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Wasians/Wannabe Asians.

Guest harako

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So those people who wear Naruto headbands are they wasian??

and about anime characters..um I am a freakin live action cartoon (wierd saying huh??)

but um yeh, but I know who I am and where I came from.

No I don't wish I was asian.

Black and proud of it :)

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Guest the Human Hosepipe

So those people who wear Naruto headbands are they wasian??

and about anime characters..um I am a freakin live action cartoon (wierd saying huh??)

but um yeh, but I know who I am and where I came from.

No I don't wish I was asian.

Black and proud of it :)

You know what, don't even start.

There's a clear difference of what a wasian and an anime fan is.

Posted all over this board. Go read.



Stop just popping questions that were answered eons ago.

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Guest wishiwsh

I don't think anything is wrong with people wanting to be something else. In the end, they have to live with being "themselves" anyways. It's not like you can get away with that. If it makes them happy to "wannabe" (what the hell??) asian than why does it bother you? If they are annoying, they'd be annoying regardless of who they try to be. If suddenly they stop trying to be asian will they stop being annoying? I doubt.

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You know what, don't even start.

There's a clear difference of what a wasian and an anime fan is.

Posted all over this board. Go read.



Stop just popping questions that were answered eons ago.

Well people say different things

I've heard them say "Especially those anime freaks" <_<

so what are u talkin??

anyways...I kinda agree with Wishiwsh...and BrianPeppers.

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Guest yerathy

I don't try to be Korean. But I really like Korean and Japanese fashion and beauty things. =D Many people say I look like Korean or Chinese. Am I a Wasian? I dunno. I'm Asian though.. but not Krn or Chinese or Japanese. Sometimes I have like Korean drama girls facial expressions... but it's kinda like a song stuck in your head. You can't help it. ~~~ =P I dunno. Wasians are so bad.. right?

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Guest flipdragn

I've heard them say "Especially those anime freaks" <_<

so what are u talkin??

there is a difference between an anime fan and an anime freak

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there is a difference between an anime fan and an anime freak

I know that.

But what I'm sayin is that it's only one thing from asia that you like so how are u wasian??

I am freakin hooked on Gackt man, I am learning all the words to his songs, if you looked in my profile a while ago like last week I had the saying "Wa ta shi ni asu wa aru no" and I'm always singing them songs, but that doesnt make me wasian.....but I guess if people OD then it is right??

I kinda get what ur saying.

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god... so annoying... they always yell out random japanese words from anime... these being the most popular..."baka desu! baka desu! kuso!" ARRRRRGH! so annoying.

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But what I'm sayin is that it's only one thing from asia that you like so how are u wasian??

I don't think some people actually realize anime is from Japan.

I went on this forum before, mainly 11-14 year olds, and they were talking about how america was so great cause they created anime. Their argument? It was all in english.

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Guest sphynkter

uh i don't really care about people who want to be asian or people who want to be white or people who want to be black. in america we're the "melting pot" so people learn about different cultures all the time. it's great to have someone enjoy your culture.

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Guest BendyStraw

Is it just me or has Lucasbunny changed the topic from her getting called out to anime freaks being wasian. Hmm... admit defeat?

Anime is usually the first thing that creates these wasians... There was this girl at my school who became interested in anime, the next week she started learning japanese so she could watch them in japanese, she got 2 japanese exchange students from japan, she did home stay in japan... so you're probably thinking she just likes japanese people, right? hahah...

She then picked up smoking in Japan, her reason? "Cause all my Japanese friends smoke". Hmmm... She then criticizes her Japanese exchange students japanese writing and speaking ability... saying she knows what's right and what is wrong. She found a Japanese boyfriend and I believe the only reason she likes him is cause he's Japanese...

Also, she defends Japan if it was her own nationality or ethnicity. One of the incidents is when Korea lost to Japan during that one baseball thing. She rubbed it in all my Korean friends faces... @_@ And then when we told her of what had happenned when Korea beat Japan (i'm assuming most of you know already) she said the Japanese would never do such a thing. The fact is, they did it and she's a blind Wapanese.

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^Haha, ya, she's only biased towards the positive things about Japan. I hate people that are all blind about their country of preference to the point where they deny that anything bad was obviously not done by them.

I mean sure, if you have perfect japanese and the foreign exchange students made a mistake or two, you could probably point it out; nothing wrong with that.

