ceci interview, just in case you missed it:


GHS in CeCi magazine for November, 2009. (interviewer: editor of CeCi: Bak Se Rah)

CeCi GHS article link: http://ceci.joins.com/article/article.asp?...p;code=02010200

Things I wanted to ask actress GHS:

GHS is planning to crank up her full length film in November and it is a story of a cellist and music. When did she start writing her script? Did she complete the casting process? Nobody knows. Not too long ago when she published her novel, exhibited her art work and came out with her music CD--nobody knew much about them either. Her work has always been very quiet. That is why, to most people, GHS is like a difficult-to-understand text.

Not too many years ago, only one qualifying word, Ulzzang, explained everything about GHS the actress. Now, her face is full of signs of mischief and curiosity behind those huge blinking eyes and she corrects me: That is not all that I am.

I used to say that I can do anything: I played in NN5 an energetic and 'uh ri bah ri'=goofy(?) screenwriter, then an untainted Yanbin female in the Pure Heart of 19, then a Queen Yune who aroused 'gah chae' (?) in King and I. Yes, I tried my hardest. But I also have lonely memories of not having things work out the way I wanted. In the beginning, I thought that things worked out well for me because I have all the luck and because I am special. I did not realize just how many people worked so hard to help me. In KIng and I, my self-conceit and pride broke down. I made a debut at young age, I had to grow up fast.

In 2009, GHS again solidified her place as an actress by playing Geum Jandi who, after a period of abuse and torture, ends up being loved by the F4. While her popularity soared among the mass, her TV appearance time gradually decreased. Most celebrities' pattern is to be mindful of how their audience is feeling about them and to adjust themselves to maintain their image. Same pattern does not seem to apply to GHS. In the middle of such heated popularity, GHS walked out to the audience, took the chance in showing, one at a time, new and different sides to her. After the big hit of BOF, she could have easily just enjoyed the unending adulation. However, she quickly gargled the taste of popularity out of her mouth and published her first novel, TANGO. Then she opened her own private exhibition of her illustrations and art work. Then she produced her New Age musical CD. And, in November, she is to hold the megaphone as a director. (We know now that GHS started filming MAGIC on January 15th, 2010.) Now, nobody can really predict her future. She may be able to think about what she has to do tomorrow, but she cannot make a guaratee or positive assertion about her own future. She is curious herself what would her future be like. Only thing that she feels sure is that the process will be mighty interesting.

I always work with a smile on my face. I feel more the benefit from working really hard. On the one hand, living so intensely may seem empty, but I feel so alive. Making movie is about constantly being face to face with other people around you all the time--to communicate, to fight, to have conferences---I love it!

Carefully, the reporter asked GHS about her new movie. Firstly, it is a mystery. The story deals with the endless desires of artistic people. They want to fulfill their intense desires yet the desire is endlesss and meaningless conflicts arise. People die. Towards the end, even after the death of a lover, the lead actor's drive to still play the cello is revealed. It may not be your typical Korean movie that one is used to--it is slightly manic. (GHS smiles)

After BOF, people are again acknowledging her as actress. So, WHY does she have to choose a difficult road of being a director? As I became more and more famous as an actress, whether consciously or subconciously, my routine has turned into hiding myself from the public. The more I talked, sometimes the more it worked against me. If I play a bright and energetic character, I had to stay in that character no matter where I am. If I play a sad character, I could not easily laugh anywhere either. The character that I play is not the real and entire me. If I show the public many other aspects of me, would they be more confused? I want to be more free with myself and the public. How long do I have live my life by restraining and abstaining from being myself? The more and more I thought about it, the lonelier I became.

To comfort my lonliness, I scribbled, painted and composed. However, those are jobs for only one person to do. I wanted to meet people more. So, I went out. I took my work with me. Actually, even before I became an actress, I wrote, painted and composed. Those senior actors who have worked with me have seen my work and have encouraged me to not just keep it as a hobby but to consider writing books and to do art exhibitions. Under such positive encouragement, she worked hard even giving up on sleeping. That is how she came out with her work to the public.

I know that I lack tremendously, but I maintain the cocky attitude that I want to do what I want to do no matter what. Luckily, many people helped me. Some friends worried for me. They cautioned me to first do more acting, really sharpen the acting skills, to try for movie roles. Then, slowly with more experience, try other challenges. I thought about it. However, when would there be the right time for me to know that I am ready to challenge myself new. What if such readiness never come and I die? By nature, we human beings are not even perfect to start with!

