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Hurtful Things People Said To You

Guest x_estherrrrrr_x

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Guest pocketsoul

My friend two years younger then me, had these two girls she was friends with, and they looked at pictures of me. They mentioned how pretty they thought I was at the time. When the new school year rolled around, they saw me in real life and told my friend they thought I looked better in pictures and thought I'd be skinnier in person.

...that was basically the start of my body image issues =/.

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Guest hankyungsaranghaex3


i have lots

k so 8th grade, this guy said i was the ugliest girl in the school...

my mom says, "you know, people don't like ugly people" and she stares me straight in the face

a family friend said to my mom, "your daughter's so strongly built" aka fat

and my friends call me mexican

it's a joke, but it still hurts to some extent

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I'm very skinny, 5'3, only 90 lbs. honestly, I dont like to be soooo super skinny, but, people around me keep making feel bad about of my look.

_my close friend and I havent met in months, when she saw me, she was like: gezzzz, i cant reconigze you, why you are so skinny. not only her, my boss's gf did that too, and FRIENDS havent seen me in a while keeps talking behind my back that how scary skinny I am

_my mom always complaints, even yells at me when we have dinner together cuz she says I dont eat much. She said that I made her loose face, her friends at church keep telling her that I am gettig ugly, then complaints about my style, my clothes, my skin.

_bad mouth people at church asked my mom that did me and my boyfriend did something ----that make me so skinny. WTH!!!!!!! how can they come up with that!

_I dont have beautiful teeth, under bite, my friends always make fun of me because of that

_my close guy friend sad I have "long face" in front of my boyfriend and his family: his mom, dad, his sister, cousin, his brother in-low, uncle and relatives

_my mom said i have short face! wth!

many ppl said hurtful things, but i just ignored it, oh well, I get used to it now!

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Guest iloveyouforever

^ and your not super skinny :)

your skinny but not anorexic :D

and the people you know are kinda rude :|

my guy friends call me short;

and chinky T_T

im not THAT short or THAT chinky -_-

im just average D:

they really don't know how much it hurts -.-

and they call me underweight;

i want to slap them =.=

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My best friend (yeah, BEST FRIEND <_<) told me I look like a second-grader. She thought it was funny, even though I was really hurt by that. Another best friend (yes, BEST FRIEND <_<) told me I look like a little kid. And finally, another best friend (yet another BEST FRIEND <_<) told me that I look like a beaver. My best friends can be pretty harsh.. -_-

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My friends have said a lot of mean things about my looks, but I know they're just kidding.

Hm... Hurtful thing they said about my looks..... Well. People have made fun of a mole that is like.. right in the middle of my face/forehead. When I was in middle school, they'd make fun of me and say I was an Indian. Racist, yes I know. -_-

Thankfully it's not that noticeable because it's small, and I try to cover it with my bangs, so it's all good. ^_^

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Guest bby'mma

A couple of weeks after giving birth to my daughter, my mom's friend came over and asked why it was taking me so long to lose the baby weight.

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Guest Aya Niikura17


i have lots

k so 8th grade, this guy said i was the ugliest girl in the school...

my mom says, "you know, people don't like ugly people" and she stares me straight in the face

a family friend said to my mom, "your daughter's so strongly built" aka fat

and my friends call me mexican

it's a joke, but it still hurts to some extent

ok this is harsh 'coz i'm mexican >___<

that's why i hate being mexican, ppl don't want us *cries*

em.. i really dun have something to say..

wait, i just have one about my name..

my second name is Livier, it's really pretty in latin amercia since almost nobody has it..

but for u guys, in english, seems like LIVER! not liviiiiiiiiiiiiiier ~ and it doesn't have a meaning =_=

so, now i'm called liv xDDD it's better this way haha

well, just at US.

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Guest Flicksityy

My friends use to say that my skin colour was like pop-corn because I'm extremely green 'sick' looking pale. I use to feel insulted, but now they are begging to have white skin like ulzzangs (since they are in now, they weren't when they bagged me --"), so it's totally switched.

Eh the typical chinky eyes and flat chest etc as well?

Well sorry for being asian...

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Guest JellyBean4Micky


I always thought I had it bad.

Well many I can remember:


6th-7th(starting): I was still considered "cute/girl-like" I went into my tomboy phase again around this time.

