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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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dear all sunnies.....morning and thanks for all the supports.

we have sent lots of emails to the chief editor yesterday but will follow up by an official letter today. we will not settle this thing until they correct it and apologize to GHS and us publicly.

GHSfan - thanks so much

leezul - we knew about this on monday morning so tried to rectify it ASAP. since you are Malaysian..is it okay if u pm me you name so that i will include your name in the letter? actually, i've been boycotting this newspaper for years now and i'm glad i did that.

ari_oppa - we have included the YT link, the right translation and all related articles in the letter. thanks for the suggestion.

and is it true that the writer did not state his source of the info nor made credits?? nice idea to include the YT link & translations + all related articles in the letter..i know your group can do it..we`re just here to support..will pray for you & Hye Sun..many of us feel the same like you when it comes to Hye Sun..it`s obvious how i spent my times here if not for my love for this girl..she inspires me a lot & this is just my way of giving it back :)

** waves to all sunnies **

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big thanks to all malaysian fans for doing all actions to clear out the mis-translations regarding hyesun's interview.. i hate bad journalism.. i hope they give a statement correcting their mistake..

just let us know if there's something we can do.. =)

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Jelita & nora, thanks for taking the action to protect Hyesun. I think the reporter & the publication were very irresponsible for publishing some false reportage, esp. they have not stated its source/ credit. We are always here to support you, and pls let us know if anything we could help. Hwaiting! :)

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I just had to post this post from a DC member, nicknamed AbsolutelyCharmingGoo.

It is just funny.


낵아 쿠에 대해 좋은 이야기만 하고 이뿌다고 입이 닳도록 이야기한 결과

내동생도 자신도 모르게 누가 쿠 팬이 된듯 ㅋㅋ

자기 칭구중에 쿠에 대해서 안좋게 이야기 했는데

자신도 모르게 울컥해서 싸울뻔 했다는 이야기를 듣고

세뇌교육이 얼마나 중요한지 깨달았다능 ㅋㅋㅋ

This member has seen the good result of telling many people to the point of wearing out her tongue~~all the good things about Goo and how pretty she is.

Her sister was with group of friends and one of them was saying negative things about Goo. This sister suddely became so mad that she almost had a big fight with her friend.

This story made the DCmember realize the importance of indoctrination or brainwashing,,,hahahaha

the sister`s reaction just shows how she cares deeply for Hye Sun & i admire sisters with such kind of affection towards each other..thanks sue :D

beth, very cute gif :)

jee, lovely old pics :)

hi Sunnies** loves^^.. havent seen this pic before ~ i think the morning she woke up after a night with a stranger in bof? :huh:


cr: dc

still sooo pretty^^... have a nice day all**

velvet, i remember this was a plot by Jandi`s bestfriend..

more Jandi pics..



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Hello Sunnies

Hi Jelita and all sunnies in Malaysia

Thank you for all your efforts in trying to rectify and clear the mistake of the journalist :)

I know all Sunnies here will support you and also if there is anything we can do to help pls don't hesitate to tell us. thank you. :):)

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Guest sunkyunnie

hi~~hi everyone~~^^ it been long time I haven't visit here~~I know I have told the other sunnies about this in Goo Hye Sun FC spazzbox~~I was very lucky enough to be extrra on Hyesun nuna's movie~ Meeting hyesunnie nuna is a jjang day for me! I take pictures too but we were told that posting pictures on sites taken from the film site is strict~ I'm sorry I can't share it here~^^ but Hyesun in person is wonderful, very friendly and very pretty! I think nuna lose some weight again~ we told her she should always take care of her health~ I would never forget the experience~ ^^ so everyone here please support Hyesun nuna and her movie! hwaiting~!!

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hi~~hi everyone~~^^ it been long time I haven't visit here~~I know I have told the other sunnies about this in Goo Hye Sun FC spazzbox~~I was very lucky enough to be extrra on Hyesun nuna's movie~ Meeting hyesunnie nuna is a jjang day for me! I take pictures too but we were told that posting pictures on sites taken from the film site is strict~ I'm sorry I can't share it here~^^ but Hyesun in person is wonderful, very friendly and very pretty! I think nuna lose some weight again~ we told her she should always take care of her health~ I would never forget the experience~ ^^ so everyone here please support Hyesun nuna and her movie! hwaiting~!!

OMG! Im so envious^^~ you're lucky sunkyunnie :D

Hi Jelita** thanks for the PM. Pls see my reply. Hope the editor will publish an apology.

