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Hurtful Things People Said To You

Guest x_estherrrrrr_x

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Hi panda, anything?

Oh my what happened to you????! why are you so fat nowadays??!!?!?OMG, *goes to my mom* WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR DAUGHTER?!?!?

yeah, i have real bad dark circles (according to my doctor it's because of my nasal passage or smth to do with that)

and i gained weight. used to be a stick. now at 164cm and 49kg. :(

wtf? You're 164cm with 49kg and your aunt say you're FAT? You are skinny! Usual 164-ers weight like 55kg+

I'm 153cm and my weight is 43 - 46kg! That person is blind. Seriously blind.

My mom and dad always say I'm short for my age (16). I height Only 4'11. I inherit this from my mom and now she kept insulting my height <_< . But it's okay, she's short too.

Your parents say you're short? My mom always say to me "you're tall. You almost reach my height" when everyone say I'm short :( Maybe because my mom's friends is short. My mom is 160cm but her friends only reach her shoulder ᄏᄏ

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Throughout my life, I've had plenty of hurtful things said to me, but even till this day.. 2 of them still boil my blood at times. For sure, it affected me so strongly because at the time, I was in h.s. and still trying to discover myself, strengthen my confidence and find the niche that i belonged in (being half-korean)

#1. In h.s. the sister of my crush (who was an upperclassmen @ the same school) told me that I looked like "a mixed dog"

#2. In the midst of me being down because my relationship (Korean guy) was at its ending point, one of my bffs at the time (she was also Korean) told me that "No Korean guy will ever take you seriously because you're not full-Korean and in the end they will only want to marry a full-Korean girl"

What I've come to discover was that both of those people were toxic people who wanted to watch me fall.

I still see the girl in #2 around, but I keep her at a distance and loooove to tell her how happy I am and gush over my smart, sweet successful and HOT fiance who happens to be full-Korean ;)

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Guest omnomonom

When I was young, I got bullied quite alot regarding my weight and looks, which had a pretty big effect on me, and still does.

Now, I lose it when someone makes a negative comment about my appearance, 'cause I'm always changing to please everyone >_>

I also know one of my "friends" think I'm a complete *beep* and shes expressed that to me more then once. <_<

I still see the girl in #2 around, but I keep her at a distance and loooove to tell her how happy I am and gush over my smart, sweet successful and HOT fiance who happens to be full-Korean ;)

LOL! Good for you, she deserves it! ^^

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Guest RTliesy

ahh I was just riding back home on my bike when some guys just yelled UGLY to me.. that was pretty mean >__<

people probably don't realize what they do with saying such things.. but those hurtfull things stay with you for a veeery long time -__-

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Guest Kyria

Let's see~

- My mother has told me to lose weight as long as I can remember, and whenever a friend or acquaintance of hers asked about me, she described me as very round/chubby/plump. She herself is 5'-5'1"/85-92 lbs, and I'm now 5'3"/110-115 lbs with 5+ lbs being toned muscles. Did I mention that my parents are both Korean? Silly Koreans and their need to look underweight and malnourished like Somalians.

- I've had a lot of blatant racism, too: "Chinese pinkberry," "john teshing richard simmons," "john teshing gook," and "slant eyes" just to name a few. One of my old crushes told me that I was absolutely perfect but wouldn't accept me because I'm Korean and not Chinese (from Hong Kong, to be specific). Ironically, he came crawling back to me, when he found that I was unique and just about hard to come by. HA! By that time, I already had a sweet, Korean boyfriend by then.

- In 4th grade, a female classmate came up to me one day and asked me why my face is so flat and my eyes so tiny. To this day, I still remember this brat's first and last name: REGINA E.


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Guest lychee_poo

This was about a month ago when I told my mom I didn't like my fat cheeks because guys make fun of me a lot about it and lots of people like to pinch them really hard to the point where it hurts and my face is red. And she just told she's sorry she didn't give birth to me prettier like she did with my older sister. Like she didn't mean it in a bad way but I was really hurt after hearing it.

