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What ethnicity do people mistake you for?


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Doesn't usually happen, but when there's a mistake people tend to think that I'm from Japan/Hong Kong/Korea. When I was younger, people would ask me if I was mixed, but now my features (I think) have transformed into something that looks mostly Asian.
In most cases, people I meet know my full name so there isn't much room for error... 

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Guest Hades1430292066

Any nationality but my real one lol. Hell, I could even pass off as being white if I used the right makeup/hair dyes. I prefer to just lie, but I'm often asked if I'm Chinese. I don't get offended, because I live in a small town so small town = closed minds.

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Guest justxlouise

I'm usually mistaken as Viet but that doesn't really bother me since I'm Chinese with parents born in Vietnam. Recently this guy I met thought I was Filo because of my eyes... wtf?!?! I don't even know where he got that from 

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Guest skipturninrain

hmm I think most people don't mistake me in my nationality (im hispanic and to be more specific mexican-american) mostly because in the area I live is of hispanic yet what most people think is that I don't speak english or something ha-ha-ha not very funny but either way I have heard of people who get easily offended for ex. someone from central america or south america to be confused with mexican nationality, I mean hey this area is predominantly of mexicans if you are new to the area just introduce yourself and point out your nationality right?
My sister often gets confused for being middle eastern to the point that people speak to her in their native language and she stays clueless as to what they are saying. She has dark brown skin and very black hair (kind of like bollywood stars) and I have the light brown skin kind of like mixing coffee with milk  (yum yum) (it makes it kind of obvious im hispanic).

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I am Vietnamese. I always get mistaken for Chinese by all the other asian ethinicity esp by Chinese people.

This happens to me at least once a week:

"Are you Chinese?"
"Are you Korean?"
Then they just stop asking and when I say vietnamese, the reply is always that I don't look vietnamese.

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Guest gwangjuhipster

When I was living in Korea, people mistook me for being Japanese. I wouldn't blame them though, I had learnt Japanese before I had moved to Korea and I liked to practise it (so as my Japanese doesn't fade into the nothingness), even when I was over in Korea.

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Guest spookywhale

I'm Korean, and I've been mistaken for Chinese in the past. People always mistook me for my Chinese friend, who looks nothing like me. People also assume that I'm mixed race or something, since I don't have a Korean last name. I have to tell them that I'm adopted in order for everything to actually make sense in their minds XD

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest meryemaksungur

Indian, Desi, Egyptian, HispanicMy dad is Creole (black, native american, french) and my mom is turkish arabic 

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Guest littlesnow

I'm Korean but I've been mistaken for being Japanese and/or Chinese before. It's been a while since someone mentioned ethnicity to me so I don't know what I look like anymore, LOL

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