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Wasians/Wannabe Asians.

Guest harako

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Guest TonePort

i have a lot of white friends who love to hang out with asians.

i mean, i don't blame them cause we're just that cool. lol, jk.

& they are also interested in asian cultures.

but i wouldn't stereotype them as asian-wannabes.


i was reading HARAKO's definition of an asian-wannabe.

& all i can say is, i haven't yet encountered someone that extreme.

thank god too.

cause i'd probably slap that person back to reality.

oh yeah.

& about that question pertaining to "white-washed asians"

well, i have a korean friend

& the first time we met, he asked me if i was korean.

and i was like, "no, are you?"

and he was like, "yeah, but i don't speak that richard simmons."

and i thought to myself, hmm. maybe he's adopted?

then i later found out that he was NOT adopted.

he's pusan born, moved to the states, & hates koreans.

idk why.

but he's like......... really, really anti-asian.

but he's still my friend :]

hehe, if i knew him/her, i'd stick a steel brush up his a$$ and see if he screams "OUCH" or something in the Korean language. just curious. :blush:

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Guest Lolx_408

Is there a difference between "asian-washed" and wasian? Or is the same? It is just I keep hearing the same two terms used to streotype people who are not asian.

Has it ever occured to you that perhaps being of another ethnicity, and being placed in classes that are about 98% full with asians affects them?

For example: Hispanic kids who get into AP and honor classes are surrounded by asian peopple [This may be considered stereotypical bust asians are extremely smart.] So naturally they have to befriend their classmates which are practically all asian....through their school year they become tagged onto their culture.

I don't think a lot of you think about how you yourselves affect these people.

Like I am considered "asian-washed" by other friends, who don't seem to mind because they admit they played a role in it.

What do you prefer? A world where we are all just focused on our own culture?

In that case, even some asians have to agree they are "white'washed" and are interested in other cultures. Plus, we would have to be friends with those of our OWN race....how lame would the world be then?

I don't think you guys are being completely fair.

Also if it gets annoying, don't talk smack about them behind their backs, just effen say it to them.

Plus+ it is annoying how some of you say "You have a friend whose....but I find them sooo annoying!"

If you were really their friends, you would accept them. Besides I have friends who are asian and call themselves "Mexican-washed" and go around asking for "beans and tortillas" and learn spanish to talk and tease and try to fit in with them and I don't say crap about them.

Well that is my word =] PEACE AND LOVE PEEPS.

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Guest Kittykitt129

Would any of you call it Wasian to be tired of the crap said to you for liking it?

This guy was like, "Konnichiwa!" to me today, because he knows I like Japan...so I just replied "Konnichiwa" back to amuse him and rid me of the crap. When you're harassed about it, for doing NOTHING actually "Wasian", like going "KAWAII~!" instead of cute, I find that there's a reason to just let it go, amuse them who are amused by it, and go on with your life.

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Guest xx_angel

hmm wannabee azns are annoying. sometimes i think they go a bit overboard with the azn thing..like at this anime convention i went to this chik dressed up and she went on stage and everything for the cosplay competition and when the MC asked her if there was anything she would like to say (about her character..duh) she said "short guys do it best" gosh... talk bout getting on ur nerves...

but i find ppl who are eg. chinese and want to be japanese the MOST annoying...they come up to you just coz they noe u watch anime and listen to jap music and stuff then start talking in jap and acting all "kawaii" (especially in front of guys) =__=''

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest PaperNotes

Heh... my family is German... so you guessed it. I'm white.

I didn't care for Asians at all... especially Koreans. Then I was stationed in South Korea for a year... I hated it the first 6 months and I loved it the last 6 months. Ever since, I've enjoyed interacting with Koreans in the US, going to cultural seminars, watching Korean movies, and especially enjoying Korean food.

My Korean friends usually just say they're "flattered" and that they appreciate my interest. I guess some people can just pull it off... and for some reason, a lot of aujimas want me to date their daughters. Lol.

Of course, I've always had an interest for other languages and cultures... in high school I was getting back into my German roots as well as exploring some of the other indo-european languages. Korea just happened to the be the first country I'd been to outside the US besides Canada. I'd never want to trade heritage for an Asian one... I like being German, and being a "white dude" makes a lot of these interactions that more fun.

<3 <3 <3

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I'm flattered when people want to learn about the Asian culture but~~

there are some people who are the wasians that are sort of scary~

i've gotten hit on by this one wasian that like came up to me and started talking nonstop about asian things and started speaking in japanese and talked about anime and stuff

and i couldn't follow any of it and i got like scared ^^;;

and he kept pressing on about anime and stuff

and some other wasians are funny because if i dont know some asian like things they give me this look like "how can you no know?!"

and im like sorry?

like they know more "asian" things than i do :/

but its mostly centered around the japanese culture i think ^^;;

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Guest Yubumsuk

Heh... my family is German... so you guessed it. I'm white.