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on facebook, my boyfriend and I took a pic together, and I have this habit of sightly pouting/puffing out my cheeks

and then this one guy in my grade ( who personally, i think is just jealous -_-) goes

' (myname) should lay off on the drugs if she plans on looking good in pictures '

later on he goes

' oh geez, sorry. i was just stating what i (and probably everyone else) was thinking '

then my boyfriend and i were just sitting on the bus, talking happily

when the two kids in front of us turn around, and back, and start giggling

then one of them turn around and goes

"why would you like someone with such a flat chest?"

kids these days. D:

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Guest rainn

haha, there would be a lot of hurtful things. but one example is that my little sister says "connect the dots!" because i have a lot of flat moles on my face (extremely sucks). though i should embrace my many moles, i can't & i don't think i'll ever will.

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Guest -BubbleTeaxoxo-

My Mom called my fat 24/7 and told me to go exercise (Sometimes, I feel like what she's saying is true..and now I'm exercising my butt off. xD I'm healthier than I used to be though. Currently: 5'1 105 lbs. and she still calls me fat T_T) "You were so cute when you were little, and you've gotten ugly when you got older" :mellow:

"You are so slow it annoys me" (I have brain malfunction once in a while..gosh..)

Guy friend: "ewww your teeth are yellow. You need to brush your teeth. Maybe you need those teeth strips" (I can't help it! I was very sick when I was little and took a lot of medicine. It stained my teeth and it doesn't go away when I started loosing my teeth) Of course I brush my teeth and floss thoroughly. :D )


PIMPLE FACE!! Ever heard of proactive? ~Siblings..I'm a teenager with raging hormones. lol (Trying to get rid of it)

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Guest ovovoovo

My older sister used to call me fat.

So does my dad - only because I eat a lot, c'mon I have a fast metabolism!

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Guest why thank you

In middle school my nickname was "alien" cos people said I looked like an alien

and said I looked like Michael Jackson (this was before he died so it wasn't a compliment)

ugly, fggt, crack head, anorexic, etc

school was not fun!

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Guest s i m p l ynotme

i guy i knew said..

"you have a B line not S line"

yeah i just walked out on him after he said that

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Guest hkukaudition

Mmmm... some of the comments are really awful!

My bro calls me fat all the time but i know he doesnt really mean it. He also critisises my make up sometimes because he says he doesnt like girls with make up and i was like ' well you're not dating me! Im your sister so who cares what you think!' Even when i only have BB cream on hes like' nobody has such perfect skin, you look plastic because your skin is like that.. its better to have a few spots and stuff.'

Oh but when i was in secondary school i got called 'arrowhead' because my eyebrows are quite pointy.. but everyone in my family has pointy eyebrows lol

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Guest Regina Rae

and said I looked like Michael Jackson (this was before he died so it wasn't a compliment)

Ha, that's not a compliment anyway you look at it.

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Guest SleepiiDreamer

um people do generally say bad stuff. im sorry to say but everyone is eventually a victim. =\

this guy that i really liked back in jhs and his group of friends used to call me "the ringer" because i have stretch marks on my neck that i was born with. even though a lot of people have them, mine are extra deep and looks like 'rings' around my neck. =| i never realized what they meant for a good while until one day it hit me.

i'm personally not fat, but i'm not like asian girl skinny, so a bunch of people will joke around and say that i need to lose weight. idk, it bothers me, but personally, im not happy with my weight so i'll use that as motivation to slim down. =)

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Guest kuroXikari

I actually haven't been dissed in several yrs for my appearance 0_0

But i was chubby when i was in elementary school and didn't notice it at all. no one said anything ( i guess they were too nice to tell me T_T) But then my mom showed me a pic and said to me one day ur kinda fat. Then when i went to the doctor, she was like ur overweight.

After that i stopped eating as much as i did and started to lose a lot of weight. After that, i only got complaints every now and then like ur pretty or ur cute.

One of my doctors actaully asked me how i lost so much weight lol

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