7th Grade I was called Ugly "A lot" (Till the start of 8th then it stopped)


8th-10th Grade: I got asked out by many girls that thought I was a guy. (It felt like a insult) My brothers Joked and said "At least you're the hottest guy in school." [Add on story] I had this guy come up and confess he was gay because he liked me... (-.-) he didn't know I was a girl. I went home crying. (Another) I was on the city bus with my mother and these girls from a far were throwing flirt signs at me. They came towards me, and I told them I was female. They said "Oh sorry, but then that they didn't mind" My mother got off at that stop, and told me "Enough is enough"

My brothers used to take me out and introduce me as there little brother or big brother. They said I attached the ladies. I die a little inside when people actually believed them. Saying I was actually the pretty boy out of all of them. (HELLO ITS A GIRL!) My father would joke and say "See this is how I couldn't keep your mother off me" We are just to good looking guys...

No my father is not for me dating... He's just loving this deep down inside.

I still remain wearing many cloths and I still get those "Is that a girl or boy looks" from both genders.

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Guest ly*chee

I never really had any problems being called ugly, fat, or anything really.

Until I hit high school, and acne hit me a little.

My dad started calling my face ugly, to get treatment cause I'm ugly, "lets go to the dermatologist so your face can look decent"

Everything you can think of about my face, he said.

Then during my senior year I gained a little weight, about 10lbs, but because I'm 5'3 a little weight, looks not so little.

He started saying "You're fat, go play the wii fit, so you can stop being so fat."

I cried that day, and he yelled at me because he said, I was wrong to think I wasn't fat.

My brother and his girlfriend and my mom got involved, and yelled at my dad for thinking he was right.

But then this Christmas we were at my brother's girlfriend's house, and I went to get some cake...

And my dad goes "Stop eating cake. You're gonna blow up into a balloon some more, then you'll have to play wii fit everyday."

-_-; f.y.i I'm 5'3 and 125lbs. Most of my weight is in the chest area :x

I've grown to resent the wii fit, my dad uses it as a reason to call me fat all the time -_-;


Aside from my dad, my boyfriends ex-best friend would say things like:

"Your thighs are too fat, lose weight."

"His ex is prettier than you, his mom won't like you"

And some other things I can't remember.

The funny thing is, he used to like me during that time he said those to me!

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dude that first post soooo john teshing hasrh x.x anyways ive had my family call me fat

it started when i was likw 11 and escalated to the poinr rhwerre they say it behind my back. like i can inderstand it affects my heath; i look 145 when i was like 165 ish and like seriously sound like i was shaming the damily or something cuz all my cousins were fit and my parents excesise like mad and my sister is size 0 to 00 in pants and on the dance tea, when i quit swim and tennis

ive had my best friend say she hated my haircut when every one complemented it and my baking

like i can unserstand if your parents cook well but im not a john teshing passiur =( pissed me off and thiis is my best friend for the last 3 years

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Guest Polkafroot

About 3 years ago, I went to have dinner with my relatives one night. I was hungry so I would fill myself up and then this male cousin sitting opposite me told me to control my appetitie because I'm abit fat(right, thanks for being nice). Ok and then I have received several comments that I always look sad, emo, whatever that is related to the "dark" people.

OHH and yes I remembered during grade 5, when we were about to dismiss, this dude sitting beside me randomly asked me whether I know who is ugly and I said no(ok my face became red cuz I know it wouldn't be pleasant) and he replied back, "YOU!!!!!" <_<

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Guest kuriimuchiizu

Some girl was like "I think you're pretty but you have a fat nose."

I wanted to kick her in the head instead I told her, "You would be so pretty without face" -_-

She still thinks my nose is fat, I still want to kill her.

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Guest bunnypark

everyone sys im short and tells me to drink milk, exercise.......blahblah

and my best friends brother told me i look nerdy well, that was like 3 yrs ago

he said i look better now, but still.

and people say i look cute but in a weird way. i dont get why weird.

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Guest FrozenWaterMelon

Some guys that go to my school, when I gave away some of my lunch and just ate a couple chips they were like, "Stop eating, you're already fat enough."

It was hurtful to me, and I was afraid to eat infront of them.

And my "ex" friend who like asked me to the dance before was like "Oh move over you're fat, your butt takes up two people's spaces on the bench."

He was exaggerating and he took up just as much too. I wanted to slap him, then he tells me not to be so upset.

This guy told me to open my eyes, when they're clearly opened. (Racist much..)

A friend of mind asked someone if they liked me for no reason, and he went "No eww shes ugly."

"Go shave your lip."

"Ohh how can someone have such a NICE butt, but an UGLY FACE." Happened to me on the track, and the guys walked passed me.. x_X

Man ive been through a lot. and the guys who made fun of me ended up sorta liking me. >< man i still go through it, but its become less now that im getting older.

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