I decided to give myself some room. I told myself that I am doing it because I want to do it, not because I am so good at it. A person who already lives her life so intensely may bring out even more authentic colors of her being by adding a flavor of something new. To make one scene, I fight fiercely with the staff. We may even fight more than 12 times a day. Then I would say, wow, we really live way too intensely. For what and whom, are we living this way? I may say that but inside I am feeling just so happy. By collecting others' opinions and thoughts, we have conflicts, so we have to argue and have it out until the end. When I look back at my school days, I remember sports events the most where friends and I had to confer to make winning strategies. These days, I feel like I am always working on our sports events. I am realizing more and more everyday that no work can be completed by just me alone.

In the past, I would think that my thoughts are special and would have thought about making a movie that would be difficult to understand but at least I would be expressing my own thoughts and personality. These days, I do not insist only on my own stubbornness. I try to be in tune with other people's thoughts and opinions. I share my thoughts and feelings and I am more open minded to really explore the tension between me and the public/other and to try to play the rope-pulling game to find a good balance. I can still show myself in the work but I have to make sure that the public, or the audience is clear about it too. The fact that a director must be in tune with the audience and so must be open to the opinions of the entire staff is a different kind of pleasure than what GHS as an actress felt. Everybody's attention is on me, the lead. Nobody knows the stress and the loneliness the actress GHS felt. When people around me would tell me that I have no reason to have stress since everybody is already doing a lot for me, I feel twice the pressure on my shoulder. As time passes, I also feel the limitation of my outward appearance. I may have to look younger or be more mischievous. Such limitation feels like staking a claim on a piece of sand castle. (We all know what happens to those sand castles when the tide comes in. GHS seems to be saying that she felt stifled as an actress but more free and less lonley as a director. She broke FREE.)

Now, this is the start for me. I already hung out all my work out there for the public to see. I am sure that while filming, from time to time, I will look at some of the results and say to myself, I am going crazy...What am I to do now! But, you know what? I know positively for sure that it will be nothing but very interesting! (Some character GHS is!)

FIGHTING GHS and the entire MAGIC STAFF and MAGIC, the movie!!!

sue thank you for translation ,,

Answer: My interview with Goo Hye Sun two months ago is most memorable to me. I had so much fun interviewing her. As I was doing the interview, I forgot that she is a celebrity. It was so comfortable talking with her about so many things that I remember not wanting it to end.

<-----------------------i am glad to see the reporter give HS such a high admiration. i totally agree with him...

HS is a girl who always make other feel comfortable. ...just like what the editor say...when you talk to her, she would let you feel closed ...just like friends ..but not a relationship between idol and fans ...she is nice and warm...

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waves to all :D

thanks so much sue for bringing back the Ceci interview..can`t say i missed this one but during that time i was not able to focus much on this..Definitely this is one if not the best interview that Hye Sun had together with Elle & Cosmo Mag though I expect that aspects about love was also tackled here..Dunno why the first time I read this today, I felt a bit emo..if you`ll just read every remarkable line that Hye Sun said, you`ll end up admiring & understanding her more of course with due respect to all her decisions & chosen path to take when it comes to career/work..

firstly, i feel overwhelmed upon reading Bak Se Rah`s (editor of the CeCi magazine) answer to the student:

Q12. What is your most recent yet most memorable interview?

Answer: My interview with Goo Hye Sun two months ago is most memorable to me. I had so much fun interviewing her. As I was doing the interview, I forgot that she is a celebrity. It was so comfortable talking with her about so many things that I remember not wanting it to end.

no doubt that even in the recent Soup interview, we could notice quite same response from the male host & could include also observations from HS` other old interviews..again, i wanna repost the lines that have the best impact on me though it may actually look as if i`ve just copied the entire translations but it`s the fact that everything is really worth-reading & contemplating..please bear with me though :)

Now, her face is full of signs of mischief and curiosity behind those huge blinking eyes and she corrects me: That is not all that I am.

I always work with a smile on my face. I feel more the benefit from working really hard. On the one hand, living so intensely may seem empty, but I feel so alive. Making movie is about constantly being face to face with other people around you all the time--to communicate, to fight, to have conferences---I love it!