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Yubari Film Festival Article :)


■상영 정보

2월 28일(일) 14:00 

아디레 회관 3 F 특설 회장

■작품 개요

2008년/한국어(영어·일본어 자막)/14분/인디-·스토리 제공


“자신이 사는 길이는 스스로 결정할 수 있다. ”구제를 요구하고 교회를 찾아 오는 사람들에게 안락사를 실시하는 신부와 수녀.

어느날, 손 진이라고 하는 젊은 남자가 2명의 아래를 방문해 교회에 일주일간 머물고 싶다고 하지만….

죽음을 자신의 판단에 맡긴다고 하는 진지함인 테마 중(안)에서, 경쾌한 트럼펫의 소리가 생과 죽음의 틈에서도 금액 인간을

비웃도록(듯이) 영향을 주어 건넌다.생명을 취급하는 사람은 신이 아니고 인간이지만 고의,

거기에서 태어나는 모순성을 그리고 싶었다고 하는 감독은, 한국의 대인기 드라마로 주역을 연기해 여배우로서도 인기가 높은 구혜선.

한국판 「꽃보다 남자」의 주연 여배우 구혜선에 의한 첫 감독 작품.

단편이면서 안락사를 소재로 한 외곬줄에서는 가지 않은 어려운 테마성을 취급해 강한 인상을 남긴다.







소·형 진



■감독 프로필


1984년 한국 태생. 모델을 거치고, 시추에이션 코메디 「논스톱 5」(04년)로 데뷔.

드라마 「왕과 나」(08년)등의 여러가지 화제작에 출연한 후, 2009년에 한국에서 제작된 「꽃보다 남자」의 주연.

국내외로부터 폭발적인 인기를 끈다. 본 작품이 첫 감독작.


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nice to hear from u again sunkyunnie! I'm happy for you, you get to participate in her film..

I bet it's an unforgettable experience, i will be star struck if that happens to me, I'd probably won't move and just stare at her.

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Guest junpyo.jandi

I learned about the issue regarding a malaysian publication just today... And it really makes me mad....

How can they make such a direct conclusion without really knowing what hye sun really said...

Lucky to those media that I'm not in Malaysia probably I've been protesting in front of their office by now.,,..

They are destroying Unnie's innocent image and that makes me MAD!!!!

Soorry... guys but I can't control my sentiment....

I hope you understand me..... Its difficult to be judge because of unreliable info....

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hi~~hi everyone~~^^ it been long time I haven't visit here~~I know I have told the other sunnies about this in Goo Hye Sun FC spazzbox~~I was very lucky enough to be extrra on Hyesun nuna's movie~ Meeting hyesunnie nuna is a jjang day for me! I take pictures too but we were told that posting pictures on sites taken from the film site is strict~ I'm sorry I can't share it here~^^ but Hyesun in person is wonderful, very friendly and very pretty! I think nuna lose some weight again~ we told her she should always take care of her health~ I would never forget the experience~ ^^ so everyone here please support Hyesun nuna and her movie! hwaiting~!!

you`re so lucky to participate in the movie & see Hye Sun in person..i regret that i was not able to join your convo in the spazzbox but knew a bit of your experience though :D & i`m still happy that you appeared again here..we could see Hye Sun really lost some weight & it`s understandable & expected due to lots of stress, tension, lack of sleep & rest & physical/emotional discomfort..i just hope & pray that she could sustain everything & the whole team will cooperate & work well with her till the filming finished..at least you have one of the best memorable & unforgettable experiences with Hye Sun & the other fans :D but pls. don`t be heartbroken hehe :P

** waves to all sunnies **

cr. http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=guhye...page=2&bbs=

A 'weed'-girl who popped out of the historical past:

(summary) BOF is her only 6th project so far. One of them was a sit-com and three of them were all historical dramas.

GHS says that only historical drama roles came to her. She thinks it is because of her round and round face? So, BOF is her first attempt at a trendy drama. Through historical dramas, GHS highly praises her sunbaes from whom she learned a great deal. That is why she feels that she is more ready to tackle the trendy drama now. She did not know much about BOF or its manga. But she was highly recommended as the top candidate by the netizens due to her appearance that so resembles manga characters. She worried that, by doing a trendy drama, she will basically ruin the peaceful image that she built through historical dramas. But she decided on BOF because she felt that this may be her one and only chance to play such a role.

Please do not make fun of me because I am a noona:

Regarding BOF filming~GHS feels as if she is back in the set of NN5 because she is having so much fun. She also loves that she can wear uniform again. She likes it so much that she is going to ask if she can keep it after the drama ends as it may be her last uniform ever. She has filmed just over 10 days with the F4 and has already become fairly close. They are so friendly and such good people. I don't normally approach people so easily that I am grateful to them. However, I really don't like to be called as noona so loudly in front of so many people. I was shocked to find out that Minho is three yeras younger than I am.

