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Hurtful Things People Said To You

Guest x_estherrrrrr_x

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Guest lovethemuzik

People don't really make fun of my looks (thank god) but I usually get this:

-You are too skinny :o OMG the wind is going to blow away and jokes like that T.T

-My friends and even people that I don't know keep call me short and even some times a midget (i'm 4'11 ><)

-Some of the guys on my class told me I had a big butt and they told me that was good for some cof cof postion. I weill never forget that one, that wasn't a complement at all.

-I have eczema so one day my face was a little bit red (at that time I had dyed my hair red) so one guy was like oh you have dye on your face.

-Also one guy use to call me a giraffe because of my neck but now I like my neck haha

Meh. I really try not to take them to heart so wtv.

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^ haha it's funny that you mention being blown away by the wind, because I got the opposite: Well, you're never gonna be blown away by the wind! (aka YOU'RE HEAVY). That was my dear aunt comparing me to another girl at ballet school -_-;; I MEAN C'MON IT'S BALLET SCHOOL FRIGGIN EVERYONE IS SKINNY. I just happened to be going through puberty so I had a lot of baby fat. hmph.

Also, my second cousin's (a girl my age) mom was comparing my hair to hers and saying how soft hers was (she's full white whereas I'm half-asian half-white). And then a "friend" in elementary school was playing with my hair and said it felt like horse hair. So I've always been insecure about my hair ;_;

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Guest ly*chee

I've never had strangers or my friends say anything stupid about my appearance...actually all my parents friends compliment me, thats why whenever I see my dads family it makes me want to cut myself...

They will either call in, or when we go to visit and go:

"Omg you're daughter is so fat now. Stop her from getting so fat."

"What's wrong with your face? It looks ugly start washing your face."

"Your skin is so pale, why are you so pale compared to the rest of us? You're just like your mom, get a tan."

"Your hair is too thick, what's wrong with your hair fix it."

"Your legs have scars on them, why aren't you taking better care of your legs."

I have scars on my leg from a car accident I got into a few years ago...I can't really do anything about it, but for the longest time it made me insecure to wear shorts, skirts or short dresses.

Back when I was really anorexic they would complain I was too skinny, then now I'm gaining weight I'm too fat. I actually hate seeing them.

When I used to have really bad acne even my dad would say:

"You have mountains growing on your face."

He also used to call me four eyes [i wear glasses] and how I'm fat and should get some exercise. FYI I run on a treadmill 5x a week for 45 minutes, and strength train every other day with weights while he sits on the couch all day C:

Wow this is really long, but it used to really bother me that people who were "family" were being so rude to me and it really killed my self esteem. Now I could care less, I've found people who love me for the way I am in all my flaws, and my mom who's always been there to support me.

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Guest Iron_Maiden

In grade 9 this guy went up to me and said "You're ugly." then I punched him straight in the face and he got a bleeding nose and cried. I taught him a good lesson because after that day he never messed with me again.

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Guest milkbunny

pizza face :] when i had bad acne...now i non pimpled skin now mwahaha i show all T.T

someone suggested that i should get a breast job

they use to make fun of my unibrow ...HAH! now i get them done they cant say stuff now >>


ugly(alot of ppl said that i was ugly including my bf)

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Guest spacek

Well people have made fun of my complexion because I have pimples and they say I'm too fat. My grandma doesn't think I dress nice enough and that I should be more fashionable and I'm too tomboyish for her.

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Guest AliceAristocrat

My art teacher from 2 years ago once said

Him: You're half american right?

Me: Yeah.

Him: Then why do you have a flat nose? (which btw....I don't. I dunno why he said that)

Me: I...have..no idea?

Him: It must suck to be half american but have a flat nose.

So I did what I always do when I'm offended...I retalliated. "It must suck to have only one shirt"

....Needless to say, I didn't go to many of his classes afterwards. Plus he kept criticizing my shoe choices.

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Guest CYdolly

I've been told I have a really big nose ; _ ; Now I have a nose complexion.  People also make fun of me cause I'm Asian.. ya know, the chinky eyes.