The character that I play is not the real and entire me. I want to be more free with myself and the public. How long do I have to live my life by restraining and abstaining from being myself?The more and more I thought about it, the lonelier I became. To comfort my lonliness, I scribbled, painted and composed. Actually, even before I became an actress, I wrote, painted and composed.

I know that I lack tremendously, but I maintain the cocky attitude that I want to do what I want to do no matter what. Some friends worried for me. They cautioned me to first do more acting, really sharpen the acting skills, to try for movie roles. Then, slowly with more experience, try other challenges. I thought about it. However, when would there be the right time for me to know that I am ready to challenge myself new. What if such readiness never come and I die? By nature, we human beings are not even perfect to start with!

I decided to give myself some room. I told myself that I am doing it because I want to do it, not because I am so good at it. When I look back at my school days, I remember sports events the most where friends and I had to confer to make winning strategies. These days, I feel like I am always working on our sports events. I am realizing more and more everyday that no work can be completed by just me alone.

These days, I do not insist only on my own stubbornness. I try to be in tune with other people's thoughts and opinions. I share my thoughts and feelings and I am more open minded to really explore the tension between me and the public/other and to try to play the rope-pulling game to find a good balance. The fact that a director must be in tune with the audience and so must be open to the opinions of the entire staff is a different kind of pleasure than what GHS as an actress felt. Everybody's attention is on me, the lead. Nobody knows the stress and the loneliness the actress GHS felt. When people around me would tell me that I have no reason to have stress since everybody is already doing a lot for me, I feel twice the pressure on my shoulder. As time passes, I also feel the limitation of my outward appearance. I may have to look younger or be more mischievous. Such limitation feels like staking a claim on a piece of sand castle.

Now, this is the start for me. I already hung out all my work out there for the public to see. I am sure that while filming, from time to time, I will look at some of the results and say to myself, I am going crazy...What am I to do now! But, you know what? I know positively for sure that it will be nothing but very interesting!

("Magic" seems more interesting just hearing Hye Sun`s own compositions esp. from the album, "Breathe" as part of the movie soundtracks :) )

thanks everyone for all the posts :D

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hi everyone.. thank you soo much for all the updates :)

and to sue for the articles and translations ^^

we support u Jelita and Malaysian Sunnies... hope the prob will be fixed ^^

all the best, from Sunnies over the World♥~ ^^

Hyesun Fighting!!~ ;)












(just missin' Goo love♥)

cr: DC

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hello..just wondering,is it true that min hoo and hye sun are dating for almost a year now?

hi marvise! That's every minsun shipper's wish.. but no confirmation yet from both. And they really won't confirm right now if they are dating anyone.. it goes with the contract i guess =P

All i can assure is that they are very close to each other and minho gets all giddy when he is with sun.


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Guest leezzul

Hello all sunnies! :D

Just now i watch Entertainment Weekly at KBS channel Astro 303.Its show an interview with HS at Soup photoshoot a past few days.

I hope if any GHS fans around the world including in Malaysia who's didn't know about that interview before this and suddenly know about a mistake translation no matter from our local newspaper website or read by the newspaper and also did not open this thread to know true situation,when they watch that interview today,they'll know what actually HS answer and clear about that.

Now we just hope and really want the reporter and newspaper management will apologise by open and take responsible about this asap. ;)

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hello everyone :D

tracie, thanks for the many pics :D

marvise, like what ais730 said, though some rumors are surfacing about them but no confirmation yet from both camps..and it`s your very first post since you joined soompi..you can also visit Joondi/Minsun thread here`s the link

leezzul, let`s hope for the best..one day everything will be cleared for Hye Sun`s sake..

mapleleung, memeo, choijiwoojodi, yuki_akira :D

some of Ceci Mag November 2009 pics:




from previous pages of this thread / cr to naver

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thanks everyone for the updates! :) Like most of you I also miss Hyesun.I hope to hear any news bout her soon,her movie production's progress etc..I wish her well.


izzri thanks for the link! i remember Goo hye sun saying maybe she'll do drama on summer. I hope its true! id love to see them act on a drama again, definitely theres bond already and i love LSG in Brilliant Legacy plus he has a nice voice :lol:

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Hi sunnies ...