Admiration and love are different:

Her role as Geum JanDi is a brave teenager who does not lose to the F4. GJD's dignified and tough image also bring up the image of Gookhwa of Pure Heart of 19. GHS: GJD is basically similar to Gookhwa, however, there is a difference. Gookhwa tormented herself a lot. She saw herself as less than some people and therefore gave up on her desires most of the time. However, Jandi is not like that at all. Jandi says to herself, why not me! She has relentless confidence in herself. She is also a very lucky girl who receives love from two very attractive men who are complete opposites of each other. Jandi falls in love eventually after she fights a lot with the man who loves her. For me, I have to like the person first before I fall in love. That is the difference between Jandi and me. In BOF, I think that Jandi most likely admired JiHoo while she loved JoonPyo. I think JiHoo is a man that Jandi cared for and wanted to protect forever but not wanted for herself. On the other hand, JoonPyo is a man who not only needed and wanted Jandi but also held manly attractiveness for Jandi. Perhaps Jandi understood that difference?! The way GHS explains her character with such fervor almost make you sense the weed-like toughness in her.

thanks sue :D i liked those positive attitudes of Jandi..very inspiring & more satisfying that Hye Sun continues to motivate us in some other ways..what i admire also is the harmonious relationship built between her & the F4..she always has good things to say about them..BTW, hope you fully understand now what happened to Malaysian reporter`s mistake..please continue to unselfishly impart with us the much-appreciated translations :)

edit: jandi.junpyo, it`s okay..don`t worry coz many of us feel the same :) again, thanks to jelita, nora, leezzul & the rest of Malaysian fans :)

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lyon, meow & sasha, thanks so much for the pics :D sorry if i repost 2 pics :P hope to see another pic with HS holding the camera like that in "Cheerful Caretaker" BTS pics..from these new pics, i imagine how stressful & exhausting it is to work with a lot of people you need to make instructions & commands & sometimes eventually come up with unsatisfying results yet just like what sue mentioned that Hye Sun once said in CeCi interview that she just loves working with group of people even though most of the time they are arguing..she just loves the process to get the results...


from fans` accounts (p. 472 @sue), Director Goo ran around with a red megaphone all day long but because her voice was so loud and energetic that she really did not need the microphone at all..Her energy, laughter, her commands were all very comforting and wonderful to see and hear.


nat, thanks also for bringing the Yubari article :D

hello to sunnies in the spazzbox :D

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Guest susAmerica

Thanks natalie for the post:

name='natali' date='Feb 3 2010, 12:58 AM' post='15395090']

Yubari Film Festival Article :)


■상영 정보

2월 28일(일) 14:00 

아디레 회관 3 F 특설 회장

*Screening Info.

February 28 (Sunday) at 2PM

■작품 개요

2008년/한국어(영어·일본어 자막)/14분/인디-·스토리 제공

*About the film

2008/Korean (English and Japanese subs.)/ 14minutes/Inde-Story Sponsor


“자신이 사는 길이는 스스로 결정할 수 있다. ”구제를 요구하고 교회를 찾아 오는 사람들에게 안락사를 실시하는 신부와 수녀.

어느날, 손 진이라고 하는 젊은 남자가 2명의 아래를 방문해 교회에 일주일간 머물고 싶다고 하지만….

죽음을 자신의 판단에 맡긴다고 하는 진지함인 테마 중(안)에서, 경쾌한 트럼펫의 소리가 생과 죽음의 틈에서도 금액 인간을

비웃도록(듯이) 영향을 주어 건넌다.생명을 취급하는 사람은 신이 아니고 인간이지만 고의,

거기에서 태어나는 모순성을 그리고 싶었다고 하는 감독은, 한국의 대인기 드라마로 주역을 연기해 여배우로서도 인기가 높은 구혜선.

한국판 「꽃보다 남자」의 주연 여배우 구혜선에 의한 첫 감독 작품.

단편이면서 안락사를 소재로 한 외곬줄에서는 가지 않은 어려운 테마성을 취급해 강한 인상을 남긴다.

(Actually I am going to translate the first line only. I would like to ask the person who can read Japanese to translate. The reason is that the translation from Japanese to Korean is not quite clear. I will only translate the first line. I think this paragraph that summarize the GHS short film could be helpful.)

A person has the power to make his/her own choice about his/her life. (That first line is SO Goo Hye Sun!!!)

■스탭 = Staff


쿠·헤손 = [director, script, edit] Goo Hye Sun


폰·슨효크=[filming] Pon-Seun Hyo Keu


소·형 진


정·테스 = Cast: Suh Hyun Jin, Kim MS, Jung TS (the translator did not sound out the names correctly that I just put initials for the last two.)