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- "shut up ugly" - kid

- "lose weight" - mom

- "shorty i can step on you"

- "rudolph" (in fifth grd cus i had pimples around my nose sleep.gif)

- "you pig" - mom

- "you're stupid" - mom

- "you're no use" - dad

- "you're worthless" - mom&dad

but it's aiight.

i actually have this notebook i've kept since 2002 about all the richard simmons i went through and all the sh8t they say.. yeahh.

still writing in it til this day.

wow more than four years ago @_@

wrote that in sophomore year of highschool..

gone through so much mini cooper and ppl are still giving me mini cooper


 "wow, it was like an elephant stepped on me"

^ during hb class senior year of hs when i stepped on a guy by accident..while backing up to hit the ball..

dad: *pokes my belly - what is this? <- few days ago.............

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Guest MiSSJULiEx3

I just recently got my glasses switched out for contacts... the first thing my uncle said to me was "Wow... you look horrible!"

Ouch. :/ I felt hella self-conscious afterwards.

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Guest teenahoo

this thread only makes people remember negative and hurtful things in their life -.- don't spread the negativity and brood on the mean things people have said to you! i propose we make a counter thread that instead focuses on the nice things people have said about our looks

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Guest d_er-01

You know how there's some girls with facial hair?


and apparantly, while walking to the bathroom, I heard some girls say out loud "EW, she has a mustache" (she must've looked at ME VERY CLOSELY because you can barely tell it due to my skin tone)

Before I lost weight, I slipped and a bunch of guys laughed and said "OH richard simmons! AN EARTHQUAKE!"

Before I Lost weight, everytime I'd go to my cousin's house, my cousin would always say to me "DO NOT sit on our bed"


There were FOUR GUYS talking behind my back. They barely knew me and I barely knew them. (let's just name them #1, #2, etc)

I was related to #1 & #3, my cousin's bf was #3 and his brother was #2. I know this because #5 was nice enough to leave when they started talking about me and TELL me though he didnt want to hurt me. #3 didn't talk about me, but he RECORDED THE WHOLE ENTIRE 1 HOUR TALK about me and showed it to my cousin.

it turned out, THEY were comparing me to SUMO Wrestlers, said that i was FLAT CHESTED, compared me to ANOTHER WOMAN, and said, "I would rather sleep with my sister than her" and etc.

when they found out I knew, they myspace message me INSTEAD OF APOLOGIZING to my face.

This happened last summer (i was FAT last summer) and now schoolyear is almost ending, THEY STILL HAVENT apologized face to face; in fact, they can't even look straight at me.

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Not much actually, nothing I really minded, such as my height (I like being small and short), my eyebags (they are pretty much one of my defining features so it's unique to me), my thick eyebrows (like them). 

My real insecurities all come from myself. I think if ppl should really be more confident and stronger, to embrace your difference rather than wanting to be the cookie cutter "pretty girl". But I do understand it's tough when you are being teased relentlessly. 

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Guest jessandjorge4ever

When I was in middle school one of my friends called me an ugly asian >_> And she also said I was premature balding T____T because my hair is very thin and my parents used to pull out my hair when I was younger when they were angry at me T___T And the hair has never grown back and can see my scalp T______________T oh and elementary school some girl called me "flat face" T_____T

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Guest epicpwnage

I've been looking for a summer volunteer job recently, I'm pretty young and I look even younger.. But during dinner time yesterday I was discussing about this with my parents and my dad asked me if I weighed over a hundred pounds. I said yes and he said, you're too thin, gain weight until you are 120 pounds then someone will hire you, not a pile of "bones"

And I'm like "120 POUNDS~!! ARE YOU CRAZY!!" and then he proceeded to tell me no one is going to hire a kid like me -_-

Oh well... I guess being skinny and looking young is good anyway >__> HECK I'M NOT EVEN THAT SKINNY!

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I've been told I'm not as good-looking as I think I am. I disagree though. I can see the green on their face.*quoted image*

At first.. I misinterpreted the "green on their face" as in they're sick of looking at your face or disgusted with it.  But I realized it's supposed to be envy..   :lol:     

When I was younger, I got comments about my two front teeth sticking out.  I had a huge overbite.  But it's all good with braces fixing it.   :)   

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