currently we are in our country discussing about the possibilities hye sun next project, plesae check this link..


but I don't sure if it's true, maybe it's still a rumour, but to think GHS has a new drama I just feel wow, because we miss hye sun right?? and what made me feel happy that the writer was Hong sisters who's the famous writer for a good drama such as sassy girl chun hyang, my girl and you are beautiful..

hope everything wil be the best for GHS :) :)

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Hi sunnies ...

currently we are in our country discussing about the possibilities hye sun next project, plesae check this link..


but I don't sure if it's true, maybe it's still a rumour, but to think GHS has a new drama I just feel wow, because we miss hye sun right?? and what made me feel happy that the writer was Hong sisters who's the famous writer for a good drama such as sassy girl chun hyang, my girl and you are beautiful..

hope everything wil be the best for GHS :) :)

hello izzri :D nice to know that Hye Sun will be doing again a drama this year though we wish her to have one even months ago after BOF & wondering also why she hasn`t committed to any..it`s okay if it`s Lee Seung Gi though it`s only a rumor but it could be possible since both already worked together in Non-stop 5 right??..i recall in Hye Sun`s Somang interview about that part where the host mentioned LSG..i wonder also about LSG`s statement there..

GHS 2006 Somang CF Interview --->> love this interview clip w/ funny scenes of HS..she`s also pretty here..

@3.12 GHS is singing the “Because of love”, the song that she sang so, so well when she first became the co-MC of Inkigayo. (does anybody have that entire first episode of Inkigayo show when she sang that song?) The narrator is saying that GHS sings really well that she also sang the theme song of her drama. The interviewer asks if she is aware that Lee Seung Gi said that, although his ideal style of women is Nam Sang Mi, he would prefer to marry Goo Hye Sun. GHS says she did read it on paper. She says it is nice to know that he would think that. The interviewer asks if that means she would accept his proposal. GHS denies that she is accepting his proposal, but that she is thankful that he drew attention to GHS..(from sue`s translations on Somang interview)

** waves to all sunnies**

sasha, yuki_akira, jandi.junpyo :D

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Guest leezzul

hello all sunnies!

It's true HS will be have a new drama? I feel so happy to hear that. :D

Hi GHSfan,i feel like i have read the interview before this,but im not sure where. :unsure:

HS is so pretty and beautiful inside and outside,no wonder many actor attracted with her. But,will someone jealous about this? (haha!just my though.)

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Guest baiduhuafen


HS will be have a new drama,it's a good news.BUT I hope that she will be cooperation with a handsome. :wub::wub::wub::wub:

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gOod day to all SUNNIES.. :D

i'm quite new here..but before

i also posted some picS of hyesun noona..before

and participated in some discussion's

about her..

i started to like and love her at BOF!!, :P

and she's my toP loved artist in korea..or i should say

in the world of entertainment industry..around the world.

she's way PERFECT to me..and so are the SUNNIES..around the GLOBE,.. :D



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hello all sunnies!

It's true HS will be have a new drama? I feel so happy to hear that. :D

Hi GHSfan,i feel like i have read the interview before this,but im not sure where. :unsure:

HS is so pretty and beautiful inside and outside,no wonder many actor attracted with her. But,will someone jealous about this? (haha!just my though.)

leezzul, here`s sue`s translations to it..just PM`ed her hoping she won`t mind if i repost it :)

Goo Hye Sun Somang Interview:

GHS was interviewed while preparing for the Somang Beauty Credit CF. At the same time, she was still starring in the Pure Heart of 19 and she was also the MC for the Inkigayo. It appears that GHS has always been a hard working, multi-tasking, strong person even back then, Nobody can dictate her to just focus on one thing!! She is not that kind of a woman.

Different MC’s of the Entertainment Live Show are talking in the background:

“The lady who overcomes difficulty with strength of character… the radiant hair from her back…lovely…who is the lady? It is Goo Hye Sun” The audience is impressed with her appearance for her CF.

“The drama’s popularity is incredible these days.” (they are talking about Pure Heart of 19)

@0.17 On the screen is words, “her charm is like a shot of vitamin...” GHS is bringing everybody to the front of a TV set…”

One female MC comments: “she looks so different from her character” (comparing GHS from her Yang Gook Hwa role to her CF appearance).