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Guest shronie_x3

there`s this group of girls in my school who are white but they all dyed their hair black or some weird color like pink to make them look like anime characters and got it permanently straightened. they talk japanese to eachother --;; well they mix japanese and english. it`s really really freaky to see a lunch table filled with them. one of them is in my french class. whenever we talk about french culture or something she`ll be like 'well in japan blah blah blah'

i`m trying to learn japanese and i brought this like japanese book thing to school. that girl saw it and was like 'omg your learning japanese! want me to teach you?!' then she started saying words in japanese and i was like... 'uhh nooo thanks.' then she said she`s going to japan this summer, which is where she probably is now. then she said how lucky i am to be asian. i was like okkk.. let`s walk away now.

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Guest the Human Hosepipe

there`s this group of girls in my school who are white but they all dyed their hair black or some weird color like pink to make them look like anime characters and got it permanently straightened. they talk japanese to eachother --;; well they mix japanese and english. it`s really really freaky to see a lunch table filled with them. one of them is in my french class. whenever we talk about french culture or something she`ll be like 'well in japan blah blah blah'

i`m trying to learn japanese and i brought this like japanese book thing to school. that girl saw it and was like 'omg your learning japanese! want me to teach you?!' then she started saying words in japanese and i was like... 'uhh nooo thanks.' then she said she`s going to japan this summer, which is where she probably is now. then she said how lucky i am to be asian. i was like okkk.. let`s walk away now.

Wow. What freaks. >___>

Ha, I'm glad that not many wasians are there in my other HS.

Considering 99.7% of them were either black or hispanic. XD

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Guest sl33p1n6b34uty

i've been called wannabe korean...well not really

i'm so pale no one would guess i'm taiwanese lol

but i dont really mind until they start to think they know more about being asian then we do

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I don't think some people actually realize anime is from Japan.

I went on this forum before, mainly 11-14 year olds, and they were talking about how america was so great cause they created anime. Their argument? It was all in english.

What???? I do not believe that crap!

The only person I've heard say that was that Peter kid who called Shrek an anime :rolleyes:

Majority of people know damn well anime is from Japan.

^Haha, ya, she's only biased towards the positive things about Japan. I hate people that are all blind about their country of preference to the point where they deny that anything bad was obviously not done by them.

I mean sure, if you have perfect japanese and the foreign exchange students made a mistake or two, you could probably point it out; nothing wrong with that.

What??? what are you talking about?

No one is saying Japan is perfect, you were trying to chew my head off because I said that Japanese artists

make sexual songs just like american artists so.........what are you talking about.

I think you need to go back and read.

First you said I was saying Japan copied american music, which I never ever said

now your saying I'm only biased about the positive things in Japan :mellow:

I'm officially freaked out right now because these days you cannot keep your stories straight.

No one is changing the topic from me getting called out, oh please as if I give a mini cooper about what people say about me these insults make me laugh really but I choose to stay on topic because I was being disrespectful to the topic starter so I apologize to that person, not anyone else.

So I'm not going to argue anymore about anything but this topic

If I did, this whole thread would be turned upside down.

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Guest the Human Hosepipe

What???? I do not believe that crap!

The only person I've heard say that was that Peter kid who called Shrek an anime :rolleyes:

Majority of people know damn well anime is from Japan.

What??? what are you talking about?

No one is saying Japan is perfect, you were trying to chew my head off because I said that Japanese artists

make sexual songs just like american artists so.........what are you talking about.

I think you need to go back and read.

First you said I was saying Japan copied american music, which I never ever said

now your saying I'm only biased about the positive things in Japan :mellow:

I'm officially freaked out right now because these days you cannot keep your stories straight.

No one is changing the topic from me getting called out, oh please as if I give a mini cooper about what people say about me these insults make me laugh really but I choose to stay on topic because I was being disrespectful to the topic starter so I apologize to that person, not anyone else.

So I'm not going to argue anymore about anything but this topic

If I did, this whole thread would be turned upside down.

Just hush.

You're making yourself look worse than you already are. >___>

If that's possible.

No one on this thread said that Japan was perfect.

They said that people they knew only look at the positive side and not negative of Japan.

And if you look at Japan's history, there are not many good things to say about it.

Even now! They don't want a female as their Empress.

21st century. D:

No offense to the Japanese.

And believe it or not, there ARE people who think that anime come from America.

That is just how stupid the youth is becoming.


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