■감독 프로필 = Director's profile (we all know this so no need to translate)


1984년 한국 태생. 모델을 거치고, 시추에이션 코메디 「논스톱 5」(04년)로 데뷔.

드라마 「왕과 나」(08년)등의 여러가지 화제작에 출연한 후, 2009년에 한국에서 제작된 「꽃보다 남자」의 주연.

국내외로부터 폭발적인 인기를 끈다. 본 작품이 첫 감독작.


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Guest susAmerica

cr. http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=guhye...page=1&bbs=


쎄씨 피처에디터 백세라


Q12. 최근에 맡았던 기사 중에서 가장 기억에 남는 기사는?

2달 전에 구혜선씨를 인터뷰한 적이 있었는데, 이 때 정말 재미있게 인터뷰를 했었던 기억이 나네요.

구혜선씨와 인터뷰를 하면서는 연예인과 인터뷰를 한다는 생각이 들지 않았어요.

편하게 이런 저런 이야기를 하면서 인터뷰를 정말 재미있게 해서 시간이 다 되고 자리를 뜨기 싫을 정도였던 기억이 나네요.


Above is an excerpt from the cited blog that contained the interview of Bak Se Rah, who is the editor of the CeCi magazine.

A college student was interviewing Bak about her work as an editor (i.e. what it is like and her advice to people who may be interested in her field as a future career). the date of the post is Jan. 7, 2010.

The student asked this question among her many questions:

Q12. What is your most recent yet most memorable interview?

Answer: My interview with Goo Hye Sun two months ago is most memorable to me. I had so much fun interviewing her. As I was doing the interview, I forgot that she is a celebrity. It was so comfortable talking with her about so many things that I remember not wanting it to end.

Below is the November issue of Ceci interview, just in case you missed it:


GHS in CeCi magazine for November, 2009. (interviewer: editor of CeCi: Bak Se Rah)

CeCi GHS article link: http://ceci.joins.com/article/article.asp?...p;code=02010200

Things I wanted to ask actress GHS:

GHS is planning to crank up her full length film in November and it is a story of a cellist and music. When did she start writing her script? Did she complete the casting process? Nobody knows. Not too long ago when she published her novel, exhibited her art work and came out with her music CD--nobody knew much about them either. Her work has always been very quiet. That is why, to most people, GHS is like a difficult-to-understand text.

Not too many years ago, only one qualifying word, Ulzzang, explained everything about GHS the actress. Now, her face is full of signs of mischief and curiosity behind those huge blinking eyes and she corrects me: That is not all that I am.

I used to say that I can do anything: I played in NN5 an energetic and 'uh ri bah ri'=goofy(?) screenwriter, then an untainted Yanbin female in the Pure Heart of 19, then a Queen Yune who aroused 'gah chae' (?) in King and I. Yes, I tried my hardest. But I also have lonely memories of not having things work out the way I wanted. In the beginning, I thought that things worked out well for me because I have all the luck and because I am special. I did not realize just how many people worked so hard to help me. In KIng and I, my self-conceit and pride broke down. I made a debut at young age, I had to grow up fast.

In 2009, GHS again solidified her place as an actress by playing Geum Jandi who, after a period of abuse and torture, ends up being loved by the F4. While her popularity soared among the mass, her TV appearance time gradually decreased. Most celebrities' pattern is to be mindful of how their audience is feeling about them and to adjust themselves to maintain their image. Same pattern does not seem to apply to GHS. In the middle of such heated popularity, GHS walked out to the audience, took the chance in showing, one at a time, new and different sides to her. After the big hit of BOF, she could have easily just enjoyed the unending adulation. However, she quickly gargled the taste of popularity out of her mouth and published her first novel, TANGO. Then she opened her own private exhibition of her illustrations and art work. Then she produced her New Age musical CD. And, in November, she is to hold the megaphone as a director. (We know now that GHS started filming MAGIC on January 15th, 2010.) Now, nobody can really predict her future. She may be able to think about what she has to do tomorrow, but she cannot make a guaratee or positive assertion about her own future. She is curious herself what would her future be like. Only thing that she feels sure is that the process will be mighty interesting.

I always work with a smile on my face. I feel more the benefit from working really hard. On the one hand, living so intensely may seem empty, but I feel so alive. Making movie is about constantly being face to face with other people around you all the time--to communicate, to fight, to have conferences---I love it!