I didn't care for Asians at all... especially Koreans. Then I was stationed in South Korea for a year... I hated it the first 6 months and I loved it the last 6 months. Ever since, I've enjoyed interacting with Koreans in the US, going to cultural seminars, watching Korean movies, and especially enjoying Korean food.

My Korean friends usually just say they're "flattered" and that they appreciate my interest. I guess some people can just pull it off... and for some reason, a lot of aujimas want me to date their daughters. Lol.

Of course, I've always had an interest for other languages and cultures... in high school I was getting back into my German roots as well as exploring some of the other indo-european languages. Korea just happened to the be the first country I'd been to outside the US besides Canada. I'd never want to trade heritage for an Asian one... I like being German, and being a "white dude" makes a lot of these interactions that more fun.

<3 <3 <3

Where were you stationed? Very few servicemen stray very far off base it seems.

It would be interesting to see how I felt if I ever went back home (I live in Korea but grew up in Canada). What I find quite difficult is explaining Korea to my Canadian friends. How do you explain things like jeong and noonchi or all the things that would seem ridiculous in Canada but perfectly normal in Korea? It's like explaining things that are normal in Canada (such as recreational drug use or gay marriage) and an acceptable part of Canadian society but seem outrageous to Koreans.

If I returned to Canada I think I'd try to make connections with Koreans there. My Canadian friend's wife is Korean and when I talk to her about life in Korea when I'm visiting I just don't need to stumble past the cluelessness that Canadians have about people who just think differently from them.

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Well, I don't have a problem with people wanting to be like asians, europeans, ... myself I'm african, grew up with middle easterns, asians and europeans. Most of my asian friends are either way into european stuff, or american stuff, but they have their reasons and I respect it just like I've always been attracted to asian cultures since they're close to my african cultures.

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I can't stand the types who eat pocky, try to slant their eyes and say a bunch of "kawaii" stuff or Japanese they learned in animes. I have a friend who does that, and I <3 her and all but that's reaaallly annoying... o__o Knowing like 10 words doesn't make you a grand-master. Haha.

I could at least understand those who appreciate the Japanese or Asian culture -- watching, eating, reading, fine. But when you claim to be that heritage or say, "I want to go to Japan to teach English! I get to be near all my anime and mangaka!" Kay, I'm not so sure. But I guess that's what I think, and if that's what they want, fine.

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Guest peaceman

OMGSH you know who annoys me? That girl name "Magibon" from youtube. She' caucasian, who is a japanese-wannabe! In real life she can't even speak japanese! I can't believe she gets a lot of views just for making 20 sec vids & saying only 1 sentence in Japanese. weird...

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest hyun1990lee

Around where I live we call these white kids (narutards) cause they run around in sandles + naruto head bands speaking broken japanese and calling themselves Asian,

mmm ive grown to hate these kids and pick on them =/ sorry but i do cant help it

NE ways BOO to narutards no one likes em :D

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Guest prisonerzero

OMGSH you know who annoys me? That girl name "Magibon" from youtube. She' caucasian, who is a japanese-wannabe! In real life she can't even speak japanese! I can't believe she gets a lot of views just for making 20 sec vids & saying only 1 sentence in Japanese. weird...

I'm more stunned by the fact that she gets many views from just staring at the freakin' camera for even more than a minute. >>;; I kinda like the videos that make a little fun of her. ^^;

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Guest xxDemi91xx

I have no problem with people appreciating Asian culture but when they claim that they're Asian, that pisses me off. If it's not your race, don't pretend like it is.

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Guest applecheek

Well, i'm not annoyed if they are just interested in the asian culture and their just really attracted to the uniqueness of us asians :D

I don't feel like it's a big deal that many people want to become asian. But they should love their own background first. <3

I think that it's their decision. We asians should just be proud that they want to be like us :D

The only ones that get me slightly annoyed... would have to be the "wapanese" (google it :D)

http://encyclopediadramatica.com/index.php/Wapanese (<--check it out. It was quite funny *13+ please*)

It's only because they think they know all about asia, by watching anime. And judging that Japan is the only "superior" asian country.

:D haha. Oh..I find it quite funny that some "wapanese" people actually squint their eyes to get their eyes to look asian. When ...I want my asian eyes to be big and ...like theirs. haha.

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Guest stickycarnival

well i think everyone should forget the term wasain its just an excuse to insult people. we are all people different things interest different people you can buy tons of western things in asian countries and thats fine to buy. i think its fine westerners buying anime some of them maybe a bit too old for it but everyone to their own its the same as chinese, japanese liking kdramas k pop they admire it like to copy words from it so its the same thing

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Guest sweetxbabbieexo

idks like one of my friend is like learning to speak japanese even if he isnt asian

i dont find it annoying

but i think he should stick with his own culture

ps i've been said to stop acting japanese by one person

but i dont think i'm that japanese just cuz my hairstyle ( i have bangs and a bit of orangish blonde hair)

i'm chinese btw

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