“All mothers are just crazy about GHS.” “Her popularity is just soaring...”

@0.31 “There is no way you cannot fall for her acting…”

@0.37 At the male interviewer’s request, GHS shows her Yanbian accent while smiling and feeling a bit embarrassed. GHS says that she puts emphasis on different part of a word to make her own Yanbian accents. Once in a while, GHS says that she puts on the Yanbian accent as a MC of the Inkigayo show without realizing it. (laughter)

@1.12 The narrator comments that, today, GHS has shed herself of the Yanbian lady image and that her new and different image is truly dazzling.

@1.21 The question on the screen is “what type of CF proposals come to you?” However, GHS is still talking about her TV character role making a strong impression because Yang Gook Haw uses so many gestures to go along with her special accent …The interviewer says that she looks too skinny and thin. GHS says that looks can be deceiving. The interviewer is asking if she really has lots of flesh hidden somewhere. (MY God, the type of questions that are asked of pretty entertainers!!!! No wonder GHS wants to go into directing!!! She will be taken more seriously!!) Perhaps feeling self-conscious, we see her rubbing her arms together in front of her stomach area. GHS says that, “Over 80% of women have belly fat, I believe.” (she is funny and honest! Hahaha)

The interviewer says the CF people may not want to hear that.

@1.54 The TV then focuses on GHS’s belly area to see if she has any fat there. (This is just hilarious!!!) The MC’s are commenting that they do no see anything there.(hahaha!)

@2.02 The question on the screen is that GHS is considered the female Yang Dong Geun, a comedian. (who is that??) and how she feels about that? She says she likes it because she really enjoys Yang Dong Geun’s acting. The interviewer/narrator says that GHS’ comedic acting is really amazing and that she is comparable to that of Yang Dong Geun. (A series of GHS’ funny characters from NN5 are shown---I really wish I could see those NN5 episodes!!!---wasfiyya????? Hahahah! Just kidding,,,,NO pressure.)

@2..24 Question is her appearance at the Happy Together’s Finding Friends program (remember GHS with the plastic baseball bat as a 4th grader?) GHS says that before she became a teenager, she was extremely naughty. They show a clip of the Happy Together show where GHS is standing next to one of her 4th grade friends (the little boy who sat next to GHS for 4 years). This friend is saying that he would hear the new kids who did not really know GHS talk about how pretty she is and he would feel sorry for all of them because they did not know yet the truth about GHS. True to form, GHS is hitting him again as seen in the clip. hahahah He could not expect to stand next to GHS and say all those things and not get hit by her!

@2.45 The question on the screen is if she has a boyfriend. She is laughing and thinking out loud whether she would say yes or not. The interviewer says you don’t have one now, right? GHS responds by saying that she does not want to say anything. She thinks people might be flustered if she says YES and people might consider her a liar if she says NO. The interviewer asks again, so you do have one? She says “I could have one”. The interviewer persists and says, so you don’t have one? GHS answers “I may have one”. (She is clever in avoiding the question, Isn’t she?)

@3.12 GHS is singing the “Because of love”, the song that she sang so, so well when she first became the co-MC of Inkigayo. (does anybody have that entire first episode of Inkigayo show when she sang that song?) The narrator is saying that GHS sings really well that she also sang the theme song of her drama. The interviewer asks if she is aware that Lee Seung Gi said that, although his ideal style of women is Nam Sang Mi, he would prefer to marry Goo Hye Sun. GHS says she did read it on paper. She says it is nice to know that he would think that. The interviewer asks if that means she would accept his proposal. GHS denies that she is accepting his proposal, but that she is thankful that he drew attention to GHS.

@3.42 They are showing a clip of her in the Drama City’s episode of “Everybody Cha Cha Cha”. The narrator wishes GHS continued success with her drama that is earning over 30% rating and that she will have more and more wonderful roles. GHS ends by saying that as long as I am acting, I will do my best to show the best to the audience.” (Wow, her tone here is strangely foretelling. Do you all hear it? “as long as I’m acting…”. She is not making commitment to acting.----we now know why, don’t we!!!!)

GHS 2006 Somang interview

parts 2:08-2:17 just cracks me up (i love that fact how Hye Sun could amuse me..i love comedians/stand-up comedians esp.)..the supposed-to-be kiss in 3:48 up is cute also :D

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