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Wasians/Wannabe Asians.

Guest harako

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Guest swtlilazn

lol, i dont really have a problem with it...i see it as a bunch of ppl who respect and admire the asian culture so much that they are influenced by it. lol...take it as a compliment...^^

i think if people of the non-asian community are genuinely interested in asian culture its okay to encourage them to an extent but not to the point which they become dellusional and actually believe they are asian coz thats kinda creepy. LOL...iuno just my opinion^^

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Guest Paradox

Im a mostly Caucasian girl into Asian culture and they even annoye me. Atleast, the ones who have a very shallow idea of the culture they love and think they're something they're not. People who don't know me will think that im that way just because I mention I like music and other things that isnt part of my own culture. In reality im very happy with my heritage, but I like to dive into new and different things always.


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Guest Ramen-C

the only "wasians" i've met are the ones that hang around w/ the asian "gangsters"

i stay away from them but they're okay

i persinally havnt met any wanabee azns but there are people who are wanabee korean/japanese/chinese kind of thing..ganstersabee i cnt stand at alll!

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Guest Platinum

ive heard the "ur more asian than me!" phrase so many times. but its not like i wanna be an asian. im glad im salvadoran-american, but i think many asians interpret people being interested in their culture as them wanting to be it...

but i mean ive seen it with every race asians trying to act white or black isn't rare at all.

and lots of asian friends i have speak spanish sometimes (the little they know) but it doesn't offend or bother me

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Guest harako

I don't get it, just because someone uses the term "Kawaii" or "Sugoi" or "Oppa Saranghae"

people automatically assume that they are wasian

Most of the time, yeah, since they consider themselves "oh-so-Japnanese!!" when they say that. I guess saying some of those words are okay at first, but not an overkill in EVERY conversation. Then that's annoying. Those kinds of wasians are the ones who would accept ONLY THINGS FROM JAPAN, because that's where the "best stuff come from". -___-''

Nearly every reply including "kawaii" or whatever has to do with the crazy otaku. Who think that otaku has a positive message... when it really doesn't. <_<

It's okay if someone gets accustomed to another asian culture because they grew up in a place full of it. I did when I was little, and I was sorta "wannabe korean". It was very embarrasing.

There's nothing wrong with respecting the asian culture. Most of the people who go overboard are the otakus who decorate every part of their life with something from asia, because that's what Naruto or whoevertheheck eats, wears, sleeps in...

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Guest ~~PuhPuhMuh~~

it can be scary.. i know this guy and he was so obsessed with asian culture

he married a 38 years old japanese lady at the age of 18

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Guest Tetra

I guess saying some of those words are okay at first, but not an overkill in EVERY conversation

Reminds me of them anime-addicts: omgz fear my sugoi power - naruto ninjutsu hikari desu FUFUFUFUFUFUFU.

Then they go on saying some other ridiculous lines by mashing together random japanese words -_-

But arent there wannabes everywhere???

Good grief :rolleyes:

I bet you would know a lot about that, right? ;)

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hmm..i see more asians that want to be black than whites that want to be asian..maybe you should start worrying about your own kind and not others

umm you can't really compare asians acting white/black with others acting asian because whites/blacks have the most influence and make up the majority in the US while asians have almost no influence and make up only around 3% of the population.

if you had to live somewhere in asia for more than 5 years then i bet you'd start dressing and acting like asians too

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Guest ohara

I'm white, and wasians even annoy me. Myself, I like asian music and movies and stuff, but I don't want to be asian. I have pride in my Russian/Italian heritage as well and like their music and movies and such. Wasians are the people who reject their own ethnicities to try and become something they're obviously not. My roommate jokes around that I 'want to be asian', but I really don't and it annoys me. Sure, asian stuff fascinates me, but I like my own ethnicity's stuff too, and it's ridiculous. Being of European descent is who I am and I like that. -_-

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Guest masala_chai_tea

Respecting cultures is fine. Taking an interest is fine too. However, fetishizing and obsessing is crossing into an entirely different frame of thinking. Asiaphiles and -philes of other sorts creep me out. People who come with a good heart and aren't there to culturally appropriate are fine by me.

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Guest heygingersnap

i don't mind if they're interested in it, but i've met some people who try

waaay too hard, and it's just really annoying more than anything.

btw, just because people are not interested in their own culture DOES NOT

mean that they're not proud of it. different strokes for different folks, you

know? you shouldn't force someone to like their culture if they really don't.

Reminds me of them anime-addicts: omgz fear my sugoi power - naruto ninjutsu hikari desu FUFUFUFUFUFUFU.

Then they go on saying some other ridiculous lines by mashing together random japanese words -_-

I bet you would know a lot about that, right? ;)

lol, a lot of people in my japanese class do that. it's annoying. :unsure:

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Guest HKS457

this discussion is not going anywhere

please draw a fine line between a wannabe /// just trying to appreciate, understand the culture.

obviously there are lots of wannabes in this world, but all of them can just say "hey i m just trying to understand the culture" and gets away with being called a "wannabe" when they actually are.

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Guest cherrie.7

i think its great that they have interest in other cultures. but some of them are overdoing it to the point where they act as if they are asian.

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Guest butthead24

i know a mexican guy in my school that hates his own race and even goes as far as to make a screen name called alliwant2beisazn or something like that.. HE'S VERY ANNOYING. what exactly does he know that has anything to do with being asian, cept for watching a few animes? ><

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Most of the time, yeah, since they consider themselves "oh-so-Japnanese!!" when they say that. I guess saying some of those words are okay at first, but not an overkill in EVERY conversation. Then that's annoying. Those kinds of wasians are the ones who would accept ONLY THINGS FROM JAPAN, because that's where the "best stuff come from". -___-''

Nearly every reply including "kawaii" or whatever has to do with the crazy otaku. Who think that otaku has a positive message... when it really doesn't. <_<

It's okay if someone gets accustomed to another asian culture because they grew up in a place full of it. I did when I was little, and I was sorta "wannabe korean". It was very embarrasing.

There's nothing wrong with respecting the asian culture. Most of the people who go overboard are the otakus who decorate every part of their life with something from asia, because that's what Naruto or whoevertheheck eats, wears, sleeps in...

Please, so what if an asian goes overboard with english words that makes them white washed??

Gimme a break :rolleyes:

Reminds me of them anime-addicts: omgz fear my sugoi power - naruto ninjutsu hikari desu FUFUFUFUFUFUFU.

Then they go on saying some other ridiculous lines by mashing together random japanese words -_-

I bet you would know a lot about that, right? ;)

Of course, I'm talking to a wannabe eisnstein everyday :phew:

this discussion is not going anywhere

please draw a fine line between a wannabe /// just trying to appreciate, understand the culture.

obviously there are lots of wannabes in this world, but all of them can just say "hey i m just trying to understand the culture" and gets away with being called a "wannabe" when they actually are.

Wow, wow wow wow for once I totally agree with you.

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Guest absentMINDED

is it possible to be a wanna be asian? lol i never heard of that 1 before Xp

wonder if that appliyes to mixed asians...

im chinese/korean/viet/khmer.

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Guest VersusVillain

Erm... well, I think people should be proud of their own country/ethnicity instead of wanting to be something completely different. It's fine if they take an interest in a culture seperate from their own, I am interested in many cultures, but wanting to actually be a different ethnicity, I think, is just silly. People should be proud of their own instead of constantly wanting to change!

Now, with that being said, "Wasians" or anyone else who wants to be a different race just don't really bother me. Why should it? I try to stay out of other peoples affairs.

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