Carefully, the reporter asked GHS about her new movie. Firstly, it is a mystery. The story deals with the endless desires of artistic people. They want to fulfill their intense desires yet the desire is endlesss and meaningless conflicts arise. People die. Towards the end, even after the death of a lover, the lead actor's drive to still play the cello is revealed. It may not be your typical Korean movie that one is used to--it is slightly manic. (GHS smiles)

After BOF, people are again acknowledging her as actress. So, WHY does she have to choose a difficult road of being a director? As I became more and more famous as an actress, whether consciously or subconciously, my routine has turned into hiding myself from the public. The more I talked, sometimes the more it worked against me. If I play a bright and energetic character, I had to stay in that character no matter where I am. If I play a sad character, I could not easily laugh anywhere either. The character that I play is not the real and entire me. If I show the public many other aspects of me, would they be more confused? I want to be more free with myself and the public. How long do I have live my life by restraining and abstaining from being myself? The more and more I thought about it, the lonelier I became.

To comfort my lonliness, I scribbled, painted and composed. However, those are jobs for only one person to do. I wanted to meet people more. So, I went out. I took my work with me. Actually, even before I became an actress, I wrote, painted and composed. Those senior actors who have worked with me have seen my work and have encouraged me to not just keep it as a hobby but to consider writing books and to do art exhibitions. Under such positive encouragement, she worked hard even giving up on sleeping. That is how she came out with her work to the public.

I know that I lack tremendously, but I maintain the cocky attitude that I want to do what I want to do no matter what. Luckily, many people helped me. Some friends worried for me. They cautioned me to first do more acting, really sharpen the acting skills, to try for movie roles. Then, slowly with more experience, try other challenges. I thought about it. However, when would there be the right time for me to know that I am ready to challenge myself new. What if such readiness never come and I die? By nature, we human beings are not even perfect to start with!

I decided to give myself some room. I told myself that I am doing it because I want to do it, not because I am so good at it. A person who already lives her life so intensely may bring out even more authentic colors of her being by adding a flavor of something new. To make one scene, I fight fiercely with the staff. We may even fight more than 12 times a day. Then I would say, wow, we really live way too intensely. For what and whom, are we living this way? I may say that but inside I am feeling just so happy. By collecting others' opinions and thoughts, we have conflicts, so we have to argue and have it out until the end. When I look back at my school days, I remember sports events the most where friends and I had to confer to make winning strategies. These days, I feel like I am always working on our sports events. I am realizing more and more everyday that no work can be completed by just me alone.

In the past, I would think that my thoughts are special and would have thought about making a movie that would be difficult to understand but at least I would be expressing my own thoughts and personality. These days, I do not insist only on my own stubbornness. I try to be in tune with other people's thoughts and opinions. I share my thoughts and feelings and I am more open minded to really explore the tension between me and the public/other and to try to play the rope-pulling game to find a good balance. I can still show myself in the work but I have to make sure that the public, or the audience is clear about it too. The fact that a director must be in tune with the audience and so must be open to the opinions of the entire staff is a different kind of pleasure than what GHS as an actress felt. Everybody's attention is on me, the lead. Nobody knows the stress and the loneliness the actress GHS felt. When people around me would tell me that I have no reason to have stress since everybody is already doing a lot for me, I feel twice the pressure on my shoulder. As time passes, I also feel the limitation of my outward appearance. I may have to look younger or be more mischievous. Such limitation feels like staking a claim on a piece of sand castle. (We all know what happens to those sand castles when the tide comes in. GHS seems to be saying that she felt stifled as an actress but more free and less lonley as a director. She broke FREE.)

Now, this is the start for me. I already hung out all my work out there for the public to see. I am sure that while filming, from time to time, I will look at some of the results and say to myself, I am going crazy...What am I to do now! But, you know what? I know positively for sure that it will be nothing but very interesting! (Some character GHS is!)

FIGHTING GHS and the entire MAGIC STAFF and MAGIC, the movie!!!

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cr. http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=guhye...page=1&bbs=

Above is an excerpt from the cited blog that contained the interview of Bak Se Rah, who is the editor of the CeCi magazine.

A college student was interviewing Bak about her work as an editor (i.e. what it is like and her advice to people who may be interested in her field as a future career). the date of the post is Jan. 7, 2010.

The student asked this question among her many questions:

Q12. What is your most recent yet most memorable interview?

Answer: My interview with Goo Hye Sun two months ago is most memorable to me. I had so much fun interviewing her. As I was doing the interview, I forgot that she is a celebrity. It was so comfortable talking with her about so many things that I remember not wanting it to end.

sue sorry to cut your post....

wow i also love the interview and GHS's answers here .. no wonder

the editor felt that way... i enjoyed reading this and even loves HS more

Goodluck to the MAGIC TEAM

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